1900 - 1909Other Shakespeare performances
14-19 March 1904

Much Ado About Nothing (etc.)

Location Theatre Royal, Manningham Lane, Bradford, UK
Plays performed Much Ado About Nothing; The Merchant of Venice; Henry VIII

Play programme

Date 14 March 1904
Play(s) The Merchant of Venice; Henry VIII; Much Ado About Nothing
Production Date(s) 14 March 1904 to 19 March 1904
Venue Theatre Royal and Opera House
Venue address Manningham Lane, Bradford
Stage Manager Fred Boustead
Costume Maker Ailsa Craig [Edith Craig]
Conductor J. Dodsworth
Music Director Christopher Wilson
Document ID ET-D293 Original record
Held by The British Library
7 scanned images
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The Theatre Royal Bradford.
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The Thorncliffe Laundry. Linen of all kinds got p in the best manner. Shirts and collars dressed in a very superior style, curtains cleaned equal to new. Carpet beating and cleaning in all its branches. Gladstone Hotel, City Road, Proprietor – Richard Rawstron. Hammond's Fine Old, Mild and Bitter Ales. Spirits of the Choicest blends. Only the Best Brands of Cigars Stocked. Licenced Singing Room. Delivers' Arms, Green Lane, Proprietor – F. Sugden. Bentley's Yorkshire Ales – Old, Mild and Bitter, in excellent condition. Cigars – only the Best Brands kept. Comfortable Smoke Room. Victoria Oyster Rooms (Two Minutes from this Theatre) 88, Manningham Lane. Oyster and Fish Suppers always ready. Quality first consideration. Private Families supplied. Poultry: only English Rabbits kept. Proprietor: W. Leach. Miss J. Chadock, Umbrella & Walking Stick Manufacturer, 76, Manchester Road, Two minutes from Town Hall, opposite the Central Hall. Enormous Selection at Wholesale Prices. The cheapest shop in Bradford for re-covers and Repairs. Call at the Round Thorne Hotel Girlington, and see W. H. Morris, Late Tobacconist, Westgate and Otley Road, Fine Sparkling Ales and Stout. W. F. S. Holt, For Fancy House Blinds, Venetian Blinds, Shop Holland Blinds, spring sun blinds and revolving shutters. Works : - Bowling Back Lane, Bradford, and at Sheffield. Estimate Free. Repairs in all Branches. Telephone : Bradford, No. 1305. Boddy's Patent Ointment for Piles. Cres all outward Piles in 2 or 3 days. Post Free (with Testimonials) 1s 2d. One trial solicited. C. Boddy, 3 Burrows Street, Bradford. Fleece Inn, Stone Street, Cheapside. Proprietor – E. A. Bastow. Hey's Celebrated Old, Mild and Bitter Ales, in Good Condition. Bass's and Guinness's in Bottle. Only the Best Brands and Cigars kept. Comfortable Smoke Room. Rose and Crown Hotel, Westgate. Proprietor – E. Lambert. Whitaker's Old Brewery Ales. Wines of the Finest Vintage. Spirits of the best Blendings. Cigars of the Choicest Brands. John Ford is the Proprietor of the Forster's Arms, Bolton Road. Fine Old, Mild and Bitter Ales. Only the Best Brand of Cigars kept. George Johnson, Furniture Broker and General Dealer, 10 to 16, Listerhills Road. Dealer in New and Second-hand Furniture, Wringing Machines, &c. Furniture and Goods bought for Cash. Feinburgh, High-Class Bespoke Tailor 25, John Street, Bradford. Suits Making and Trimming from 18/- Gentlemen's Own Material accepted. Good Scotch Tweed Business Suits from 35/- To Measure.
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Always dress well and patronize. J. Feldman, High Class Ladies' & Gents Tailor 8 Barkerend Rd. Ladies & Gent's. Own Materials Made Up. Fit & Worksmanship Guranteed. E. George Family Grocer and Provision Merchant, 11, Lilycroft Road, Manningham. Agent for Kennaway & Co's Wines and Spirits [?] & Co's Pale Ale, and Gunness's Extra Stout. F. Neumann, 93, Manningham Lane. Importer of Foreign Delicatessen, Liqueurs, Wines and Spirits, Lowenbrau, Larger Beer. [?] Goods Arrived. Strasbourg Pates de Fols Gras. Russian Caviar, Smoked Goosebreast, &c. All kinds of Foreign Sausages, Hams and Cheese. During the Summer Months came and see T. Frost, Wine and Spirit Merchant. Ring o' Bells. Bingley. High-class Catering at Moderate Charges. Good Stabling. Boating. An admirable Food of the Epp's Cocoa. Nutritious and Economical. E. Fearnley, English & Foreign Fruiterer, Next Door to Royal Standard Hotel. Bradford. All our Fruits are of the Choicest Quality. Orders received our careful and prompt attention. Kangaroo Tobacco. Australian Leaf, is warranted. The Best Smoke in Bradford, Sold by Laycock & Co., Kirkgate. Theatre Royal and Opera House, Manningham Lane, Bradford. Lessee – John Hart. Prices of Admission: - Private Boxes £1 10s. Stalls 3s. Dress Circle 4s. Side Boxes 2s 6d. Pit 1s 6d. Gallery 6d. Second price, 9 o'clock, to Stalls, 2s 6d; Dress Circle 2s: Side Boxes, 1s 6d. Ordinary Doors open each evening at 7.15, Curtain to rise at 7.30, except on Saturday, when the Curtain will rise a quarter of an hour earlier. Children in arms NOT admitted. Early Doors open at 6.45 (Saturday, 6.30) or earlier if required : 6d. extra to all parts. Children under 10 Half-price to all parts, Gallery excepted. Free Lists entirely suspended. Seats not guaranteed. The Box Office at the Theatre from 9 to 5.30. Telephone No. 245. Note – This is the only Booking Office of the Theatre. Tradesmen are notified not to supply goods to the Theatre without a written order signed by the Management. London Representative – Mr. W. M. Hart, General manager – Mr. T. F. Doyle, Acting Manager – Mr. James Richardson, Musical Director – Mr. J. Dodsworth – Scenic Artist – Mr. D. G. Hall. Residence: 11, Daisy St. Gt. Horton. Sam Crossley, Joiner, Cabinet Maker & Undertaker, 3, Garnett Street. Leeds Road, Bradford. Property Repairs. Funerals Completel, Furnished. Moderate Charges. The original Niagra Restaurant. The Popular Dining Room of the City. A home from home. Only address: 27, Ivegate, Bradford. Pickering's Umbrellas. Umbrellas Re-Covered and Repaired. 37, Tyrell Street, and 58, Kirkgate, Bradford. Monday, March 14th, 1904, for six nights and Matinee, Saturday, March 19th, At 2o'clock: Early Doors 1-15. Visit of England's Greatest Actress, Miss Ellen Terry and her entire London Company. Manager – Mr Alfred Courtenay. Stage Manager – Mr Fred Boustead, Musical Director – Mr Christopher Wilson, Advance Representative – Mr G. Aubrey Hall. Lancaster high-class hairdresser and perfumer, 38, Ivegate. Volunteer Hotel, Green Lane. Proprietor – R. Pocock. Wines of the Best Vintage. Holme's Sparking Ales. H. Barker Pianoforte Maker, Repairer, Tuner, &c. 1, Nuttall Road, Bradford. Musical Instruments of all kinds Skilfully Repaired. Fittings, Strings &c. Mr. Thos. Ison occultist and Aurist. Of Ison's Eye and Ear Dispensary, Ltd. Leeds. (Established 1871), will make Special Visits for the convenience of patients at the Imperial Hotel, Bradford. See Notice in Leeds and Bradford Daily Papers. Write for Testimonials and questions to answer, sent free. Address Letters to 71, Great George St., Leeds. Spectacles, Artificial Eyes, &c. C. Thomas, Wardrobe Dealer, 88 Oak Lane, Manningham. Good value given for Ladies' and Gentlemans' Cast-off Clothing. W. F. Howard, Cock & Bottle Hotel Bradford. Dealer in Foreign Wines and Spirits. Home Brewed Beer. London Stout. E D. Thornton 20, City Road, Bradford. Plumber, Glazier, Gas, Steam and Hot Water Fitter, Sanitary Work & Speciality. Dealer in Wrought Iron & Composition Tubes and all kind of Brass Work for Gas, Steam and Water Chandeliers, Baths, Water-closets &c. Certified Plumber. Crawley, The West End Boot Maker, 144, Manningham Lane, opposite Belle Vue Hotel. Boot and Shoe Repairing while you wait. Prices moderate. Hand-sewn Work a Speciality. Boots and Shoes Made to Order.
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John Stow Ltd Tel. 1200 Otley Rd, Shop Fitters Bradford Est. 37 years. Show Cases. Waller & Son, Ltd., Bradford. L.B. Ale and Barclays London Stout. In Screw-Stoppered Bottles. Large Bottles – 2s 6d. Per Doz. Small Bottles – 1s. 6d. Per Doz. Once Tried Always Used. Money lent on Gold and Silver Jewellery & Diamonds, by Armitage, 88, Westgate. Bargains in forfeited Jewellery always in stock. All Bradford People who suffer from Asthma should try Dr. Preston's Anaemia Pills. A short cure for Anaemia, Indigestion, etc. 1/1 ½ per box. Taylor's drugstores and all chemists, or 1/3 from 139, Sunbridge Rd. Bradford. Money returned if they fail. The Royal Standard Hotel, adjoining the Theatre Royal, Manningham Lane. Recently altered and redecorated. The handsomest house in the provinces. Electric Light throughout. Billiard room – Two Tables. Theatrical Papers taken. Waller & Son, Ltd. Proprietor's C. Kean Manageress. For high class goods try E. Pritchett-Brown, Gent's Hatter & Hosier, 5 Royal Arcade, opposite Theatre Royal, Bradford. The most central café in the city: – The Tokio, Piece Hall Yard (Close to the Exchange) tea and coffee of the very best. Dinners and light refreshments of all kinds. Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, March 14th, 15th & 16th. Shakespeare's comedy Merchant of Venice. Dresses by Miss Ailsa Craig. Duke of Venice – Mr George Fitzgerald, Prince of Morocco (Suitor to Portia) –Mr William Luff, Antonio (a Merchant of Venice) Mr Charles Thursby, Bassanio ( his friend, suitor to Portia) - Mr Matheson Lang, Friends to Antonio and Bassanio – Gratiano – Mr E. Harcourt Williams, Salarino – Mr. F. H. Darch, Solanio – Mr. Halliwell Hobbs, Lorenza in love with Jessica - Mr T. A. Shannon, Shylock (a Jew) Mr Hubert Carter, Tubal (a Jew, his friend) – Mr Leonard Craske, Launcelot (a Clown, Servant to Shylock and afterwards Servant to Bassanio) – Mr. William Cuhtbert, Old Gobbo (Father to Launcelot) Mr. Charles Whittle, Servants to Portia – Balthazar – Mr. Paul Burnand, Stephano – Mr. Penderel Price. Nerissa (Waiting Maid to Portia) Miss Audrey Campbell, Jessica ( daughter of Shylock) – Miss Hutin Britton, Portia (a Rich Heiress) Miss Ellen Terry. Manificoes of Venice, Officers of the Court of Justice, Gaolers, Servants to Portia, and Other Attendants. Act 1 – Venice, Act 2 – Scene 1 and 3 – Venice, Scene 2 – A Street in Venice. " Osmond" Cycles from 10 Guineas. "Kerry" Motor Bicycles, Belt Driven, Exceptional value, 39 Guineas "Cleckheaton" Chain Drive, the best chain driven Motor Bicycle on the market. £50 0 0. Sale Agent for the above. W. Clapham, Tel No. 02692. Belle Vue Works, Manningham Lane. Baines's whole sale Toy & Fancy Goods Warehouse, 15, North Parade, Bradford. Importer of French and German Toys and Novelties. [?] and the Trade Supplied. The Best Assorted Stock in the North of England. B – Doll's Hospital: Dolls of every Class and size, repaired on the premises. Doll's Heads, Wigs, Arms, Legs, Boots, and Shoes on sale. H. A. Henderson, M.P.S. Dispensing chemist (by exam). Bridge St., Bradford and at St High St. Wibsey. Earaline. Cures deafness in one or both ears. Cures earache, noises, running ears. Ruptures cured! Henderson's Superior Trusses. Easy to wear and very durable. Double 6/- Single. 3/6. Children a Speciality. Act 3 – Scenes 1, 3 and 5 – Portia's House, Belmont. Scenes 2 and 4 – A Street in Venice, Act 4 – A Court of Justice, Venice, Act 5 – Belmont. There will be no interval between Acts 1 and 2. Thursday evening only, March 17th, a triple bill "Punchinello" two scenes from "Henry VIII" and "Nance Oldfield." Friday, Saturday Matinee & Evening, March 18th & 19th, Shakespeare's Comedy. "Much Ado About Nothing". Programme of Music to be Performed by the Orchestra. Overture "Merry Wifes of Windsor" – Nicolai, Valse Sente "Napoli" – Florence Fare, Selection "Romeo and Juliet" – Gounod, Old English Dance "Amanda" – Watson, Mazurka "La Czarine" Ganne – Grand March "Coronation" – E. St. Quentin. Conductor – Mr. J. Dodsworth. Royal Dress Shorts made specially for Deighton Darly Street. Bottomley, the Gentleman's hairdresser, 60, Market Street. Post Office, 86, Otley Road. R. Collins stationer & newsagent, tobacconist and fancy goods dealer. The Bradford School of Design and Art: now open for pupils. 147, Manningham Lane, prospectus and particulars upon application. Ezra Hoyle, F.S. Sc., Principal. Beamsley Hotel, Heaton Rd., Manningham. Proprietors – Mr. E. Priestly Social Evenings. Every Monday, Friday & Saturday, The best of talent only engaged. Websters Bitter, Mild and Strong Ales on draught. Wines, Spirits, and cigars of the best brands. The best Whiskey obtainable is Wallers' "Cream of Scotch" Guaranteed over 10 years old and matured in Sherry Casks. 24/6 per Gallon 50/- per doz. Registered Offices 9, Upper Millergate. J. H. Cleave, Billiard Table Maker. The Best House for Cues. Tips, Wafers, Chalk and all Billiard Requisites. Full-sized Tables from 40 Guineas Catalogues Post Free. British Sports Depot: 18, Rawson Place, Bradford. Tel. 1166. Works – Albion St. Osbourne Hotel, Upper Kirkgate. Wallers' Brilliant Ales, Wines, Spirits & Cigars of the Finest Quality. Pschoor Brau Lager Beer on Draught. The Finest Smoke Room in Bradford. Chas Smith, Manager. The Venture Hotel, Bolton Woods, Frizinghall. Proprietors – E. Crowther. Spirits from Bond. Whitaker's Old, Mild, and Bitter Ale, in Fine Condition. Cigars of the Best Brands. Billiards. Concert Room.
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Milnes & Son's Mineral Waters. At the Bars, Theatre Royal. Chocolate and sweets in great variety, from the best makers. Arnold Bros., Post Office, 11, Duckworth Lane, Manningham. High-class groceries and provisions. Home-made confectionary fresh daily. Go to B. Bellwood's Cash Grocery Stores. 19, Duckworth Lane, For high-class goods at the lowest possible price. Best XL flour a speciality at 1/3 per stone. A trial order respectfully solicited. Green, first-class hairdresser and tobacconist, Duckworth Lane. This space is reserved for the Electric Laundry, St Mary's Road, Manningham. Telephone 03206. Now open, the King's Club, Kings Arcade, 33, Market St., Bradford. Two new tables. Lessons G ven. C. H. Willis, Manager. J. Swanson & Co., 29, Duckworth Lane/ Plumber, Glazier, Sanitary Engineer, &c. Estimates free. Private address: 42, Park View Road. Next week, Mr. Tom B. Davis's Company, in the successful musical comedy, The Medal and the Maid. From the Lyric Theatre, London. The British circuit of premier theatres: Theatre Royal, Bradford– Miss Ellen Terry and Co. Grand Theatre, Leeds – "The Medal and the Maid". Grand Theatre, Hull – "The Broken Melody". Lyceum Theatre, Sheffield – "The School Girl". Princes' Theatre, Manchester – "Whitewashing Julia". Gaiety Theatre, Manchester – "A Hot Night". Theatre Royal, Manchester are – "If I were King". Theatre Royal, Brighton – Mr James Erskine. Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham – "The Geisha" Gaiety Theatre, Dublin – Edmund Tearle & Co. The Old Roundabout, Stanningley. Call and see J. Barraclough. Wines and Spirits of the Choicest Quality. Will be pleased to see Old Friends & New. We make & repair blinds and shutters of every kind. F. S. Midgley. Bradford Blind and Shutter works, Crampton St., Bradford. Telephone 02821. Terminus for Electric cars Leeds and Bradford. W. H. Moore, Sun Hotel. Stanningley. Tetley's Fine Ales. Wines and spirits direct out of Bond. Cigars of the finest brands. Parties catered for. Breakfast & dinner at reasonable prices. Good stabling and accommodation for cyclists Klostermann, high-class baker and confectioner. Wedding cakes made to order. 5 Kirkgate, Bradford. 15 Kirkgate, 45 Kirkgate, Leeds and Scotch Bakery, Huddersfield. S. Freed, watchmaker and jeweller are, 106, Leeds Rd. Bradford. Late of Kendall & Dent's London. The cheapest house in Bradford for repairs. Late trains will leave Bradford as under: – Midland Station –for all stations to Leeds (except Holbeck) and for Harrogate and Starbeck, (via Leeds) at 10-0; all stations to Ilkley at 10-35; all stations to Skipton (except Thwaites) at 10-30; all Stations to Leeds (except Frizighall, Kirkstall Forge and Holbeck) at 10-50; Manningham, Frizinghall, Shipley, Saltaire, Bingley, Keighley and Skipton at 10-47; for Baildon, Guisely, Menston, Burley, Ben Rhydding and Ilkley, (Otley, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays), (Esholt Saturdays only) at 11-20; all Stations to Skipton (except Thwaites and Conouley) at 11-20 ; all Stations to Leeds (except Kirkstall Forge and Holbeck) Saturdays only at 11-35. Great Northern Station – for Gildersome Branch, (Castleford, Tuesdays and Sats only) at 10-5; for Leeds and intermediate stations (via Stanningley) Wakefield, (Castleford, Tuesdays and Saturdays only) (Doncaster Thursday and Saturdays only) at 10-20; for Shipley Branch Stations, at 10-42; for Halifax, Keighley & intermediate stations at 10-55; for Bramley and intermediate Stations (via Pudsey), at 11-5; for Wakefield, Batley Dewsbury and Ossett, (Howden Clough, Earlsheaton and Gildersome Branch, Saturdays only) at 11-15; for Queensbury & intermediate stations at 11.20; for Leeds and intermediate stations, (via Stanningley), at 1..30 (Pudsey Saturdays only). Lancashire and Yorkshire Station – for all Stations to Cleckheaton Branch, Dewsbury, Horbury and Wakefield (except Bowling Junction) at 10-30, for all stations to Halifax, Elland, Brighouse, Mirfield and Huddersfield at 10-35 ; all Stations to Sowerby Bridge, (Copley, Clifton Road and Huddersfield, Saturdays only), at 11-12 ; all Stations to Cleckheaton, Libersedge, Heckmondwike, & Mirfield (except Bowling Junction)at 11-22; for Halifax, Sowersby Bridge Todmorden, Rochdale and Manchester, and all Stations Richdale to Bolton (except Blake Lane and Darcy Lever) Saturdays only, at 11-30. Late cars to outside terminal: - For Allerton – 11-15 from Bradford. For Bankfoot – 11-20 from Town Hall. For Duckworth Lane – 11-21 from Sunbridge Road. For Dudley Hill and Tong – 11-20 from Town Hall. For Eccleshill – 11-15 from Forster Square. For Four Lane Ends – 11-22 from Sunbridge Road. For Horton Bank Top – 11-20 from Tyrell Street. For Idle – 11-7 from Forster Square. For Lidgett Green – 11-22 ½ from Tyrell Street. For North Park School – 11-20 from Forster Square. For Queensbury 11-0 from Tyrell Street. For Saltaire – 11-30 from Midland Station. For Stanningley – 11-0 from Town Hall. For Thackley – 10-59 from Forster Square. For Thornbury – 11-30 from Town Hall. For Thornton – 11-7 1/2 from Stanbridge Road. For Undercliffe – 11-20 from Forster Square. For Wyke – 10-50 from Town Hall. For Heaton – 11-20 from Forster Square. The Fountain Inn, Heaton Skye, Heaton Road. Proprietor – W. H. Berry. Choice selection of wines, sprits, &c., for the forthcoming festive season. Cigars of the choicest brands. Headquarters of the Heaton Association Football Club. The house noted for Hey's celebrated light and dark beer. Call and give it a trial. Civility, comfort, and a hearty welcome to. Hare & Hounds, (dog and rattan). Proprietor, W. C. Rhodes. Wines of the finest vintage spirits of the best blends. Hammond's fine ales. Only the best brand of cigars kept. Orders Vaux's ales & stout from John Booth, 21 Cornwall Road, Manningham Lane. Tattersall's for hats and caps. 30, Westgate and 49, Otley Road, Bradford. Gertrude and F. A. Wilman, qualified dispensing chemists 32, Westgate. Gertrude Wilman, the only Qualified Lady Chemist. B. Daggett confectioner. Wedding and Funeral teas supplied. 68, Leeds Road, Bradford. Dinners from 12 to 2. Agent for Brooke Bond's Teas. Go to H. J. Knutton for sports' requisites, 6, Town Hall Square, Bradford. Telephone 924.
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D. Drake high-class boot and show maker & repairer, 17, Victora road, next Post Office, Saltaire. Go to T. Brooke, the fashionable hairdressing establishment, 106 City Road, Bradford. When in Town, call at the Royal Restaurant. One minute from this Theatre directly opposite. Proprietor – A Dixon. Late Manager Tyrrel Street City Café. Breakfasts, dinners and teas always ready. Try our four course dinner – soup, joints, sweets, biscuits and cheese. 1s. When you leave the theatre a nice hot supper awaits you at the above restaurant. C. Thomas, wardrobe dealer, 88 Oak Lane, Manningham. Peckover Inn, Church Bank. Proprietress – C. Wood. Bentley's Fine Ales. Wines and cigars of the best quality. John Harrison, paper merchant. Paper bag manufacturer, Lithographic and Letterpress Printer. 133, East Parade, Bradford. J. R. Smith & Sons, Royal Cambridge sausages, braun, pork pies and poloneys. Telephone – 1304, Bradford. Telegrams – Cambridge, Bradford. Manor House, Northgate, Proprietor, Edward bracewell. Waller's celebrated Ales. Cigars of the best brands. Muirhead's Gout and Rheumatic Pills. 10 ½ d. per box. Post free 1s. 68, Beckside Rd., Lidget Green. J. W. Crooke, paper bag manufacturer, paper and twins merchant. 68, Diamond Street, Near St. James's Market, Bradford. R. Hancock, grocer & provision merchant, Lidget Green, Bradford. Matthew Slinger cycle and motor engineer, 17, Dryden Street, Bradford. Repairs, oils, accumulators charged, &c., &c. WM. Collins, English and Foreign Fruiterer. Fish and Rabbit salesman, 131, Legrams Lane. All orders promptly attended to. Chicago lunch bar, 24 Manchester Road, Bradford, just below the People's Palace. Dinners & Suppers. Under new management. Proprietor – C. Emeny. Craven Heifer Inn. Penny Stag from Bradford – Four Lane Ends, Girlington. McAles, wines, spirits & cigars of the Finest Quality. Good Stabling. Fred Dalby, Proprietor. Eastbrook Hotel. Adolphus Street, Wakefield Road. Proprietor – James Hiley. Hammond's Fine Ales, Old, Mild & Bitter, Music every Friday & Saturday at 7 p.m. Cigars of the best brands. W. Lobley & Sons Ltd. Printers, Central Co-op, Buildings, 42, Godwin St., Bradford.
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Did you know?

When Edith Craig directed A Pageant of Great Women in Sunderland, 2000 people saw it.

See all anecdotes