1900 - 1909Other Shakespeare performances
30 May 1908

The Merry Wives of Windsor

Location His/Her Majesty's Theatre, London, UK
Plays performed The Merry Wives of Windsor


Date 30 June 1908
Play(s) The Merry Wives of Windsor
Production Date(s) 30 May 1908 to 13 June 1908
Venue His Majesty's Theatre
Time of performance 2.30pm 8.30pm
Stage Manager Cecil King
Scene Designer W. Telbin, W. Johnstone, Hawes Craven, S. Bell
Music Director Adolf Schmid
Document ID ET-D460 Original record
Held by The British Library
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The Merry Wives of Windsor, 30 May 1908, Image 1 of 5

His Majesty's Theatre Proprietor and Manager, Mr. Tree. Shakespeare's Comedy "The Merry Wives of Windsor". Two Pence. Every evening at 8.30. Matinees at 2.30.

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The Merry Wives of Windsor, 30 May 1908, Image 2 of 5

Falstaff – Mr Tree. Mistress Page – Miss Ellen Terry, Mistress Fors – Mrs Kendall from the celebrated picture by the Hon John Collier, in the Vestebule of His Majesty's Theatre

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The Merry Wives of Windsor, 30 May 1908, Image 3 of 5

Saturday evening, May 30th to Saturday Matinee, June 13th. Shakespeare's Comedy "The Merry Wives of Windsor." Sir John Falstaff – Mr Tree, Master Fenton – Mr. Basil Gill, Justice Shallow – Mr. J. Fisher White, Master Slender (Cousin to Shallow) – Mr. Charles Quartermaine, (Gentlemen dwelling at Windsor) Master Ford – Mr. Alfred Brydone, Master Page – Mr. Robert Atkins, Sir High Evans (a Welsh Parons) – Mr. Norman Page, Dr. Caius (a French Physician) – Mr. William Haviland, Host of the "Garter Inn" – Mr. Lionel Brough, (Followes of Falstaff) Bardolph – Mr. G. W. Anson, Nym – Mr. Basil H. Radford, Pistol – Mr. Basil H. Radford, Robin (Page to Falstaff) – Miss Effie Byrne, Simple (Servant to Dr. Cains) – Mr. Henry Morrell, Mistess Ford – Miss Cicely Richards, Mistess Anne Page (Daughter to Mrs. Page) – Miss Viola Tree, Mistess Quickly (Servant to Dr Cains) – Miss Kate Phillips, Mistress Page – Miss Ellen Terry (Her only London appearance this Season). Synopsis of Scenery. Act 1. Scene 1. A Street in Windsor. (W. Telbin). Scene 2. A Room in Dr. Caius' House. (W. Johnstone). Scene 3. A Street in Windsor. (W. Telbin). Scene 4. A Room in the "Garter Inn." (W. Johnstone). Act II, Scene 1. Near Windsor (Hawes Craven). Scene 2 – A Street in Windsor (W. Telbin). Scene 3. A Room in Ford's House. (Stanley Bell) Act III. Scene 1. A room in the "Garter Inn" (W. Johnstone). Scene 2. A Room in Ford's House. (Stanley Bell). Scene 3. A Street in Windsor. (W. Johnstone). Scene 4. Windsor Forest (Hawes Craven). Programme of Music. Overture "The Merry Wives of Windsor" – O'Nicolai, Old English Dances After Act 1, Old English Dances After Act II – Sir Frederick Cowen, Graceful Dance and March Flow from "Henry VII" – Sir Arthur Sullivan. Incidental Music composed by Sir Arthur Sullivan. Last Matinee – Saturday, June 13th, at 2.30. No Evening Performance will be given on Saturdays, June 6th and 13th. Stage Manager – Mr. Cecil King, Musical Director – Mr. Adolf Schmid, General Manager – Mr. Henry Dana.

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Future Arrangements. Mr. Tree has the honour to announce that he has arranged with MM. Hertz and Jean Coquelin for the appearance of Monsieur Coquelin Aine for one month from the 15th June. The distinguished French Actor will appear during the first week in Sardou's "L'Affaire des Poisons," supported by M. Jean Coquelin, Mlle. Gilda Darthy, and the entire Company, together with the Scenery and Costumes from the Theatre de la Porte St. Martin. Matinee Wednesday and Saturday at 2 p.m. 2nd week Monday, 22 June "Le Bourgeois Gentlihomme", Tuesday 23 June "Le Voyage de Monsieur Perrichon" and "L'Anglais Tel Qu'on le Parle", Wednesday 24 June "Les Romanesques" and Monologues. "L'Ete de la Saint Martin," Thursday 25 June "Le Mariage de Figaro", Friday 26 June "Cyrano de Bergerac". Saturday 27 June "Les Bons Villageois" Matinees Wednesday 24 June, "Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme", Saturday 27 June "Cyrano de Bergerac". 3rd week Monday 29 June "L'Affaire des Poisons", Tuesday 30 June "L'Affaire des Poisons", Wednesday 1 July :L'Affaire des Poisons", Thursday 2 July "Cyrano de Bergerac", Friday 3 July "Cyrano de Bergerac", Friday 3 July " Cyrano de Bergerac", Saturday 4 July "Cyrano de Bergerac" Matinees Wednesday 1 July "Tartufe" and "Les Precieuses Ridicules, Saturday 4 July "Les Bons Villageois". 4th week. The Programme for this week will be duly announced. Matinees every Wednesday and Saturday at 2 p.m. Box Office (Mr. Watts) open daily 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. also all libraries. Notice – special matinee teas are served in the Foyer of the Theatre after each Morning Performance. The Management does not permit gratuities to be received by any attendant in the Theatre, and hopes that the public will assist in enforcing this rule, which has been made for their comfort. The Safety Curtain will be lowered in the presence of the audience once during each performance. Extracts from the Rules made by the Lord Chamberlain – The Name of the actual and responsible Manager of the Theatre must be printed on every play bill. The Public can leave the Theatre at the end of the performance by all exit and entrance doors, which must open outwards. Where there is a fire-proof screen to the proscenium opening, it must be lowered at least once during every performance to ensure its being in proper working order. Smoking is not permitted in the auditorium. All gangways, passages and staircases must be kept free from any chairs or any other obstructions whether permanent or temporary. Sole Proprietor – Mr. Tree. Warrington & Co, Garrick St.

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The Merry Wives of Windsor, 30 May 1908, Image 5 of 5

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Did you know?

Ellen Terry published her autobiography, The Story of My Life (1908).

See all anecdotes