The Merchant of Venice, 28 November-3 December 1904, Image 4 of 7
Theatre Blouses 16/11. Lovely Blouse of all Silk Merv with extra full gauged berthe of same. Trimmed exceedingly handsome floral mimosa insertion. Made in Cream, Sky, Pink, Pale, Green, Cardinal, Navy, Brown and Black. Other Shades made in three days. A Perfect Example of the Latest Trend of Fashion. C. & A. Daniels. General Drapers, blouse designers & manufacturers, Kentish Town Road. Call or write for our new Catalogue of Blouses, over 100 beautiful illustrations. A different style will be shown in this space every week until ‘Xmas. A. Mears & Co., 73 & 75, High Street, Camden Town, large and choice selection of Gem Rings, set with Diamond, Rubies, Sapphires, Pears, &c. Special New Designs. Best Workmanship. Diamond 18-ct. Gold Hall Marked. £1 10s. 8 Diamonds, 18-ct. Gold, Hall Marked£1 15s. All Pears or Pearl & Turquoise, 18-ct. Gold, Hall Marked, £1 12s 6d. Support Home Industries Bryant & May's Matches are used in the Bars of this Theatre. F. Palmer & Co. 78, Tottenham Court Road, W., & 2 & 4, Tottenham Street. F. Palmer & Co. F. Palmer & Co, 30 show rooms. Upholstered all over. Suite – 9 Articles, £8 15s. F. Palmer & Co. F. Palmer & Co, send for catalogue. Art Tapestry or Saddlebag. Catalogues on application. Established [?] 74 & 76, High Street, Camden Town. Brinnie's Pianos. Pianofortes by every known maker at terms to suit everyone. Delivery and tuning free. Dovedale Dairies. J. Grindey, the Genuine Pure Milk Provider. Practical Derbyshire Farmer. Wholesale and Retail Dairyman. London Depots: 138 & 149, Ossulston Street and 46, Mornington Crescent, N.W. Direct Personal Supervision. Deliveries Thrice Daily. Telephone, No. 49. King's Cross. Luck's Wedding Cakes1/6 per lb. From 7/6 complete. Refreshment Caterers for – Receptions, Suppers, Breakfasts, &c. From 1/- per head. Private Dining Rooms. Suitable for Receptions, Suppers, Dinners, &c. No extra charge. Every convenience. 117, Tottenham Court Road. (Opposite Shoolbred's). Parrish's easy fitting boots. For ladies and gentlemen & children. Made on our specially constructed Lasts, which ensure absolute comfort to wearer. Produced in our own workshops, where every care is exercised to make our productions perfect. Our special points! Up-to-date shapes. Best material. First-class workmanship. Popular Prices. Nearest Branch – 115, High St., Camden Town. Try our celebrated Damp-Proof boots for Autumn and Winter wear. Diamonds, more precious then Diamonds is the possession of a pretty and charming home and its yours to-morrow without any difficulty whatever. W. Jelks & Sons 263 to 275, Holloway Road. Largest Stock, Lowest Terms, Popular Prices. £5 worth – 4s. per month, 10 work – 7s. per month, £20 worth – 11s. per month. Catalogues free. Excellent furniture supplied to any amount. Make your own Easy Terms. Artificial Teeth. Mr. Lloyd (Late of the Lowther Arcade and Strand). Now at 5, Hampstead Road. Sets from £1, Single Tooth from 2/6 Scalings, Stoppings and Extractions. American Crown, Bar & Bridge Work a speciality. Wear Dunn's Famous Hats the perfection of quality. 80 branches. Dunn's Hat Stores. 78, Tottenham Court Rd., W. 78, Tottenham Court Rd., W. Catalogue Free. Inspection Invited. Palmer's Bedsteads. Immense Stock. 30 showrooms. Household furniture for everyone. Lowest prices for cash. ‘Capital & Labour' Clothing stores (Jealous & Saul) 110, 111, 112, and 113 Tottenham Court Road (Opposite Messrs. Shoolbred & Co.) Gentlemen's Children's & Youth's Complete Outfitters. Overcoats, suits, hats, boots, hosiery, shirts, ties, collars, rugs, gloves &c. One of the Largest and most Varied Stocks in London at Moderate Prices. Hours of Business – Thursdays, 2 o'clock. Saturdays, 10.30. Other Nights 8.30. 78, Tottenham Court Rd., W. Catalogue Free. Inspection Invited. Palmer's Bedsteads. Immense Stock. 30 showrooms. Household furniture for everyone. Lowest prices for cash. The Camden Theatre, High St., Camden Town, N.W. Lessee and Manager, Mr. Robert Arthur. Monday, November 28th, 1904, for six nights at 8; Matinee, Saturday, December 3rd, 1904, at 2.30. Return visit of Miss Ellen Terry and her Company. Monday, November 28th, for this Night Only. The First Four Acts of Shakespeare's Comedy, The Merchant of Venice. Dresses by Miss Ailsa Craig. Duke of Venice – Mr. F. S. Hamilton, Prince of Morocco (Suitor to Portia) – Mr. George Fitzgerald, Antonio (a Merchant of Venice) Mr Charles Thursby, Bassanio ( his Friend, suitor to Portia) – Mr. Matheson Lang, Friends to Antonia and Bassanio – Gratiano – – Mr E. Harcourt Williams, Salarino – Mr. Eustace Le Grand, Solanio – Mr. Halliwell Hobbs, Lorenzo (in love with Jessica) - Mr T. A. Shannon, Shylock (a Jew) M. Alfred Bucklaw, Tubal (a Jew, his friend) – Mr. Charles Whittle, Launcelot (a Clown, Servant to Shylock and afterwards Servant to Bassanio) – Mr. John Willes, Old Gobbo (Father to Launcelot) - Mr. Leonard Craske, Servants to Portia – Balthazar – Mr. Paul Burnand, Stephano – Mr. Penderel Price, Nerissa (Waiting Maid to Portia) Miss Audrey Campbell, Jessica (Daughter of Shylock) – Miss Hutin Britton, Portia (a Rich Heiress) Miss Ellen Terry. Manificoes of Venice, Officers of the Court of Justice, Gaolers, Servants to Portia, and Other Attendants. Act 1 – Venice. Act 2, Scenes 1 and 3 – Venice. Scenes 2 and 4 – A Street in Venice, Scenes 1 and 3 – Portia's House, Belmont. Scenes 2 and 4 – A Street in Venice. Scene 5 – Portia's House, Belmont. Act 4 – A Court of Justice, Venice. There will be no interval between Acts 1 and 2. Preceded by Eriksson's Wife an original play, in One Act by Christopher St. John. Halvor Erkisson – Mr. T. A Shannon, Erik Eriksson – Mr. E. Harcourt Williams, Karvin (his housekeeper) – Miss Ailsa Craig, Ingmar (an Old Servant) – Mr. Tom Paulton, The Pastor – Mr. Halliwell Hobbes, The Pastor's Man – Mr. Paul Burnand, Brita – Miss Ellen Terry. For Miss Ellen Terry, Manager – Mr. Alfred Courtenay, Acting Manager – Mr. Thomas, J. Courtly, Stage Manager – Mr. Charles La Trobe, Advance Representative - Mr. G. Aubrey Hall, Musical Director – Mr. Christopher Wilson. Monday, December 5th, for six nights at 8: and Matinee, Saturday at 2.30 – Monday and Tuesday, "The Housekeeper"; Wednesday, "Still Waters Run Deep", Thurs & Sat. Matinee & Evening, "The Elder Miss Blossom"; Friday, "A Scrap of Paper." Price of this Programme – Threepence. Business Manager, Mr. Leslie Hughes. Musical Director, Mr. George F. Ford. Treasurer, Mr. E. G. Tyler. Notice.- at the beginning of the performance, and during one interval, a series of novel and interesting pictures will be shown by "The World's Advertising Co., Ltd.," of 34 and 35, High Holborn, W.C. The Act Drop, representing "A Tribute to the Dramatic Muse" and the Allegorical Painting to the Dome of the Auditorium, representing the twenty-four Hours, are designed and executed by Mr. A. J. Black. Palms and Natural Flowers supplied by Anderson's Nurseries, Hampstead, N.W. The Furnishing of the Stage by A, H. Brown, 392, Fulham Road, London, S.W. Evening performances – Doors open at 7.45; Commence at 8. Matinee – Doors open 2.15; Commence at 2.30. Early Doors to avoid the Crush – Matinee 1.45 to 2.15; Evening 7.15 to 7.45, sixpence extra to Pit Stalls, Balcony, Pit and Gallery. Prices: - Private Boxes, £2 2s. and £1 1s,; Orchestra Stalls 5s.; Dress Circle, 4s & 3s.; Balcony 2s. 6d. & 2s.' Pit Stalls, 2s.; Pit, 2s; Gallery, 6d. Infants in arms not admitted. Box office from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. (Telephone No : 328 King's Cross). Where seats can be booked in advance.
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