Special invitation performance; variety programme. Ellen Terry, Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson and Sir Frank and Lady Benson perform speeches from Shakespeare.
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League of Arts for National and Civil Ceremony. 36, Cornhill, E.C.3. Programme of Special Invitation Performance organised by Lady Maud Warrender and Sir Frank Benson at the London Coliseum on Sunday Evening July 6, 1919 at 7.45 p.m. The London Coliseum Chairman and Managing Director, Sir Oswald Stoll. Manager, Arthur Croxton.
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The League of Arts (For National and Civic Ceremony) 36 Cornhill, E.C.3. 1. The League of Arts is an association of those who feel the power and influence of Art. 2. It aims at bringing into the national daily life a sense of form and colour, of harmony and proportion. 3. It is an exchange and mart of ideas connected with the above. 4. The League also seeks to form a guild of musicians, painters, artists and craftsmen: firstly for purposes of mutual co-operation, secondly for bringing their work into touch with the Public. (Note. – In this connection, it hopes to facilitate the employment of discharged soldiers who have acquired skill in artistry or handicraft, or those who might possibly desire to develop gifts in this direction.) 5. In conjunction with the British Institute of Industrial Art, it desires to make the homeland a place more worthy of her heroic children. 6. The League lays a special stress on the desirability of each locality holding its celebration or festival in its own way – making use of its own talent. (Such efforts may find it helpful to obtain from the League its list of artists, musicians, craftsmen, writers and trade depots.) 7. The realisation of these efforts will perhaps do more than anything else to get the whole community united in one great selfless purpose of high endeavour, as was the case during the war. 1. The League has created organisations all over Great Britain. It is believed that the activities of these organisations will become a permanent factor in our national life. 2. It has brought together choirs of every denomination. 3. Advice has been given gratis to many hundreds of civic authorities, societies and individuals on Art, celebrations, singing, pageantry, and decoration, by eminent artists, actors and musicians. 4. Public meetings, presided over by public officials, have been held all over London and at many centres in the provinces; the League has provided speakers on these occasions, who have made known its aims and objects and helped the locality to organise the art forces at its disposal. 5. A meeting was held on April 13th, at His Majesty's Theatre, at which the aims of the League were explained by Sir Frank Benson, Dr. Stanton Coit, Mr. Clem Edwards, M.P., the Rev. Preb. Gough, and Miss Maude Royden. The Band of the Grenadier Guards and a Choir of 300 voices played and sang songs from the "Motherland Song Book." (Admission free.) 6. On May 6th last a Choir of 300 voices with the Band of the Grenadier Guards gave a concert in Trafalgar Square, in aid of the funds of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. (A book of Sea Songs was specially published for this occasion.) Sir Frank Benson delivered a speech from the plinth of the Nelson Column. 7. The League of Arts has published four Song Books (the third and fourth edited by Dr. Vaughan Williams), whilst other volumes will follow from time to time. 8. The League has organised a London National Choir, a permanent organisation which will be ready to sing at any public function, such as that held on Lifeboat Day, whenever its services shall be required. 9. The League has published a book on Public Rejoicings, with designs for banners, flags, pennons, and articles by eminent artists and musicians on decoration, pageantry, music, and folk dancing, etc. It hopes to publish another book on the subject of "Drama for Schools and Villages." The League has also published a book on "Celebration for Schools." 10. A large number of flags will be produced for use at the forthcoming Thames Pageant from magnificent designs by eminent artists (with correct colours and heraldy). 11. The League has prepared designs for the Thames Pageant in honour of the Mercantile Marine. All communications should be addressed to League of Arts (for National and Civic Ceremony), 36 Cornhill, E.C.3. Programme 1. Choral Songs. a. O God of Earth and Altar – Traditional English Melody; harm. by R. Vaughan William. b. O England, my Country – G. T. Holst. c. Captain Nipper – Old Tune, arranged by martin Shaw. The League of Arts London National Choir. The Coliseum Orchestra. Conductor: Mr. Adrian C. Boult. (a) O God of Earth and Altar God of earth and altar, bow down and hear our cry, our earthly rulers falter, our people drift and die; the walls of gold entomb us, the swords of scorn divide, take not thy thunder from us, but take away our pride. From all that terror teaches, from lies of tongue and pen, from all the easy speeches that comfort cruel men, from sale and profanation of honour and the sword, from sleep and from damnation, deliver us, good Lord! Tie in a living tether the prince and priest and thrall, bind all our lives together; smite us and save us all; in ire and exultation a flame with faith, and free, lift up a living nation, a single sword to Thee. G. K. Chesterton. (b) O England, My Country. What heroes thou hast bred, O England, my country! I see the might dead pass in line, each with undaunted heart playing his gallant part, making thee what thou art, Mother of mine! Our fathers loves thee well, O England, my country! For thee they fought and fell O'er the brine, dying to ‘stablish thee queen of the boundless sea, land of the fair and free, Mother of mine! Then let me take my place, O England, my country! Amid the gallant race, that is thine, ready to hear thy call, ready to fight and fall, ready to give thee all, Mother of mine! G. K. Menzies.
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Programme – Continued. (c) Captain Nipper. Twas the fifteenth of September, how well I do remember I nearly broke my poor old mother's heart, for I shipp'd with Captain Nipper, in a big four-masted clipper, bound away down South for foreign parts. Chorus and the wind began to blow, and the ship began to roll; and the devil of a hurricane did blow, aye-oh! It nearly knocked the stuffing from the good ship Rag-a-muffin, and we thought to the bottom we should go, we should go. Then we hoisted up our anchor and set our jib and spanker, and the pilot took us to the harbour's mouth; then from the tug we parted, and on our voyage we started, with the compass heading East-North-East by South. Chorus – and the wind, etc. There came a good stuff breeze, that made the old man sneeze, and carried away the fore t'gallant jib-boom, for seven days we bore it by running right before it thinking we were on our way to doom. Chorus – and the wind, etc. The Captain came on deck and swore some terrible oaths, and bade each man put on his oilskin coat, for he'd come to the decision there was plenty of provision, he was going to make the record passage out. Chorus – and the wind, etc. But the ship caught aback and the stays began to crack, and the fore top-gallant lower sail carried away, but we put the hellum over, then headed back for Dover and at last we anchored safe within the Bay. Chorus – and the wind, etc. 2. Morris and Country Dances by members of the English folk dance society. (Violinist, Miss Elsie Avril). 1. Morris Dances: Rigs o' Marlow. Step Back. 2. Country Dances: Chelsea Reach. The Boatman. 3. Morris Jig: Ladies' Pleasure. 4. Country Dances: The Parson's Farewell. Confess. 5. Morris Dances: Laudnum Bunches. Green Garters. Programme continued. 3. "Taming Scene" – Shakespeare (From The Taming of the Shrew) – Sir Frank and Lady Benson. 4. Two Soliloquies. Shakespeare a. "To Be or Not to Be" (Hamlet), b. "The Seven Ages of Man" (As You Like It) – Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson. 5. "The Mercy Speech" – Shakespeare (From The Merchant of Venice) – Miss Ellen Terry. Songs. 6. a. Voi che sapete – Mozart b. Chanson Indoue – Rimsky Korsakoff. (a) Voi Che Sapete. Voi che sapete che cosa e amor, donne, vedete s'io l'ho nel cor, Quello ch'io provo, vi ridiro, e per me nuovo, capir nol so. Sento un affetto pien di desir ch'ora e diletto, ch'ora e martir: gelo, e poi sento l'alma avvampar, e in un momento torno a gelar. Ricerco un bene fuori di me, non so chi il tiene, non so cos e: sospiro e gemo senza voler: palpito e tremo sensa saper; non trovo pace note ne di, ma pur mi piace languir cosi. Voi che sapete che cosa e amor, donne, bedete s'io l'ho nel cor. (b) Chanson Indoue. Les diamants chez nous sont innombrables Les perles dans nos mers, incalcuables; C'est l'Inde, terre des merveilles. Dans un de nos sites un rubis emerge. Un oiseau l'habite, au visage de vierge! Jour et nuit il chante D'une voix ravissante; son brilliant plumage Couvre tout le rivage. Qui pourrait l'entendre renaitrant des cendres. Les diamants chez nous sont innombrables: Les perles dans nos mers, incalculables; C'est l'Inde, terre des merveilles. From the Opera "Sadko."Dame Nellie Melba. Conductor: Mr. Albert Coates.
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Programme continued. 7. Sir Frank Benson's Speech. 8. Orchestral Interlude – Old English Dances – Roger Quilter. Conductor: Mr. Adrian C. Boult. 9. Song "Jerusalem" – C. H. H. Parry. And did those feet in ancient time walk upon England's mountains green? And was the Holy Lamb of God On England's pleasant pastures seen? And did the Countenance Divine shine forth upon our clouded hills? And was Jerusalem builded here among those dark Satanic mills? Bring me my bow of burning gold! Bring me my arrows of desire! Bring me my spear! O clouds unfold! Bring me my Chariot of Fire! I will not cease from mental fight; Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand till we have built Jerusalem in England's green and pleasant land. William Blake (Prophetic Books). Lady Maud Warrender. The League of Arts London National Choir and the Coliseum Orchestra. Conductor: Mr. Adrian C. Boult. 10. God Save the King. Nos. 1 (a, b and c) and 9 are taken from "The Motherland Song Book," which – together with brass band or orchestral parts – can be obtained from the League of Arts, 36 Cornhill, E.C.3. The English Folk Dance Society (Honorary Director – Cecil J. Sharp) was founded in 1911 to disseminate a knowledge of English folk music and singing games, and to encourage the practice of them in their traditional form. Particulars of members, etc., can be obtained from the Secretary, 73 Avenue Chambers, Vernon Place, W.C.1. At the conclusion of the "Taming Scene," King Henry's Song will be sung by Major Drew. The Agincourt Pageant. By E. B. Osborne. Agincourt should be every honest Englishman's favourite battle (as Bannockburn is every kindly Scot's military masterpiece), and I can hardly get my pen off it! By my present intention is to describe the pageant which London devised for the victorious King's homecoming in the hope that it may provide a hint for the civic authorities engaged in thinking out the coming Peace Celebration. In the Fifteenth Century London had a world-wide fame for the pomp and splendour of her "ridings" and joyous pageantry. Those who arranged the ceremonial thanksgiving of 1415 had many a glorious precedent in mind – for example, the four triumphal progresses of Richard II. and the famous ridings of Henry IV at his Coronation and at his marriage, when the conduits of the Palace Yard flowed with wine. London outdid all these precedents on November 23, 1415, when the Mayor and twenty-four Aldermen, in furred scarlet gowns with black-and-white hoods, rode out to meet the King at Blackheath, accompanied by thousands of craftsmen, clad in red liveries and red-and-white motley hoods, and bearing their honourable trade devices. London's streets were strawed and spread and hung with rich cloths and tapestries; her roofs were gay with sarsenets, her houses flagged fresh and well-beseen with boughs, decked with tapets broidered with the deeds of England's greatest monarchs. House-tops and battlements were manned with adventurous climbers; at every loft and solar sat the City's honoured burghers in purple and gold, in biss and say, while from every casement and lattice looked forth her stateliest dames and daintiest girls, all in their freshest finery, and with "Oh! such horns!" exclaims the chronicler, who, while praising God for exalting the horn of the nation, prayed that the women's horned head-dresses might be broken or at any rate diminished. Though the Kind had ordered that no pompous speeches should be made, the journey from Blackheath to Westminster took five hours. The Kind's deportment – according to the customs of to-day, unacquainted with the awful presence of absolute Majesty, and the aloofness of chevalerie, which talked through its nose by way of showing dignity – strikes a modern reader as cold, and lacking even in courtesy. He would not wear the broken helm and battered armour his people longed to seem but, clad in a purple cloak, he seemed to shun applause, and rode on unmoved with a moody look (he had appeared "solamp with semblant so sad" at the submission of Rouen). Non nobis, Domine, was the first and last thought in his mind that day – so that he withheld himself from all personal laudation and popular joy. At ten o'clock, attended by a few officers and followed by some of the most distinguished prisoners of war, he rode through the civic host on the Heath and thanked them for their welcome. As the cavalcade passed at St. George's Bar into the High street of Southwark, they found the London clergy awaiting them with banners and crosses and relics, singing "Ave Anglorum fos mundi misles [?]." Then they crossed London bridge; the battlements of the gatehouse at the "stoupes" or boundary-posts were fenced with halberds, and a giant couple, dressed as man and wife, and each as high as the wall itself, stood on either side of the gateway. As the King drew near he cried out "Hail to the royal city!" and prayed that Christ would keep sorrow and care from her for ever. At the drawleaf in midstream (which was lifted to let shipping pass up to Queenhithe) they came to an arch surmounted by an armed figure of St. George, bare-headed and crowned with bays, his helmet and shield hung up on either side, the sword in his right hand and in his left a scroll with the words "Honour and glory be to God alone." On the tower itself was displayed the legend: "The birr of the river maketh glad the city of God," while a psalm was sung by choristers on the leads of the adjoining houses. They wore white gowns and white wings and had their faces bravely gilt. So they rode into the busy thoroughfares where, at the Tun in Cornhill, a company of hoary patriarchs, in golden gowns and crimson turbans, came out of a tent, singing "Hallelujah! Sing unto the Lord a new song," and loosing a flock of small birds, which alighted on the King's shoulder or fluttered at his breast. At the entrance to the Cheape, the tipstaffs and sergeants with their maces could hardly clear a way through the dense throngs. A green awning held up by poles wreathed in flowers spanned the street, and at the great conduit or stone cistern there was a gathering of the twelve Apostles and twelve Kings of England, each having his name writ on his crowned brow. This conduit, the centre of London's water-supply, brought in surface pipes from Tyburn, was overflowing noble wine, which the patriarchs drew off for all comers, while obleys and flakes silver foil (mediaeval confetto, in fact) were thrown at the King as he passed. Wonders, too numerous to describe, were multiplied as the cavalcade went on. Thus the gate leading into St. Paul's Churchyard was provided with niches, in each of which stood a stately maiden, holding a gold cup, from which she lightly puffed flakes of gold leaf towards the King, while others came forth dancing and singing and playing on little drums and gilt viols. Above was stretched a sky-blue heaven or canopy, set with stars and sapphire clouds, beneath which was a symbol of Majesty, as a great sun darting red rays. Here a number of archangels sang for the Royal victor: Gif hym gode lyfe and gode endying that we with mirth mowe safely sing, thanks be to God for the victory. At St. Paul's the great bells were ringing bravely as the King entered the Church, where eighteen Bishops were assembled to cense and salute him. Queen Joan must have met him here; the twain rode along the river strand to Westminster, where the Abbot awaited him with a red-robed choir. The cheering people saw them home, filling the open fields through which the winding road approached the Palace gates. So all was well done to the glory of God and in the King's honour. The delight of the people passed all bounds – having thanked God for it, they were not ashamed to rejoice over the victory. In the London of those far-off-single-hearted days, the Pacifist, the enemy's friend, was unknown. Had any such lifted up his voice, his treason would have had short shrift. By kind permission of the editor of the "Morning Post." The Decoration Committee (formed by the British Institute of Industrial Art (Board of Trade) in conjunction with the League of Arts) has kindly undertaken the decoration of the Stage and Vestibule. This Committee has also designed the flags and cartouches. The latter may be obtained for purposes of house, processional and street decoration for the forthcoming peace celebrations from Messrs. George Jackson & Sons, 49 Rathbone Place, W.1. The frontispiece of this programme has been specially designed by Mr. Vernon Hill.
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League of Arts. Chairman Finance Advisory Committee : Hon. Herbert C. Gibbs. Vice-Chairman Finance Advisory Committee: W. H. Leslie. Hon. Secretary : Charles Kennedy Scott. Hon. Organising Secretary: Capt. J. F. Thistleton. General Council: *Hon. & Rev. James Adderley, M.A. Otho Stuart Andreae, J. S. Ardley, Lena Ashwell, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Robert Baden-Powell, K.C.B., K.C.V.O. Sir Frank Baines, Edgar L. Bainton, *Prof. Granville Bantock, M.A. * Prof. Anning Bell, A.R.A. *Sir Frank & Lady Benson, Admiral Lord Beresford, G.C.B., K.C.B., G.C.V.O., Laurence Binyon, Sir Reginald Blomfield, A.R.A. *Rutland Boughton, *Adrian C. Boult, Lilian Braithwaite, A. Clutton-Brock, Leonard J. Callcott, The Right Hon. Lord Carmichael, G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., K.C.M.G., Mr. & Mrs. Caroe, S. B. Caulfield, Maud L. H. Cazalet, +Maj. A. C. Chamier, G. K. Chesterton, Rev. W. F. Cobb, D.D., *Stanton Coit, Phil. D., G. R. Collingridge, Sir Martin Conway, M.A., F.S.A., F.R.G.S, Sir Edward E. Cooper, Edith Craig, W. E. Vernon Crompton, F.R.I.B.A. *Harold E. Darke, Mus.B., Oxon., F.R.C.O., Rev. A. A. David, D.D. (Rugby), *Rev. Percy Dearmer, M.A., D.D., Amelia D. Defries, M.R.I., J. M. Dent, John Drinkwater, Clement Edwards, M.P., *Katherine E. Eggar, *Sir Edward Elgar, O.M., Mus. Doc., LL.D., W. Ellis, Mus.Bac., Arthur Fagge, Elsie Fogerty, Mabel C. Forbes, Prof. Sir I. Gollancz, Litt.D., Lady Gomme, Rev. Prebendary Gough, *Harvey Grace, *A. P. Graves, M.A., F.R.S.L., H. Plunkett Greene, Eleanor C. Gregory, Sir W. H. Hadow, +Sir Eric Hambro, Albert W. Harris, Lady Harris, Alfred Hayes, M.A., *Frank H. Hayward, D.Litt., M.A., B.Sc., Walter Hedgcock, *Joseph Holbrooke, *Wynnard Hooper, Laurence Housman, Annette Hullah, Granville Humphreys, Rev. T. Hartley Jackson, +Hon. Gilbert Johnstone, Alfred Kalisch, The Right Rev. the Bishop of Kensington, Patrick Kirwan, H. Cart De Lafontaine, Sir John Lavery, R.S.A., R.H.A., A.R.A., H.R.O.I., The Right Rev, the Lord Biship of London, *Major Longden, D.S.O., Miss M. Lowndes, Hon. Mrs. Alfred Lyttelton, The Hon. Nevill Lytton, *Norman McDermott, Dame Nellie Melba, D.B.E., A Forbes Milne, M.A., Mus. Doc., Rt, Hon. Sir Frederick Milner, Bt., Lady Mond, Arthur R. Moro, F.R.G.S., May Morris, *E.W. Naylor, Mus.Doc, Mary Neal, +William Newall, Capt. H. O. Newland, Rev. Conrad Noel, C.C., Cyril Norwood, Litt.D. (Marlborough), Alice M. Parker, Nigel Playfair, William Poel, Arthur Rackham, R.W. S., Mr. J. Rendall, M.A. (Winchester), *Sir Johnnstone Forbes-Robertson, Landon Ronald, *Cyril B. Rootham, M.A., Mus. Doc., Professor W. Rothenstein, A. Mayde Royden, C. W. Saleeby, M.D., F.R.S.E., P.A. Scholes, Mus.Bac., *Cecil J. Sharp, B.A., *Geoffrey Shaw, *Martin Shaw, Rev. H. R. L. Sheppard, C. O. Skilbeck, F.S.A., Maj. A. Corbett Smith, +Vivian Hugh Smith, *Arthur Somervell, B.A., Mus. Doc., *Sir Charles Villiers Stanford, M.A., Mus.Doc., D.C.L., LL.D., R. Dimsdale Stocker, Sir Oswald Stoll, Neville Swainson, Alicia Cameron Taylor, Ellen Terry, F. Inigo Thomas, Lady Mary Trefusis, Genevieve Ward, Lady Maud Warrender, J. Warriner, Mus.D., *Sir Aston Webb, P.R.A., K.C.V.O., C.B., Lady Whitelegge, *W. G. Whittaker, Norman Wilkinson, R.I., *Capt. A. Williams, Grenadier Guards, E. Victor Williams, *Henry Wilson, Walter Yeomans. *Members of Executive Committee. +Members of Finance Advisory Committee. Hon. Solicitor: Leopold H. Woolfe. Auditors: Messrs. Harris, Allan & Co., 20 Copthall Avenue, E.C. Bankers: Barclays Bank Ltd., 54-56 Great Portland Street, W.1. 36 Cornhill, London, E.C.3. Printed at the Pelican Press, 2 Carmelite Street, E.C.