1900 - 1909Other Shakespeare performances
23-28 May 1904

The Merchant of Venice (etc.)

Location Theatre Royal, Manchester, UK
Plays performed The Merchant of Venice; Henry VIII

Programme, 2 copies

Date 23 May 1904
Play(s) The Merchant of Venice; Henry VIII
Production Date(s) 23 May 1904 to 28 May 1904
Venue Theatre Royal
Venue address Manchester
Time of performance 2pm 7.30pm
Producer Edward Gordon Craig
Stage Manager Fred Boustead
Scene Designer Edward Gordon Craig
Costume Maker Ailsa Craig [Edith Craig]
Music Director Christopher Wilson, Alfred Haines
Document ID ET-D298 Original record
Held by The British Library
5 scanned images
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Theatre Royal Manchester. Proprietors The United Theatres Co Ltd. Manager Mr. Oscar Barrett. Programme Price One Penny.

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Rd. Johnson, Clapham. And Morris, Ltd. House furnishers, dining and drawing room suites. Cabinets, sideboards, occasional. Wood, iron, brass bedsteads. Bedding, &c., timepieces, Chiming and Quarter-Striking Clocks. Electro Silver Forks, Spoons, Table Cutlery, Cabinets and Cases &c. 24 & 26, Lever Street, Piccadilly, Manchester. The Manchester bill-posting Co. Ltd. Largest firm off bill-posters in the world. Poster writing a speciality. 35, Peter St. Manager – J. C. Grime. F. Dicks & Co., Florists &c., 68, Deansgate, Manchester. Baskets of choice flowers, bouquets, sprays, &c. In any specified design. Florists to this Theatre. Theatrical costumes and wigs of every description lent out on hire, for fancy dress balls, carnivals, bazaars, amateur performances, etc. Please write for catalogue – S. B. Watts & Co., 39, Oxford Road, Manchester. Nat. Tel No. 4674. Theatre Royal. Prices of Admission. Evening – Private Boxes, £[?] [?], £[?] [?] 6d. and £[?] [?]. Orchestra Stalls, 5s. Lower Circle, 5[?]. Upper Circle (to Book), [?]. 6d. (from 6-45 to 7-0), [?] (after 7-0), 2s. 6d. Pit (from 6.45 to 7-0,) 2s. 6d.; (from 7-0 to 7-15), 2s., after 7-15) 1s. Gallery (from 6-45 to 7-0), 1s,; (after 7-0), 6d. Morning – Upper Circle (from 1-15 to 1-30), 1s,; after 1-30), 2s. 6d. Pit (from 1-15 to 1-30), 2s. 6d.; (from 1-30 to 1-45,) 2s.; (after 1-45), 1s. Gallery (from 1-15 to 1-30), 1s.; (after 1-30), 6d. Doors open to Private Boxes, Stalls, & Lower Circle, Evening at 7-0, and the Performance will commence at 7-30. Morning at 1-30, Performance at 2-0. Ladies occupying seats in the first Three Rows of the Stalls and Lower Circle must Remove their Bonnets at Evening Performances. Box Office Open from 10 to 3 daily, (Saturdays 10 to 1), and during the hours of Performance – No Fees. Seats can also be secured by Telephone (No. 4574), Wire, or Letter addressed to the Box Office. Seats not guaranteed unless previously booked, no money returned, children in arms not admitted. Notice - Tradesmen are cautioned against supplying Goods without a Printed Order Form signed by Mr. Oscar Barrett. Acting Manager – Mr. Edmondstone Shirra, Musical Director – Mr. Alfred Haines. Dancing and calisthenics Miss Haines, "Oakworth" Upper Chorlton Road, classes and private lessons in Ballroom and Fancy Dancing at Messrs. Forsyth Bros., Deansgate; Duke of Edinburgh Hall, Alexandra Park, & at "Oakworth." Prospectus on Application. Parker's Restaurants. Table d'Hote 5.30 to 8 p.m. 3/6. Luncheons, Afternoon Teas, Dinners. American Candles, Chocolate, &c. 12, St Ann's Square & 18, St. Mary's Gate. The famous "M.C.C." Pipes. Crescent mouthpieces, see Press opinions, See Medical opinions, See Testimonials. At your tobacconists every type guaranteed. The pipe the medical profession recommend is the M.C.C. with the patent concave shaped mouthpieces. They are pleasant to the touch off the tongue and high class in every detail. Protected by patents all over the world. Monday, May 23rd – for six nights and Matinee : Sat., May 28th, at 2, Miss Ellen Terry and her Entire London Company. Tuesday & Saturday Matinee – "The Merchant of Venice". Wednesday – Triple Bill, "Punchinello" Two Scenes from "Henry VIII." "Nance Oldfield". Thursday, Friday & Saturday Evenings – "The Good Hope". Scotch Whisky guaranteed all Malt. Mature in Sherry Wood. Per doz - Special Blend - 48/-. "Glen Fyne" – 42/-, Islay Blend – 36/-. Findlater & Mackie, (Manchester & Dewsbury Ltd.), Bank St., Manchester. D. Tragen, high-class Ladies; Tailor. Also smart gowns of every description, for all occasions, made up at moderate prices. Note address – 37, Cheetham Hill Road, Manchester. Established 1875. Try John Haig's "Glenleven" "liqueur" Old Scotch Whiskies. Manchester Office: 18, Corporation St. High-class Motor Cars. Tel. No 3155. Can be hired by the day, week or month. Apply – S. Etchells, Cecil St., [?], Manchester.

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Groves & Whitnall's Ales and Stout. At the Bars of the Principal Theatres. Established [?]60. T. Kent & Son, Jewellers, Silversmiths, &c. Respectfully invite inspection and comparison of their entirely new stock suitable for Wedding, Christening and Birthday Presents, &c. We have a century and a half's reputation for high quality. Moderate prices. Watch and jewellery repairs a speciality. 70 Deansgate, Manchester. (opposite Barton Arcade). Manchester City News. ( fortieth year of publication.) The leading Manchester weekly. " one of the most enjoyable papers we know. Crammed full of out of way interesting topics and reading." – Publishers Circulator. Every Saturday. One Penny. All newsagents and railway bookstalls. R. Ramsbottom, The Sportsman's outfitter, 81 Market St., Manchester. Nat. Telephone 1539 A. Telegrams: "Placator, Manchester." Motor & Cycle Exchange & Mart second-hand cars and cycles sold on commission. No sale no commission. Sole District Agent for Lanchester Cars. Any make of Car, bought, sold, or repaired. Petrol and Lubricating Oil. R. Ramsbottom's New branches: 1 Victoria Bridge Street, and 3 Chapel Street, Salford. Under Manchester Exchange Station Main Approach. 255 Monday, 23rd, 1904, for six nights and Matinee: "The Merchant of Venice" Saturday, May 28th, at 2-0. Miss Ellen Terry and her Entire London Company. Monday, May 23rd (For This Night Only) Shakespeare's comedy Much Ado About Nothing. Designed and Produced under the direction of Mr. Edward Gordon Craig. Don Pedro (Prince of Aragon) – Mr. Charles Thursby, Don John (his Bastard Brother) – Mr. William Luff, Claudio (a young Lord of Florence) – Mr. E. Harcourt Williams, Benedick, (a young Lord of Padua) – Mr. Matheson Lang, Leonato, (Governor of Messina) – Mr. George Fitzgerald, Antonio (his Brother) – Mr. T. A. Shannon, Balthazar (Attendant on Don Pedro) – Mr. Penderel Price, Followers of Don Juan, Borachio Mr. Hubert Carter, Conrade – Mr. F. H. Darch, Two City Officers, Dogberry – Mr. William Cuthbert, Verges – Mr. Charles Whittle, Friar Francis – Mr. Halliwell Hobbes, A Sexton – Mr. Leonard Craske, A Boy – Miss Penelope Wheeler, Oatcake – Mr. Paul Burnard, Seacole – Mr. Bert Zardi, Watchman – Mr. John Church, 2nd Watchman – Mr. Charles A. Staite, Messenger – Mr. J. S. Hamilton, Hero – Miss Hutin Britton, Margaret – Miss Edith King, Ursula – Miss Audrey Campbell Beatrice – Miss Ellen Terry. Synopsis of Scenery. Act 1 – Scene Leonato's House. Act 2 – Scene 1, 2 and 3, Leonato's Garden. Scene 4 – A Street. Act 3, Scene, A Church. Act 4 – Scene 1, A Prison. Scene 2, Leonato's Garden. Scene 3, Monument of Leonato. Scene 4, Leonato's Garden. During the Evening the orchestra under the direction of Mr. Alfred Haines, will perform the following Music: - Overture "Rosamonde" – Schubert, Bouree & [?] "Much Ado" – German, Selection "La Vestale" – Mercadante, Intermezzo "Sunset" - [?]. Mason Music "As you like it" – German. Business Manager – Mr. Alfred Courtenay, Stage Manager – Mr. Fred Boustead, Musical Director – Mr. Christopher Wilson, Advance Representative – Mr. G. Aubrey Hall. No breakfast table complete without Epps's Cocoa. Grateful – Comforting. The most nutritious and economical. Coats & skirts to order, £3 3s. Denham & Co. Furs from every clime, 63, Deansgate. Estd. 30 years. Exors. Of J. H. Parkinson Dentist (By Exam). 46, Mosley Street, Manchester. National Telephone No. 1660. Brooks' Dandelion Coffee. Contains three times the strength of the ordinary coffee. For indigestion and disorders of the liver. Recommended by A. H. Hassall., M.D. also Otto Hehner, F.C.S., Analyst. Tins – 6d., 1s., and 1s 9d. Dewar's Perth Whisky a speciality. Can be obtained at the Bars. A. J. Colquhoun, wine and spirit merchants, bottles of Ales, Stout, &c. Proprietors of the Luss Blend. Old selected Scotch Whiskies. Aerated waters. Brook's Bar. Muratti's "Ariston" cigarettes smoked by Royalty & Nobility. Sold at this Theatre. Palatine Rubber & Co. Inexpensive Waterproofs for motoring, shooting, fishing and general wear. Are 63, Market St., Manchester, and 123, Fishergate, Preston.

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

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For advertising space in this program apply to John Heywood's, Advertising Department, Deansgate, Manchester. Lost in the wash. A garment worth 10/9, which might have been saved had it simply being marked with Mather's Nigrine. A jet black marking fluid for marking linen, cotton, &c. will not injure the most delicate fabric. Every bottle guaranteed. Of all stationers, Chemists, & Stores, 6d., 1s, 2s. 6d., and 5s per bottle. Sample sent on receipt of 13 stamps. Manufactured by W. Mather, Ltd. Dyer Street, Manchester. Dr Bardsley's Antibilious Pills. For all Liver & Kidney Complaints. As a stomatic and general family medicine, have a world-wide reputation of 40 years, and still unrivalled. Prices: 7 ½d.; 1s. 1 ½d.; & 2s. 9d. Per box. Manufactured by W. Mather, Ltd. Manufactory: - Dyer Street, Hulme, Manchester. Brook's Dandelion Coffee contains three times the Strength of ordinary coffee. Recommended by A. H. Hassall. M.D. also Otto Hehner. F.C.S. Analyst. For indigestion and disorders of the liver. Tins 6d., 1s., and 1s. 9d. Brook's Grains of Health Salt. Quickly correct all errors of diet &c. Promotes good digestion. Purifies the blood and gently regulates the system. Tins 4d, and 8d. Never be without this pleasant and refreshing health restorer. Monday, May 30th – for six nights and Saturday Matinee, June 4th, at 2-0, Henry Irving and his Company. Monday & Thursday evenings, also Saturday Matinee – "Beckett" Tuesday & Saturday evenings – "Waterloo" and "The Bells" Wednesday evening – "Louis XI" Friday evening – "Merchant of Venice". James Mason, Gold Medal Florist, 6, Victoria Buildings, Manchester. Handsome bouquets, baskets, &c., in latest designs. Estimates given for all kinds of plant and floral decorations. Florist to this Theatre. Patronised by Royalty, Nobility, Etd. Pitts's New Illustrated Furnishing Guide contains 800 Designs priced. Pitts's Manchester, Houses of Furniture. At 15½, 22½, 28½, 38½, 70, 75, 100, 200 up to 2,000 Guineas are considered by experts to be worth double our prices. Full details and guide post free. Cash quotations only. Easy payments 10 per cent extra. Isaac Newton Grundy's Reliable Carpets. Exclusive designs by all the best makers ready for laying or fitted to measure. "Staines" and other Linoleums, rugs, mats, &c. Wall papers as heretofore. All Novelties. All Specialities. New Warehouse & Showrooms. Cheeryble House, 15, Cannon Street, Manchester. Prince's Theatre. Monday, May 23rd – For six nights and special whit-Monday Matinee, also Wednesday Matinee, at 2-0, engagement of Miss Ada Reeve, and London Company, with "Winnie Brooke, Widow". The Gaiety Theatre. Monday, May 23rd – for six nights only Edward Marris's company in "The Dandy Doctor" A Musical Something to Laugh At. The "Manchester" Ironmongery Warehouse, 12 & 14, Brazennose Street. H. Luke, Joiners', Builders', Cabinet-Makers' and General Furnishing Ironmonger. Joseph Rodgers & Sons' Cutlery and Best Electro Plate. Ousey, Pawnbroker & Jeweller, 3, Newton St., Piccadilly, Manchester. Money lent to any amount on valuables. Low interest. Fine diamonds for sale moderate prices. Forfeited Pledges. Artificial limbs, crutches &c. Made on the most approved English and American principles. Also all kinds of surgical appliances, elastic hosiery, ladies' and gents' belts, bandages, &c… trusses specially made and adapted. Instruments for all kinds of deformity. A. Keating (successor to Westbury). 26 Old Millgate, Manchester. Lady Attendant. Casket cigarettes. Delightful to inhale. 3d. Per packet, with coupon. Established over Half-a-Century.

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The American Shoe Co., (of 169, Regent Street, London, W.) and 2, Deansgate Arcade, Manchester. The American Show Co.'s latest production. "Mericus" Brand boots and shoes. (Regd.) In Black Glace, Box Calf, and Willow Calf. One Price Only. Gent's – 16/6 Ladies' – 14/9. This brand is manufactured by the best makers in the United States for the American Shoe Co. only, and especially adapted for English wear. The soles are cut out of Solid Oak Bark Tanned Leather, and are perfectly damp proof and warranted to wear well. To any person having a just cause for complaint, a new pair will be given in exchange. Gooby,..Milliner. Special shows of choice French & English models. Showrooms & windows. Gooby Milliner. Oldham St. Manchester.

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Did you know?

Edith Craig directed plays in support of the women's suffrage movement.

See all anecdotes