1900 - 1909Other Shakespeare performances
4 April 1908

The Merchant of Venice

Location His/Her Majesty's Theatre, London, UK
Plays performed The Merchant of Venice

Programme, two copies

Date 14 April 1908
Play(s) The Merchant of Venice
Production Date(s) Saturday April 4th 1908
Venue His Majesty's Theatre
Time of performance 8pm
Producer H. B. Tree
Stage Manager Cecil King
Scene Designer Joseph Harker, T. E. Ryan
Costume Maker B. J. Simmons
Costume Designer Percy Macquoid
Music Director Adolf Schmid
Document ID ET-D819 Original record
Held by The British Library
Notes Music composed by Raymond Roze, Roger Quilter, Rev. Herman Davies, E. Humperdinck and D. H. D'Egville. Producer's notes by H. B. Tree.

Did you know?

Ellen Terry and George Bernard Shaw had a very long correspondence.

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