Designed and produced under the direction of Edward Gordon Craig.
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Much Ado About Nothing, 29 August-2 September 1904, Image 1 of 7
L. Thomas & Son, Established 50 Years. Telephone No., 669. Decorators, Plumbers, Carpenters, & General Contractors. By Examination Certified Inspectors and Associates of the Sanitary Institute of Great Britain. Registered Plumbers Members of the Society of Arts. By Appointment Sanitary Inspectors to the Clifton College, Clifton High School, Diocesan Training College, Bristol Eye Hospital, and other Establishments. And Consulting Sanitary Specialists to the Medical Officer of Health, Long Ashton Rural District. 41, 42, 43, and 44 Triangle, Clifton, Bristol. Prince's Theatre, Bristol. Proprietor and Manager. James Macready Chute. Reconstructed, remodelled, and Redecorated under the direction of Frank Matcham, Esq., of London. Fry's "Five Boys" Milk Chocolate. Desperation. Pacification. Expectation. Acclamation. Realization (It's Fry's). Can be obtained at Theatre Bars.
Much Ado About Nothing, 29 August-2 September 1904, Image 2 of 7
Charles Desprez, Established over half a century. Goldsmith Silversmith, Watch and Clock Maker. 86, Park Street. Repairing, Etc., on the premises. Old Gold, Antiques & Silver bought for Cash or taken in Exchange. Box Office open 9.30 to 4 : Saturdays, 9.30 to 2, also during Performances. Telephone 560. Telegrams – "Chute, Bristol." Booking Plan Princes Theatre Bristol. Proprietor and Manager James Macready Chute. Telephone [?] [?] [?] - Chute Bristol. Special: Note – Seats booked by Telephone will not be retained after 7.30, unless previously paid for. To prevent errors, Telephone Messages regarding Seats should be immediately ratified by letter. Vowles & Sons Castle Street, Brushes, Mats, Games, Screens. Insall's Trunks & Bags. Repairs. Are the best.
Admission Orchestra Stalls, 5s. Fauteuils, 4s. Dress Circle, 4s. Balcony, 3s. Upper Circle and Amphitheatre, 2s. Pit, 1s. Gallery, 6d. (Matinees, 1s). Private Boxes, £2 2s. and £1 5s. Children in Arms not admitted. All juveniles must be paid for. No Money returned. Notice. Doors Open at 7.10. Commence at 7.30pm. Early Doors (through Separate Entrances) to all parts, from 6.30 to 7.10 on payment of 6d. extra. Opera glasses may be obtained from the Attendants. Hire for the evening, 6d each. Box Office in the Vestibule (under the direction of Miss M. Goldney) open from 9.30 to 4; Saturdays, 9.30 to 2, also during the Performances. Bath, seats may be booked at Milsom's Music Warehouse. Weston Super Mare. Seats may be booked at Millier's Music Warehouse, Handel House, Waterloo Street. Tradesmen are notified not to supply Goods to the Theatre without a Printed Order Form signed by the Management. Acting Manager and Treasurer, Mr. F. S. Green. Stage Manager, Mr Henry Turner, Musical Director – Mr. G. R. Chapman. Telephone (Box Office) No. 560 : (Mr. Chute's Office) No. 561. Telegraphic Address – "Chute, Bristol." Special Note – Seats retained by Telephone will not be reserved after 7.30 p.m., unless previously paid for. To prevent errors Telephone Messages regarding Seats should be immediately ratified by letter. Members of the Bristol Marine Ambulance Corps are on duty in the Theatre during the hours of performance. Bristol Goldsmiths Alliance. Telegraphic Address – "Alliance, Bristol" Telephone No. 1165. 30 College Green, Bristol for Silver Wedding Presents. Edwards & Armstrong. Central office : 4 Colston Street, Bristol. Telephone 154 . The Electric Fans in the Balcony, Grand Saloon, and Pit lounge are being installed by us. We make this class of work a Speciality and Guarantee Satisfaction. Dyer & Co., Ltd., High Class Costumiers, 79, 81, 83 Park Street, Bristol.
Much Ado About Nothing, 29 August-2 September 1904, Image 3 of 7
J. F. Taylor & Son, for smart up-to-date garments in Ladies' wear. At popular prices J.F. Taylor & Son 32 and 33 College Green, Bristol. The Don Association Queen's Road, Clifton, high-class deport for Gentlemen and their sons to procure clothing and hosiery of every description. (New showrooms opened for Tailoring Department). Ladies and girls' costumes. School outfits a specialite. GEO. Corner & Co., Tea Experts, Coffee and Cocoa Merchants, Old Post Office Tea Warehouse. Telephone No. 1804. Bristol. Clifton Branch-6 The Mall, Brislington-1 Kensington Hill. F.F. Sladen Art Needlework Deport 11 Queen's Road, Clifton. Splendid selection traced goods. All necessary requisites for Needlework. Best Quality Berlin Knitting Wools Etc.
The Bristol United Breweries. Old Beers, Ales, and Stouts. Home Brewed. Monday, August 29th, 1904, for six nights and Matinee, Thursday, September 1st, at 2 p.m. Miss Ellen Terry and her company. Monday and Tuesday, August 29th and 30th, and Friday, September 2nd, "Much Ado About Nothing." Wednesday, August 31st, and Saturday, September 3rd, "The Good Hope," to be followed by "Nance Oldfield." Thursday, September 1st Matinee at 2, and at 7.30, "The Merchant of Venice." General Manager (for Miss Ellen Terry) – Mr. Alfred Courtenay, Acting Manager – Mr. Thomas J. Courtly, Advance Representative – Mr. G. Aubrey Hall, Stage Manager – Mr. Charles LA Trobe, Musical Director – Mr. Christopher Wilson. Pianos. See new list just issued by the oldest established firm in the city. W. Brunt & Sons, St. Augustine's Bristol (Tramway Centre.) Organs. Pianos exchanged repaired or tuned. Pianos ! £5 to ¢150. New and from hire by best English and Foreign Makers. Hire Purchase from 10/6 per month. The best value at the lowest prices.
Much Ado About Nothing, 29 August-2 September 1904, Image 4 of 7
R. Griffiths, ladies & gentlemen's hairdresser, SS Whiteladies Road, Clifton (over the Arcade) (opposite Ashgrove Road). Antiseptic process throughout. Private rooms for ladies. Lady Assistants. F. W. Crane & Co. High-class gents' outfitters. Ladies' hosiery and gloves and travelling requisites of every description. Oxford House, 79 Park Street, Bristol. Bain & Co. Eyesight specialists. All questions relative to eyesight or glasses answered willingly. Eyesight testing rooms 29 St. Augustine's Parade. Walter D. Merrell, specialist for ladies' blouses. Inspection invited. An immense variety to select from. Exclusive styles, moderate prices. Perfection in cut and finish. 34 College Green (opposite Cathedral). "As you make your beds so you must lie." Contractors to H.M. Government for sweet and clean bedding. For invalid furniture go to B. Maccs & Ci., 4 Royal Promenade, Clifton. Duck, Son & Pinker from Pianos the largest stock and lowest prices in Bristol. Monday and Tuesday, August 29th and 30th, and Friday, September 2nd, 1904, Shakespeare's comedy Much Ado About Nothing Don Pedro (Prince of Aragon) – Mr. Charles Thursby, Don John (his Bastard Brother) – Mr. T. A. Shannon, Claudio (a Young Lord of Florence) – Mr. E. Harcourt Williams, Benedick (a Young Lord of Padua) – Mr. Matheson Lang, Leonato (Governor of Messina) – Mr. George Fitzgerald, Antonio (his Brother) – Mr. J. S. Hamilton, Balthazar (Attendant on Don Pedro) – Mr. Penderel Price, Borachio (follower of Don Jon) – Mr. Alfred Bucklaw, Conrade (follower of Don Jon) – Mr. Eustace Le Grand, Dogberry Two City Officers – Mr. John Willes, Verges Two City Officers – Mr. Charles Whittle, Friar Francis – Mr. Halliwell Hobbes, A Sexton – Mr. Paul Burnard, A Boy – Miss Phyllis Carr, Oatcake – Mr. Goodwin Nock, Seacole – Mr. Charles A. Staite, Watchman – Mr. John Churcher, 2nd Watchman – Mr. James Howe, Messenger – Mr. Leonard Craske, Hero – Miss Hutin Britton, Margaret – Miss Edith King, Ursula – Miss Penelope Wheeler, Beatrice – Miss Ellen Terry. Garaway & Co. offer "Only the Best" Hyancinths from 13 – per 100. Tulips from 3/- per 100; Narcissus from 1.9 per 100. Crocus from 8 – per 1000. 15 per cent discount off the above or Catalogue Prices for Cash with Order. Catalogues post Free on application. Garaway & Co. Durdham Down Nuseries, Clifton, Bristol. F. K. Lewis & Co Limited. "The Ladies' Tailors." Ladies' Coat and Skirt from 2 ½ Guineas. Gent's Frock Coat and Vest from 45/- Gent's Solid Worsted Trouserings from 10/6 A Good Business Suit 42/- Lewis for Style, Fit, and Satisfaction. Top of Union Street. Thomas Salt & Co., Limited, Brewers, Burton-on-Trent. Prize Medal Ales and Stout. The Pale Ale, on draught, in Brilliant Condition at the Bars of this Theatre. These celebrated Ales and Stouts in cash and bottle can be obtained from C. Tuckett, 24 park St., & 88 Stokes Croft. Brooke & Prudencio Limited, highest class Soda, Seltzer. Potass. &C., Waters. Supplied at the Theatre Bars. Cole & Pottow, Ltd., Tailors and Juvenile Outfitters, Lower Maudlin Street, Bristol. Cole & Pottow, Ltd., Lower Maudlin Street, Bristol, for Suits and Hoisery. Rogers Ales. Rogers Ales.
Much Ado About Nothing, 29 August-2 September 1904, Image 5 of 7
T. Harris & Sons. Great Sporting and Games Depot. Wine Street, Bristol. [?]: Tower Lane, Warehouses: The Pithay. Telephone 452. Buy direct from Kepple's Clare Street Bristol. China and Glass of every possible description. (Carriage Paid) Government Appointments. Royal Commission, Paris, 1900. South Australian Government, 1904. (Visitors are cordially invited to walk through our showrooms). Jameson's Dublin Stouts. "Invalids." To be obtained at the Bars of this Theatre. For Price List apply H. W. Jones, Sole Agent, Christmas Street, Bristol. Mesdames Clarke & Co., high class milliners, 11 North Street, Bristol, After Season Sale. Bluthner Pianos. Sole Agents. C. Milson & Son, 82 Park Street, Bristol. The most popular and delightful resort in Bristol. Lloyd's Oriental Café, Ltd. Centre of Wine Street. Dainty Afternoon Teas, Light Refreshments. Carter's Bristol. Soda Water and Dry Ginger Ale.
House Cleaning by the New Vacuum process. Cleans thoroughly carpets, upholstered furniture, tapestry, curtains, bedding, draperies, &c., without removal. Effective, economical. Sanitary. Full Particulars of the Agents. (Telephone 7126.) Fosters, Dyers, Cleaners and Launderers Westbury-on-Trym, and Branches. Synopsis of Scenery, Act 1, Scene – Leonato's House, Act 2, Scenes 1, 2, and 3 – Leonato's Garden, Scene 4 – A Street, Act 3, Scene – A Church, Act 4, Scene 1 – A Prison, Scene 2 – Leonato's Garden, Scene 3 – Monument to Leonato, Scene 4 – Leonato's Garden. Programme of Music. Overture – "Shakespeare" – M. S. Entr'acte – "Songs without Words" - [?], Scene – "Sevillana" - Elgar, Prelude – "Lohengrin" - [?], March – "Solver Trumpets" – Vieant, Intermezzo – "Thy Star" - [?]. The Scenery of this Theatre is rendered Non-inflammable by The Fire Resisting Corporation, Ltd. During the vacation Electric Fans have been provided for the better ventilation of the Balcony, Grand Saloon, and Pit Lounge. The Fireproof Curtain is lowered and raised at every Performance. Highest International Award. In cask. In bottle. Anglo Bavarian. Pale Ales & Stouts. Offices – 18 Clare Street. On Sale in the Bars of this Theatre. Vienna Melbourne Sydney Paris.
Much Ado About Nothing, 29 August-2 September 1904, Image 6 of 7
Tuning 100 Miles round Bristol. Pianos by Broadwood, Bechstein, Erard, &c. Ernest Crichton Organs. Piano players on hire or hire purchase. Music Library. Clifton, Bristol & Cheltenham. Goldsmith & Silver-Smith. W. S. Kerrick. 76 Park Street, Bristol. To Let. For choice Dessert Fruit Fuidge Bros., 45 Queen's Road, Clifton. Central Coal Co., Black Boy Hill, Bristol. Write for local price List or prices of any Coal delivered to any station. To Let. Pleasance & Harper, Watchmakers and Jewellers, 4 Wine Street, for Diamond, Wedding and Keeper Rings.
Monday, September 5, 1904, Mr. George Dances No.1 Company in A Country Girl. Matinee, Thursday, September 8th, at 2 p.m. Monday, September 12, 1904, Mr. George Edwardes' Co. in the great Gaiety success The Orchid. Late Trains to leave at P.M. Day. Westson-super-Mare Temple Mead 11.20 Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, Clevedon Temple Mead 11.20 Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, Portishead Temple Mead 11.15 Thursdays, Bath Temple Mead 11.0 Daily, Trowbridge Temple Mead 11.0 Daily, Limpley Stoke Temple Mead 11.0 Tuesdays, Bradford-on-Avon Temple Mead 11.0 Wednesdays, and Saturdays, Frome Temple Mead 11.0 Saturdays, Mangotsfield, Clifton Down 10.28 Daily, Mangotsfield St. Philip's 10.40 & 11.23 Daily, Warmley & Bitton St. Philip's 11.23 Saturdays, Gloucester Temple Mead 11.35 Daily (except Saturdays), Ashley hill, Filton, Winterbourne, Coalpit Heath and Chipping Sodbury Temple Mead 11.20 Saturdays, Yate Temple Mead 11.35, Thursdays, Charfield (for Wotton under Edge) Temple Mead 11.35 Daily (except Saturdays) Night Bath Temple Mead 12.20 Daily, Chippenham Temple Mead 12.20 Daily, Swindon Temple Mead 12.20 Daily, Hereford Temple Mead 12.25 Daily, Newport Temple Mead 12.55 Daily, Cardiff Temple Mead 12.55 Daily. Bath – Setas may now be booked at Messrs. Milson & Son's Music Warehouse, Milsom Street. Weston-super-Mare – Seats may now be booked at Mr. Millier's Music Warehouse, Handel House, Waterloo Street. Electric cars, connecting all parts of the City, pass the Theatre every few minutes. Last car leaves park row for Redland at 11.15 for Old Market at 11.35 for Eastville at 0.46 for Centre at 10.56. Last car leaves centre for Brislington at 11.3 for Hanham at 10.55, for Hanham (Marling Road) at 11.21 for Hotwells at 11.12 for Arno's Vale at 11.35 for Horfield at 11.20 for Fishponds at 11.10. Last from Old Market for Marling Road, 11.32 p.m. passengers (to and from Redland) attending the performance can ride to or from the Theatre Doors for the Penny Fare.
Much Ado About Nothing, 29 August-2 September 1904, Image 7 of 7
F. O. Worth & Co., 65 Queen's Road, (Triangle), Clifton, and 217 Cheltenham Road, Bristol, Family Wine, Spirit, and Ale Merchants. Worth's "Queen's Quality" Port Sold at the Bars of this Theatre. Worth's Pure Malt Whiskies. For the best value in Furniture Carpets and all furnishing requisites, proceed direct to Laverton, Webb, & Co., Ltd. (Late Laverton & Co.), 48, 50 and 52 Queen's Road, Bristol. Cathos (Regd.) is the finest extra superfine self-raising flour used in hundreds of homes with the greatest satisfaction. Ibach Pianos Ibach Pianos Ibach Pianos Ibach Pianos. The most durable Pianos in the world. Obtainable only of Churchill & Son, Ltd. 66 Park Street, Bristol. T & W. Goulding Printers and Stationers, 6 Nelson Street, Bristol.