1900 - 1909Other Shakespeare performances
27 April 1906

The Merry Wives of Windsor

Location His/Her Majesty's Theatre, London, UK
Plays performed The Merry Wives of Windsor


1. Programme

Date 27 April 1906
Play(s) The Merry Wives of Windsor
Production Date(s) Friday April 27th 1906
Venue His Majesty's Theatre
Stage Manager Cecil King
Scene Designer W. Telbin, W. Johnstone, Hawes Craven
Music Director Adolf Schmid
Document ID ET-D340 Original record
Held by The British Library
Notes Shakespeare's Birth Week Festival. Music composed by Sir A. Sullivan. Contains six illustrations; two copies.

2. Programme

Date 1906
Play(s) The Merry Wives of Windsor
Production Date(s) Friday April 27th 1906
Venue His Majesty's Theatre
Stage Manager Cecil King
Scene Designer Hawes Craven, W. Telbin, W. Johnstone
Music Director Adolf Schmid
Document ID ET-D340a Original record
Held by The British Library
Notes Shakespeare's Birth Week Festival. Music composed by Sir A. Sullivan. Contains six illustrations. Mr Tree as Falstaff, Ellen Terry as Mistress Page, Viola Tree as Mistress Ann and Mrs Tree as Mistress Ford; two copies.
11 scanned images
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The Merry Wives of Windsor, 27 April 1906, Image 1 of 11


© Image copyright The National Trust 2024

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The Merry Wives of Windsor, 27 April 1906, Image 2 of 11

[image of Shakespeare] William Shakespeare from the "Drocshout" painting now in the Shakespeare Memorial Gallery at Stratford-on Avon. Reproduced, by permission of the publishers, Messrs. Smith, Elder & Co., from "The Life of William Shakespeare" by Sidney Lee.

© Image copyright The National Trust 2024

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The Merry Wives of Windsor, 27 April 1906, Image 3 of 11

THE Tragicall Historie of HAMLET Prince of Denmarke By William Shakespeare. As it hath beene diverse times acted by his Highnesse servants in the Cittie of London: as also in the two Universities of Cambridge and Oxford, and else-where [illustration] At London printed for N.L. and JOhn Trundell. 1603. Title page of the First Quarto of "Hamlet". From the only extant specimen in the library fo the Duke of Devonshire at Chatsworth. Reproduced, by permission of the publishers, Messrs. Smith, Elder & Co., from "The Life of William Shakespeare" by Sidney Lee.

© Image copyright The National Trust 2024

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The Merry Wives of Windsor, 27 April 1906, Image 4 of 11

[photo portraits of] Basil Gill, James Hearn, Henry Neville, J. Fisher White, Jennie Lee, Mrs. Tree, S.A. Cookson, Ellen Terry

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The Merry Wives of Windsor, 27 April 1906, Image 5 of 11


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The Merry Wives of Windsor, 27 April 1906, Image 6 of 11

FRIDAY, APRIL 27TH, 1906. SHAKESPEARE'S THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR Sir John Falstaff - Mr. TREE Master Fenton - Mr. BASIL GILL Justice Shallow - Mr. J. FISHER WHITE Master Slender - (Cousin to Shallow) - ?r. LYN HARDING Gentlemen dwelling at Windsor: Master Ford - Mr. HENRY NEVILLE Master Page - . Mr. FRANK LASCELLES Sir Hugh Evans (a Welsh Parson) - Mr. CHARLES BIBBY Dr. Caius - (a French Physician) Mr. JAMES HEARN Host of the "Garter." Inn - Mr. LIONEL BROUGH Followers of Falstaff: Bardolph - Mr. C.W.SOMERSET Nym - S. A. COOKSON Pistol - Mr. S.YATES SOUTHGATE Robin - (Page to Falstaff) Master TONGE Simple - (Servant to Slender) - Mr. REGINALD OWEN Rugby - - (Servant to Dr. Caius) Mr. JACOBS Mistress Page - - Miss ELLEN TERRY (By arrangement with Messrs. Vedrenne & Barker.) Mistress Anne Page - (Daughter to Mrs. Page) - MISS VIOLA TREE Mistress Quickly - Servant to Dr. Caius) Miss ETHEL HARPER Mistress Ford - Mrs. TREE Synopsis of Scenery. Act 1. Scene 1. A Street in Windsor. - W.TELBIN Scene 2. A Room in Dr. Caius' House. - W. JOHNSTONE Scene 3. A Street in Windsor.- W.TELBIN Scene 4. A Room in the 'Garter' Inn - W. JOHNSTONE Act 2. Scene 1. Near Windsor - HAWES CRAVEN. Scene 2. A Street in Windsor.- W.TELBIN Scene 3. A Room in Ford's House. - W. JOHNSTONE Act 3. Scene 1, A Room in the 'Garter' Inn - W. JOHNSTONE Scene 2. A Room in Ford's House. - W. JOHNSTONE Scene 3. A Street in Windsor. - W. JOHNSTONE Scene 4. Windsor Forest. - HAWES CRAVEN. Progamme of Music Overture "Merry wives of windsor." Nicolai AFTER ACT I. Old English Dances - Sir F.Cowen AFTER ACT II. Graceful Dance and March from "Henry VIII." - A. Sullivan Incidental Music composed by Sir A. Sullivan. STAGE MANAGER, Mr. CECIL KING. ASSISTANT STAGE MANAGER, Mr. LOUS MERCANTON. MUSICAL DIRECTOR, Mr. ADOLF SCHMID. GENERAL MANAGER - MR. HENRY DANA.

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The Merry Wives of Windsor, 27 April 1906, Image 7 of 11

[photo portraits of] Lionel Brough, C.W.Somerset, Margaret Halstan, Beatrice Forbes Robertson, Lyn Harding, Constance Collier, Viola Tree, H. Beerbohm Tree

© Image copyright The National Trust 2024

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The Merry Wives of Windsor, 27 April 1906, Image 8 of 11

[photo] Room in which Shakespeare was born, April 23rd, 1564.

© Image copyright The National Trust 2024

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The Merry Wives of Windsor, 27 April 1906, Image 9 of 11

[photo] Shakespeare's birthplace and adjoining house at Stratford-on-Avon

© Image copyright The National Trust 2024

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The Merry Wives of Windsor, 27 April 1906, Image 10 of 11

MONDAY, APRIL 23RD, 1906. THE TEMPEST Caliban (a Savage and Deformed Slave) - Mr. Tree Propspero ( the right Duke of Milan) - Mr. Lyn Harding Ferdinand (Son to the King of Naples) Mr. Basil Gill Alonzo (King of Naples) - Mr. S.A. Cookson Sebastian (his Brother) - Mr Reginald Owen Antonio (Propspero's Brother, the usurping Duke of Milan) - Mr. Robert Farquharson Gonzalo (an honest old Counsellor) - Mr. J.Fisher White Lords: Francisco - Mr. E. Egerton Hine Adrian - Mr. Powell Trinculo (A Jester) - Mr. Lionel Brough Stephano (a Drunken Butler) - Mr. James Hearn Master of Ship - Mr. Yates Southgate Boatswain - Mr. Frank Royde Miranda (Daughter to Prospero) - Miss Maude Cressall Spirits: Iris - Miss Gertrude Templeton Ceres - Miss Viola Tree Juno - Miss Edith Jefferies Ariel (an Airy Spirit) Miss Viola Tree --- TUESDAY, APRIL 24TH, 1906 ALSO WEDNESDAY MATINEE, APRIL 25TH. King Henry IV. (Part I.) Sir John Falstaff - Mr. Tree King Henry IV - Mr. S.A.Cookson His Sons: Henry, Prince of Wales - Mr. Courtenay Foote Prince John of Lancaster - Mr. E.Egerton Hine Earl of Westmoreland - Mr. Clive Currie Thomas Percy, Earl of Worcester - Mr. J.Fisher White Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland - Mr. Robert ATkins Henry Percy, surnamed Hotspur (his Son) - Mr. Basil Gill Edmund Mortimer, Earl of March - Mr. Esme Percy Sir Walter Blunt - Mr. S.Yates Southgate Sir Richard Vernon - Mr. Frank Lascelles Poins - Mr. Robert Farquharson Owen Glendower - Mr. Lyn Harding Douglas - Mr. James Hearn Francis - Mr. Reginald Owen Bardolph - Mr. Lionel Brough Gadshill - Mr. Frank Royde Peto - Mr. E.Craven Sheriff - Mr. D.Powell First Messenger - Mr. C.H. Sworder Second Messenger - Mr. Holiday Attlay First Traveller - Mr. Smithson Second Traveller - Mr. Wood Lady Percy - Mrs. Tree Lady Mortimer - Miss Mrion Evans Mistress Quickly - Miss Jennie Lee --- WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25TH, 1906 TWELFTH NIGHT Orsino (Duke of Illyria) - Mr. Basil Gill Sebastian (Twin Brother to Viola) - Mr Reginald Owen Antonio (Friend to Sebastian) - Mr. J.Fisher White A Sea Captain (Friend to Viola) - Mr. Yates Southgate Gentlemen of Orsino's Court: Valentine - Mr. E.Egerton Hine Curio - Mr. Powell Sir Toby Belch (Uncle to Olivia) - Mr. Lionel Brough Sir Andrew Aguecheek - Mr. Lyn Harding Malvolio - (Steward to Olivia) - Mr. Tree A Priest - Mr. Edward Ouston First Officer - Mr. Frank Royde Second Officer - Mr. Smithson Fabian (Servant to Olivia) - Mr. Robert Farquharson Feste (a Clown) - Mr. Charles Bibby The Countess Olivia - Miss Margaret Halstan Maria (Waiting Miad to Olivia) - Miss Dora Hole Viola (Twin Sister to Sebastian) - Miss Viola Tree --- THURSDAY, APRIL 26TH. ALSO SATURDAY MATINEE, APRIL 28TH. Hamlet Claudius (King of Denmark) - Mr. Henry Neville Hamlet - Mr. Tree Polonius (Lord Chamberlain) - Mr. J.Fisher White Horiatio (Friend to Hamlet) - Mr. Basil Gill Laertes (Son to Polonius) - Mr. Frank Lascelles Courtiers: Rosencrantz - Mr. E.Egerton Hines Guildenstern - Mr. Reginald Owen Officers: Marcellus - Mr. Robert Atkins Bernado - Mr. Yates Southgate Franciso (a Soldier) - Mr. Powell Priest - Mr. S.A. Cookson Ghost of Hamlet's Father - Mr. Lyn Harding First Gravedigger - Mr. Lionel Brough Second Gravedigger - Mr. C.W.Somerset First Actor - Mr. James Hearn Second Actor - Mr. Smithson Court Jester - Mr. Wood Gertrude (Queen of Denmark and Mother of Hamlet) - Mrs. Tree Ophelia - Miss Beatrice Forbes-Robertson Player Queen - Miss Winifred Arthur-Jones --- FRIDAY, APRIL 27TH, 1906. The Merry Wives of Windsor Sir John Falstaff - Mr. Tree Master Fenton - Mr. Basil Gill Justice Shallow - Mr. J. FISHER WHITE Master Slender - (Cousin to Shallow) - ?r. Lyn Harding Gentlemen dwelling at Windsor: Master Ford - Mr. Henry Neville Master Page - . Mr. Frank Lascelles Sir Hugh Evans (a Welsh Parson) - Mr. Charles Bibby Dr. Caius (a French Physician) - Mr. James Hearn Host of the "Garter." Inn - Mr. LIONEL BROUGH Followers of Falstaff Bardolph - Mr. C.W.Somerset Nym - S. A. COOKSON Pistol - Mr. S.Yates Southgate Robin (Page to Falstaff) - Master TONGE Simple (Servant to Slender) - Mr. Reginald Owen Rugby (Servant to Dr. Caius) Mr. Jacobs Mistress Page - - Miss Ellen Terry (By arrangement with Messrs. Vedrenne & Barker) Mistress Anne Page - (Daughter to Mrs. Page) - MISS VIOLA TREE Mistress Quickly - Servant to Dr. Caius) Miss ETHEL HARPER Mistress Ford - Mrs. TREE --- SATURDAY, APRIL 28TH, 1906. Julius Caesar Julius Caesar - Mr. Henry Neville (Triumvirs after the death of Caesar): Marcus Antonius - Mr. Tree Octavius Caesar - Mr. Frank Lascelles (Conspirators against Caesar): Marcus Brutus - Mr. Basil Gill Cassius (Brother-in-Law to Brutus) - Mr. Lyn Harding Casca - Mr. James Hearn Decius Brutus - Mr. S.A.Cookson (Senators): Publius - Mr. Clive Currie Popilius Lena - Mr. Mr. Alec Begbie (Conspirators against Caesar): Trebonius - Mr. Yates Southgate Ligarius - Mr. Fisther White Metellus Cimber - Mr. Henry Lesmere Cinna - Mr. Powell A Soothsayer - Mr. Robert Farquharson Pindarus - Mr. Smithson Caesar's Servant - Mr. E.Egerton Hine Octavius' Servant - Mr. REginald Owen (Servants to Brutus): Varro - Mr. Frank Royde Claudius - Mr. Jacobs First Citizen - Mr. Lionel Brough Second Citizen - Mr. Edward Ouston Third Citizen - Mr. Richard Neville Fourth Citizen - Mr. Eric Warwick Fifth Citizen - Mr. Holiday Attlay Lucius (Servant to Brutus) - Mrs. Tree Calpurnia (Wife to Caesar) - Mrs. Tree Portia (Wife to Brutus) - Miss Constance Collier

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The Merry Wives of Windsor, 27 April 1906, Image 11 of 11

[blank reverse of page]

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3. Programme

Date 1906
Play(s) The Merry Wives of Windsor
Production Date(s) Friday April 27th 1906
Venue His Majesty's Theatre
Stage Manager Cecil King
Scene Designer W. Telbin, W. Johnstone, Hawes Craven
Music Director Adolf Schmid
Document ID ET-D340b Original record
Held by The British Library
Notes Shakespeare's Birth Week Festival. Music composed by Sir A. Sullivan. Contains six illustrations. Mr Tree as Falstaff, Ellen Terry as Mistress Page, Viola Tree as Mistress Ann and Mrs Tree as Mistress Ford.

Did you know?

Ellen Terry was given a diamond brooch by the royal family for her stage jubilee in 1906.

See all anecdotes