1900 - 1909Other Shakespeare performances
7 September 1903

Much Ado About Nothing

Location Grand Theatre/Fulham Theatre, Putney Bridge Approach and Fulham High Street, Fulham, London, UK
Plays performed Much Ado About Nothing


Date Monday 7 September 1903 [16]
Play(s) Much Ado About Nothing
Production Date(s) 7 September 1903
Venue Fulham Theatre
Time of performance 2.30pm 8pm
Director Edward Gordon Craig
Scene Designer Edward Gordon Craig
Music Director Leonard Chalk
Document ID ET-D273 Original record
Held by The British Library
Notes Signed by Ellen Terry; Ellen Terry as Beatrice; Edith Craig as Margaret; Matheson Lang as Benedick.
3 scanned images
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Much Ado About Nothing, 7 September 1903, Image 1 of 3

Hooper Sturve, Ltd. Sparking Table Waters, the only mineral waters supplied to this Theatre. Pall Mall East, London, S.W, Royal German Spa, Brighton. The correct fashion. The New American Straight Fronted Corset. As Advertised in all The Leading Fashion Journals. Various Types to suit all figures. From 3/11 ½ to 2 Guineas. Sole Agent for this District. William Hobbs Putney.
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Much Ado About Nothing, 7 September 1903, Image 2 of 3

All bottled Bass, Guinness and Draught Beers sold in this Theatre, supplied by Plowman & Co, Ltd. The King of Soaps!! "Cremissa" Soap. Testimonials (by kind permission) from the Hon. Mrs. Vereker, Castle Shane, Ireland – Mr. Toyne's Soap is indeed splendid for softening the skin. From Mrs. Halland, Felsham Road, Putney – The Soap is about the best I have ever used, rendering the skin soft and velvety. From Lady Palliser, 16, Victoria Square, S. W – I have used Mr Toyne's "Cremissa" Soap. It is the best I have had for the skin, and it makes hard water soft. I am not surprised to hear that mothers in Putney and Fulham use it regularly for their babies. From Lady Wallscourt, Ardfry, Oranmore, Ireland – The "Cremissa" Soap is really worthy of the praise my friends give it. I find it delightful soap: Mr Toyne, the Putney Chemist understands what ladies and children require for their comfort. It is very cheap. Price only 4d per Tablet. C. R. Toyne, Chemist. 26, High Street., Putney (opposite church). Purest superfatted for the complexion. Cremissa toilet soap. After the Play have the kettle ready for a cup of OXO. Neapolitan Ices supplied by Newens & Sons, Cooks and Confectioners, High Street, Putney. To be had of all the Attendants. The Perfection of Virginia Cigarettes – Asthore Cigarettes. Hand-made of special Virginia strips. J. H. Custance, Cigar Merchant, Putney, S.W. On sale at the Bars of this Theatre. Go to J. H. Margrie & Co., Tailors and Complete Outfitters. For style, fit and value. 322 & 324 North End Road, Fulham. An immense stock to select from. Tailors to this Theatre. G. Webber, General & Furnishing Ironmonger. 63, High Street, Putney, S.W. Workshops : Russell Place. Large selections of Gas Fittings and Oil Lamps, Incandescent Burners and all accessories, Bird Cages and Aviaries, Fret Wood of all kinds, Household Requisites of every description, Cutlery, Tools and Electro Plate, Brooms, Brushes, Knife Machines and Mincers. Large Staff Competent Plumbers and Fitters. Crème Pasturelle. As exquisite cream of skin tint for beautifying the face, neck, arms and shoulders, 3s. 6d. Poudre De Riz Pasturelle. In three tints, beneficial to the skin, 2s. Pasturelle hair dye. Harmless and easy to apply, six colours, 2s. (Used by the Elite of Society and The Professional). Keith Longstaff, Ye Fulham Chymist. 811, Fulham Road (opposite Munster Park Chapel). Henn, Kohl, Rouges, Paints, Puffs and all Toilet Articles at Professional Prices. Fulham Theatre. One Minute from Putney Bridge (Fulham) District: Railway Station. Four Minutes from Putney (L & S. W. R.) High Street. Telephone 376 Kensington. Sole Lessee and Manager – Mr. Alex. F. Henderson. Monday, September 7th, 1903, at 8, for six nights. And Matinee Wednesday at 2.30. Important Engagement of Miss Ellen Terry and her entire London Company in Shakespeare's comedy Much Ado About Nothing. Designed and Produced under the Direction of Mr. Edward Gordon Craig. Don Pedro (Prince of Aragon) – Mr. Julian L'Estranger, Don John (his Bastard Brother) – Mr. William Luff, Claudio (a Young Lord of Florence) – Mr. Harcourt Williams, Benedick (a Young Lord of Padua) – Mr. Matheson Lang, Leonato (Governor of Messina) – Mr. George Fitzgerald, Antonio (his Brother) – Mr. Arthur Edmunds, Balthazar (attendant on Don Pedro) – Mr. James Darrell, Borachio (follower of Don Jon) – Mr. Hubert Carter, Conrade (follower of Don Jon) – Mr. Francis Darch, Dogherry Two City Officers – Mr. Frederick Powell, Verges Two City Officers – Mr. C. Whittle, Friar Francis – Mr. Reginald Dance, A Sexton – Mr. Stephen Langton, A Boy – Miss Katherine Rivers, Oatcake – Mr. W. P. Leslie, Seacole – Mr. Bert Zardi, Watchman – Mr. John Church, 2nd Watchman – Mr. K. Blackmore, Messenger – Mr. Stephen Langton, Hero – Miss Hutin Britton, Margaret – Miss Edith King, Ursula – Miss Audrey Campbell, Beatrice – Miss Ellen Terry. Act. 1 Scene – Leonato's House. Act 2. Scenes 1, 2 and 3 – Leonato's Garden, Scene 4 – A Street. Act 3. Scene – A church. Act 4. Scene 1 – A Prison, Scene 2 – Leonato's Garden. Sc. 3 Monument of Leonato. Sc. 4 – Leonato's Garden. Special Notice – Before and during the Overture a series of Novel and Interesting Pictures will be shown by the [?] Advertising Co. The Entr'actes will be selected from the following programme of music. Overture "Si j'etais Roi" – A. Adam. Suite in G. –(a) Gavotte. (b) Bouree – Edward Shute. Entr'acte "Forget me not" – Allan Macbeth. Three Dances "Henry VIII" – Edward German. (1. Morris Dance. 2. Shepherd's Dance. 3. Torch Dance). Melodie "Chant Sans Paroles" – Tschatkousky. Entr'acte "Mignos" – Ambroise Thomas. Potpourri "Merrie England" – Edward German. Pas[?] "Hoch Hapsburg" - [?]. Matinee, Wednesday at 2.30. Stage Director [?] - Edward Gordon Craig. Assistant Stage Manager – Mr. Arthur Edmunds. Assistant Stage Manager – Mr. Fred Roustead. For Miss Ellen Terry, Business Manager – Mr. Alfred Courtenay, Musical Director – Mr. Leonard Chalk. Monday, Sept, 14th, for six nights & Matinee Wednesday at 2.30, Mr. A. F. Henderson will present for the first time in London, a Farcical Comedy in three Acts. "The Regimental Kiddy," Adapted from the original French of Paul Berton and De Villiers. The Patrons of the Theatre are allowed the use of the Telephone (376 Kensington) Free of Charge. Goods supplied in this Theatre without an Official Order from the Management will not be recognised. Consulting Engineers Messrs. Lucas & Pyre. Stage Furniture and Draperies supplied by Arthur H. Brown, Furniture Exchange [?], 894, 519, and 521, Fulham Road, S. W. Florists to the Theatre, Mt. G. Keen & Sons, Fulham & Putney. The Engravings in the Theatre are supplied by L. [?] King St., St. James. The Clocks, Barometers etc. in the Theatre are supplied by E.A. Grafton Jeweller, 110, High Street, Putney. Refreshments. The Saloons are under the direct control of the Management, and refreshments of the best quality only will be supplied at moderate prices. N.B. – Light refreshments can be obtained from the Attendants. Ladies are respectfully informed that hats and bonnets are not allowed in the stalls or first two rows of Dress Circle. Children in arms not admitted. Mr. A. F. Henderson will be pleased if visitors will leave at the Box Office, hand to the Attendant or forward by post on this slip, their names and addresses and thus enable him to send them, by post, each week, particulars of companies engaged to appear in the near future at the Fulham Theatre. Name …………… Address …………………. The Don, Broadway, Walham Green. High-Class Tailors and Juvenile Outfitters. Patterns and illustrated fashion plate on application. Musical Director – Mr. H. Trotere. General Manager – Mr. Frederick Merer. Composer of "In Old Madrid" and "Ashore". All Wines, Spirits and Liquors sold in this Theatre are supplied by John Lovibond and Sons Ltd. Brewers, London and Salisbury. Telegraphic Address: "Lovibond, London". Telephone Nos: Greenwich, 292 (Deptford) Fulham 504 (Kensington). Plowman & Co., Ltd., purveyors of Bass & Co's Pale Ale and Guinness Stout. (tower brand) Jamaica Road, S.E. & Holloway, N. As supplied at this Theatre. Henry Blumfield 121, High Street, Putney S.W. Gentlemen's and Boys' Tailor and Outfitter. Dress Shirts, Ties and Gloves, All Wood Underwear, School and College outfits. Fresh and large stocks. "Empress of Table Waters" Rosbach. Springs near Homburg. The only Natural Mineral Water sold to this Theatre. Helvetia Café Restaurant. 4 and 6, High Street, Putney. (facing Putney Bridge) Luncheons Dinners and Teas at popular prices. Supper after Theatre. Open till 12. Proprietor A. Francioll. Fulham, Putney, Barnes &c. Houses, to Let Flats and Shops for Sale. Rents from £30. Apply Mr. C. H. Ellis, [?] [?] and Estate Agent. 3, Lower Richmond Rd., Putney (facing Putney Bridge). All communications respecting Advertisements on Programmes, Books of Words for Pantomime 1903-4 to be addressed to GEO. Stafford, Manager, Refreshment Department.
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Much Ado About Nothing, 7 September 1903, Image 3 of 3

"King's Arms" Saloon Bar & Buffet opposite Theatre. Wines, Spirits, and Cigars of the Choicest Quality. Billiard Saloon – Three Tables. Luncheons. & American Drinks. A choice selection of Gold Art Jewellery. Finest Show of Oriental Pearls. Parisian Paste and Rolled Gold Jewellery at George May, "The Clock House," Walham Green. Observe the "Projecting Clock". The Noted House for Wedding and Birthday Presents. All Electro-Plated Goods are of the Best Make and Quality. Notice. Messrs, Hughes Bros., 1, Bishop's Terrace, Fulham Palace Road, S.W. Are the sole Contractors for their Celebrated tea and coffee to this Theatre can be obtained at the Bars or of Attendants. All Theatre-goers should read "The Playgoer". A lavishly illustrated record of all Stage Successes. Portraits of Stage Favourites. Articles on remarkable performances, etc. Most entertaining of Magazines. Published the 15th of each Month of all Newsagents. Sixpence, net. Established 1851. Birkbeck Bank, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London. 2 ½% Deposit Accounts repayable on demand. 2 ½%. The Birkbeck Almanack, with full particulars, post free. Ca. A. Ravenscroft, Managing Director. L. G. & North Hants Dairy Co., Limited, 615. Fulham Road. These Old-established Dairies have always been celebrated for the purity and richness of their milk. Numerous testimonials have been received from many eminent Doctors and Analysts. Dowden & Pool, Ltd. Are sole contractors for supply of their celebrated Devonshire Cyder which is on sale at all the Bars of this Theatre. Mazawattee Chocolate finer than the finest French Chocolates. Solely supplied at this Theatre. For every description of Letterpress and lithographic printing, go to W. T. Haycock & Sons, Ltd., "Nell Gwyn House," 69-70, Dean Street, Soho, W.

Did you know?

Edith Craig and Pamela Colman Smith designed scenes for a play by W. B. Yeats.

See all anecdotes