1900 - 1909Other Shakespeare performances
14-19 September 1903

Much Ado About Nothing (etc.)

Location Prince of Wales Theatre, Broad Street, Birmingham, UK
Plays performed Much Ado About Nothing; The Merchant of Venice


Date 14-19 September 1903 [17]
Play(s) Much Ado About Nothing; The Merchant of Venice
Production Date(s) 14 September 1903 to 19 September 1903
Venue Prince of Wales Theatre
Venue address Broad St, Birmingham
Producer Edward Gordon Craig
Stage Manager Fred Boustead
Scene Designer Edward Gordon Craig
Costume Maker Ailsa Craig [Edith Craig]
Music Director W. Southworth, Leonard Chalk
Document ID ET-D274 Original record
Held by The British Library
Notes Annotated by Ellen Terry: 'dresses by Miss Ailsa Craig'. Ellen Terry as Beatrice; Edith Craig as Margaret; Matheson Lang as Benedick.
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Broad St. Birmingham Prince of Wales Theatre. Lessees Rodgers Ltd. Manager & Licensee Mr. J. G. Graham. Tel. Add "Theatrical. Telephone No 684. Opera Glasses Best Selection in the Midlands. Prices from 7/6. Lists free. James Lucking & Co., Opticians, 5, Corporation St., Birmingham. The "Preferential" Statesman – Chamberlain. The "Preferential" Tea – Floriola Holders Bottled Ales Specially Brewed for Bottling. Sold by Leading Wine Merchants, Grocers, and Retailers in the District. Send Card for name of Nearest Agent, to Midland Brewery. Hair dressing rooms, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Large stock of hair fringes, toilet requisites. Your Patronage Respectfully Solicited. A. H. Cross, 16 & 17, City Arcades.

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Hawkesford's ‘Best Dark' is not strong because not dark, but darkened Gold Leaf Virginia. All about new scientific process of a Doctor of Science which destroys tongue burning properties. Booklet free for the asking 1 [?] Post free 1/11 direct from factory 138, New St., Birmingham. Present tongue burning. Taylor, for high class and reliable upholstering, 19, Islington Row, Five Ways. 2, 4, & 7, Temple Chambers, Broad St. Corner, Birmingham. J.H. Pearce Ladies' Tailor. Costumes from three guinea. H. S. Richards, Florist and Contractor. All garden requisites, seedlings and bedding plants. Wreaths, crosses, &c. 27, Islington Row, Edgbaston, Birmingham. J. Harris & Sons. Theatrical and general cleaners and dyers, Oriel House, 41 Bull Street, Birmingham. The unfailing remedy for corns. Dr. Clare's magic corn silk. To be obtained only at "The Chemists". Gibson's celebrated herb pills are a most reliable occasional medicine for indigestion, biliousness, and stomach derangement. Name and address on every box. Gooch St., Birmingham. Agents everywhere. Prince of Wales Theatre, Broad Street, Birmingham. Lessees – Rodgers Ltd, Manager and Licensee – Mr. J. F. Graham. Prices of admission for this engagement. Private Boxes - £3 to £1. Dress Circle and Stalls (Reserved) – 6s. Upper Boxes - 2s. Pit (Extra Door King Edward's Place) – 1s. Gallery – 6d. Half-price at 9 O'clock (Gallery Excepted). Children in arms not admitted. Doors open at 7-10 commence at 7.30 p.m. Early doors at 6.50 p.m. (or earlier if required), 6d, extra to any part of the House. Tel. Add., "Theatrical" Telephone No. 684. Box Office open at the Theatre from 9 till 5.30. Letters and telegrams respecting seats should be addressed to the Acting Manager – Mr. Henry Johnston. Musical Director – Mr. W. Southworth, Mus. Bac., Dunelm. Tradesmen are requested not to supply Goods except on Rodger's Ltd. printed order form, signed by Mr. J. F. Graham. The City of Birmingham Tramways, Buses pass the Theatre every Three Minutes. No money returned and no seats guaranteed unless previously booked. Ring up 1247 if you want a safe or any repairs. Safes large stocks. Expert workmen. The B'ham Safe Co. Ltd., 44, Coleshill St., Birmingham. E. R. Recruits wanted for H.M. Army and [?]. A splendid opening for smart youths. For conditions apply recruiting office 108, [?]. Castle & Falcon Family and Commercial Hotel. Snow Hill, Birmingham. Ales, Wines and Spirits the Choicest Brands. J. W. Cowham. Hope & Anchor Restaurant, Edmund St., Close to Theatre. Hot and Cold Joints Daily. Tea Provided. Parties catered for. Burton Ales & London Stout. Finest Wines and Spirits in the District. Raleigh Cycles, rigid, rapid and reliable. Free wheel and rim brakes 10 guineas to 21 guineas (Speciality, Three Speed Gear). Ask for book of "Raleigh" Premier Cycles, by Special Appointment to His Majesty the King. One grade only, the best, one price only, 12 Guineas. Sole Agents. Powell Bros., 284, Corporation St., & 36, Aston Road. (Ask for Lists). Monday, September 14, 1903 for six nights and matinee on Thursday, Sept, 17th At 2, Important Engagement of Miss Ellen Terry and her entire London Company in Shakespeare's Comedy "Much Ado About Nothing". Designed and produced under the Direction of Mr. Edward Gordon Craig. Green's for wedding rings (22-carart Gold), Engagement and Keeper Rings, Watches, &c. 135 & 136, Digbeth. Fine Home-Brewed Ales Families Supplied. W. Rushton Brewer, "White Swan," Grosvenor Street West, Broad Street, Birmingham. H. Lohrman & Co., 46, City Arcades, Birmingham. The Florists of the Midlands for High-Class goods only. Telephone 2054. Important Notice : Miserable lives made bright and happy. The most wonderful discovery of modern times. Lindale's Tablets for Rheumatism & Gout. Sufferers from either of above ailments would do well by giving them a trial. They will be surprised and delighted at the results. Do not waste time, but go at once or write for a sample bottle. All other remedies superseded. Thousands already cured. Price 2/6 by Post 2/71/2 Lindale's , 23, Temple St., Birmingham. Mason's prize Bar fittings, Dale End. The Princesses tearooms, Midland Arcade, Birmingham. C. Kunzle, high-class confectioner and caterer. Speciality in dinner sweets and fancy cakes.

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Professional House, "Stage" and "Era" taken. Proprietor, J. Davis. The very spot for a good drink and a friendly chat, at the Windsor Cannon Street. The "Landseer" Camera £1. 1s. Union Photo Co., Worcester Street. "Landseer" P.O.P., &c. Instruction Free to Amateurs. Luncheons, teas, dinners, suppers, light refreshments. Speciality oyster & sandwich bar. "Metropole" High Street. Café and restaurant. Charlton's spirits (Newcastle-on-Tyne) Only Bass & Co's Ales (In perfect condition) draughted, Munich Lager, Wines, Liqueurs, Devon Cyder, Public and private dinners, smoking concerts. J. W. Parfitt, 110 & 111, Monument Rd, and 141, Gt. Tindal Street, Ladywood. Carriages of every description made to order. All kinds of Repairs and Repainting done in the shortest notice. "Set the Fashion to the World" Rover Cycles. Best value in the trade. The ten Guinea Rover. Rover Cycle Depot, Victoria Sq., Birmingham. Thos, Padmore & Sons, Telephone 1941. Gold Medal 1898 & 1901. Billiard Table manufacturers. 118, Edmund Street. Ask your Chemist for "Camwal" Table Waters, Soda, Seltzer, Lithia, &c. Renowned for purity and high quality. The New Furnishing Firm. Lee, Longland & Co. (Late with Chamberlain, ling & Jones Ltd.) 304, Broad St., Birmingham. Artistic Reliable Furniture, Carpets, Curtains, at Moderate Prices. Crab Sandwiches a la Sweetings. For the best crab sandwiches out of London, consult the Oyster King, Cannon Hotel, Cannon Street, City. Sparking Bitter and Lambs Wol on Tap. Champagne on draught. Monday, Sept 14th, 1903, for Six Nights, and Matinee, Thursday, Sept 17th, at 2, Shakespeare's Comedy Much Ado About Nothing Don Pedro (Prince of Aragon) – Mr. Julian L'Estrange, Don John (his Bastard Brother) – Mr. William Luff, Claudio (a young Lord of Florence) – Mr. Harcourt, E. Williams, Benedick, (a young lord of Padua) – Mr. Matheson Lang, Leonato, (Governor of Messina) – Mr. George Fitzgerald, Antonio (his Brother) – Mr. Reginald Dance, Balthazar (attendant on Don Pedro) – Mr. Theodore Jones, Followers of Don John, Borachio Mr. Hubert Carter, Conrade – Mr. Francis Darch, Two City Officers, Dogberry – Mr. Frederick Powell, Verges – Mr. C. Whittle, Friar Francis – Mr. Reginald Dance, A Sexton – Mr. Stephen Langton, A Boy – Miss Katherine Rivers, Oatcake – Mr. W. P. Leslie, Seacole – Mr. Bert Zardi, Watchman – Mr. John Church, 2nd Watchman – Mr. K. Blackmore, Messenger – Mr. Stephen Langton, Hero – Miss Hutin Britton, Margaret – Miss Edith King, Ursula – Miss Audrey Campbell and Beatrice – Miss Ellen Terry. Act 1 – Scene Leonato's House. Act 2 – Scene 1, 2 and 3, Leonato's Garden. Scene 4 – A Street. Act 3, Scene, A Church. Act 4 – Scene 1, A Prison. Scene 2, Leonato's Garden. Scene 3, Monument of Leonato. Scene 4, Leonato's Garden. Designed and Produced under the Direction of Mr. Edward Gordon Craig. On Friday evening only, Triple bill – A New One Act Play. Punchinello Adapted from the French, by Hubert Carter. Punchinello – Mr. Hubert Carter, Diderot – Mr. Reginald Dance, Etienne – Mr. Francis Darch, Madame Edouard – Miss Penelope Wheeler, Mdlle. Elise – Miss Katherine Rivers, Nanon – Miss Ailsa Craig. Scene – Diderot's Study in Paris. Trial Scene from the Merchant of Venice. The Duke – Mr. George Fitzgerald, Antonia – Mr. Harcourt. E. Williams, Bassanio – Mr. Matheson Lang, Gratiano – Mr. Julian L'Estrange – Shylock – Mr. Hubert Carter, Salarino – Mr. Francis Darch, Clerk – Mr. William Luff, Nerissa – Miss Hutin Britton, Portia – Miss Ellen Terry. Nance Oldfield Mr. Nathan Oldworthy – Mr. Frederick Powell. Susan Oldfield – Miss Audrey Campbell, Alexander Oldworthy – Mr. Julian L'Estrange, Mistress Anne Oldfield – Miss Ellen Terry. Scene – A Room in Mistress Oldfield;s House. For Miss Ellen Terry, Business Manager – Mr. Alfred Courtenay, Stage Manager – Miss Audrey Campbell, Musical Director – Mr. Leonard Chalk, Advance Representatives – Mr. G. Aubrey Hall. Programme of Music. Under the Direction of Mr. W. Southworth, Mus. Bac., Dunelm, the following Selection of Instrumental Music will be performed – Overture "Die [?]" – Reissiger. Stately Dance, Graceful Dance, Country Dance Cowen. Selection "Gems of England" – Basquit. Petite Reine – Victor Berand, La Reve De Pierrot – Gaublier. Cycles! Cycles! Our Leading Line! Gent's full roadster, clincher tyres, plated rims, [?] free wheel, crabbe front rim brake, crabbe back rim break, mud guards, &c guaranteed two years. £6 : 17 : 6 for cash, or 15/- a month. Ladies' 10/- extra. For 12 months. Main Wheeleries, 95, John Bright St, & 117, Soho Rd., Birmingham. Noted house for refreshments and high-class confectionary. W. E. Powell, 267 & 8, Broad Street. Rob Roy Pens "The Good Points of Rob Roy make writing a joy". The Rob Roy pen [?] Birmingham. Sold by all Stationers. Assorted sample box, 7d., post free. Hinks Wells & Co., Birmingham & London. Hinks, Wells & Co., Birmingham. Opera glasses best from R. Bailey, 14, Bennetts Hill. Moore's Oyster Bar finest in the Midlands. Cannon Street. First Door from New Street on left. English, Dutch, Portuguese and American. All guaranteed from pure Waters. Also at Christ Church Passage. Oppose Waterloo Bar. Macdonald's Teeth. Patronised by H.M. War Dept. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Sets, 20/- each. Tooth 2/- each. Other qualities equally cheap. 19, New Street (Opposite Grammar School) Advice free 9 to 8 daily. W. Robottom 10, Broad Street Corner. Smart Gloves & Neckwear, best makers of Hosiery. The University Collar all depths. Reeve's Positive Corn Cure in 4 days. 1/1 ½ post free. Reeve, Chemist 18, New Street (Corner City Arcades).

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Ward's far-famed Cambridge sausages and Melton pork pies are a delicious table delicacy and the increasing demand for the same convinces us that the public appreciate a genuine article such a supplied by Ward's. Try them and you will never buy any other. Broad St., Birmingham. Good fare. A warm welcome. A pleasant chat. Fred Chinn, the International Cycling Champion at the White Hart, Broad Street. This is the house of call for sportsmen of all classes. Vale's Stores, opposite this Theatre, step across for a glass of bitter and sandwich. La Prueba Cigars usual 3d, size – 3 for 6d., 6 for 1/-, 13 for 2/-. Box of 100, 12/6, carriage paid. 500, 3d, per 100 less. E. M. Withers. 59, Bull St., Birmingham. W. E. C. Meeke, Ladies' and Gents' Tailor, 11, Ethel Street, New Street, Birmingham. Riding Breeches, Motoring Garments a Speciality, Costumes from 50/-. Thos. Upton & Sons Publicans' Supply Stores, 309, Broad Street, Birmingham. W. Barrington Nurse, vocalist and instrumentalist : Musical Studio and Musical Agency : Music, Voice Production, and Singing. Terms Moderate. Bright Buildings (No. 7. First Floor). John Bright Street, Birmingham. September 21st, for Six Nights and Matinee on Thursday. As "Dante". With all the original scenery, appointments, costumes and effects, from the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. September 28th. Mrs Patrick Campbell. Monday – "The Joy of Living". Tuesday , Thursday and Saturday – "The Second Mrs Tanqueray." Wednesday, Friday and Matinee, Thursday – "Undine," preceded by "A Dream." Box Plan Open. Dress Circle & Stalls, 6/-. October 5th, "San Toy." S. & W. H. Reeves, engravers and rubber stamp makers, &c. 148, Hirst St., Birmingham. Umbrellas, sticks, rings, match boxes, key labels, dog collars, &c., &c., Engraved while waited for. Established 40 years. Choice Fruits, Flowers and Vegetables fresh daily. Note the address – G. T. Kent, 37, Islington Row, Edgbaston. Wear Stanton's Boots Corporation St. Branch 363 & 365, Coventry Road, Small Heath. Cast-off clothing. Full value given by G. Makepeace, 142, Digbeth. Stores – 31, Paradise Street.Anglo Bava Rian Ales. The Brewery, Sheperton Mallet. [?]. Casks all sizes. Casks and bottles. Mr. J. F. Graham has the honour to announce that amongst the attractions of the forthcoming Autumn Season at the Prince of Wales Theatre will be: - Mr. H. Beerbohm Tree's Company in the powerful Adaptation of Tolstoy's Masterpiece – "Resurrection". The Brightest of Musical Comedies from the Apollo, London – "The Girl from Kay's". Mr. Tom B. Davis's Latest London Lyric Production – "The Medal and the Maid". Arrangements with Mr. George Edwardes will provide for a Return Visit of the Charming Musical Play. – "A Country Girl". And the ever-memorable "San Toy." With its Phenomenal Farewell Cast of Favourite Artistes. Among the Personal Stars whom Mr. Graham has been fortunate enough to secure are : - Mrs. Patrick Campbell, In a round of her most Recent Creations. Mr. and Mrs. Kendal, In their ever-welcome and delightful Repertoire. Mr. Martin Harvey, Who will appear as Sydney Carton in "The Only Way." And will also sustain his Latest original Role in "The Exile". Mr. Lewis Waller. In the Marvellous Success of the London Season "Monsieur Beaucaire". The Eminent Actor Mr. Wilson Barrett. In addition to a grand revival of "Claudian" will produce his own New Elizabethan Comedy, "In the Middle of June." Mr. George Alexander Will appear in "Old Heidelberg," and is the magnificent Romantic Drama, "If I were King." And Sir Henry Irving, Who, prior to his departure for America, will present his stupendous production of Sardou's Great poetical play – "Dante" With all the original Scenery, Appointments, Costumes, and Effects from the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. Auster Ltd., Crown Coach Iron Works. Barford Street, Birmingham. Telephone 1695. Telegrams – "Auster" Birmingham. Wheels and Rubber Tyres for carriages and motor cars a speciality. "Auster" quality is the finest-wearing rubber manufactured from all coach builders. Champion Tyres. Detachable Pneumatic. Fit any rim. 21/-, 26/- & 31/-, Cash with Order. All sizes in stock. Charles Lee patents. 246, Corporation St., Birmingham. Telephone 3975. Tele, 1578. B. Gilbert. Cambridge Street, tents, tarpaulings, flags, rick covers. Boots; boots; boots;. If you want Good and Cheap Boots go to the Manufacturer. R. Fabery, 9, Ledsam St., Ladywood, and corner of Salisbury Road, Cape Hill. Style Right! Fit Right! Price Right! Speciality in all the New Leathers Box calf, Willow calf and Glace kid, as Ladies' Gent's, and Children's Boots & Shoes. Special Attention given to repairs. Day & Bryant 317, Broad Street (Corner), Try our White long-cloth business shirt. Short fronted, detachable and reversible cuffs, open behind or in front, 4/6 each: 25/- ½ dozen, 13/- ½ dozen.

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S. Thornley LD., Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Snow Hill, Deritend, Gosta Green, and Gooch Street. F. Adam. Cash Chemist. 256, Broad St. (near the Theatre), Also at 3, Islington Row, and 33, Pigott St. Prescriptions, Drugs, Perfumes, Toilet, Requisites, and Theatrical Make-Ups at Lowest Wholesale Prices. All Photographic Goods kept in Stock. W. J. Prosser, Wholesale Confectioner, 234, Broad Street, Birmingham. Agent for Cadbury, Fry, Pattison, Rowntree and all leading Chocolate Makers. Cailler's & Peters' Swiss Chocolate. H. Borgen, 33, Congreve Street, Tobacconist and pipe Maker, appointed agent for Burntwood's Latakia Mixture, 5d. per oz, ; 2-ozs., 9 ½d.; 6/- per lb. One ounce sample sent post free, 5d. Ryott & Co., Mineral Water Manufacturers. Balsall Heath Road, Birmingham. To be obtained at all the Bars of this Theatre. Speciality: - Stone Beer and Quinine. For Luncheon & Afternoon Teas the Kyoto Restaurant, 26, City Arcade, Birmingham. Miss Foulkes. Louis's, 103-105, Broad Street, always offer the best value in Ladies' underclothing and baby linen. Inspection Invited. M. M. Carter, Tobacconist and Newsagent, 32, Broad Street, At Price of Wales Theatre Entrance. Cigars, Cigarettes, and Fancy Goods of Lowest Prices. Dallow's Odontine. Non-poisonous Infants' Teething Mixture. In 7 1/2 d and 1/1 ½ Bottles. Prevents fits and fevers, cures thrush. Sole Proprietor : - Dallow, Chemist, Monument Rd. Mitchells & Butlers Bright Ales, Wines and Spirits of the Best Quality. E. M. Thornton. "The Bridge" Inn, Monument Road, Ladywood. Ask for Fry's "Five Boys" Milk Chocolate. "unrivalled as a Chocolate Confection" – Medical Magazine. British Milk and British Labour. Can be obtained at the Theatre Bars. J. Whitehouse, St. Thomas's Rubber Works. Upper Marshall Street. Holloway Head, Birmingham. Vehicle Rubber Tyres a Speciality. Worksmanship & Material Guaranteed. During the interval you want refreshments and go to King's Chocolate Specialists, 294, Broad Street, and 1, City Arcade. Wholesale: 184, Ashted Row. Send postcard for Traveller to call upon you.

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Did you know?

Ellen Terry hated the tendency in American theatres to 'light the stage like a saloon'.

See all anecdotes