Much Ado About Nothing (etc.), 19-24 October 1903, Image 2 of 5
The "Manchester" Ironmongery Warehouse, 12 & 14, Brazennose Street. H. Luke, Joiners, Builders', Cabinet-Makers and General Furnishing Ironmonger. Joseph Rodgers & Sons' Cutlery and Best Electro Plate. Thomas's Chop House (Willoughby's) 52, Cross Street, English Meat Only. Spacious Wine Cellar. Wines and "Bass" from the Wood. Dock Sample Glasses. Finest Whitstable Natives. The Want of the Day. Critchley's Starch Gloss Registered No. 40,376. Critchley's Starch Gloss. Makes starched linen like new. The greatest boon ever offered to the laundress for imparting an ivory finish to starched Linen, Lace &c. It does not stick to the spider-web like materials. Once tried, always wanted. Used in the Royal laundries. Should be used in every house. Testimonial – from the Chief Laundress to His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales: - ‘28th October, 1879 – Mr Critchley - Sir – Having tried your starch gloss I certainly think it is great improvement – far superior to any I have tried. Yours truly. R. Elder. Sold everywhere in packets, 1d., 3d., 6d., and 1s each. Prepared by T. Critchley, Chemist, Blackburn. National Telephone No. 620. Prince's Theatre. Prices of Admission. Evening – Private Boxes £3 3s, £2 2s, and £1 1s. Orchestra Stalls, 6s. Lower Circle, 5s. Upper Circle, (from 6-45 to 7-0) 38., (after 7-0), 2s. 6d. N.B. – A few seats to the Upper Circle may be booked up to the Box Office at 3/6. Pit (from 6-45 to 7-0) 2s. 6d., (from 7-0 to 7-15 2s, (after 7-15) 1s. Gallery (from 5-45 to 7-0) 1s (after 7-0) 6d. Morning – Upper Circle (from 1-15 to 1-30), 1s,; after 1-30), 2s. 6d. Pit (from 1-15 to 1-30), 2s. 6d.; (1-30 to 1-45) 2s., (after 1-45), 1s. Gallery (from 1-15 to 1-30), 1s.; (after 1-30), 6d. Doors open to Upper Circle, Pit and Gallery at 5-45: Private Boxes, Stalls, and Lower Circle at 7, and the Performance will commence at 7-30. Ladies occupying Boxes, or seats in the Three Front Rows of the Lower Circle must Remove their Bonnets at Evening Performances. Bonnets are permitted in the Last Row of the Stalls. Box Office Open from 10 to 3 daily (Saturdays 10 to 1) and during the hours of performance – No Fees. Seats can also be secured by Telephone. No 620, wire, or letter addressed to the Box Office. Seats not guaranteed unless previously booked, and no money returned. Children in arms not admitted. Notice – tradesmen are cautioned against supplying Goods without a Printed Order Form signed by Mr. Oscar Barrett. Acting Manager – Mr. George Lee. Musical Director – Mr. Alfred Haines. Scenic Artist – Mr. Conrad [?] Advertising Manager – Mr. J. H. Jubb. Dancing and calisthenics Miss Haines, "Oakworth" Upper Chorlton Road, classes and private lessons in Ballroom and Fancy Dancing at Messrs. Forsyth Bros., Deansgate; Duke of Edinburgh Hall, Alexandra Park, & at "Oakworth." Prospectus on Application. The Manchester Bill-Posting Co., Ltd. Comprising the late Firms of Crookes A. Grime, Manchester Bill-Posting Dept. are: The later Manchester Bill-Posting Co; The Manchester [?] Bill-Posting Dept. and the Stretford Bill-Posting Co., 36, Peter Street. Manager – J. C. Grime. Dr Bardsley's Antibilious Pills. For all Liver & Kidney Complaints. As a stomatic and general family medicine, have a world-wide reputation of 40 years, and still unrivalled. Prices: 7 ½d.; 1s. 1 ½d.; & 2s. 9d. Per box. Manufactured by W. Mather, Ltd. Manufactory: - Dyer Street, Hulme, Manchester.
[?]. Johnson, Clapham and Morris, Ltd., house furnishers. Dining and drawing room suites. Cabinets, sideboards, occasional. Wood, iron, and brass bedsteads. Bedding &c. Timepieces, chiming and quarter-striking clocks. Electro Silver forks, spoons, table cutlery, cabinets and cases, &c. 24 & 26, Lever Street, Piccadilly, Manchester. Monday, October 26th – for six nights and Matinee : Wednesday, October 28th, at 2 o'clock Mr. George Dance's company with "Kitty Grey". Dewar's Perth Whisky a speciality. Can be obtained at the Bars. Dine, tea, or sup at the County Forum Hotel., 50a, Market Street, Manchester. Open until 11 o'clock p.m. and on Sundays, until 10 p.m. Bass on draught, choice wines, etc. Comfortable bedrooms (Moderate Tariff). Lost in the Wash. A garment worth 10/9, which might have been saved had it simply being marked with Mather's Nigrine. A jet black marking fluid for marking linen, cotton, &c. will not injure the most delicate fabric. Every bottle guaranteed. Of all stationers, Chemists, & Stores, 6d., 1s, 2s. 6d., and 5s per bottle. Sample sent on receipt of 13 stamps. Manufactured by W. Mather, Ltd. Dyer Street, Manchester. Casket cigarettes. Delightful to inhale. 3d. Per packet, with coupon. Established over Half-a-Century.
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