1920 - 1939Other Shakespeare performances
23 April 1920

The Merry Wives of Windsor (etc.)

Location New Theatre, St Martin's Lane, London, UK
Plays performed The Merry Wives of Windsor; The Merchant of Venice; As You Like It; Henry IV, Part 1; Julius Caesar; Hamlet; Othello


1. Programme

Date 23 April 1920
Play(s) As You Like It; Othello; Hamlet; The Merry Wives of Windsor; Julius Caesar; The Merchant of Venice; Henry IV
Production Date(s) Friday April 23rd 1920
Venue New Theatre
Director A. W. Tyrer
Producer Nigel Playfair, Matheson Lang, Stanley Bell, J. B. Fagan
Stage Manager Francis Serle
Orchestra Wadsworth String Quartet
Conductor Phillip Cathie
Document ID ET-D412 Original record
Held by The British Library
Notes Shakespeare Day Festival Matinee; two copies.
6 scanned images
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The Merry Wives of Windsor (etc.), 23 April 1920, Image 1 of 6

Friday, April twenty-third, 1920. non sans droict Shakespeare Day Festival Matinee At The New Theatre. (Under the Auspices of the Shakespeare Association).

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

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The Merry Wives of Windsor (etc.), 23 April 1920, Image 2 of 6

Shakespeare. Others abide our question, Thou art free. We ask and ask – Thou smilest and art still, Out-topping knowledge. For the loftiest hill who to the stars uncrowns his majesty. Planting his steadfast footsteps in the sea, making the heaven of heavens his dwelling place. Spares but the cloudy border of his base to the foil'd searching of mortality; and thou, who didst the stars and sunbeams know, self-school'd, self-scanned, self-honour'd, self-secure, didst tread on earth unguessed at. – Better so! All pains the immortal spirit must endure, all weakness which impairs, all griefs which bow, find their sole speech in that immortal brow. – Matthew Arnold. The Council of the Shakespeare Association desire to express their heartiest thanks to the Lady Wyndham and Mr. Matheson Lang for their cordial co-operation in placing the New Theatre at the Association's disposal for the Shakespeare Day Festival. The best thanks of the Council are also due to all the distinguished actors, actresses, and musicians who have generously participated in this Shakespeare Festival. They would place on record their profound gratification at the re-appearance on this occasion of Miss Ellen Terry and of Sir Johnstone Forbes Robertson. They tender their grateful acknowledgement to Mr. Landon Ronald for his valued advice in arranging the programme of Shakesperian music. The Council are especially indebted to Mr. Matheson Lang, who, with the indefatigable assistance of Mr. Bronson Albery, has been responsible for this years' Shakespeare Festival; to Mr. Henry Ainley, Mr. Arthur Bourchier, Mr. J. B. Fagan, and Mr. Nigel Playfair, who have wholeheartedly associated themselves with the organisation of the Festival, and to all who have kindly given their help on this occasion. Here follows the programme of the day.

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

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The Merry Wives of Windsor (etc.), 23 April 1920, Image 3 of 6

Orchestra "As You Like It" – Three Dances from Masque – Ed. German. Conducted by Phillip Cathie. "As You Like It." – Act V, Scenes iii and iv. The Duke – William Rea, Jaques – Herbert Marshall, Amiens (Hymen) – Bertram Binyon, Oliver – George Hayes, Jacques de Boys – Stephen Thomas, Orlando – Ivan Samson, Touchstone – Nigel Playfair, Sir Oliver Martext – H. Gordon, Silvius – Tristan Rawson, William – Miles Malleson, Rosalind – Athene Seyler, Celia – Marjory Holman, Phoebe – Moyna Macgill, Audrey – Olive Walter, Pages – Angela Baddeley, Edith Bartlett and Nancy Pawley. A Forest. Produced by Nigel Playfair. Music arranged by Arthur Bliss and played by the Wadsworth String Quartette. Songs (a) "Under the greenwood tree" – Arne (b) "Blow, blow, thou winter wind". Miss Gladys Moger. "Othello," The Moor of Venice.- Act III, Scene i. Othello – Matheson Lang, Iago – Arthur Bourchier, Desdemona – Hilda Bayley, Emilia – Hutin Britton, Cassio – Dennis Neilson-Terry. Cyprus – A Courtyard in the Castle. Produced by Matheson Lang. Hamlet, Act III, Scene i. – "To be or not to be…" Sir Johnston Forbes Roberston. Interval. Orchestra "The Merry Wives of Windsor" – Nicolai. The Shakespeare Association Incorporating the Shakespeare Day Committee. Application to the Council for election as a member of the Association. To Sir Isreak Gollancz, Chairman of The Shakespeare Association, King's College, Strand, W.C.2. I desire to be enrolled a Member of the Shakespeare Association (incorporating the Shakespeare Day Committee). Name* _______ Address _________ as Annual Subscriber (5/-), Four Years' Subscriber (£1), Life Member (£5) Indicate by a cross the respective category. *Please say whether Mr., Miss., etc., and add any letters of title which should appear in a printed list of Members.

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

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The Merry Wives of Windsor (etc.), 23 April 1920, Image 4 of 6

"Julius Caesar." – Act IV, Scenes ii and iii. Brutus – Lyn Harding, Cassius – Basil Rathbone, The Ghost of Caesar – Clifford Boyne, Lucius – Norman Walter, Metellus Cimber – Henry Oscar, Trebonius – Howard Rose, Varro – Sidney Bland, Claudius – Julian Courtville, Pindarus – Ernest Digges. Camp near Sardis. – The Tent of Brutus. Produced by Stanley Bell. Songs (a) "Come away death" – Arne (b) "O'mistress mine" C. Hayden Coffin. "The Merchant of Venice." – Act IV, Scene i. Shylock – Maurice Moscovitch, Duke of Venice, Edwin Greenwood, Antonio – Harvey Braban, Bassanio – James Dale, Gratiano – George Hayes, Solanio – Eugene Leahy, Solarino – Reginald Denham, Tubal – Naylor Grimson, Nerissa – Mignon O'Doherty, Portia – Mary Grey. Venice. – A Court of Justice. Produced by J. B. Fagan. II. Henry IV, Act III. Scene i. – "How many of my poorest subjects…." Ellen Terry. The Festival has been organised on behalf of the Shakespeare Association by Matheson Lang and Bronson Albery. Stage Director: A. W. Tyrer. Stage Manager: Francis Serle. Business Managers: C Egerton Killick and G. Mayor-Cooke. Press Representative: T. J. Kealy. In addition to the Managers mentioned above The Shakespeare Association begs to thanks the following Managers for permission for artistes to appear : - Sir Alfred Butt, Messrs. Grossmith & Laurillard, Mr. C. B. Cochran & Miss Constance Collier.

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

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The Merry Wives of Windsor (etc.), 23 April 1920, Image 5 of 6

The Shakespeare Association: Incorporating the Shakespeare Day Committee. The Shakespeare Association was founded in connection with the Shakespeare Tercentenary, 1916, its purpose being to maintain and strengthen some of the efforts put forth on that occasion notwithstanding the preoccupations of the time. The aims of the association are (i) to promote the study and interpretation of Shakespeare, (ii) to further the appreciation of Shakespeare in the life of the nation and the English-speaking peoples, and in other countries, (iii) to advance Shakesperian research, and to help forward investigations in dramatic and other literature, history, bibliography, and the various branches of learning bearing on the Poet and his work, (iv) to record the progress of studies and activities relating to Shakespeare, (v) to hold meetings for discussions and to publish papers and monographs on Shakesperian subjects. On May 3rd, 1917, at a memorable meeting, presided over by the Vice-Chancellor of the University of London, held at King's College, organised by the Shakespeare Association, it was resolved to promote the observance of an Annual Shakespeare Day in the schools and other institutions. His Excellency Dr. W. H. Page, the American Ambassador, who was the guest of honour on the occasion, asked permission to add to the Resolution the expression of the hope that the schools of the United States of America would in a similar way see fit to observe the Day. Accordingly, a Shakespeare Day Committee was constituted to bring about the observance of Shakespeare Day throughout the English-speaking world. This Committee became incorporated in the Shakespeare Association, and Dr. Page, who had actively participated in the movement, became President of the Association, and to the day of his death was enthusiastic for its aims. His Excellency The Hon. J. W. Davis, the American Ambassador, has succeeded him at the President of the Association. Thus there are two main aspects of the work that the Shakespeare Association wishes to accomplish. It has been urged from many quarters that an effort should be made to establish a Shakespeare Society for the advancement of Shakesperian studies and research, and for the publication of investigations. Before the war the only available organ for publications of this kind was "The German Shakespeare Society's Year-Book." It is, perhaps, hardly necessary further to urge the claims of the Shakespeare Association, which hopes to satisfy the undoubted need in this respect. In view of the educational developments of the time, the more popular side of the Association's work is not the least important, and the Shakespeare Day movement, which is bring more and more recognised throughout the Empire and America, will, it is hoped, realise the aims set forth on Shakespeare Day, 1917, and will emphasize in the era of peace the common ideals for the welfare of humanity uniting the English-speaking peoples. We sincerely hope that those present at this notable Shakespeare Day Festival, who are not already members of the Association will evince their interest by joining our roll of members. All may help by inducing friends to join. Membership forms are herewith enclosed. The annual subscription is a modest one, five shillings (which will cover the period, in the present instance, till June, 1921). The composition fee for Life Membership is £5. The forms dully filled up with name and address, will be collected, but no payments should be made at this performance. I. Gollancz, Chairman of the Shakespeare Association. King's College, Strand, W.C.2. 1919-1920 The Shakespeare Association Incorporating The Shakespeare Day Committee. President: His Excellency The Hon. J. W. Davis, American Ambassador. Hon. Treasurer: Mr. A.G. Snelgrove. Vice-Presidents. Sir Frank Benson, Dr. F. S. Boas, Mr. Arthur Bourchier, Dr. A. C. Bradley, Dr. Henry Bradley, Sir Frederick Bridge, C.V.O, The Right Hon. Viscount Bryce, O.M., Mr. E.K. Chambers, C.B., Professor A. Feuillerat (Rennes), Mr. A. D. Flower (Stratford-on-Avon), Sir Jonston Forbes-Robertson, Mr. H. H. Furness (Philadelphia), Professor C.M. Gayley (California), Mr. Edmund Grosse, C.B., Dr. W. W. Greg, Sir Henry Hadow, Professor C. H. Herford, Matthias Jochumsson (Iceland), His Excellency J. J. Jusserand (Washington), Professor W. P. Ker, Professor G. L. Kitteridge (Harvard University), Sir Sidney Lee, The Right Hon. D. H. Madden, Professor John M. Manly (Chicago University), Professor Gilbert Murray, Mr. Alfred Noves, The Right Hon. The Earl of Plymouth, Mr. Alfred W. Pollard, Sir Walter Raleigh, The Right Hon. J. M. Robertson, Mr. H. M. Spielmann, Professor George Saintsbury, Sir Edward Maunde Thomson, G.C.B, Sir A. W. Ward (Master of Peterhouse). Sir Chales C. Wakefield, Bart. (Hon. Treas., Shakespeare Day Committee.) Council: Chairman: Sir Israel Gollancz, King's College, Strand. Mr. William Archer, +The Rev. Ronald Bayne, +Dr. F. S. Boas, +Miss Mabel Day, Mr. A. Percival Graves, *Dr. W. W. Greg, Mr. C. T. Hunt, +Mr. Patrick Kirwan, Mr. Holford Knight, +Miss Grace Latham, Mr. Ernest Law, C.B, *Sir Sidney Lee, +Mr. S. R. Littlewood, *Dr. R. B. McKerrow, +Dr. G. MacLean, *Mr. A. W. Pollard, +Mr. A. W. Reed, The Right Hon, J. M. Robertson, +Mr. Harold Routh, +Mrs C. C. Stopes, *Mr. Dugdale Sykes, Professor Foster Watson, *Mr. Dover Wilson. Hon. Auditor: Mr. Joseph Cox, Incorpd. Acct. Hon Secretary: Miss Eleanor Calvert. Bankers: London County Westminster and Parr's Bank. *Advisory Committee for Papers and Publications. +Committee of Management.

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

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The Merry Wives of Windsor (etc.), 23 April 1920, Image 6 of 6

In Accordance with the Requirements of the London County Council, 1 – The name of the actual and responsible Manager of the Theatre must be printed on every play bill. 2. – The Public can leave the Theatre at the end of the performance by all exit and entrance doors, which must open outwards. 3.- Where there is a fireproof screen to the proscenium opening it must be lowered at least once during every performance, to ensure its being in proper working order. 4. – All gangways, passages and staircases must be kept free from chairs or any other obstructions, whether permanent or temporary. Printed by GEO. W. Jones, at The Sign of The Dolphin, Gough Square, Fleet St., E.C.

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

2. Programme

Date 23 April 1920
Play(s) As You Like It; Othello; Hamlet; Julius Caesar; The Merchant of Venice; Henry IV
Production Date(s) Friday April 23rd 1920
Venue New Theatre
Director A. W. Tyrer
Producer Nigel Playfair J. B. Fagan Stanley Bell Matheson Lang
Stage Manager Francis Serle
Orchestra Wadsworth String Quartette
Conductor Phillip Cathie
Document ID ET-D536 Original record
Held by The British Library
Notes Shakespeare Day Festival Matinee; recitation by Ellen Terry.
7 scanned images
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The Merry Wives of Windsor (etc.), 23 April 1920, Image 1 of 7

Friday, April twenty-third, 1920. non sans droict Shakespeare Day Festival Matinee At The New Theatre. (Under the Auspices of the Shakespeare Association).

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

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The Merry Wives of Windsor (etc.), 23 April 1920, Image 2 of 7

Shakespeare. Others abide our question, Thou art free. We ask and ask – Thou smilest and art still, Out-topping knowledge. For the loftiest hill who to the stars uncrowns his majesty. Planting his steadfast footsteps in the sea, making the heaven of heavens his dwelling place. Spares but the cloudy border of his base to the foil'd searching of mortality; and thou, who didst the stars and sunbeams know, self-school'd, self-scanned, self-honour'd, self-secure, didst tread on earth unguessed at. – Better so! All pains the immortal spirit must endure, all weakness which impairs, all griefs which bow, find their sole speech in that immortal brow. – Matthew Arnold. The Council of the Shakespeare Association desire to express their heartiest thanks to the Lady Wyndham and Mr. Matheson Lang for their cordial co-operation in placing the New Theatre at the Association's disposal for the Shakespeare Day Festival. The best thanks of the Council are also due to all the distinguished actors, actresses, and musicians who have generously participated in this Shakespeare Festival. They would place on record their profound gratification at the re-appearance on this occasion of Miss Ellen Terry and of Sir Johnstone Forbes Robertson. They tender their grateful acknowledgement to Mr. Landon Ronald for his valued advice in arranging the programme of Shakesperian music. The Council are especially indebted to Mr. Matheson Lang, who, with the indefatigable assistance of Mr. Bronson Albery, has been responsible for this years' Shakespeare Festival; to Mr. Henry Ainley, Mr. Arthur Bourchier, Mr. J. B. Fagan, and Mr. Nigel Playfair, who have wholeheartedly associated themselves with the organisation of the Festival, and to all who have kindly given their help on this occasion. Here follows the programme of the day.

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

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The Merry Wives of Windsor (etc.), 23 April 1920, Image 3 of 7

Orchestra "As You Like It" – Three Dances from Masque – Ed. German. Conducted by Phillip Cathie. "As You Like It." – Act V, Scenes iii and iv. The Duke – William Rea, Jaques – Herbert Marshall, Amiens (Hymen) – Bertram Binyon, Oliver – George Hayes, Jacques de Boys – Stephen Thomas, Orlando – Ivan Samson, Touchstone – Nigel Playfair, Sir Oliver Martext – H. Gordon, Silvius – Tristan Rawson, William – Miles Malleson, Rosalind – Athene Seyler, Celia – Marjory Holman, Phoebe – Moyna Macgill, Audrey – Olive Walter, Pages – Angela Baddeley, Edith Bartlett and Nancy Pawley. A Forest. Produced by Nigel Playfair. Music arranged by Arthur Bliss and played by the Wadsworth String Quartette. Songs (a) "Under the greenwood tree" – Arne (b) "Blow, blow, thou winter wind". Miss Gladys Moger. "Othello," The Moor of Venice.- Act III, Scene i. Othello – Matheson Lang, Iago – Arthur Bourchier, Desdemona – Hilda Bayley, Emilia – Hutin Britton, Cassio – Dennis Neilson-Terry. Cyprus – A Courtyard in the Castle. Produced by Matheson Lang. Hamlet, Act III, Scene i. – "To be or not to be…" Sir Johnston Forbes Roberston. Interval. Orchestra "The Merry Wives of Windsor" – Nicolai "Julius Caesar." – Act IV, Scenes ii and iii. Brutus – Lyn Harding, Cassius – Basil Rathbone, The Ghost of Caesar – Clifford Boyne, Lucius – Norman Walter, Metellus Cimber – Henry Oscar, Trebonius – Howard Rose, Varro – Sidney Bland, Claudius – Julian Courtville, Pindarus – Ernest Digges. Camp near Sardis. – The Tent of Brutus. Produced by Stanley Bell. Songs (a) "Come away death" – Arne (b) "O'mistress mine" C. Hayden Coffin. "The Merchant of Venice." – Act IV, Scene i. Shylock – Maurice Moscovitch, Duke of Venice, Edwin Greenwood, Antonio – Harvey Braban, Bassanio – James Dale, Gratiano – George Hayes, Solanio – Eugene Leahy, Solarino – Reginald Denham, Tubal – Naylor Grimson, Nerissa – Mignon O'Doherty, Portia – Mary Grey. Venice. – A Court of Justice. Produced by J. B. Fagan. II. Henry IV, Act III. Scene i. – "How many of my poorest subjects…." Ellen Terry. The Festival has been organised on behalf of the Shakespeare Association by Matheson Lang and Bronson Albery. Stage Director: A. W. Tyrer. Stage Manager: Francis Serle. Business Managers: C Egerton Killick and G. Mayor-Cooke. Press Representative: T. J. Kealy. In addition to the Managers mentioned above The Shakespeare Association begs to thanks the following Managers for permission for artistes to appear : - Sir Alfred Butt, Messrs. Grossmith & Laurillard, Mr. C. B. Cochran & Miss Constance Collier.

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

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The Merry Wives of Windsor (etc.), 23 April 1920, Image 4 of 7

The Shakespeare Association: Incorporating the Shakespeare Day Committee. The Shakespeare Association was founded in connection with the Shakespeare Tercentenary, 1916, its purpose being to maintain and strengthen some of the efforts put forth on that occasion notwithstanding the preoccupations of the time. The aims of the association are (i) to promote the study and interpretation of Shakespeare, (ii) to further the appreciation of Shakespeare in the life of the nation and the English-speaking peoples, and in other countries, (iii) to advance Shakesperian research, and to help forward investigations in dramatic and other literature, history, bibliography, and the various branches of learning bearing on the Poet and his work, (iv) to record the progress of studies and activities relating to Shakespeare, (v) to hold meetings for discussions and to publish papers and monographs on Shakesperian subjects. On May 3rd, 1917, at a memorable meeting, presided over by the Vice-Chancellor of the University of London, held at King's College, organised by the Shakespeare Association, it was resolved to promote the observance of an Annual Shakespeare Day in the schools and other institutions. His Excellency Dr. W. H. Page, the American Ambassador, who was the guest of honour on the occasion, asked permission to add to the Resolution the expression of the hope that the schools of the United States of America would in a similar way see fit to observe the Day. Accordingly, a Shakespeare Day Committee was constituted to bring about the observance of Shakespeare Day throughout the English-speaking world. This Committee became incorporated in the Shakespeare Association, and Dr. Page, who had actively participated in the movement, became President of the Association, and to the day of his death was enthusiastic for its aims. His Excellency The Hon. J. W. Davis, the American Ambassador, has succeeded him at the President of the Association. Thus there are two main aspects of the work that the Shakespeare Association wishes to accomplish. It has been urged from many quarters that an effort should be made to establish a Shakespeare Society for the advancement of Shakesperian studies and research, and for the publication of investigations. Before the war the only available organ for publications of this kind was "The German Shakespeare Society's Year-Book." It is, perhaps, hardly necessary further to urge the claims of the Shakespeare Association, which hopes to satisfy the undoubted need in this respect. In view of the educational developments of the time, the more popular side of the Association's work is not the least important, and the Shakespeare Day movement, which is bring more and more recognised throughout the Empire and America, will, it is hoped, realise the aims set forth on Shakespeare Day, 1917, and will emphasize in the era of peace the common ideals for the welfare of humanity uniting the English-speaking peoples. We sincerely hope that those present at this notable Shakespeare Day Festival, who are not already members of the Association will evince their interest by joining our roll of members. All may help by inducing friends to join. Membership forms are herewith enclosed. The annual subscription is a modest one, five shillings (which will cover the period, in the present instance, till June, 1921). The composition fee for Life Membership is £5. The forms dully filled up with name and address, will be collected, but no payments should be made at this performance. I. Gollancz, Chairman of the Shakespeare Association. King's College, Strand, W.C.2. 1919-1920 The Shakespeare Association Incorporating The Shakespeare Day Committee. President: His Excellency The Hon. J. W. Davis, American Ambassador. Hon. Treasurer: Mr. A.G. Snelgrove. Vice-Presidents. Sir Frank Benson, Dr. F. S. Boas, Mr. Arthur Bourchier, Dr. A. C. Bradley, Dr. Henry Bradley, Sir Frederick Bridge, C.V.O, The Right Hon. Viscount Bryce, O.M., Mr. E.K. Chambers, C.B., Professor A. Feuillerat (Rennes), Mr. A. D. Flower (Stratford-on-Avon), Sir Jonston Forbes-Robertson, Mr. H. H. Furness (Philadelphia), Professor C.M. Gayley (California), Mr. Edmund Grosse, C.B., Dr. W. W. Greg, Sir Henry Hadow, Professor C. H. Herford, Matthias Jochumsson (Iceland), His Excellency J. J. Jusserand (Washington), Professor W. P. Ker, Professor G. L. Kitteridge (Harvard University), Sir Sidney Lee, The Right Hon. D. H. Madden, Professor John M. Manly (Chicago University), Professor Gilbert Murray, Mr. Alfred Noves, The Right Hon. The Earl of Plymouth, Mr. Alfred W. Pollard, Sir Walter Raleigh, The Right Hon. J. M. Robertson, Mr. H. M. Spielmann, Professor George Saintsbury, Sir Edward Maunde Thomson, G.C.B, Sir A. W. Ward (Master of Peterhouse). Sir Chales C. Wakefield, Bart. (Hon. Treas., Shakespeare Day Committee.) Council: Chairman: Sir Israel Gollancz, King's College, Strand. Mr. William Archer, +The Rev. Ronald Bayne, +Dr. F. S. Boas, +Miss Mabel Day, Mr. A. Percival Graves, *Dr. W. W. Greg, Mr. C. T. Hunt, +Mr. Patrick Kirwan, Mr. Holford Knight, +Miss Grace Latham, Mr. Ernest Law, C.B, *Sir Sidney Lee, +Mr. S. R. Littlewood, *Dr. R. B. McKerrow, +Dr. G. MacLean, *Mr. A. W. Pollard, +Mr. A. W. Reed, The Right Hon, J. M. Robertson, +Mr. Harold Routh, +Mrs C. C. Stopes, *Mr. Dugdale Sykes, Professor Foster Watson, *Mr. Dover Wilson. Hon. Auditor: Mr. Joseph Cox, Incorpd. Acct. Hon Secretary: Miss Eleanor Calvert. Bankers: London County Westminster and Parr's Bank. *Advisory Committee for Papers and Publications. +Committee of Management.

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

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The Merry Wives of Windsor (etc.), 23 April 1920, Image 5 of 7

In Accordance with the Requirements of the London County Council, 1 – The name of the actual and responsible Manager of the Theatre must be printed on every play bill. 2. – The Public can leave the Theatre at the end of the performance by all exit and entrance doors, which must open outwards. 3.- Where there is a fireproof screen to the proscenium opening it must be lowered at least once during every performance, to ensure its being in proper working order. 4. – All gangways, passages and staircases must be kept free from chairs or any other obstructions, whether permanent or temporary. Printed by GEO. W. Jones, at The Sign of The Dolphin, Gough Square, Fleet St., E.C.

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

Image 6 of 7

The Merry Wives of Windsor (etc.), 23 April 1920, Image 6 of 7

The Shakespeare Association Incorporating the Shakespeare Day Committee. APPLICATION TO THE OCUNCIL FOR ELECTION AS A MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATION. TO SIR ISRAEL GOLLANCZ, Chairman of The Shakespeare Association, KING'S COLLEGE, STRAND, W.C.2. I desire to be enrolled a Member of the Shakespeare Association (incorporating the Shakespeare Day Committee). Name* Address as Annual Subscriber (5/-) Four Years' Subscriber (£1) Life Member (£5) Indicate by a cross the respoective Category. * Please say whether Mr., Mrs., Miss, etc., and add any letters of title which should appear in a printed list of Members.

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

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The Merry Wives of Windsor (etc.), 23 April 1920, Image 7 of 7

[blank reverse of page]

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

Did you know?

Ellen Terry toured her lectures on Shakespeare's women in UK and USA.

See all anecdotes