The Merchant of Venice, 25-30 April 1904, Image 1 of 5
The King's Theatre Sole Owner and Manager – J. B. Mulholland. Business Manager – Mr. Lawson Lambert. Programme prices. Private Boxes: 63/-, 52/6, 42/-, 31/6, and 21/- (Single Seats in Private Boxes, 7/6). Orchestra Stalls: 5/- and 4/- Grand Circle: 5/ & 1/-; Family Circle: 3/- [?] no extra charges. Pit Stalls : 2/6 ; Amphitheatre : 1/-. Pit: 1/- (Tip-up Upholstered Seats). Gallery: 6d (Upholstered Velvet Seats). The "Morning Post" says – "On Velvet for sixpence".
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The Merchant of Venice, 25-30 April 1904, Image 2 of 5
Bord's Pianos. 25 per cent discount for cash, or 1[?]. 6d per month (second-hand 10s. 6d. per month - on this Three Years' System. Lists free of C. Stiles & Co [?] and 76. Southampton Row, London, W.C. Removed from 40 & 42 Southampton Row. Pianos exchanged. Bechstein Pianos. These magnificent pianos for hire on the Three Years' System, at advantageous prices and turns. Lists and particulars free of Chas. Stiles & Co., 74 & 76 Southampton Row, London, W.C. The safest theatre in the world. Not only are the walls, staircases, floors, auditorium, roofs, etc., of this Theatre constructed of stone, brick, concrete, and steel and therefore absolutely fireproof: but the "Flios" over the stage are of concrete, all wood work of the stage itself has been rendered non-inflammable, and all ordinary wood partitions, etc., in the auditorium have been similarly fire-proofed. The "King's" is in these respects the most up-to-date and, it is believed, the safest Theatre in the world. Notice. The Spacious Saloons and Bars of this Theatre are now open for the Sale of all Wines, Spirits, Liqueurs, Tea, Coffee, Chocolate, Oxo, Soda, Lemonade, &c., at the most reasonable prices and in the most comfortable circumstances. This Department is under the direct control of the Management and is not intended to be a fine upon the patrons of the Theatre, but rather an adjunct to their comfort and convenience, so that the quality of all articles supplied may be absolutely relied on. For spaces upon this programme please apply the Advertising Manager King's Theatre. The King's Theatre is a few minutes' walk from the Metropolitan, the district, and the L. & S. W. Rv. Stations on the Broadway, from which the magnificent Electric Trains run to Kew Bridge, Brentford, Hounslow, &c. The "Tube" Station at Shepherd's Bush, and the Addison Road Station are within easy reach. It occupies a commanding position on the great main go through Kensington, Hammersmith, and Chiswick, and is close to Barnes, Walham Green, Shepherd's Bush, Brook Green, Holland Park, Fulham, &c. N.B – The Theatre is a few hundred yards outside the Cab Radius, the limit being by St. Paul's Schools. All roads are "King's" Highways :
Palmer's Stores, Ltd. Tea. Cheapest & Best Stores in West London. Price Lists on Application. Departments Grocery, Provision, Meat, Confectionary, Bakery, Fruit, Vegetables, Fish, Ironmongery, Turnery, China and Glass, Drugs, Coals, Catering, Cooked Meats. Notice. The public can leave the Theatre at the end of the performance by all exits and entrance doors. The fire-resisting curtain will be lowered at least once every evening to ensure it's being in proper working order. Smoking is not permitted in the auditorium. All gangways, passages and stair cases shall be kept free from chairs or any other obstructions, whether permanent or temporary. Mr. Alfred C. Toone Musical Director. King's Theatre. Bands provided for Garden Parties, Receptions, etc. Pupils received for Violin, Viola and Pianoforte. The leading house in the locality for pianos, organs and musical instruments of every description. Note address:– F. R. Bird & Co., 365, King St., Hammersmith. Opposite Young's Corner. The Kings Theatre (Hammersmith Road), Hammersmith, W. Owner and Manager, J.B. Mulholland. Telephone 119. Hammersmith Box Office at the Theatre open from 10 to 10 (no Charge for Booking), and seats may be booked at Messrs. Keith Prowse, and all libraries. Business Manager – Mr. Lawson Lampert. Musical Director – Mr. Alfred C. Toone. G. Burn[?] [?] 16a, Broadway, Hammersmith (Opposite the Town Hall) Gentlemen carefully waited on. Ladies' Combings made up to any Design. Where to get your cigars, cigarettes & Tobacco before & after the play. Central Cigar & Tobacco Stores also hair cutting and shaving saloon. Note address – 221a Hammersmith Road, W. Luncheons, teas, suppers Clarendon Hotel. Three doors from District railway Station. Table d'Hote 6 to 9.30 – 2s. Suppers after the performance. [?] room open 11 to 12.
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The Merchant of Venice, 25-30 April 1904, Image 3 of 5
The Hop Poles Hotel King Street, Hammersmith. [?] house for fine old Scotch Whisky. 1s ordinary every day from 12.30 till 2.30. Tea, coffee, chops and steaks at any time. Billiard room (2 tables) on ground floor. Bass & Co's Pale Ale and Barclay & Perkins 3 guinea stout only on draught. A separate [?] for Ladies. Proprietor Jas Fleming. Manager Geo Stevenson. J.M. Levy & Co. Tailors. Clothes, juvenile outfitters, hatters and hosiers. 22a & 24, king Street Hammersmith. Established over 30 years. First class West End cutters only employed. Large stock, low prices. Largest selection of all the newest and smartest goods for gents, and boys' wear. Illustrated price list post free on application. James Hunt & Co. Drapers & Complete House furnishers. 42, 44, 45, 52, 58, 60, 62, 68 & 76. King Street, Hammersmith. Branch establishment 5, The Quadrant, Richmond. Note – A House of any magnitude furnished throughout from stock in three days. L. Finney & Co. Glass and China Merchants Hammersmith and City. Potters to H. M. Government. Established 18.12. The Swan Hotel, Broadway, Hammersmith . Restaurant open from 12 a.m to 12 p.m. Table D'Hote luncheon 1s 6d. Commercial Ordinary 1s. Suppers after the Theatre. Wine bar & tea room now open. (Entrance to King Street lobby) downstairs. Refreshments at moderate prices. Sussex [?] laundry dyeing and cleaning works, 92c, Fulham Palace Road. West Kensington, W. Price List on Application. W. H. Payne complete House and Hotel Furnisher. 178a, king Street, and 1, Dalling Road, Hammersmith. W. Mayer & Co., picture frame manufacturers, mount cutters, gilders, and fine art dealers. 191, Hammersmith Road, W., (opposite this Theatre) and 22, The Pavement, Chiswick, E., 5000 different designs in moulding kept in stock. Thousands of Frames to select from. Leather kit bags, Gladstone bags, dress baskets. Byron Hunt, Ironmonger 84-88 King St, Hammersmith. [?] cooking stoves, garden tools. Before the play, after the play and during intervals visit the "Red Cow Hotel,". One minute walk left of this Theatre, wines, spirits, malt liqueurs and cigars of the finest quality. Billiards (2 tables) ground floor. Luncheon, teas, and suppers. W. brown, Proprietor. Rowan Cycle & Co. Cycle Warehouse 223, Hammersmith Road (opposite Theatre) Telephone 80 Hammersmith. Cycles stored. Built to order. Repairs quickly executed. Lessons given on the premises. Monday, April 25th 1904 and nightly at 8 also. Matinee, Much Ado about Nothing. Thursday April 28th at 2.30. Mr Mulholland has the honour to announce Miss Ellen Terry and her entire company. Monday & Saturday nights, April 25th and 30th. The Merchant of Venice. Duke of Venice – Mr George Fitzgerald, Prince of Morocco (Suitor to Portia) –Mr William Luff, Antonio (a Merchant of Venice) Mr Charles Thursby, Bassanio ( his friend, suitor to Portia) - Mr Matheson Lang, Lorenza in love with Jessica - Mr T. A. Shannon, Friends to Antonio and Bassanio – Gratiano – Mr E. Harcourt Williams, Salarino – Mr. F. H. Darch, Solanio – Mr. Halliwell Hobbs, Shylock (a Jew) Mr Hubert Carter, Tubal (a Jew, his friend) – Mr Leonard Craske, Launcelot (a Clown, Servant to Shylock and afterwards Servant to Bassanio) – Mr. William Cuthbert, Old Gobbo (Father to Launcelot) Mr. Charles Whittle, Servants to Portia – Balthazar – Mr. Paul Burnand, Stephano – Mr. Penderel Price, Nerissa (Waiting Maid to Portia) Miss Audrey Campbell, Jessica (daughter of Shylock) – Miss Hutin Britton, Portia (a Rich Heiress) Miss Ellen Terry. Manificoes of Venice, Officers of the Court of Justice, Gaolers, Servants to Portia, and Other Attendants. Dresses by Miss Ailsa Craig. Act 1 – Venice. Act 2, Scenes 1 and 2 – Venice. Scenes 2 and 4 – A Street in Venice. Act 3. Scenes 1 and 3 – Portia's House, Belmont. Scenes 2 and 4 – A Street in Venice. Scene 5 – Portia's House, Belmont. Act 4 – a Court of Justice, Venice. Act 5 – The Garden. There will be no interval between Acts 1 and 2. Established 1851. Birkbeck Bank. Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London. Invested funds ten millions. 2½% deposit account. Repayable on demand. The Birkbeck Almanack with full particulars. Post Free. C. A. Ravenscroft. Managing Director. J.F. Hone Jeweller and Silversmith (From Fraser Hawes, Regent St) 181, King Street, Hammersmith, London, W. By appointment to H.R.H The Princess of Wales. Spencer Pianos. Supplied on easy terms and delivered on first payment. Thos. G. Taylor. 159, King Street, Hammersmith. N.B – price List and Terms Free to Post. For Miss Ellen Terry Business Manager - Mr. Alfred Courtenay, Stage Manager – Mr. Fred Boustead. Week's Programme of Plays: - Miss Ellen Terry will Appear in the following plays: Monday and Saturday nights – The Merchant of Venice Miss Ellen Terry as "Portia". Tuesday night & Thursday Matinee and Night – Much Ado About Nothing Miss Ellen Terry as "Beatrice". Wednesday night–(this night only) The Good Hope (New play first London production) Miss Ellen Terry as "Kniertje." Special triple bill Friday Night – Punchinello Scenes from Henry VIII Miss Ellen Terry as "Queen Katherine" and Nance Oldfield, Miss Ellen Terry as "Mistress Anne Oldfield". Notice: for the entertainment of early comers Mr Mulholland has arranged that in addition to the overture prior to the rise of the curtain, the Orchestra will play a short interval after the opening of the doors. The "King's" Orchestra. Under the direction of Mr. Alfred C. Toone, will play the following Selections: Overture Are "Fingal's Cave" - [?]. a Duet (flute and clarinet) "[?] hear the gentle Lark" – Bishop. Messrs, Booth & Frye b "[?] de Jocelyn" – Godard. Allegro Moderato from "Unfinished Symphony" – Schubert. Andante con Moto from "Unfinished Symphony" – Shubert. a Cello Solo "Schlummerlied" – Squire. b Moreau Mr. A. Wolff "Salut D'Amour" – Elgar. Ladies are respectfully informed that Hats and Bonnets are not allowed to Private Boxes Orchestra Stalls, or Grand Circle, and Ladies in other parts of the Theatre are requested to remove their hats. This will be much appreciated by the male members of the audience. Next week: The Strand Success - What happened to Jones. Mr. Chas. Arnold in his Original Part and full West-End Company.
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The Merchant of Venice, 25-30 April 1904, Image 4 of 5
Price list application. Victoria Laundry, Great Church Lane, Hammersmith, W. Style, colour and punctuality guaranteed. Up-to-date Bootmaker Richard Dare. The oldest established in Hammersmith– Over 50 years. The largest and smartest stock of footwear in West London. Bespoke and repairs a speciality. 265 & 267 Hammersmith Road. Branch: 37, King Street. 56, Hammersmith Road, W. Military and Civil Tailor and Breeches Maker, F. Cook. By appointment to 2nd Life Guards and Yeomanry. 56, Hammersmith Road, W. Style & value guaranteed at moderate charges. Estimates given for Officers' Outfits for all branches of the Service, Colonial Outfits Etc, Etc. Addresses also at 17, Charles St., St James's S.W. 40, The Common, Woolwich. T. McBride & Sons Established 1838. Kings Theatre Kensington, Hammersmith, Chiswick, &c. Coming events: – The great Drury Lane Play – "Human Nature". The Carl Rosa Grand Opera Co. Presenting a series of grand Operas especially associated with this famous combination. "The Chinese Honeymoon." Now running (over 1000 Times) at the Strand. "The Girl from Kay's" The Famous Actor-Musician. M. Auguste Van Biene, in "The Broken Melody", &c, &c. McNicol's Bread. Awarded Silver Cup, 30 prize medals, and 41 diplomas. At exhibitions all over the country. Try our bread delivered daily 2 ¾D per loaf. Acknowledged by all to be unequalled. Cleveland Bakery. *4, Shepherd's Bush Rd., Shepherd's Bush, W. Credit Tailoring & Boots. B. Woolf & Co., 209, 211, 213, 215, 217, King Street, Hammersmith, W. If you are not able to pay cash we will supply you at the shortest notice with men's suits, over coats, ladies' costumes, boots and shoes of all descriptions. Suit from 25/- to 55/-. Overcoats from 25/- to 50/-. Ladies' Costumes from 20/6. Boots from 10/6.
All the furniture, upholstery, bric-a-brac used on stage furniture in tea room, and Grand Circle Lounge supplied by Arthur H. Brown. 392 to 400, and 517 to 523, Fulham Road, S.W. Florists to the Theatre Messrs. T, Johnson, Fairlawn & Bedford PK. Nurseries, Chiswick, W. Established 1878. Presents : Presents : Presents : The latest Novelties in Fancy Goods suitable for Birthday and Wedding Gifts, etc., at M. A. Child's Fancy Store 172, King Street, Hammersmith. Notice. The spacious Saloons and Bars of this Theatre are now open for the Sale of all Wines, Spirits, Liqueurs, Tea, Coffee, Chocolate, Oxo, Soda, Lemonade, &c., at the most reasonable prices and in the most comfortable circumstances. This Department is under the direct control of the Management and is not intended to be a fine upon the patrons of the Theatre, but rather an adjunct to their comfort and convenience, so that the quality of all articles supplied may be absolutely relied on. The Plays presented at this Theatre will be found to embrace practically All the West-End successes at half West-End Prices.
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The Merchant of Venice, 25-30 April 1904, Image 5 of 5
Rawlings' Royal Mineral Water. As supplied by Royal Warrants to H.M. King Edward VII. H.R.H The Prince of Wales, also to the late Queen Victoria and all the Royal Palaces. May be obtained at the Bars of this Theatre. Miss Baker Select Registry Office 296, King Street West, Hammersmith. [?] [?] [?], Printers, [?] Kennington Park Road [?].
Did you know?
Edith Craig is said to be the model for Miss La Trobe in Virginia Woolf's last novel, Between the Acts (1941).