1900 - 1909Other Shakespeare performances
5-7 May 1904

Much Ado About Nothing (etc.)

Location New Theatre, St Andrews Road, Cambridge, UK
Plays performed Much Ado About Nothing; Henry VIII


Date 5 May 1904
Play(s) Much Ado About Nothing; Henry VIII
Production Date(s) 5 May 1904 to 7 May 1904
Venue New Theatre
Venue address Cambridge
Time of performance 2.30pm 8.15pm
Producer Edward Gordon Craig
Stage Manager Fred Boustead
Scene Designer Edward Gordon Craig
Costume Maker Ailsa Craig [Edith Craig]
Conductor T. Gilby Briggs
Music Director Christopher Wilson
Document ID ET-D297 Original record
Held by The British Library
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New Theatre Cambridge box office at the Theatre open daily from 11 to 7. Managing Director: - W.B. Redfern. J.P. D.L.

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New Theatre. Cambridge (Ltd.) Managing Director – Mr. W. B. Redfern. J.P., D.L. Three nights and a Matinee. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 5, 6 & 7, 1904, at 8:15, and a Matinee on Saturday, May 7, at 2:30. Visit of England's greatest actress Miss Ellen Terry, and her entire London Company. Friday, May 6th, Shakespeare's Comedy at 8:15, and Saturday Matinee, May 7th, at 2.30. Shakespeare's Comedy Much Ado About Nothing. Designed and produced under the direction of Mr. Edward George Craig. Don Pedro (Prince of Aragon) – Mr. Charles Thursby, Don John (his Bastard Brother) – Mr. William Luff, Claudio (a young Lord of Florence) – Mr. E. Harcourt Williams, Benedick, (a young Lord of Padua) – Mr. Matheson Lang, Leonato, (Governor of Messina) – Mr. George Fitzgerald, Antonio (his Brother) – Mr. T. A. Shannon, Balthazar (attendant on Don Pedro) – Mr. Penderel Price, Followers of Don John, Borachio Mr. Hubert Carter, Conrade – Mr. F. H. Darch, Two City Officers, Dogberry – Mr. William Cuthbert, Verges – Mr. Charles Whittle, Friar Francis – Mr. Halliwell Hobbes, A Sexton – Mr. Leonard Craske, A Boy – Miss Penelope Wheeler, Oatcake – Mr. Paul Burnard, Seacole – Mr. Bert Zardi, Watchman – Mr. John Church, 2nd Watchman – Mr. Charles A. Staite, Messenger – Mr. J. S. Hamilton, Hero – Miss Hutin Britton, Margaret – Miss Audrey Campbell, Ursula – Miss Edith King, Beatrice – Miss Ellen Terry Act 1. Scene - Leonato's House. Act 2. Scenes 1, 2 & 3 - Leonato's Garden. Scene 4 – A Street. Act 3. Scene - A Church. Act 4. Scene 1 - A Prison. Scene 2 - Leonato's Garden. Scene 3 - Monument of Leonato. Scene 4 - Leonato's Garden. All Scenery carried by Miss Ellen Terry's Company. Dresses by Miss Ailsa Craig. For New Theatre Co. For Miss Terry Managing Director – Mr. W. B. Redfern, Secretary Mr. Herbert Hall, Manager – Mr. Alfred Courtenay, Stage Manager – Mr. Fred Boustead, Musical Director – Mr. Christopher Wilson, Advance Representative – Mr. G. Aubrey Hall. Selections from the following will be played by the Orchestra during the intervals (under the conductorship of Mr. T. Gilby Briggs). Overture "Hunyadi Laszlo" – Erkel, Three Dances from Henry VIII – E. German (By kind permission of Sir Henry Irving), Suite Poetique – (a) Souvenir, (b) Gavotte, (c) Bereeuse, (d) March. – Josef Block, Selection "Tannhauser" – Wagner, Nell Gwyn Dance – German. Ladies' and Gentlemen's cloak rooms. Refreshments at this Theatre supplied by the management. Tea, coffee, ices, &c. Wines & spirits of the Best Quality. Opera Glasses on Hire, 6d. To be had at the Box Office or of the Attendants. Saturday evening, May 7th at 8.15, a Triple Bill; A New One Act Play. Punchinello, two scenes from Henry VIII. and Nance Oldfield. Matinee Saturday, May 7, at 2.30, ‘Much Ado about Nothing'. J. G. Buol, Swiss Café and Restaurant, 17, King's Parade, opposite King's Chapel. Excellent tea, coffee, chocolate, freshly made for each customer. High class dining, coffee, smoking and private rooms. Breakfast, luncheons, or dinner a la Carte at any time. Table d'hote from 6 till 9 p.m. Buol's celebrated for home-made chocolate sweets, and caramels of the finest quality. Caterers for Balls, Garden Parties, Weddings, etc. Estimates given. The original makers of Enamelled College Arms Jewellery. Safeties from 3/- to 30/-. L. & F. Cole, 5 and 6, Market Street, Silversmiths & Jewellers. The Pioneers of Automobilism in Cambridge. The Cambridge Autocar Co., Ltd. Automobile Engineers & Agents. Garage: Hills Road, Office: 2 Glisson Road, Telephone : 0279. Cars for Hire. Whitmore's Old Irish & Scotch Whiskies. John Jameson's Irish matured in Sherry Butts, Ross & Cameron's Scotch "Old Highland Blends", John Hopkins & Co.'s Scotch "Old Mull Blend." Whitmore & Co.'s 10 years old Irish & Scotch. Downing Street and Trinity Street. Established 1761. Telephone 104. Hattersley Bros. (Late Woollard & Hattersley), University Providers. Agents for – Kennaway & Co's limited. Noted Wines and Spirits. Champagnes. Bollinger, Heidsieck, G.H. Mumm, &c. Prices on Application 5 & 6 Trinity Street, Cambridge. Newman's University Billiard Rooms. Guildhall Street. Where W. J. Peall made the Great Break. 1989. Per 1s. 6d. hour. Eight exhibition tables. By Messrs. Burroughes and Watts. Established 1877. J. J. Newman, Proprietor. Barker's Mineral Waters supplied at all the Bars in this Theatre. Established 1810. National Telephone No. 53. J. F. Miller & Sons, Wine, Spirit and Liqueur Importers, 14, Bene't Street, & 38, Trinity Street. Sole Importers of "Delpierre & Fils" Champagne. "Para Brand" Australian Burgundy. Choice Liqueur 10 years old Irish & Scotch. Price List and Samples on application. All enquiries for advertising spaces to be made to the Managing Director, New Theatre, Cambridge, Limited.

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Baily, Grundy & Barrett, Lt., Electrical Engineers. 2, St. Mary's Passage, Cambridge. Electric Lighting for Theatricals, Balls, etc. Lime Light/ Electric Lighting Plants, Telephone, Electric Bells Erected and Maintained. All Work Guaranteed. John G. Murdoch & Co., Ltd., 18a, Regent St., Cambridge. Sole Agents for Spencer Pianos Gold Medal, 1890 over 30,000 sold. Malcolm Organs. Two Medals from 7 to 50 Guineas. Fair Hire Terms, Liberal Cash Discount. Pianos on hire. From £2 2s. per Term. Sheet Music, London Prices. John Howes & Sons, (Established 1840) renumbered 42 & 44, Regent Street, Cambridge. Manufacturers of this Granata Cycles. Swift, Singer, Lea-Francis and Motor Cycles. Telephone No. 0350 Cambridge: 054 Newmarket. Petrol Salve and Soap, for eczema and all skin troubles. The Salve heals Cuts, Sores, Burns, Bites of Insects, etc., in Record Time. Non-poisonous. Veterinary salve and dog soap. Speciality – Shaving soap and cream. Sample Box, 1/9 from Petrol, Ltd., Union Road, Cambridge. Regent Street, Cambridge. Otto Wehrle for Wedding Presents, Otto Wehrle for Birthday Presents, Otto Wehrle for Watches and Clocks, Otto Wehrle for Silver and Electro-plate, Otto Wehrle for Wedding Rings, Otto Wehrle for Engagement Rings. Keepers and Jewellery of every description. Gold fitted Spectacles and Folders. 26, Petty Cury, Cambridge. Pianos for hire! All the best makes in stock at G. C. Bedwell, Ltd., 1, St. Mary's Passage and Cecilia House. Agency for Bechstein, Rud : Ibach, Brinsmead, &c. Allsopp's celebrated Ales & Stouts (In Cask or Bottle) of all Merchants in Cambridge, also on draught and in bottle at the Bars of this Theatre. Established 1851. Birkbeck Bank Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. Current Accounts. 2% on the minimum monthly balance when not drawn below £100. 2½% deposit accounts on Deposits, repayable on demand. Stocks and Shares. Stocks and Shares purchased and sold for customers. The Birkbeck Almanack with full particulars, post free. C. A. Havenscroft. Managing Director. Typewriting (Remington) Miss Hurry, 9a, Maid's Causeway, Cambridge. Author's MSS., Specifications, Testimonials, Letters, Notes, Sermons, Examination Papers, &c., carefully Typed or Duplicated. Price Lists on Application. Miller's Pianos (For Hire 6, Sidney Street). Fabb & Tyler Printers, Cambridge.

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

Did you know?

Ellen Terry was on tour in Australia and New Zealand when the First World War broke out.

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