1900 - 1909Other Shakespeare performances
6 July 1901

The Merchant of Venice

Location Royal Lyceum Theatre, London, UK
Plays performed The Merchant of Venice

Programme, two copies

Date Saturday 6 July 1901 [11]
Play(s) The Merchant of Venice
Production Date(s) July 6 1901
Venue Royal Lyceum Theatre
Time of performance 2pm
Producer [Henry Irving]
Stage Manager H. J. Loveday
Music Director J. H. Pitt
Document ID ET-D250 Original record
Held by The British Library
Notes Henry Irving as Shylock; Ellen Terry as Portia; Laurence Irving as Antonio and Maude Milton as Nerissa.
5 scanned images
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The Merchant of Venice, 6 July 1901, Image 1 of 5

Royal Lyceum Theatre, MANAGING DIRECTOR - Mr. J. Comyns Carr. The Merchant of Venice. Henry Irving and MISS Ellen Terry.

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The Merchant of Venice, 6 July 1901, Image 2 of 5

Gaze's Tours all over the World. Henry Gaze & Sons, 53, Queen Victoria Street, London. (Branches everywhere). "The nearest approach to perfection yet attained" Brinsmead Pianos. John Brinsmead & Sons, Ltd. 18, 20 & 21 Wigmore Street, London, W. Wear Dunn's famous Hats 3/9. All one price, the 20th century hat. Largest sale in the world. 60 branches. Branch Depots : 2 Fleet St ; 7 & 11b, Tottenham Court Rd, 5 Edgware Rd, 24 Westbourne Grove. Wm. Taylor, High-Class Poultry and Provisions 11, Vigo St., Regent St., W. Well matured York hams. 12 to 20 lbs each and Royal Wiltshire Bacon a Speciality. Telegrams – "Grouse" London. Telephone 3698 Gerrard. Hackney Furnishing Company's Cheap Artistic Economical. Easy Instalment System. General Terms. Which include free packing and delivery up to 300 miles. £10 worth, £0 6 o per month, £20 worth, 0 12 0 per month, £30 worth, 0 18 0 per month, £40 worth, 1 6 0 per month, £50 worth, £1 9 0 per month, £100 worth 2 15 0 per month, £200 worth, 5 10 0 per month, £500 worth, 13 15 0 per month. Terms pro rata up to any amount. 10 per cent discount for cash. No payment is required until the first monthly or quarterly instalments. No bill of sale. Free life insurance to the amount of the goods. In the event of death, the wife four children become the sole owners without further payment. Hackney Furnishing Company. Town Hall Buildings, Mare Street, Hackney, N.E. Hours 9 till 9. Thursday close 4. Telegrams, "Furniments" London. Telephone, 84 Dalton. L. & H. Nathan, Costumiers to the Court. Costumes supplied to this "Lyceum" and other Principal London Theatres. Dresses specially designed for fancy balls. 17, Coventry Street, W. Sulpholine Skin Lotion 1s Bottles. Cures Eruptions, Pimples, Spots and all Disfigurements. Gives a lovely complexion. Pepper's Tonic 1s Bottles. Strength for weak men, women and delicate children. Promotes appetite, cures dyspepsia, hysteria, nervous complaints, general disability. Mr. George R. Sims makes a discovery. Now Mr. G. R. Sims, the famous poet and dramatist, journalist and playwright, and the writer of "Mustard and Cress" over the signature of "Dagonet" as many people now, is one of the busiest man in the kingdom, but hastily affixing his signature to a letter, he looked up an extended a characteristically cordial welcome to the interview of the Daily Mail –" In '86 I found that I was rapidly going bald. Not seriously, you understand, not the sending out was sufficiently marked to set me thinking out a remedy. I went to two specialists, both of whom cheerfully assured me that I should be absolutely bald in two years. "Then I discovered the preparation which is known as ‘Tatcho'. I found that I had hit upon a remedy capable of working wonders. Look at my hair now ; isn't that convincing evidence? In time people got to know that I had discovered a restorer ; than the trouble began. "Letters in thousands poured into me from men and women in every quarter of the world, from all parts of the kingdom, from America, India, Africa, China and Australia. " In consequence, I said to myself why should this thing go on? If the public wants my hair restorer, the public shall have it ; but the demand must be met in the ordinary businesslike way ; and with the assistance of a number of gentlemen possessing the necessary facilities, that has been accomplished." The Company has decided to make the distribution of 20,000 large trial bottles of "Tatcho". 4/6 Bottles Post Free for 1/10. Provided this coupon is sent to was within one month we bind ourselves to send one of the 20,000 large trial bottles of Mr. George R. Sims' Hair Renewer, ‘Tatcho' 4/6 size, for the sum of 1/10, post free, in a plain sealed package. This special offer to supply a 4/6 bottle of ‘Tatcho' for 1/10, post free is made solely with the object of enabling the public to prove the superlative value, and to avoid the necessity for extravagant outlay in advertising. Accept the offer to-day. Geo. R. Sims Company, 85, Great Queen Street, W.C. The National Review, Edited by L. J. Maxse. Price 2s 6d. The Leading Political Review. Champagne as shipped by the ancient house of Jacquesson & Fils. To be had at the Bars of this Theatre. Also all principal Hotels and Wine Merchants. India and Colonies. The illustrated paper with the largest circulation "Black and White" Budget. 32 pages illustrating all principal events of the week at Home and Abroad. Published every Friday, price twopence. Publishing office 63, Fleet Street, London, E.C. The Highland Railway. New Day Express, London to the Highlands. From July 1st, 1901. London – Euston dep. 10.5 a.m. King's Cross dep. 10.0 a.m. St. Pancras dep. 9.30 a.m. Perth dep. 8.15 p.m. Pitlochry arr. 9.0 p.m. Blair Atholl arr. 9.12 p.m. Kingussie arr. 10.13 p.m. Aylemore arr. 10.30 p.m. Inverness arr. 11.25 p.m. Through lavatory carriages London to Inverness by this Train. First-Class Hotels at all these Stations. Fisher's Hotel, Pitlochry, Athole Arms, Blair Atholl, Station Hotel, Aviemore, Station Hotel, Inverness. Hotel Porters will meet the trains. Stevens' Rooms, 38 King Street, Covent Garden. Curiosities from all parts of the world. Sales nearly every fortnight. Estd. 1760. Descriptive Lists should be Sent Ten Days Previous.

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The Merchant of Venice, 6 July 1901, Image 3 of 5

To-Day, Saturday, July 6, 1901, at 2 o'clock Shakespeare's Comedy The Merchant of Venice in Five Acts Shylock – Henry Irving, Bassiano – Mr. Arthur Royston, Duke of Venice – Mr. R. P. Tabb, Antonio – Mr. Laurence Irving, Prince of Morocco – Mr. James. S. Hearn, Salanio – Mr. W. Lugg, Salarino – Mr. Lionel Belmore, Gratiano – Mr. F. Tyars, Lorenzo – Mr. W. E. Ashcroft, Tubal – Mr. J. Archer, Launcelot, Gobbo – Mr. Charles Dodsworth, Old Gobbo – Mr. T. Reynolds, Gaoler – Mr. W. Graham, Leonardo, Mr. H. R. Cook, Balthazar – Mr. W. Marion, Stephano – Mr. W. Ablett, Clerk of the Court – Mr. C. H. Kenny, Jessica – Miss Mabel Hackney, Nerissa – Miss Maud Milton, and Portia – Miss Ellen Terry. Synopsis of Scenery. Act I. Scene 1 – Venice, A Public Place – Hawes Craven. Scene 2 – Belmont, Portia's House - Hawes Craven, Scene 3. – Venice. A Public Place - Hawes Craven. Act II. Scene 1 – A Street - Hawes Craven. Scene 2 – Another Street - Hawes Craven. Scene 3 – Shylock's House by a Bridge – W. Telbin. Act III. Scene 1 – Belmont. Room in Portia's House – W. Hann. Scene 2 – Venice. A Street - Hawes Craven. Scene 3 – Belmont. Room in Portia's House – W. Hann. Scene 4 – Venice. A Street - Hawes Craven. Scene 5 – Belmont. Room in Portia's House – W. Hann. Act IV. Scene – Venice. A Court of Justice - Hawes Craven. Act V. Scene – Portia's Garden, with Terrace - Hawes Craven. Programme of Music. Overture – "Merchant of Venice" – Hamilton Clarke. Entr'acte "Air de Ballet" – Gounod. Entr'acte (a) "Chant Sans Paroles" – Tuchaikovsky (b) "Portia" – Hamilton Clarke. Entr'acte (a) Three Dance – "Henry VIII" – Edward Pitt German (b) Ballet Music "Faust" – Gounod. Entr'acte (a) "Romance," No. 1 - J. H. Pitt (b) "Aubade Printaniere" – Lacombe. Special Performance the Lyons Mail, to-night at 8.15. Lesurques Dubose Henry Irving. Waterloo and the Bells Next Monday and Tuesday evenings, July 8 and 9. Waterloo and the Bells – Evenings July 8, 9, 18. Mornings July 13. The Merchant of Venice – Evenings July 11, 12, 19. Mornings July 10, 17. The Lyons Mail – Evenings July 10, 17. Nance Oldfield and the Bells – Evening July 13. King Charles I. – Evenings July 15. Louis XI – Evening July 16. Coriolanus – Evening July 20.

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Opera Glasses on Hire, 1s. All communications respecting advertisement space on this program must be made to C. Pool & Co., 25, Bouverie St. Fleet St., E.C. Telephone – 847 Holborn. Established 1851 Birkbeck Bank Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London. 2 ½% deposit accounts repayable on demand. The Birkbeck Almanack, with full particulars. Post Free. Francis Ravenscroft, Manager. Hardaway & Co., Turf Accountants, Crosby Buildings. Great St. Helen's London. E.C. No connection with any Continental Firm. Hinde's Hair Curlers. Byrant & May's Special Patent Safety Matches are used throughout this Theatre. Topping & Spindler Flushing Holland Ascot Stakes Royal Hunt Cup, Northumberland Plate. Double and treble Events. S. P. Accumulators. &c. "The Continental Sportsman" also sporting Diary and Ready [?] free on receipt of address. Telegraphic instructions can be sent to London for S.P. All letters to be addressed Topping & Spindler, Flushing Holland Postage [?] Postcards 1d. No connection with anyone assuming the names of Hardaway & Co or Valentine & Co. The Border Blend Whisky supplied to the bars of this Theatre by Sutton Bendle & Co. 148, Sloane Street, S. W. Alexanders Royal Ascot Old Highland Whisky Irwin Alexander, London, Dundee, Paris. Royal Yacht Liqueur Scotch. Gold Cup Irish. Supplied at all the Buffets. Opera Glasses on Hire, 1s. The Topical Times. A Bright Well Informed Journal of Amusements, Sport, etc. Every Saturday. One Penny. Clubs and Clubmen. At the Music Halls by "Stargazer". The Drama by "Criticus." Holiday Resorts. Random Reflections, by "Cyrano". Books. Music. Gossip. Of all newsagents and at all bookstalls. Offices: 43 & 43a, Fetter Lane, E.C. For Henry Irving Stage Manager – Mr. H.J. Loveday. Musical Director – Mr. J. H. Pitt. Treasurer Mr. C. E. Howson. Acting Manager – Mr. Bram Stoker. Opera Glasses can be had on hire from the Cloak Room Attendants, One Shilling Each. Brinsmead & Sons' Pianos used in this Theatre. Lost property–the management will be obliged if anyone finding lost property will leave it with the Acting Manager, to whom all inquiries or complaints should be addressed. Box office (Mr. C. W. Mackay) open from 10 to 10. Seats can also be booked by letter, telegram (registered Telegraphic Address "Lyceum, London") or by Telephone, No. 2642 Gerrard. Private Boxes, £4, 4s. and £2 2s : Stalls, 10s 6d : Dress Circle, 7s : Upper Circle, 4s " Amphitheatre (numbered and reserved), 2s 6d : Pit, 2s 6d : Gallery, 15. Acting Manager Mr. H. Scarisbrick. Refreshment Department. Brands of the Finest Quality only at West End Restaurant Prices. Idris Soda Water, Seltzer Water, Ginger Ale, Lemonade, Ginger Beer, Potash Water, Gold Medal Paris Exhibition, 1900. As supplied by Royal Warrant to the Queen. The only Mineral Water supplied in this Theatre. Highest award and gold medal. Long & Co., Brewers, Southsea, supply the whole of the Draught and bottled Beers sold in this Theatre. London Stores, 1, Curlew Street, S. E. Scotch Whiskies. Roy's Club, Royal Ascot, Border Blend, Rosbach Water. Neapolitan ices of the Finest Quality. Brandies. Otard's V.S.O.P. Otard's *** Champagne Heldsieck, G.H. Mumm, Bollinger and Jacquesson & Fils. Liqueurs – Various. Cigarettes – Turkish Monopoly.

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Chappell Pianos. Established 1808. Their latest creations of High-class English Pianos are unquestionably the finest that have ever been produced either by an English or Continental maker. The Times says : - "A real Piano with a tone of remarkably sweet quality." The Daily News says : - "Combine the tone and power of a Grand with the compactness of an Upright Piano." The Illustrated London News says : - "Great delicacy of touch and abundance of tone-sustaining capacity." Pianinos, 25 Guineas. Upright Grands, 50 Guineas. Full Cottages, 40 guineas. Horizontal Grands, 135 Guineas. Hire, instalment system or liberal discount for cash. Illustrated Lists Post Free. Instruments Specially Prepared for Extreme Climates. Chappell & Co., Limited, Pianoforte Manufacturers, 50, New Bond Street, London, W. And of all the Principal Music Sellers throughout the United Kingdom. All Communications respecting Advertisement Space on this Programme must be made to C. Pool & Co., 25, Bouverie Street, Fleet Street, E. C. Telephone – 847 Holborn. Nassad Press (H. Virtue & Co., Ltd.) 13, Henrietta Street. W. C.

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

Did you know?

Ellen Terry and George Bernard Shaw had a very long correspondence.

See all anecdotes