1910 - 1919Other Shakespeare performances
26 November-1 December 1917

The Merry Wives of Windsor

Location London Coliseum, St Martin's Lane, London, UK
Plays performed The Merry Wives of Windsor


Date 26 December 1917
Play(s) The Merry Wives of Windsor
Production Date(s) 26 November 1917 to 1 December 1917
Venue London Coliseum
Time of performance 2.30pm 8pm
Stage Manager Henry Crocker
Conductor Edward Elgar
Music Director Alfred Dove
Document ID ET-D516 Original record
Held by The British Library
Notes Evening entertainment including songs, recitations and plays; Ellen Terry performed scenes from The Merry Wives of Windsor.
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The Merry Wives of Windsor, 26 November-1 December 1917, Image 1 of 7

The London Coliseum. Haycock-Cadle Co, Camberwell. Price. 1D.

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The Merry Wives of Windsor, 26 November-1 December 1917, Image 2 of 7

Winter overcoats. Chas. Baker & Co. hold the largest stock in London and being actual manufacturers are supplying the best value obtainable. The Hurlingham is the most popular style for general wear and is stocked in cheviots, fleeces, elysians. &c. An extensive range of sizes for stout, medium and slim figures ready for wear. The house with a forty years' reputation. Chas. Baker & Co'.s Stores, Ltd. Head Depot and Letter Order Dept. 271 to 274 High Holborn, W.C.1. 41 and 43 Ludgate Hill, E.C.4, 137 to 140 Tottenham Court Rd., W.1, 256 Edgware Road, W.2, 27 to 33 King St., Hammersmith, W.6. 7 to 9 Seven Sisters Road, N.7. Croydon Branch: Whitgift House, North End. The Hurlingham. The London Coliseum Licensed by the Lord Chamberlain to Mr. Gerwald Stall, Chairman and Managing Director, The Coliseum Syndicate, Ltd., Coliseum Buildings, W.C. Managing Director – Oswald Stoll, Manager – Arthur Croxton, Stage Manager – Henry Croker, Musical Director – Alfred Dove – Assistant Manager – H. Pryme. Prices of Admission and Box Office Information. ‘Phone – Gerrard 7541. The Royal Box (to hold 14) with use of retiring rooms, Six Guineas – Tax One Guinea, The Royal Box (to hold 14) without use of retiring rooms, Five Guineas – Tax 14s. The Royal Box divided into two (to hold 4), Two Guineas each section – Tax 6s. Extra Seats 5s. – Tax 9d. Private Boxes, One Guinea – Tax 4s. (Four Persons). Extra Seats, 5s. – Tax 9d.; and 15s. – Tax 3s. 10s. 6d. – Tax 2s. (Four Persons). Extra Seats 4s. – Tax 9d.; and 3s. – Tax 6d. Fauteuils, 5s. – Tax 9d. A few Special. 7s. 6d. – Tax 1s. Balcony Stalls, 4s. – Tax 9d. Orchestra Stalls, 2s. 6d. – Tax 6d. If Reserved in Advance, 3s. – Tax 6d. Grand Tier Stalls, 2s. 6d. – Tax 6d. If Reserved in Advance, 3s. – Tax 6d. Royal Circle, 2s. – Tax 4d. If Reserved in Advance, 2s. 6d. – Tax 6d. Stalls, 2s. – Tax 4d. Bookable only in Advance. Grand Tier, 1s. – Tax 3d. If Reserved in Advance, 1s. 6d. tax 4d. Balcony. 6d. – Tax 2d. Early Doors, 3d. extra – Tax 3d. Saturdays, 10d. – Tax 3d. Children In Arms Not Admitted. Sole Representatives for Advertisements in this Programme. A. E. Tanner & Co. Advertising Agents and Publishers. 93/94, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. To Whom all enquiries should be addressed. ‘Phone: Central 203. Programme week commencing Monday, November 26th The Management reserve to themselves the right of making any unavoidable alteration in the constitution of the Programme. 1. Overture "Theodore & Co." Ivor Novello and Jerome Kerr 2-Baisden The Talking Comedy Cyclist. Chocolates obtainable from the Attendants and in the tea rooms and Bars. Diamons Diamon & Pearl Brooch. Set in Hall-marked Gold £3 10s. Principal London Addresses: Piccadilly: Piccadilly Circus (Cr. of Shaftesbury Av.). 54, Strand: Opposite Charing Cross Hospital. And at Liverpool St., Hammersmith, Holloway, Iing's Cross, Kilburn, etc. Brighton, Eastbourne, etc. The magnificent display of Diamonds at Saqui & Lawrence's affords many opportunities for making a money-saving investment. Every example is offered at practically WHOLESALE PRICES. Cross-over Ring, 18-ct. Gold, with 3 Diamonds. 4 gns. 3 Rubies and Diamonds, in 18-ctd. Gold £10 Diamond & Ruby Ring. 2 beautifully matched stones and lustrous Rubies £25 Visit your nearest Branch To-day. Saqui & Lawrence Ltd. London's largest jewllers. See the magnificent display at Piccadilly Circus, corner of Shaftesbury Avenue. Branches throughout London and the Provinces.

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The Merry Wives of Windsor, 26 November-1 December 1917, Image 3 of 7

Hear Carmen Hill, Sir Edward Elgar on 'His Master's Voice' Records. List Post Free from The Gramophone Co. Ltd., Hayes, Middlesex. His Master's Voice. Talk War Seals! Buy War Seals!! Use War Seals!!! Programme – continued. 3-Pierce & Roslyn In a Whirl of Melody 4-Miss Ina Hill The Operatic Prima Donna in Selections from her REpertoire 5-Cyril Clensy In Impersonations Talk War Seals! Buy War Seals!! Use War Seals!!! Alhambra Leicester Square and Charing Cross Road. Every Evening at 8.30. Matinees, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday at 2.15. Mr. Oswald Stoll presents by arrangement with George Grossmith and Edward Laurillard a new musical globe trot. "Round the Map". By C. M. S. McClellan. Revised by Cosmo Gordon Lennox, Music by Herman Finck, Staged by Gus Sohlkn. The best cast in London. Nelson Keys, Violet Loraine, Alfred Lester, Stanley Logan, Madeleine Seymour, Ethel Baird, Pip Powell, Jack Buchanan, Albert Brouett, Dan Agar, Eileen Molyneux, Harry Brown. Telephone: Regent 2522. Obtainable from all electricians, ironmongers and stores Osram G.E.C drawn wire lamps. Made at the Osram Robertson lamp works, Hammersmith. Get the war seal habit. Programme – continued. LAST WEEK 6-Ellen Terry In Scenes from "THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR" Mrs. Page - Miss Ellen Terry, Mrs. Ford, Miss Edith Evans, Sir John Falstaff - Mr. Roy Byford, Robia - Miss Audrey Cameron. Scenes I & III. Datchet Mead, Scene II. Room in Ford's House. Criterion Restaurant, luncheon, 3/6, dinner, 5/6. Popular Grill Room, music all day. Before, after or during the performance take tea in the Theatre. Terrace tea rooms near Royal Circle, Balcony Stalls and Grand Tier, also Fauteuils and Orchestra Stalls (by elevator). Grand Tier Saloon for teas and light refreshments. Balcony Tea Room (adjacent to Balcony off Entrance Staircase). Dutch Tea room open to Fauteuils, Orchestra Stalls and Royal Circle Patrons. Speciality 8d teas. Speciality: - Afternoon Tea 8d. Bread and butter, cake and separate pot of tea. Served to Patrons in their seats or in the above tea rooms. Electric Lift to Terrace Tea Room from Grand Entrance and Circle Foyer.

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The Merry Wives of Windsor, 26 November-1 December 1917, Image 4 of 7

The Eagle and British Dominions Insurance Company Limited 1807. For the House-Holder. For the House-Owner. "All-In" policy. Covers Contents of the Home 5/- per cent. Covers Building Fabric 1/6 per cent. Covers practically every risk and contingency with one police, one premium one renewal date. Write for Booklet 857. "All-In" Policy Department, 3 Old Broad Street, London, E.C.2. Head Office: British Dominions House, Royal Exchange Avenue, E.C.5. West End: 79 Pall Mall, S> W. 1. Assets Exceed £5,000,000. Applications for Agencies Invited. "The Most Progressive Office for all classes of Insurance". Pinoli's Restaurant 17, Wardour St. Special 2/9 Parisian Dinner. Served from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Programme continued, 7-Intermission: (a) Selection "The Maid of the Mountains" H.Fraser Simpson (b) "Hullo! Europe" Alfred Dove 8-Elven Hedges (Late Hedges Bros. & Jacobson). In Ragtime Songs Pinoli's Restaurant 17, Wardour St. Special 2/- supper. Consisting of Soup, Fish Entrée, or Poultry, Ice, Cheese, served from 9 p.m. to 12.15 p.m. Evans & Evans trading as Fribourg & Treyer Established at 34, Haymarket, S.W. over 200 years. Our Finest Cigarettes, for which we have a World-Wide Reputation, can be obtained in this Theatre. Everything that is required by the discriminating smoker can be obtained at the above address. London, Oxford, Cambridge. Miranda's Dream (Regd.). Oriental Am-Bar. Delicately Perfumed Cigarettes can be obtained in this Theatre, or direct from A. Miranda & Co. 97, Charing Cross Road, W.C. The Coliseum is one of the Wonders of London in War Time. Evening News. Holborn Restaurant. One Minute from the Holborn Tube Station. Luncheon – 3/- (1 to 8 p.m.). Dinner – 3/6 (6 to 9 p.m.) Accompanied by high-class Music. Programme continued. 7-The Old Lady Shows Her Medals A Salute in One Act by J.M.Barrie. Private Dowey - Mr. G.H. Mulcaster, Mr. Wilkinson (a Clergyman) - Mr. A.Carlaw Grand. Mrs. Dowey - Miss Irene Rooke. the Chorus - Miss Frances Wetherall, Miss Helen Colville, Miss Pollie Emery. Scene - A Charsoman's Home. Note: the Curtain will fall between the First and Second Episodes to indicate the passign fo a few days. Frascati Oxford Street. W. London's Floral Restaurant. Luncheon – 3/6 (1 to 2 p.m.), Dinner – 5/6 (6 to 9 p.m.) Orchestra. London Coliseum. Next Sunday Afternoon Decmeber 2nd, at 3 p.m. Owing to the Royal Albert Hall being unavailable for the usual Concert on Sunday, December 2nd,Mr. Oswald Stoll has arranged for the Royal Albert Hall Orchestra, under the conductorship of Mr. Landon Ronald, to appear at the London Coliseum on that day at 3 p.m. in the interest of the War Seal Foundation. PROGRAMME Conductor LANDON RONALD OVERTURE "The mastersingers" Wagner PRAELUDIUM Jarnefelt ARIA "The Jewel Song" (Faust) Gounod Carrie Tubb UNFINISHED SYMPHONY Schubert SUITE "Peer Gynt" Grieg SONGS (a) "down in the Forest" (b) "The Nightingale has a Lyre of Gold" Landone Ronald (Accompanied by the Composer) Carrie Tubb Valse Triste Sibelius. OVERTURE "Tannhauser" Wagner Usual Coliseum Prices, 7/6 to 6d. (Plus Tax) Seats bookable at all libraries or Coliseum Box Office

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The Merry Wives of Windsor, 26 November-1 December 1917, Image 5 of 7

The New Middlesex Theatre, Drury Lane. To-night's programme, 6.30 & 8.50.HARRY DAY presents a new MUSICAL PRODUCTION PLEASURE BOUND Produced by JOHN A. HOWITT. The cast includes JOS. ALEXANDRE, CHARLES CHILDERSTONE, FLORENCE WILLIAMS, MAGNIFICENT CHORUS. Daily News in PicturesPopular Prices – Telephone – Gerrard 1340. Get the war seal habit. Programme – continued 10-"THE FRINGES OF THE FLEET" Four Songs from the above work by RUDYARD KIPLING. Music Specially Composed by Sir EDWARD ELGAR Who will Conduct in Person Songs sung by MR. GEORGE PARKER, MR. HARRY BARRATT, MR. FREDERICK HENRY, MR. FREDERICK STEWART, Music published by Enoch & Sons, Gt. Marlboro' St. W. Please see separate leaflet for words of songs. Get the war seal habit. The War Seal Foundation is raising money to build specially designed flats wherein the disabled service man can live with his family upon his pension with his medical and physical needs provided for on the spot, without any appeal to charity. Don't you think this is a very practical way of expressing our appreciation of their services to us? If so – your letters should always be sealed with id. W R Seals. You can obtain them from the attendants in this Theatre in books of 12 for 6d. or 24 for 1s. The Attendant will give you a booklet containing all particulars of the scheme on request. The first block of war seal mansions is now in course of erection at Fulham, near to Walham Green Station, on a Site generously given by Mr. Oswald Stoll). For plans and particulars write – The Secretary The War Seal Foundation Faraday House, 10, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.2. Telephone – Gerrard 6284. Tel: Battersea 1129. Tel.: Kingston P.O. 124. The South-Western Sanitary Laundry. Ltd. Balham Park, S.W., & Kingston-on-Thames. With skilled labour, absolute cleanliness and exceptional hygienic arrangements, we produce Perfect Laundry – Work, and – Perfect Produce Procures Permanent Patrons. In accordance with the requirements of the London County Council: - (a) The public may leave at the end of the performance by all exit and entrance doors and such doors must at that time be open. (b) All gangways, passages and staircases must be kept entirely free from chairs or any other obstructions. (c) Persons must not be permitted to stand or sit in any of the intersecting gangways, and if standing be permitted in the gangways at the sides and rear of the seating, sufficient space must be left for persons to pass easily to and fro. (d) The safety curtain must be lowered about the middle of the performance so as to ensure its being in proper working order. Claytons' Gold Medal Table Waters supplied to this Theatre. Soda Water, Seltzer Water, Tonic Water, Lithia Water, Potass Water, Lemonade, Ginger Beer, Ginger Ale, Dry Ginger Ale, Pale Ale Non-Alcoholic, Lime Juice Cordial can be obtained from the Attendants, or in the Refreshment Rooms or Bars. Trocadero Afternoon Teas served daily in the Empire Hall, Theatre Suppers Special Music. Programme – continued. 11-THE DELSON & GOOD TRIO Comedy Acrobats 12-BIOSCOPE, NEWS OF THE DAY GOD SAVE THE KING 26/11/1917. The Soldiers Match-Box – Bryant & May's ‘Service' Match-Box Cover (Reg. design No. 642237). Keeps matches and box dry in all weathers. The Coliseum Tea and Refreshment Rooms. Refreshments in the Theatre at Popular Prices. Speciality – Coffee, freshly made for each person (Black or with Milk) – 6d. Tea, per Pot, per Person, freshly made – 5d. Tea, per Cup – 3d. Coffee, per Cup, Black or with Milk – 4d. Cocoa, per Cup – 4d. Milk, per Glass – 3d. Soda and Milk – 6d. Beef Extracts – 6d. Lemonade or Soda Water, large – 4d. Lemonade or Soda Water, small – 3d. Ginger Ale or Ginger Beer – 4d. Lemon Squash – 8d. Ham or Beef, per plate – 1/-, Bread & Butter, white or brown, 2 slices – 1d. Cake, Almond, Sultana, Cherry, per piece 3d. Assorted Cakes 3d. Savoury Toast – 6d. Two Poached Eggs on Toast, 1s.3d One Poached Egg on Toast 9d., Toasted Scone of Bun – 4d. Sandwiches, various – 3d. Buttered Toast – 3d. Schweppe's Mineral Waters Quick Service. No Waiting. Refreshments, Chocolates, Cigars, Cigarettes, etc.

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The Merry Wives of Windsor, 26 November-1 December 1917, Image 6 of 7

The Stoll Picture Theatre (London Opera House) Kingsway. Proprietors – The Opera House Syndicate, Ltd. General Manager – Lloyd Langdon, Chairman and Managing Director – Oswald Stoll, Manager – Randolph E. Richards. Week of November 26, continuous programme daily 2.30 to 11 p.m. SHOWING ALL THE WEEK THE BIGGEST SUCCESS OF THE YEAR MACISTE ALPINE SOLDIER AN ITALIAN MASTERPIECE, IN SEVEN ACTS The "DAILY NEWS" says: "Nothing like it has been seen since the exploits of Samson". MON., TUES., WED. June Caprice in A SMALL TOWN GIRL (FIVE ACTS) History of the War, PART TWELVE- The Response of the French Reservists THURS., FRI., SAT. OUR SAILOR BOYS IN THE MAKING An Interesting Picture of the Life and Tuition of the Boys on board the "Arethusa" Gee Gee Whizzes "Fox" Comedy in TWO ACTS LADIES' SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Under the Direction of Mr. SAMUEL MEY, of the Paris Conservatoire. Miss ISABEL WHITEHEAD, The Famous Contralto Dainty Teas, & Light Refreshments-Rapid Service POPULAR PRICES-6d. to 2s. (Plus Tax); PRIVATE BOXES 9s. (Tax 1s.6d.) Three Persons EVERY SUNDAY, 6 to 10.30 SPECIAL CONCERT AND CINEMA. In aid of the WAR SEAL FOUNDATION for erecting Homes for the Disabled Service Men New Programme Commencing nMonday next BILLIE BURKE IN THE SUPER-SERIAL GLORIA'S ROMANCE Schweppes soda water, dry ginger ale, sparkling Malvern water etc. supplied at all First Class Hotels, Clubs & Stores throughout the World.

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The Merry Wives of Windsor, 26 November-1 December 1917, Image 7 of 7

Peter Robinson's Special Offer of Afternoon Gowns. The illustration portrays one of the many charming Gowns that combine exclusive style and finest quality with moderate price. A visit to our Showrooms, where you will find a varied stock will amply repay you. "The Doreen." Afternoon Gown in fine quality Crepe-de-chine. Hemmed embroidered collar and cuffs in Crepe Georgette. In grey, saxe, wine, bottle green, navy and black. Price 5 ½ Gns. Peter Robinson's Oxford Street, W. 1. Peter Robinson, Ltd.

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Did you know?

Ellen Terry published her autobiography, The Story of My Life (1908).

See all anecdotes