1900 - 1909Other Shakespeare performances
6 December 1904

The Merchant of Venice

Location Lyric Theatre, Shaftsbury Avenue, London, UK
Plays performed The Merchant of Venice


Date 6 December 1904
Play(s) The Merchant of Venice
Production Date(s) 6 December 1904
Venue Lyric Theatre
Time of performance 2pm
Stage Manager Charles La Trobe
Costume Maker Ailsa Craig [Edith Craig]
Music Director Christopher Wilson
Document ID ET-D320 Original record
Held by The British Library
5 scanned images
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Lyric Theatre. Programme. Price Sixpence.
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The Merchant of Venice, 6 December 1904, Image 2 of 5

There's Strength and Nourishment…combined in a cup of Bouillon made with "Vigoral". ‘Vigoral'. Vigoral is made from the celebrated Armour's Extract of Beef, with the addition of further nourishing constituents and seasoning. "Vigoral" is served at all the Bars of this Theatre, and can be obtained in 2-oz, 4-oz., 8-oz, and 16-oz Bottles from the Attendants. Sold by Grocers and Chemists everywhere. Order "A Cup of Vigoral" from the Attendant. Dewar's Perth Whisky, Bank Goes Saxpence. Springs Homburg Rosbach Table Water on sale at all the Bars. All the Tea and Coffee used in this Theatre is exclusively supplied by Cablan & Co., Coffee and Tea Merchants, 54, Berwick Street, Oxford Street, W. Roasting and Delivery every day. Stagg & Mantle, No 2123. The "Climax." Price 1/3 ¾ per yard. A 20-inch accordion-pleated Mousseline de Soie, with a full fussy ruche on each edge, enabling double frills of equal or unequal depth, to be attached simultaneously. The most ingenious method ever introduced of adapting this most necessary article of ladies' dress; but probably the greatest merit of this useful invention consists in its extreme cheapness. Owing to the support we received from our patrons, we have been enabled to enlarge our contract both as regards quality and extent of colouring ; the shades now stocked, we have no hesitation in stating, cannot be approached by any firm in the world, while the superiority in quality is more than ever maintained. Black, White, Ivory and Cream, and 100 shades. 1/3 ¾ per yd. No. 2124, The Revolution." 20 inches, 1/0 ¾. This is the same quality as "The Climax," but with one ruche only. Stocked in Black, White, and Cream. Colours could be made in a day or two to special order. Special Lines, 42-inch Silk Chiffon. Price 1/0 ¾. The softness and durability of this Chiffon is unequalled at the price. Stocked in Black, White, Ivory, Cream, and nearly 100 shades. 48-inch Silk Chiffon – Price 1/3 ¾ In Black, White and Cream only. Very special value. 44-inch Silk Chiffon – Price 1/11 ¾ Made of fine Silk, and for appearance and wear is equal to similar articles at double the price. In Black, White, Cream and a full range of exquisite tints. Special Line in Accordion-Pleated 6 ¾ d Chiffon, 20 inches wide. In Black, White, and Cream. Pure Silk Crepe – Price 1/6 ¾ per yard, Japonaise. A charming Silk of extreme durability, combined with the softness and brilliancy of Rich Crepe de Chine, and on close inspection is often taken for that very popular article of fashionable dress. We have made quite a study of colour in this particular Silk ; the shades which we now stock leave nothing to be desired, and are suitable for all occasions. Full range of Patterns on application. The ‘Minuet' 15/11 Postage 4d. No 1715. The "Minuet." Price 15/11. A distinguished looking and altogether smart Skirt, produced in Rich quality Japanese Silk, made with a deeply gauged Hip Yoke, Apron trimmed with one row of Insertion and three smart tucks, Sweeping Flounce joined to Apron with gauging, and finished at foot by two tucks and large hem. Price in Ivory Japanese Silk, 15/11. Silk and Lace for Blouse, 4/11 extra. Stocked also in Rose Pink, Pale Blue, Eau de Nil, Turquoise and Black – Price 17/6. Silk and Lace for Blouse 5/11 extra. This Skirt can also be supplied in Soie de Chine, a beautiful new Silk material similar to Crepe de Chine but much more durable. – Price 21/-. Stocked in Black, Ivory, Pink, Turquoise, Pale Blue, Golden Brown, Eau de Nil, and Grey. Length of Silk and Lace for Blouse, 7/6 extra. Stagg & Mantle Leicester Square, London, W.
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The Metzler Piano Plater from £25. Restaurant Dieudonne, Ryder Street, St. James's St. Luncheons – 3s. 6d., Dinners – 7s. 6d., The Celebrated Theatre Dinner – 5s 6.d., Special Sunday Dinners – A Feature – 7s. 6d. No Suppers. Telephone No. 5265 Gerrard. As purchased by Royalty and the World's Greatest Musicians. The world famed "Angelus" Piano-Player. The most perfect, Artistic and humanlike in technique, with instantaneous and complete control of tempo and expression. Testimonial from Mdme. Clara Butt. "I think the ‘Angelus' splendid. Apart from the pleasure it gives one, I am sure it is instructive in every sense of the word. I have heard all the other inventions of the kind, but the ‘Angelus' is far and away the best." Illustrated Catalogue Post Free. J. Herbert Marshall, Angelus Hall, Regent House, 233, Regent Street, London, W. Oowana soap for toilet. If you want a completion of purest perfection, like the cheek of some fabled Sultana. With a delicate bloom, and a dainty perfume, only was with the soap called Oowana. Oowana soap for shaving. Everybody knows that Epps's Cocoa is an admirable food, the nicest and most nutritious beverage for the breakfast table. It is made in a moment with boiling water or milk, and its sterling qualities are appreciated by all. Support Home Industries Bryant & May's Matches. Only are used throughout this Theatre. Employ British Labour. Cossart Gordon & Co's celebrated Port, Sherry & Madeira is exclusively supplied to this Theatre by Frank Warr & Co., Ltd. 6, Duke Street, Adelphi. The renowned Lindt's of Berne & Sprungli's of Zurich swiss choclates. Antoine Dufour, Wholesale and Export Agent, London: 16, Eastcheap, E.C. Lyric Theatre. Lessee – Mr. William Greet. Under the Management of Mr. Tom B Davis. To-day, December 6th, 1904, at 2 p.m, Mr Norman Forbes presents for this Performance only Shakespeare's Comedy – "The Merchant of Venice." Dresses by Miss Ailsa Craig. Duke of Venice – Mr. J. S. Hamilton, Prince of Morocco (Suitor to Portia) – Mr. George Fitzgerald, Antonio (a Merchant of Venice) Mr Charles Thursby, Bassanio ( his Friend, suitor to Portia) – Mr. Matheson Lang, Friends to Antonia and Bassanio – Gratiano – Mr E. Harcourt Williams, Salarino – Mr. Eustace Le Grand, Solanio – Mr. Halliwell Hobbs, Lorenza in love with Jessica - Mr T. A. Shannon, Shylock (a Jew) Mr. Norman Forbes, Tubal (a Jew, Shylock's friend) – Mr. Charles Whittle, Launcelot (a Clown, Servant to Shylock and afterwards Servant to Bassanio) – Mr. John Willes, Old Gobbo (Father to Launcelot) Mr. Leonard Craske, Servants to Portia – Balthazar – Mr. Paul Burnand, Stephano – Mr. Penderel Price, Nerissa (Waiting Maid to Portia) Miss Audrey Campbell, Jessica (Daughter of Shylock) – Miss Hutin Britton, Portia (a Rich Heiress) Miss Ellen Terry. Manificoes of Venice, Officers of the Court of Justice, Gaolers, Servants to Portia, and Other Attendants. Act 1 – Venice. Act 2, Scenes 1 & 3 – Venice. Scenes 2 & 4 – A Street in Venice. Act 3. Scenes 1 & 3 – Portia's House, Belmont. Act 3. Scenes 2 & 4 – A Street in Venice. Scene 5 – Portia's House, Belmont. Act 4 – A Court of Justice, Venice. Act 5 – The Garden, Belmont. There will be no interval between Acts 1 and 2. The whole of the Scenery and Costumes have been kindly lent by Miss Ellen Terry for this performance. The Incidental Music has been Composed and Arranged by Mr. Christopher Wilson. Programme of Music. Overture "Ruy Blas" – Mendelssohn, Overture "Rosamunde" – Schubert, Slavonic Dances – Dvorak, Peer Gynt – Greig, Hungarian Dances – Brahms. For Mr Norman Forbes - Stage Manager – Mr. Charles La Trobe, Assistant Stage Manager – Mr. Charles Whittle, Musical Director – Mr. Christopher Wilson. For Mr. Norman Forbes – General Manager – Mr. Alfred Courtenay, Acting Manager – Mr. Thomas J. Courtly. Extract from the Rules made by the Lord Chamberlain: - 1. The name of the actual and responsible Manager of the Theatre must be printed on every play bill. 2. The Public can leave the Theatre at the end of the performance by all exit and entrance doors, which must open outwards. 3. Where there is a fire-proof screen to the proscenium opening it must be lowered at least once during every performance to ensure its being in proper working order. 4. Smoking is not permitted in the auditorium. 5. All gangways, passages and staircases must be kept free from chairs or any other obstructions, whether permanent or temporary. Prices : - Private Boxes, £5 5s. to £2 2s. Orchestra Stalls, 10s 6d. Balcony Stalls, 7s. 6d. Upper Circle, First Two Rows, 5s ; Other Rows, 4s. Pit, 2s. 6d. Gallery, 1s. Box Office Open 10 to 10. The ‘Kit-Kat' Jersey for Golf, Hockey, etc. Perfect Shape and Fit. Hand-knitted by Swiss Peasantry in the finest quality Andalusian Wool in White with coloured Collars and Cuffs. Also in Colours, Can be worn double-breasted or open. As sketch, price 21/- with fancy tartan collar and cuffs – Second quality – 16/-. Sent on approval. Debenham and Freebody. Wigmore Street, London, W. Liqueurs, Cusenier. Tangerinette (Preferred to all Curacaos), Crème de Menthe, Curacao, Extra Sec, Kummel Triple Sec, Vermouth, &c., &c. "Idol" Brand Liqueurs. Apricot Brandy, Peach Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Cherry Whisky, Orange Brandy, Sloe Gin, &c., &c. Geo. Idle Chapman & Co., Ltd. Sole Agents for Messrs. E. Cusenier Fils Aine & Cie., Paris, Charenton, Cognac, &c., and Proprietors and Manufacturers of the "Idol" Brand Liqueurs. Address: - 6 & 7, St Mary-at-Hill, E.C. Peter Robinson's Limited, High-Class Drapers. Every requisite for Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Wear at Moderate Prices. Peter Robinson, Oxford Street.
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Why it is Best. Hunter Baltimore Rye has challenged the markets of the World to show a better Whisky than itself in Maturity, Purity, Quality, Flavor. As none better is shown it remains the best. Try it at the Bars of this Theatre. A. A. Baker & Co., General Export Agents, 30, Mincing Lane, London, E.C., England. WM. Lanahan & Son, Baltimore, Md., U.S.A. Hunter Trade Mark Baltimore Rye bottled by Wm. Lanahan & Son, Baltimore. By Special Appointment to H.M. The King Theatrical Costumier & Perruquier Ladies' Transformations made on invisible Hair Net Foundations of most Delicate Nature, so as to defy detection. Made in the Latest Fashions. Prices from 2 to 5 Gns. Gent's Toupees and Wigs. (For Private Wear.) Made of the Finest Quality Hair. Absolutely defy detection. Weightless. Prices from 1 to 4 Gns. Royal Military Tournament. All Costumes, Uniforms, Properties, Wigs etc., used in "The Rise of the Royal Artillery," made by W. Clarkson (Tenth Consecutive year). The Wigs used by Mme. Rejane made by W. Clarkson copy of letter from Madame Rejane. Mon Cher Clarkson – J-ne jouais j'amais en Perruque parce que ne connaissais par les votres." – signed Rejane. 45 & 44 Wellington St., Strand London, W.C. Coates & Co., Blackfriars Distillery, Plymouth. Sole Manufacturers of the Celebrated Plymouth Gin. Medal Health Exhibition, 1884. Protected by perpetual injunction in Chancery of 1st March, 1884, and 10th February 1887. The Charing Cross Bank. (Established 1870) 110 & 120, Bishopsgate St. within, E.C., near Cornhill, & 28, Bedford St., Charing Cross, London, W.c. Assets - £597, 790 0, Liabilities 285, 680 0, Capital and Reserve £312, 110 0 0. Loans of £30 to £1,000 made on every class of security. Current Accounts opened – No charge for keeping accounts Two and a half per cent interest allowed on the minimum monthly balance. Deposits of £10 and upwards received as under – 5 per cent per annum subject to 8 months notice of withdrawal, 6 per cent per annum subject to 6 months notice of withdrawal, 7 per cent subject to 12 months notice of withdrawal. Special Terms for longer periods. Interest paid Quarterly The Terminable Deposit Bonds pay nearly 9 per cent and are a safe investment. Write or call for Prospectus. A. Williams and H. J. Tall Joint Managers. Sulpholine Skin Lotion. The only-Effective Remedy for skin troubles, Quickly drives away Eruptions, Pimples, Eczema, Acne, Blackheads, and all Disfigurements, developing a fair spotless skin. 1s. Bottles. Pepper's Quinine & Iron Tonic for general debility. Promotes Appetite. Cures Dyspepsia. Nervous Complaints. Morris Angel & Son, 117, Shaftesbury Avenue. Naval and Military Tailors and Costumiers, Amateur Performances attended in Town or Country. Costumiers to all Principal London Theatres. Gautier's Brandies (including the Celebrated 20 years old Liqueur Cognac.) Are exclusively supplied in this Theatre. Gautier Freres, Cognac. Established 1775. To H.M. The King. To H.R.H, Prince of Wales. Men who are entitled to be classed as Connoisseurs never Order Soda Water, but merely specify Schweppes. Exclusively supplied throughout this Theatre. Head Office : - 49, Pall Mall, S.W. Cl. Chonion, Meursault (Cote d'Or). Established 1796. Macon, Beaune, Volnay Pommard, Chambertin, Chablis, And all other Brands of Burgundies Sold at all the Bars of this Theatre. Orders taken here. General Agent for the United Kingdom. Henry Delevingne, 19, St. Dunstan's Hill & 9, Harp Lane, London, E.C. Jacob's Lager Beer on sale at all the Bars of this Theatre. Battle Axe Liqueur Rum. A choice old blend of rare qualities. Served here Sole Proprietors : - A. A. Baker & Co London, E.C. Geo. Roe & Co.'s "G.R." Brand Whiskey. Extra Special. The "G.R." Brand Whiskey is highly matured and of great age and purity. Proprietors: - The Dublin Distillers' Co., Ltd., 157, Thomas Street, Dublin. The Only Irish Whiskey supplied at this Theatre. Bass & Co's Ale & Stout on draught in Pit and Gallery of this Theatre. 2d. per Glass. Messrs. H. L. Savory & Co., 59, Piccadilly, W. Sole Manufacturers of the "Savory" Cigarettes. By Special Warrants of Appointment to H.M. King Edward VII. & H.M. The King of Italy.
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W. T Haycock & Sons, Ltd, 69 & 70 Dean St., Soho, W.

Did you know?

Ellen Terry toured her lectures on Shakespeare's women in UK and USA.

See all anecdotes