1900 - 1909Other Shakespeare performances
20 March 1906

Measure for Measure

Location Adelphi Theatre, Strand, London, UK
Plays performed Measure for Measure


1. Programme

Date 20 March 1906
Play(s) Measure For Measure
Production Date(s) 20 March 1906
Venue Royal Adelphi Theatre
Time of performance 2.30pm 8.30pm
Stage Manager Alfred Wigley
Scene Designer Phil Harker and Joseph Harker
Music Director Christopher Wilson
Document ID ET-D337 Original record
Held by The British Library
Notes Music composed by Christopher Wilson; signed by Ellen Terry; Ellen Terry as Francisca; Lily Brayton as Isabella.
5 scanned images
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Adelphi Theatre. Sole Proprietors – A. & S. Gatti. Licensee – Mr. Tom. B. Davis. Lessee and Manager – Otho Stuart. Programme. Price Sixpence.
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There's Strength and Nourishment combined in a cup of Bouillon made with ‘Vigoral'. Vigoral is made from the celebrated Armour's Extract of Beef, with the addition of further nourishing constituents and seasoning. "Vigoral" is served at all the Bars of this Theatre, and can be obtained in 2-oz, 4-oz., 8-oz, and 16-oz Bottles from the Attendants. Sold by Grocers and Chemists everywhere. Order "A Cup of Vigoral" from the Attendant. Dewar's ‘White Label.' The Whisky of Many Merits. Obtainable at all the Bars of this Theatre. By Appointment to H.M. the King. Rosbach. The only Natural Sparking Table Water. On sale at the Bars. Table Water. The Cottage Tea Rooms. Dainty Luncheons, Teas, &c., from 12 to 8.30. 215, Piccadilly, W. and 408, Strand, W.C. (Next to this Theatre). Coassart Gordon & Co's celebrated Port, Sherry & Madeira is exclusively supplied to this Theatre by Frank Warr & Co., Ltd., 6, Duke Street, Adelphi. Support Home Industries. Bryant & May's Matches are the only Matches used throughout this Theatre. Employ British Labour. CL. Chonion Meursault (Cote d'Or). Established 1796. Macon, Beaune, Volnay, Pommard, Chambertin, Chablis and all other Brands of Burgundies. Sold at all the Bars of this Theatre. Orders taken here. General Agents for the United Kingdom. Henry Delevingne, 12a Waterloo Place, S.W. Jacob's Lager Beer on sale at all the Bars of this Theatre. Bass & Co's Ale & Stout on draught in Pit and Gallery of this Theatre. 2d. per Glass. Messrs. H. L. Savory & Co., 59, Piccadilly, W. Sole Manufacturers of the "Savory" Cigarettes. By Special Warrants of Appointment to H. M. King Edward VII., H.M the King of Italy, and H.M. the King of Portugal. Exclusively supply this Theatre.
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To H.M the King. To H.R.H. Prince of Wales. Men who are entitled to be classed as Connolsseurs never Order Soda Water, but mere specify Schweppes. Exclusively Supplied throughout this Theatre. Head Office – 49, Pall Mall, S.W. Prizetta Wallflower, Violets, and Lilies are three exquisite perfumes as supplied to H.M. Queen Alexandra. Sold in Bottles from 2s, 6d, to 21s. each. Proprietors: - Stortons, Ltd., Northampton. Nearest Agent – Messrs. Nurthen & Co., 390, Strand. Always use Oowana Soap. If you want a complexion of purest perfection. Like the cheek of some fabled Sultana. With a delicate bloom and dainty perfume. Only was with the soap called Oowana. The best for toilet and shaving. Sold everywhere. The renowned Swiss Chocolates of Lindt (Berne) and Sprungli (Zurich) are exclusively supplied to this Theatre. A. Dufour, Wholesale & Export Agent, 16, Eastcheap, London, E.C. Royal Adelphi Theatre. Sole Proprietors – A. &S. Gatti, Licensee – Mr. Tom. B. Davis. Lessee and Manager – Otho Stuart. Tuesday, March 20th, and Every Evening at 8.30, Shakespeare's Comedy Measure for Measure. Vincentio (the Duke) – Mr. Walter Hampden, Angelo (Deputy) – Mr. Oscar Asche, Escalus (an Ancient Lord) – Mr. Alfred Brydone, Claudio (a Young Gentlemen) – Mr. Harcourt Williams, Lucio (a Fantastic) – Mr. R. Ian Penny, Two other gentlemen – Mr. H. Hewitt, Mr. H. J. Haviland, Provost – Mr. H. R. Hignett, Peter (a Friar) – Mr. G. Kay Souper, A Justice - Mr. J. R. Gillespie, Elbow (a Simple Constable) – Mr. Henry Kitts, Froth (a Foolish Gentleman) – Mr. Edmund Waller, Pompey (Servant to Mistress Overdone) – Mr. Charles Rock, Abhorson (an Executioner) – Mr. Caleb Porter, Barnardine (a Dissolute Prisoner) – Mr. Herbert Grimwood, Attendant – Mr. J. Fritz Russell, Boy (with Song) – Thomas Sampson, Isabella (Sister to Claudio) – Miss Lily Brayton, Mariana (Betrothed to Angelo) – Miss. Frances Dillon, Francisca (a Nun) – Miss Ellen Terry (by permission of Messrs. Vedrenne and Barker), Mistress Overdone – Miss Blanche Catterson. Lords, Ladies, Officers, Citizens and Attendants. Act 1. Scene 1 – Vienna, An Apartment in the Duke's Palace – Phil Harker, Scene 2A Street before the Prison – Joseph Harker, Scene 3 – a Nunnery – Joseph Harker, Scene 4 – An Apartment in the Duke's Palace – Phil Harker. Act 2 – Scene 1 – An Apartment in the Duke's Palace – Phil Harker, Scene 2 – A Street before the Prison – Joseph Harker, Scene 3 – The Prison – Joseph Harker. Act 3 Scene 1 – A Moated Grange at St. Luke's – Joseph Harker, Scene 2 – The Prison – Joseph Harker, Scene 3 – An Apartment in the Duke's House – Phil Harker, Intervals – After Act 1 and Act 2, Ten Minutes each. Music specially composed by Christopher Wilson. The Play produced for Otho Stuart by Oscar Asche. Matinee every Saturday, at 2.30 p.m. Extract from the Rules made by the Lord Chamberlain: - (1) The name of the actual and responsible Manager of the Theatre must be printed on every play bill. (2) The public can leave the Theatre at the end of the performance by all exit and entrance doors, which must open outwards. (3) Where there is a fire-proof screen to the proscenium opening, it must be lowered at least once during every performance, to ensure its being in proper working order. (4) Smoking is not permitted in the auditorium. (5) All gangways, passages and staircases must be kept free from chairs or any other obstructions, whether permanent or temporary. General Manager – Carl F. Leyel, Acting Manager – Charles D. Yates, Musical Director – Christopher Wilson, Stage Manager – Alfred Wigley, Machinst – Charles Sharp. The Worlds Dentifrice Odol. How to Save Money – Visit The Elite Ladies' Dress Compy. 7, Grosvenor Mansions, 82, Victoria St., S.W. Charming Showrooms and Fitting Rooms. Ladies requiring to be Smartly & Well-dressed should favour us with an early visit. It will pay you to call. Evening and Visiting Gowns, Opera Coats, Petticoats, Blouses, Millinery, Underclothing, &c., &c. £5 will go as far as £20 elsewhere. Rich Sabies and other Furs, Coats, Stoles, Muffs, &c., from £3 to £500. Originally costing 3 times the amount. Garments Altered and Fitted by Expert Fitters. The Elite Company receive frequently lovely Paris and Vienna Model Gowns, for Visiting, Promenade, and Evening Wear by all the well-known celebrated makers – Paquin, Worth, [?], Templler, Agnes, , &c. Never been worn. Please note address. No connection whatever with any other Firm. [?] by all the best West-End Tailors – Gowns of the Best. Macholl's Cherry Brandy, Curacao Special, Kummel, Crème De Menthe sold exclusively at the Bars of this Theatre. Sole Agents: Bardilli & Co., Ltd., 62a, Roseberry Avenue, E.C. The Cream of Cocas. Epps's contains all the nutriment cocoa of the Choicest Nibs. Peter Robinson's Oxford Street. Every Requisite for Fashionable Attire at Moderate Prices.
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Madame Dowding, The Leading Corsetiere. Gentlemen's Belts and Corsets a Speciality. (All Communications in Belts Department strictly confidential.) The "Pretty Polly" from 18s. 6d. to 3 Gns. A Speciality of Madame Dowding's Corsets a certain cure for obesity, and are daily recommended by the leading physicians of the day for stooping, indigestion and obesity, which can be reduced without the slightest inconvenience. Also braces up the figure, and gives freedom of movement to every muscle. All orders must be accompanied with Cheques or Postal Orders. Madame Dowding, Corsetiere, 8 & 10, Charing Cross Road. (Opposite National Gallery, Trafalgar Square.) To Let. T. Wall & Sons' Ltd. Sausages and Comestibles as supplied to H.M. The King, and Members of the Royal Family; The Houses of Parliament and Principal Club – Houses and Hotels in London and Provinces. 113, Jermyn Street, London, S.W. Coates & Co., Black Friars Distillery, Plymouth. Sole Manufacturers of the Celebrated Originaly Plymouth Gin. Medal Health Exhibition, 1884. Protected by perpetual Injunctions in Chancery of 1st March, 1884, and 10th February, 1887. Coates & Co original trade mark Plymouth Gin Established [?]. The Charing Cross Bank. (Established 1870) 28, Bedford St., Charing Cross, London, and 119 & 120, Bishopsgate St. Within, London, E.C. Branches at Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, etc. Assets £694,403, Liabilities £372,291, Capital and Reserve £322,112. Loans of £30 to £2,000 granted at a few hours' notice, in town or country, male or female, mortgage of furniture, farm and trade stock, plant crops, &c., without removal, and to assist persons into business. Also on deeds, policies, and reversions. Two and a half per cent. Per ann. Interest allowed on Current Account Balances when not drawn below £20. Deposits of £10 and upwards received as under – 5 per cent. Per annum, subject to 3 months' notice of withdrawal; 6 do. 6 do. ; 7 do. 12 do. Special Terms for longer periods. Interest paid Quarterly. Write or call for Prospectus. The Terminable Deposits Bonds pay nearly 9 per cent., and are a safe investment. Instead of paying large Dividends to Shareholders, we pay fair rates of interest to our Depositors, and by so doing have earned the position that we undoubtedly hold in the public confidence. We have been established for 36 years, and our unique position in the banking world to-day, testifies to the success of our business methods, and to the satisfaction of our customers. A Williams and H. J. Tall Joint Manger. Morris Angel & Son, 117, Shaftesbury Avenue, Naval and Military Tailors and Costumiers, Amateur Performances attended in Town or Country. Costumiers to all Principal London Theatres. Gautier's Brandies are exclusively supplied in this Theatre. (Including the Celebrated 20 years old Liqueur Cognac.) Gautier Freres, Cognac, Established 1775. Geo. Roe & Co.'s "G.R." Brand Whiskey. Extra Special. The "G.R." Brand Whiskey is highly matured and of great age and purity. Proprietors : - The Dublin Distillers' Co., Ltd., 157, Thomas Street, Dublin. The Only Irish Whiskey supplied at this Theatre.
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Measure for Measure, 20 March 1906, Image 5 of 5

W. T. Haycock & Sons, Ltd., 59 & 70 Dean Street, Soho, W.

2. Programme

Date 20 March 1906
Play(s) Measure For Measure
Production Date(s) Tuesday March 20th 1906
Venue Adelphi Theatre
Time of performance 2.30pm
Producer Oscar Asche
Stage Manager Alfred Wigley
Scene Designer Joseph Harker Phil Harker
Music Director Christopher Wilson
Document ID ET-D815 Original record
Held by The British Library
Notes Music composed by Christopher Wilson. Lily Brayton as Isabella. Harcourt Williams as Claudio and Walter Hampden as the Duke. Oscar Asche as Angelo.

Did you know?

Ellen Terry and George Bernard Shaw had a very long correspondence.

See all anecdotes