1900 - 1909Other Shakespeare performances
14 April-3 May 1902

The Merry Wives of Windsor (etc.)

Location Memorial Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK
Plays performed The Merry Wives of Windsor; The Taming of the Shrew; Twelfth Night; Henry V; Henry VIII; Romeo and Juliet; Hamlet; King Lear; Othello


1. Programme

Date 14 April - 3 May 1902 [13]
Play(s) Henry VIII; The Merry Wives of Windsor; The Taming of the Shrew
Production Date(s) 14 April 1902 to 3 May 1902
Venue Memorial Theatre
Venue address Stratford-on-Avon
Time of performance 2.30pm and 7.30pm
Stage Manager W. H. Quinton
Music Director George W. Collins
Document ID ET-D253b Original record
Held by The British Library
Notes Ellen Terry as Queen Katherine. Schedule for second week of three; Henry VIII (Wed, Thurs, Sat matinee), Merry Wives (Fri), Shrew (Sat eve); two copies.

2. Programme

Date 14 April -3 May 1902 [13]
Play(s) Twelfth Night; Othello; Hamlet; Romeo and Juliet; King Lear; Henry V; Henry VIII; The Merry Wives of Windsor; The Taming of the Shrew
Production Date(s) 14 April 1902 to 3 May 1902
Venue Memorial Theatre
Venue address Stratford-on-Avon
Time of performance 2.30pm and 7.30pm
Document ID ET-D254 Original record
Held by The British Library
Notes Schedule for all three weeks; Ellen Terry as Katherine.
2 scanned images
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The Merry Wives of Windsor (etc.), 14 April-3 May 1902, Image 1 of 2

MEMORIAL THEATRE, Stratford-on-Avon. THE ANNUAL SERIES OF Dramatic Performances WILL COMMENCE ON Monday, April 14th, 1902, for Three Weeks, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF MR. F. R. BENSON SHAKESPEARE’s PLAY KING HENRY VIII Will be Performed for the first time at the Memorial Theatre. MISS ELLEN TERRY Has kindly consented to take the Part of KATHERINE on Wednesday and Thursday Evenings, and Saturday Matinee, April 23rd, 24th, and 26th. Prices of Admission on the three occasions:–Orchestra and Balcony Stalls 10s.; Back row Circle 6s.; Pit 4s. Gallery 2s. --- PROGRAMME First Week. Monday, April 14th–TWELFTH NIGHT. Tuesday, April 15th-OTHELLO. Wednesday, April 16th—HAMLET Thursday, April 17th—ROMEO AND JULIET. Friday, April 18th–RIVALS. Saturday (afternoon) April 19th–KING LEAR. Saturday (evening) April 19th–KING LEAR. SECOND WEEK Monday, April 21st–HENRY V. Tuesday, April 22nd—TWELFTH NIGHT. Wednesday, April 23rd-Henry VIII. ( Birthday). Thursday, April 24th — Henry VIII. Friday, April 25th–MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. Saturday (afternoon) , April 26th–HENRY VIII. Saturday (evening) , April 26th–TAMING OF THE SHREW. THIRD WEEK Monday, April 28th–KING LEAR. Tuesday, April 29th–HENRY V. Wednesday, April 30th–Romeo AND JULIET. Thursday, May 1st–RICHELIEU. Friday, May 2nd-HAMLET. Saturday (afternoon), May 3rd–TWELFTH NIGHT. Saturday (evening), May 3rd—Henry VIII. Afternoon Performances only on Saturday, April 19th and 26th, and May 3rd. --- Prices of Admission for other Performances:–Orchestra and Balcony Stalls 5s.; Back row Circle 3s.; Pit 2s.; Gallery 1s. Reserved Seats (Stalls, Balcony, and Circle) may be secured on application, or by letter, to Mr. C. Rainbow, the Custodian, Memorial Lecture Room. The Ballot for Reserved Seats will take place in the Lecture Room on Tuesday, March 11th, at 10 a.m. --- The Memorial Lecture Room will he set apart, during the Festival, as a READING ROOM and RENDEZVOUS for Visitors to the town. Various newspapers will be taken, and any local information given Subscription :-4s for three weeks, from April 14th to May 3rd, inclusive; 3s, the fortnight; 2s. one week; or 1s. a day. --- RAILWAY ARRANGEMENTS. [timetables] --- Doors open Evening 7; Curtain 7.30. Doors open Afternoon 2; Curtain 2.30. - - Separate Plays of the Memorial Edition of Shakespeare can be obtained in the Memorial Library—Cloth 1s.; Paper Covers 6d. each, post free. C. LOWNDES, Secretary. --- W. Stanton, Printer, Chapel Street, Stratford-on-Avon.
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The Merry Wives of Windsor (etc.), 14 April-3 May 1902, Image 2 of 2

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3. Programme

Date Wednesday 23 April 1902 [13]
Play(s) Henry VIII; The Taming of the Shrew; The Merry Wives of Windsor
Production Date(s) Wednesday April 23rd 1902
Venue Memorial Theatre
Venue address Stratford-Upon-Avon
Time of performance 2.30pm 7.30pm
Producer [F. R. Benson]
Stage Manager W. H. Quinton
Music Director George W. Collins
Document ID ET-D253a Original record
Held by The British Library
Notes Ellen Terry as Queen Katherine. Schedule for second week of three; Henry VIII (Wed, Thurs, Sat matinee), Merry Wives (Fri), Shrew (Sat eve).

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Edith Craig sold women's suffrage newspapers in the streets of London.

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