Henry Irving as Coriolanus; Ellen Terry as Volumnia; Laurence Irving as Brutus. Production designed by Sir L. Alma Tadema. Music composed by A. C. Mackenzie.
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Grand Theatre. New Briggate Leeds Programme. Managing Director Mr John Hart. G. Wright Late of 19, Victoria Arcade Commercial St, Leeds. Leather & Silver Mounted Chatelain Purses from 6/6. Beautiful Selection of China figures. From 6 ½ to 10. Very large Assortment of Frames at all prices. Cut glass & Silver mounted, novelties from 1/3. Waddington Limited, Printers, Wade Lane, Leeds, Art in the Home. High-Class Pictures. Appropriately Framed. J. B. Winder….. Art Stores, 23, Upperhead Row, … Leeds. A. Davy & Sons, Limited. Choice & Tasty Delicacies. Yorkshire Pork pies, Sausages and Poloney. Brawn & Potted Meats. 56, Boar Lane.
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Money. To Respectable Working Men. A Home well Furnished for a deposit of £1 and 4sPer week. Pianos, Organs, Bicycles, Jewellery, Clothing &c., on Most Easy Terms of Payment. Money advanced upon Note of hand, Wills, Legacies, Reversions, Life Policies and other Securities. Persons entitled to money or property under wills, settlements or otherwise and wishing to sell or borrow should apply to T. Coates, House Furnisher, 152 & 154 Wellington Street, Leeds. For a first-class suit or a smart costume try Musgrave Stanningley Rd., Armley. Also at Lowtown Pudsey. Speciality : Business Suit 37/6. Own cloths made up. Will call at any Address on receipt of Post Card. C. Wetherell, Picture Framer speciality in overmantels. 32, Basinghall St., Boar Lane, Leeds. Tel. 1687. Artificial Teeth at half prices highest quality. Guaranteed Painless Operations. Harford 37a, Briggate. (2 Doors above Boar Lane). Furs Altered & Repaired. Necklets 3/6, Muffs 4/6 Sealskins Re-made from 10/6. Large Stock of Furs from 2/11 to 5 guineas. Henry's, 89, Briggate, Near Lowerhead Row. Simuel Hirst Glass & China Merchant. 4, 5, & 6 Mill Hill, Boar Lane, Leeds. Telephone 1820. Grand Theatre And Opera House, New Briggate, Leeds. Proprietors – The Theatre and Opera House, Leeds, Ltd. Managing Director and Licensee – John Hart, 17, Heaton Grove, Frizinghall. The Drama's laws the Drama's patrons give, For we that lice to please must please to live." Prices of Admission – Private Boxes, £3 3s., £2 12s. 6d., and £2 2s. Dress Circle, 7s 6d, Orchestra Stalls, 7s, 6d. Balcony, 2s. Pit, 1s. 6d. Gallery, 1s. No Money Returned and Children in arms not admitted Seats not guaranteed unless previously booked. No half price. Doors open at 7. Performance to commence at 7-30. The Early Door in New Briggate will be open at 6.30 nightly (or earlier if required) giving admission to all parts on payment of 6d. extra. Box Office open at the Theatre from 9-30 to 5-30. Telephone 482. General Manager – Mr. Fredk. Vincent. Musical Director – Mr. T. C. Poyser. Scenic Artists – Messrs. D. G. Hall and A. G. Betts. Hamilton & Co., Silk Mercers, General Drapers, and Hosiers. Top of Queen's Arcade. Best Value for Cash in all Departments. The Profession Supplied at Wholesale Prices.
Notice of Removal from Covered Market, Leeds to 6, Queen Victoria Street. Shaw Bros. Florists, Wreaths, Bouquets, Sprays, &c. Tel. 03073. Photographer. Mrs. Spurr 69, New Briggate, Leeds. For your Costumes and Suits go to Kirkby & Schmidt, 42, North St. Leeds. Reasonable Prices, A 1 style & Fit. Monday, Sept. 16th, 1901, for six nights and one Matinee, Saturday, Sept, 21st. At 2 o'clock. Henry Irving Miss Ellen Terry and the London Lyceum Company. Stage Manager – Mr. H. J. Loveday. Musical Director – Mr. J. H. Pitt. Treasurer – Mr. C. E. Howson. Acting manager – Mr. Bram Stoker. (For Henry Irving). Bespoke Tailors and Costumie [?] A. J. Spencer & Co. Guarantee fit, style and quality. Call at 3, Sheepscar Street (Opp. Roundhay Road). Terms to Suit Customers. Millinery Skirts &c. Smithson & Co. modes et Lingerie 26, Commercial St. Over Legge & Millard's Leeds. Wm. Brotherton and Sons, Seed & Bulb Merchants, Artistes in Floral Designs 30 & 31, Kirkgate Leeds. Telephone 1201. Our Unrivalled Garden Seeds Are the Best. Café Royal, 37a Briggate, First Floor above Mr. H. Walker's Bookseller. Near Briggate Tram Terminus. Ladies and Gentlemen will find the Café Royal the finest appointed, most convenient, and Central in the City. Tariff Moderate. Manageress – Miss Brotherton.
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Ison's Eye and Ear Dispensay, Ltd. Great George Street, Leeds. Established 1871. Mr. Ison visits Bradford, Halifax, Hull, Doncaster, Sheffield, Harrogate, York, Scarbro'. See local papers. At Leeds every Tuesday and alternate Saturdays. Hours 10 to 7. Artificial Eyes from 20/. Spectacles 2/6 to 10/6. See Notices in Leeds papers daily. The High-Class French house for Chic Gowns, 28, Commercial St., Leeds. Madame Ernest Ltd. The only Provincial House who can give Absolute high-Class and Chic Gowns Agencies at Paris and London. Prices Moderate. Telephone 2264. Monday, Sept. 16th, at 7-30. Shakespeare's Coriolanus in Three Acts. Romans Coriolanus Romans Caius Marcius Coriolanus – Henry Irving, Generals against the Volscians Titus Lartius – Mr. Lugg, Cominius – Mr. Tyars, Menenius Agrippa (friend to Coriolanus) – Mr. J.H. Barnes, Tribunes to the People Sicinius Velutus – Mr. James Hearn, Junius Brutus – Mr. Laurence Irving, Young Marcius (Son to Coriolanus) - Miss Queenie Tarvin, A Senator – Mr. Tabb, A Herald – Mr Daviss, An Edile – Mr. Mark Paton, A Soldier – Mr. Fisher, 1st Citizen – Mr. C. Dodsworth, 2nd Citizen – Mr. Clifford Bown, 3rd Citizen – Mr. Kenney, 4th Citizen – Mr. Reynolds, Virgilia (Wife of Coriolanus) – Miss Mabel Hackney, Valerin (Friend to Virgilia) – Miss Maud Milton, Gentlewoman (attending to Virgilia) – Miss Edith Thompson and Volumnia (Mother of Coriolanus) – Miss Ellen Terry. Volscians. Tullus Aufidius (General of the Volscians) – Mr. W. E. Ashcroft, Lieut. To Aufidius – Mr. Marsden, Volscian Lord – Mr. Buller, Sentinel – Mr. L. Belmore, 1st Servingman – Mr. Clements, 2nd Servingman – Mr. Ablett, A Citizen of Antium – Mr. Lambert. Romans and Volscian Senators, Patricians, Ediles, Lictors, Soldiers, Citizens, Messengers, Servants to Aufidius, and other Attendants. Period B.C 494 – 490. ACT 1 Scene 1 Rome. The Forum – J. Harker. Scene 2. A Room in Marcius's House – J. Harker. Scene 3. Near Camp of Cominius – Hawes Craven. Scene 4. Rome. A Street – Hawes Craven. Scene 5. A Street. The Forum – J. Harker. Scene 6. A Street – Hawes Craven. Scene 7. The Capitol – W. Hann. Luncheon Dinners, Teas, Suppers. Forth's Empire Luncheon Bar Birggate. Suppers from 6 to 11. Drink Vaux's Stout in pint & half-pint bottles. To be had at all Bars and Licensed Grocers. 16, New Briggate, Leeds. ? For Engagement and Wedding Rings go to Greenwood (Opposite Hop Bros.) 92, Briggate, Handsome Present with each Wedding Ring.
Ask for Roderick DHU Whisky at the Bars. As supplied to Her Majesty Cerebos Table Salt. Strengthens the Food. Makes children thrive. Act 2 Scene 1 – Rome the Forum – J. Harker. Scene 2 A Street – J. Harker. Scene 3 Room in Coriolanus's House – J. Harker. Scene 4 The Forum – J. Harker. Act 3 Scene 1 Antium – Before Aufidius's House – Hawes Craven. Scene 2 A Hall in Aufidius's House – Hawes Craven. Scene 3 Rome – The Forum – J. Harker. Scene 4 A Camp near Rome – Hawes Craven. Scene 5 Rome – The Forum – J. Harker. Scene 6 – Antium – A Public place – Hawes Craven. The entire Production is from designs by Sir L. Alma Tadema, R.A. The entire Music composed by A. C. Mackenzie. The Costumes and Properties produced under the special care of Mr. Karl. Costumes executed by Messrs. K. & H. Nathan and Mrs. Nettleship. Properties by Mr. Labart and Mr. Jones. Machinist. Mr. H. G. Daber. Perruquier, Mr. Fox. Programme of Music. Prelude. Extr'acte (Voces [?]) Entr'acte (Alla Marcia). The Argument. Act 1. The play of "Coriolanus" opens in Rome, about 500 B.C. and at the crisis of a popular uprising against the Senate on account of the [?] of corn. We see the astute old Menenius, himself a Senator, by his application of the famous apologue of the Belly and the Members, somewhat assuage the violent resolutions of the mob, when Coriolanus sweeps in and at once begins taunting and upbraiding "the herd" as he afterwards calls them : though one is made to perceive at the same time that his hostility to the people as reasoned and practical, as well as a merely temperamental basis. A soldier rushes in with tidings that the neighbouring Volscian State has attacked the Roman ; discord is for the time being thrust into the background, and Coriolanus, as second in command to Cominius, sets out for the wars… We are shown something of the conflict, brought to a successful issue by the desperate valour of Coriolanus ; of his triumphant entry into Rome, where he is greeted by his stern mother and gentle wife… We are given a foretaste of the deep-laid schemes of the people's representatives, the Tribunes, for ruining Coriolanus through his impetuous pride ; and, finally, and with his nomination to the Consulship in full session of the Roman Senate, the first part of the play ends. Coriolanus has reached the zenith of his power, and in the rest of this play we watch his gradual destruction through the exercise off the very same qualities that had raised him to such glory. Telephone No. 354 Fred Verity & Son. Telegraphic Address "Verity" Call Lane, Leeds. Late Verity Bros. manufacturing and Wholesale Ironmongers 54, 56 & 58, Call Lane, Leeds. Cyclists please note to residents, tourists and visitors. Your cycle cleaned and stored at the Leeds City Cycle Storage and Cleaning Depot, 41a, Merrion St., New Briggate. Miss Florence Bryce (Late 6, Bond Street) Court Milliner. Greek Street Chambers (Over Lloyd's Bank) Entrance Greek Street, Park Row. Latest French Models copied. From 21/- 25/- 30/- and upwards. Passenger lift to show rooms Telephone 91. Electric Light Fittings, Hugh, F, Wilson 22, New Briggate. Telephone 1111. Harrison for Furniture 132, Woodhouse Lane cars pass the door. Fairburn's City restaurant 157, Briggate.
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Drink Nelson's tea. Agents wanted. Address 8a, Corn Exchange, Leeds. Howell, eyesight and spectacle specialist. The Leeds sign-testing rooms, 20, Duncan St. M. I. P. Mundell's Indigestion Powders. Instant Relief. Boxes 7 ½d. and 1/- each. Try them. To be obtained from all chemists. Ride "Potential" cycles. Walter Kirk, Westfield Works, Burley Road, and Cardigan Buildings Kirkstall Road, see the new X frame potential. Licensed "Raleigh" Pattern. Free wheels and rim brakes Telephone 998. Coffee in perfection and light refreshments of every description at Fields Oriental Cafes, 38, Bond St. & 43, Commercial St. Also at Hull, Sheffield, Huddersfield, Bridlington, &c. R. Field & Son, Limited. Act II Part II opens at a point when Coriolanus, unwillingly, is conforming to the ancient Roman custom which required that candidates for the Consulship should stand in the Forum and solicit people for their votes, or, as Shakespeare calls them "voices". This we see Coriolanus do after a fashion of his own ; and we see the people half puzzled, half awed, ratify his election until their Tribunes, coming among them, urge them to revoke their ascent. Scenes of stormy controversy ensue, ending in an attempt on the part of the Tribunes to arrest Coriolanus for treason ; this is resisted by his party, who beat off the people and prevail on Coriolanus to retire to his own home. Hear his mother (Volumnia) begs him to assuage the tumult which his head strong conduct has aroused. After many fluctuations of mood. Coriolanus consonants to his mother's advice, and with that purpose in view, reiterating his determination to behave "mildly" he moves off to the market place to meet the Tribunes. Once there he soon casts his moderation to the winds, and, by his wrath, so plays into his enemies' hands that sentence of banishment is speedily decreed against him. After a speech of mingled scorn and prophetic admonition, he turns his back upon the city and goes to seek "a world elsewhere". Act III. Sometime – at least a year – has elapsed when we again behold Coriolanus an outcast, wandering through the streets of Antium, the chief city of his former foes, the Volscians ; he asks to be directed to the house all his famous adversary Aufidius, the Volscian general. Banishment, mortified pride, privation and misery have so wrought upon his mind that's in the bitterness of his heart he has decided to seek out Aufidius, and either perish at his hands or, if Aufidius so will to second him in his projected attack on Rome. He carries out his purpose. Aufidius is so touched at the spectacle of his great vanquishers physical misery – "though thy tackle's torn thou show'st a noble vessel" – that he passionately embraces is offer of help ; and henceforth Coriolanus is committed to the Volscians … Their arms meet with the most instant and unparalleled success. But the jealousy of Coriolanus extinguished in Aufidius' breast during a few moments of generous enthusiasm begins to revive ; though up to the present the former's conduct of the Volscian campaign leaves no loophole for complaint. Cominius and Menenius both had come to implore him for mercy to Rome, and had both been peremptorily sent back… Now, as a last hope, Coriolanus' mother, wife and child came into the camp to supplicate him. Coriolanus long fights down his rising pity, but at last he's engagements to the Volscians and his thirst for vengeance give way before the passionate pleadings of his mother, and he determines to make terms with Rome, though at the same time declaring his intention of returning to Antium with Aufidius , clearly showing thereby that he means henceforth to live and die a Volscian… He does return to Antium ; as soon as that city is reached, Aufidius throws of his mask of friendship and charges Coriolanus with treason. To the last Coriolanus is the victim of his own impetuosity. Baseness and deceit his nature can never quietly endure. Instead of answering Aufidius' accusation he turns in noble wrath upon his perfidious associate : and hurling in the teeth of the surrounding Volscian host the recollection of his former exploits against them, superb in his defiant isolation, he falls under the swords of he's infuriated assailants… Pity succeeds to rage, and now Aufidius joins in the solemn procession that bears the warrior's body with martial rights to the funeral pyre. High-class Bootmaker 57, Briggate, leeds. W. P. Wynne, Sole Agent for – "Ariel," "Bective," "Crescent," "Hanan & Sons" (New York) and "k" Boots and Shoes. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Hunting, Riding and Shooting Boots.
The Country Hotel (Family and Commercial) Vicar Lane, Leeds. Good Stock Rooms. Proprietor – W. H. Fogg. Tuesday Evening, Sept, 17th, at 7-30 – King Charles I. Wednesday Evening, Sept, 18th at 7-30. – Madame Sans-Gene. Thursday Evening, Sept, 19th at 7-30 – The Merchant of Venice. Friday Evening, Sept 20th, at 7.30 – The Lyons Mail. Saturday Matinee, Sept, 21st at 2 – King Charles I. Saturday Night, Sept 21st at 7-30 – Waterloo and The Bells. Next week – Mr. George Alexander and the St James' Theatre Company. Monday Tuesday "The Wilderness" & "A Patched up Affair." Wednesday – "Liberty Hall" Thursday "The Wilderness" & "A Patched up Affair." Friday – "The Wilderness" & "Old Crimea." Saturday – "The Idler" Prices for this Engagement : - Private Boxes £3 3s, £2 2s and £1 11s. 6d ; Dress Circle and Stall – 7/6 ; Upper Circle, 3/- ; Balcony, 2/- ; Pit, 1/6 ; Gallery, 1/- Attractions this Week at the following Premier Theatres: Grand – Leeds – Henry Irving and Miss Ellen Terry. Royal – Bradford - Mr. Forbes Robertson and Company. Grand – Hull – "The Messenger Boy". Lyceum – Sheffield – "San Toy." Prince's – Manchester – "A Midsummer Night's Dream" Royal – Manchester – Mr George Alexander & Co. Prince of Wales – Birmingham The Carl Rosa Opera Co. Royal – Brighton – "The Silver Slipper". Gaiety – Dublin – "The Thirty Thieves". Metropole – London – "The Two Orphans". Bur your shirts and hosiery from the shirt manufacturing company 93, Kirkgate, Leeds. Herbert & Co., Tailors, Costumiers and Breeches Makers, Liveries a Speciality. 9, Blackman Lane. Bags.. Portmanteaux, Dress Baskets, Sample Cases, try H. Warner maker, 62, Wellington St., Opposite G. N. Station, Leeds. Schofield's (Late of Covered Market) are now in Vicar Lane, and Keep. The "Strand" Restaurant. If you dine in town give the "Strand" a trial. Charges reasonable everything up-to-date. Dress Skirts new frilled shape, lined throughout, black or navy 4/11 each, marvellous value. Also large variety of better qualities. Unsurpassable value in silk & cotton blouses, from 1/9. Corsets, underclothing, umbrellas, sunshades, gloves, hosiery, fur & feather, ties and general fancy drapery. Arthur W. Porkess, 4, Victoria Arcade. Five minutes walk from this Theatre. Mr. Walter S. Leigh, specialist in artificial teeth 44, Portland Crescent (Opposite Coliseum) Leeds. Nitrous oxide gas extractions, &c. Artificial teeth on the Best principles at Moderate and Fixed Fees. Hours 9.30 to 8.
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Coriolanus, 16 September 1901, Image 5 of 5
Ince's Pulmonic Cordial is a certain cure for Asthma & Bronchitis. Sold by all Chemists. Sole maker, L. S. Bentley, 159, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds. Established over 25 years. E. Kempner manufacturing of all kinds of artificial legs and appliances for deformity. 75, Gt, George Street (Just past the Infirmary), Opposite St. George's Church, Leeds. Price list on application. Female Attendant. Mrs. Young, The Wardrobe Emporium, Ladies and Gentlemen's Cast-Off Clothing. Boots and shows of all descriptions. Letters and parcel receive prompt attention. 22, Beeston Road, Leeds. Fredk Scott & Co., Electrical Merchants and Exporters, 3, Wade St., Leeds. Electrical supplies of every description. Sole agents for - Renewable electric lamps. All renewals at half cost. Telephone No, 1117. For High-Class dressmaking and ladies' costumes try Halliday 1, Lovell Road, North Street, Leeds. H. E. Leake, hand-sewn bootmaker. 14, Westfield Road, Leeds. Hunters, charges, hacks and harness horses for sale or hire for any length of time. Miss & H. Booth Dawson, Private Riding School. Tel. 2399. 123, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds. Lessons at own residence if required. Luncheons, dinners and teas. Comfortable & select at the Clarence Restaurant 48, Briggate, Leeds (A few doors above Hyams) Smoke room and lavatories. J. Francis, Exhibit and sell on commission any make of sewing machines. New & second-hand Machines always in Stock. Repairs promptly attended to. Works : - 18 West St., Leeds. Leeds Electrical Supply Co., Ltd. 48, Merrion St., Electrical and General Engineers. Dynamos and Alternating Current Motors. Estimates given for private house, &c. Accumulators charged. All electrical accessories. The Trade supplied. Telephone 2450. If you would like a thoroughly up-to-date fashionable suit in fit, style, cut try Currie (Late cutter for Froom & Co) Practical experience with London and Provincia Firms. Satisfaction guaranteed. 149A, Briggate. Durhams Ltd., for high-class fancy and leather goods. Pictures and Stationery. At low cash prices. New corner premises - Briggate, New Bond St., and County Arcade, Leeds. Cullen Wardrobe Dealer No 7, Melbourne Street (Off North Street,) Ladies and Gentlemen called upon at their own home by appointment. Best prices given. References if required. A large stock of wearing… Apparel always on hand. Established 1883.
Did you know?
The Lyceum Theatre company had so much scenery and props that it needed a whole train carriage.