1900 - 1909Other Shakespeare performances
26-31 October 1903

Much Ado About Nothing (etc.)

Location Theatre Royal, Paragon Street, Hull, UK
Plays performed Much Ado About Nothing; The Merchant of Venice


Date 26-31 October 1903 [15]
Play(s) Much Ado About Nothing; The Merchant of Venice
Production Date(s) 26 October 1903 to 31 October 1903
Venue Theatre Royal
Venue address Paragon Street, Hull
Time of performance 2pm 7.30pm
Producer Edward Gordon Craig
Stage Manager Fred Boustead
Scene Designer Edward Gordon Craig
Music Director Archibald Joyce
Document ID ET-D281 Original record
Held by The British Library
Notes Ellen Terry as Beatrice; Edith Craig as Margaret; Matheson Lang as Benedick.
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Theatre Royal, Hull. Paragon St. Sole Lessee Wm. Morton. Theatre Royal. Also Owner The New Alexandra Theatre Chaplotte St. Hull. The Alexandra see Page 5 for this week's attraction. Nat. Telephone "Theatre Royal 457" "Alexandra 841". The advantage of direct purchase. Messrs. Gallaher, Ltd., buy their Tobacco Leaf direct from the growers. The latter save brokers' commission by this, and are therefore glad to treat Messrs. Gallaher, Ltd., as favoured customers, to give them the choicest parcels of leave. The fine flavour and natural aroma that all notice who smoke. Gold Plate Cigarettes 10 for 3d is thus accounted for. Double the price could not buy better quality. Support Gallaher. Ltd., the Independent Firm.

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Drink the Hull Brewery Co's entire. (see back page) Who's Sol Geddes? The Best Tailor in Hull. Address: Trinity House Yard. Fugill's City Toy Stores, 17, Chariot Street. Morison's for bill-posting in Hull and 20 miles round. Atkin, The Umbrella King. For repairs 16, Anlaby Road (Near Day Street). "The Season's Engagements." Only publication of its kind in the city. Published by Morison's Advertising Agency, price 3d. (see page 3). For large Calico, paper, and other signs go to Morison's Advertising Agency, Whitefriargate. Distinguished everywhere for Delicacy of Flavour. Epps's Cocoa. Grateful – comforting. Superior Quality, and Highly Nutritive Properties. H. Moses & Sons, Funeral Directors & Carriage Proprietors, 31 to 35, Garden Street, 5, Booth Street, 12, Brook Street, 243, Hessle Road (Near Boulevard). National Telephone No. 797. Madame Allenby, 11, Storey Street, Hull. Specialiste in Electrolysis. (for the removal of superfluous hairs, moles, warts, &c). Facial massage, manicure, chiropody (Painless) scalp treatment, hairdressing. R. W. Atkinson, Shell Fish Salesman. 19, South Street, Hull. Importer of Norwegian Anchovies, Smoked Sardines, &c. Alpe's for cricket and athletic outfits. 3, 4, and 5, Prospect St. Performances commence 7.30. Early Doors 6-30. Ordinary Doors 7-15. Prices – Private Box 25/- ; Centre Circle 5/- ; Child 3/- ; Side Circle or Stalls, 4/- (Child 2/6), Pit 1/- Child 6d. (Early Door 1/8, Child 9d) Gallery, 6d. No Reduction for Children (Early Door 9d) Box Office under the management of Miss Thomas. Open daily from 9.30a.m. till 5 p.m. and from 8 till 10. Seats also booked by letter or telegram. National Telephone No. 457. Seats can also be booked at Messrs. Green & Sons, Beverley, where a Plan of the Theatre may be seen and tickets obtained. Lost property – All applications regarding lost property should be made at the Box Office. Anyone finding lost property will kindly leave it at the Box Office so that it can be restored to the rightful owner. Mr. Morton will be glad to receive suggestions (by letter) from visitors. Cloak Rooms Free. No Fee. Programme One Penny. Ordinary trains after the performance. Leave Paragon Street Station (North Eastern Railway) at 10-45 p.m. for Cottingham, Beverley, Driffield & Bridlington ; 11-25 for Cottingham and Beverley ; at 10-50 and 11-20 for Hessle, Ferriby and Brough ; at 11-20 for Selby and York ; at 10-55 (Tuesdays and Saturdays) for Stepney, Southcoates, Hedon, Keyingham, Ottringham, Winestead, Patrington and Withernsea: at 10-47 (Tuesdays and Saturdays) for Stepney, Wilmington, Sutton, Swine, [?], Burton Constable, Whitedale and Hornsea. Hull and Barnsley railway, Cannon Street – A Late Train leaves this Station every night for Willerby, Little Weighton, South Cave, North Cave, Howden and Cudworth at 10-55 p.m. ; and on Saturdays only, a Late Train leaves at 10-55 p.m. for Kirk Smeaton and Hemsworth. Leave Corporation Pier at 11-0 (Saturdays for New Holland Goxhill, Ulceby, Harbrough and Grimsby. S & M.'s Punch Brand. Packed only in Blue and Silver is The Best Tobacco. Has no equal. Cool, sweet and mild. Nelson's Pension Tea. Notice. To the careless, to the thrifty do not hesitate commence immediately. Over 7,000 widows deriving benefit. Local Depot : 90, Queen Street, Hull. Agents everywhere. S. H. Phillips, District Manager.

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Costello Ladies' Tailor, 9 & 11. Jameson Street. Coats & Skirts made to order from 3 Guineas. The "Octagon" Café. King Edward Street. Coffee in perfection. Miss Kate Erl's Orchestra of Ladies daily. The only Ladies' Orchestra ever permitted to play before the late Queen Victoria. R. Field & Son, Ltd. John Wardell, the cheapest draper. Special for wools 40, Carr Lane & Hessle Road, Hull. Thos. Kirkham, Ladies', Gentlemen's & Juveniles' Tailor, 29 & 36, Prospect Street. My stock is now complete with all the Latest Goods for Autumn and Winter. Costumes from 63/- Suits from 50/-. "the Season's Engagements." Complete resume of all Local, Musical, Theatrical and Literary Engagements for Winter Session, 1903-4. Secretary and Entertainers Directory, holding capacity of Hull Halls, &c. On sale at all Newsagents or the Publishers, Morison's Advertising Agency, 58, Whitefriargate. Price 3d. Theatre Royal Programme. Monday, Oct. 26th, 1903. Six Nights. Afternoon Performance, Saturday, October 31st. Commence at Two. Early Doors at One. Important Engagement of Miss Ellen Terry and her Entire London Company in Shakespeare's Comedy Much Ado About Nothing. Designed and produced under the Direction of Mr. Edward Gordon Craig. Don Pedro, Prince of Aragon – Mr. Julian L'Estrange, Don John, his Bastard Brother – Mr. William Luff, Claudio, a Young Lord of Florence – Mr. Francis Darch, Benedick, a Young Lord of Padua – Mr. Matheson Lang, Leonato, Governor of Messina – Mr. George Fitzgerald, Antonio, his Brother – Mr. Reginald Dance, Balthazar, Attendant on Don Pedro – Mr. Theodore Jones, Followers on Don John, Borachio Mr. Hubert Carter, Conrade – Mr. W. P. Leslie, Two City Officers, Dogberry – Mr. Frederick Powell, Verges – Mr. C. Whittle, Friar Francis – Mr. Reginald Dance, A Sexton – Mr. Stephen Langton, A Boy – Miss Katherine Rivers, Oatcake – Mr. Langley Seacole – Mr. Bert Zardi, Watchman – Mr. John Church, 2nd Watchman – Mr. K. Blackmore, Messenger – Mr. Stephen Langton, Hero – Miss Hutin Britton, Margaret – Miss Edith King, Ursula – Miss Audrey Campbell and Beatrice – Miss Ellen Terry. The best pies in or out of Yorkshire. Stafford's. Famous Pork, Veal and Ham and Pigeon Pies. All English Meat. Savouries – Cakes and Pastry in great variety. Quality the Best. Wedding cakes all sizes. 43, Spring Bank and 181, Hedon Road, Murley, 8, Charlotte Street. Beds Steam Purified 7/6 each. Mattresses renovated and recovered. Nat. Tel. 01185. Adams Savile Street, for Blouses, Furs, Laces. Most stylish designs most economical prices. Act 1, Scene – Leonato's House. Act 2, Scene 1, 2, and 3 – Leonato's Garden, Scene 4 – A Street. Act 3 – Scene – A Church. Act 4, Scene 1 – A Prison. Sc. 2 – Leonato's Garden. Sc. 3 – Monument of Leonato. Sc. 4 – Leonato's Garden. On Friday evening only, A Triple Bill. A New One Act Play – Punchinello adapted from the French by Hubert Carter. Trial Scene from the Merchant of Venice. Nance Oldfield. For Ellen Terry, Business Manager – Mr. Alfred Courtenay, Stage Manager – Mr. Fred Boustead, Musical Director – Mr. Archibald Joyce, Advance manager – Mr. G. Aubrey Hall. The Orchestra, under the Direction of Mr. B. Troughton Little will play the following selections – Grand March "Tannhauser" – Wagner. Overture "William Tell" – Rossini, Selection "Mendelssohn's Songs without Words" – Basquit. Flute and Clarionet Duet "O Dolce Concerto" – (Messrs. [?] & Dunn) Mesart-Drouit, Selection "Lohengrin" – Wagner. Mr. Morton would esteem it a favour if all ladies would remove their Hats, as it is obvious that the enjoyment of many is entirely spoilt by the view being obstructed by Ladies' Hats in front. On Sale of the Attendants Cadbury's High-Class Chocolates 6d, 1/-, 1/6, 2/-, 2/6 per Box, and Fuller's Confectionary, 4d, 6td, &1/-. You will never cough if you use Milburn's Lifeguard Cough Balm it never fails. 1/-, 2/6, 4/-. Ino. Shaw. Wine & Spirit Merchant. Midland Street. Families supplied. F. G. Tadman. Paragon Arcade, Carr Lane, For Best House Coal and Nuts. F. G. Gordon for high-class cigars and tobaccos. 13, Market Place, Hull six doors down from G.P.O. "Dainty Gloves" for presentation. Woods Brothers, The Glove Importers, 31 & 32 Whitefriargate Hull. Gentlemen who require a pair of "Dainty Gloves" for presentation to a Lady, should see the selection we have. Nat. Tel. 1350. Fowler's Restaurant. 12, Anlaby Road. Breakfasts. Luncheons. Dinners. Afternoon Teas. Catering of every description. Prices moderate. Excellent cooking. Quick Service. Telephone 01124. Costello for High-Class dressmaking and Ladies' outfitting 9 & 11, Jameson Street.

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Mallory's for all cleaning specialities. Oils, paints, and varnishes, general drysalters. Brushes of every description. Ironmongery and Hardware. Hessle Road, Holderness Road & Dairycoates, Hull. If you have any furniture to sell call or send postcard to William Geddes 268, Hessle Road. Batty, The Leading Medical Herbalist. 3, Campbell St., Hull. Look out for the Red Lamp over Door. Advice Free. Specialist in skin diseases. Hours 10-30 to 2 and 6 to 9. Theatre Royal. Next Week – Monday, November 2nd Six Nights, Matinee, Saturday, November 7th from Covent Garden Opera House, London. Monday "Pagliacci." Miss Ada Davies, Mr. Joseph O'Mara. And "Cavalleria Rusticana,"Mdme. Fanny Moody. Mr. John Child. Tuesday – "Carmen" Mdlle. Zelie de Lussan. Mr. Francis Maclennan. Wednesday – "Romeo and Juliet." Mdme Alice Etsy, Mr. Joseph O'Mara, Mr. Chas. Manners. Thursday – "The Daughter of The Regiment" Mdlle Zelie de Lussan. Mr. John Child. Friday – "The Cross and the Crescent," Madame Fanny Moody, Mr. Joseph O'Mara. Saturday Matinee – "Lohengrin," Madame Alice Etsy, Mr. Francis Maclennan. Saturday Evening – "Bohemian Girl" Miss Ada Davies, Mr. John Child, Mr. Charles Manners. Box Office Open. Prices – Private Box 255 ; Centre Circle, 5s ; Side Circle 4s ; Stall 3s ; Pit 1s ; Gallery 6d. A Series Ticket, giving a Reserved Centre Circle Seat for Five Operas may be purchased for 21s. White & Farrell, Printers, Lithographers, &c. Blackfriargate, Hull. B. Underwood. Wholesale and Retail Tobacconist 93, Holderness Road (Opposite Brazil St.) Hull. Try our noted 3 ½d mixture. W. Hudson Job Master. Anlaby Road, Hull. Horses, Traps, Char-a-Bancs, Waconettes, Landaus. Opened & Closed Hearses and Funeral Coaches. Weddings & Parties receive Special Attention. Orders by post. Telegraph or Messenger receive prompt attention. Nat. Tel. 737. Work Brothers, Family Grocers, Hull The Blouse Shop of Hull. Ranns, 25, Savile Street, for blouses for Theatre, travel and every occasion. The finest selection in the city. For workmanship and quality combined no better tailor can you hope to find than Fred. Johnson, Tailor & Costumier, 85, Waterloo Street. Ladies' and Gentlemen's own materials made up. French and English Corsets to suit all figures at Mesdames Michelson and Wharton's Ladies Outfitters and Corsetiers. Rational Corsets for Ladies and Children. Agents for Mrs. White's Belt for reducing the figure. New Alexandra Theatre, Charlotte Street, this week – the enormously successful popular attraction. ‘Two Little Sailor Boys.' Next week – J. F. Elliston in the favourite play "Alone in London". Theatre Royal Monday, Nov. 9th six nights, "The Fatal Wedding." From the Princess's Theatre, London. Monday, Nov, 16th, six nights. The Famous Renads in "The Swiss Express." David Little Baker & Confectioner, 11, Prospect St., 198, Beverley Road, and 75, Anlaby Road. Prize Medals London and Leeds Exhibitions. Bridecakes a speciality. W. C. Baines, High-Class Baker & Confectioner, 101, Newland Avenue. Awarded 22 prizes, cups and medals. Diplomas for bread. Take the Hospital cough mixture for coughs, colds, influenza, &c. There's nothing better. Safe and Certain. Prices : - 9 ½d., 1/1 ½, 2/9 and 4/6. Depot : 41, Savile St., Hull.

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4 Points to Remember. 1. – Best Value! 2. – Most Attention! 3. Biggest Variety! 4. Newest Goods. At Hammond's In Osborne Street. The extraordinary success of the past year's trading is continuous testimony to the appreciation in which the Hull Brewery Co.'s prize Beers and Stout are held by all in this District who enjoy drinking the best obtainable.

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Did you know?

Ellen Terry's first husband was the artist, G. F. Watts, described as 'England's Michelangelo'.

See all anecdotes