1893 - 1894Fourth Lyceum company tour of North America
28-30 September 1893

The Merchant of Venice

Location Metropolitan Opera House, 100 East 6th Street, St Paul, Minnesota, USA
Plays performed The Merchant of Venice


Date 28 September 1893
Play(s) The Merchant of Venice
Production Date(s) 28 September 1893 to 30 September 1893
Venue Metropolitan Opera House
Venue address St Paul, Minnesota [USA]
Time of performance 2pm 8pm
Stage Manager H. J. Loveday
Scene Designer W. Telbin, J. Harker, Hawes Craven
Music Director Meredith Ball
Document ID ET-D676 Original record
Held by The British Library
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Pease Brothers, Leading Tailors, S. E. Corner Third and Robert Streets. Metropolitan Opera House. L.N. Scott, Manager. St. Paul-Minn. Programme. Week of September 24, 1893. Leaders in reliable footwear at lowest prices. Tread-well shoe co., 133, 135 E. Seventh St. Joe Gaines Metropolitan Opera Buffet. Next door to the Left. Bell will ring 3 minutes before curtain rises. Dr. Hurd, crowns, fills and extracts teeth without pain. 24 East Third St. Also inserts teeth without plates. The Celebrated Sparking Pear Champagne. "Ginger Ale" and "Rock Spring Mineral Water". Man'fd by Jacon Ries, Shakopee. [?]. Sold by Metropolitan Buffet and all First Class Bars in the City. Coming! Coming! Coming! Sunday Night, Oct, 1st, Theodore Bollmann's German Co. Second subscription performance in Hasemann's Daughters comedy in 4 Acts, with song. One week commencing Monday, Oct. 2. Matinee Saturday Only. Thomas Q. Seabrooke and his opera company and ballet in the comic opera of The Isle of Champagne The Great Big Comic Opera Success in New York last season. Reserved seats now selling at the Box Office. Patrons can secure reserved seats for coming performances at the Box Office between acts during the evening. Franklyn W. Lee, Librettist for the Metropolitan Opera House. Chas. A. Clark, Scenic Artist. This Program is printed by the Dispatch Job Printing co. Tel. 61. Mrs. J. M. Stanley, Modiste, Room 52 New Mannheimer Block, would ask the ladies to give her a call. Work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. P. V. Dwyer & Bros., 96 East Third Street, Plumbers Fine Art and dealers in gas fixtures. Piano Lamps, Table Lamps and Banquet Lamps. Sullivan's Tim O'Neil, Manager. Just around the corner on Robert St. (you can take the alley) for refreshments between acts and after the show. The Bell Rings Before Curtain Goes Up. Fine Bandies and Whiskies a speciality. 389 Robert St. Nathan Ford Music Co furnish this opera house exclusively with Knabe, Hardman, Vose, and other Pianos. Sixth and St. Peter Streets.

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Kaumeier The Portrait Artist. 244 W. 3d St. My work is of the highest order. My prices always the lowest. A perfect likeness and satisfaction guaranteed. Call on the artist personally and see his specimens. Burlington Route. Two Shining Successes! Henry Irving, as an actor you see him this week. The Burlington Route, as a railroad. You take it every week in travelling safely, swiftly and luxuriously to Chicago, St. Louis or the World's Fair. In harmony with the high class of productions in which Mr. Irving appears, are presented a few quotations from celebrated poets, all applicable to the Burlington Route. To passé the worlds foure parts we deeme no more than ‘twere to goe to bedde. – E. Robinson. 1660. (The traveller passes over more than a fourth part of the world's circumference on the 7,000 miles of the "The Burlington" System.) He for the promised journey bids prepare the rapid car. – Pope. ("The Rapid car." – October 24, 1886, St. Paul to Chicago, 432 miles, in 11 hours and 10 minutes, fastest time on record). Each lamp that through the window gleams, reveals a scene of beauty. – Byron. [A prophetic vision of the appearance of the magnificent and luxurious Pullman Standard and Compartment sleepers on "The Burlington's" Vestibuled Train.]. But that broad causeway will direct your way, and you may reach the town ere noon of day. – Dryden. [A terse description of the smoothest track and lightest grade railroad in the Northwest, which places the traveller in "town" (Chicago) "ere noon" (9.00am). Use it as its merits and your comfort may equally determine – Shakespeare. [If there is any road in the United States or elsewhere which has more luxurious or more comfortable sleepers, more beautiful, well-appointed dining cars, more appetizing, satisfying meals, or better attendance in all its departments, than this road. I have never seen it, and I do not believe it exists." A distinguished Minnesota Lady. "Fate cannot harm me; I have dined to-day." – Sydney Smith. Resolved by sterling worth to gain respect – Brydges. [The carefulness with which "The Burlington" was built; the elegance and solidity of its equipment, and the attention to every detail, have secured by merit the favour of the travelling public.] Let envy howl at honors worthily conferred; truth guards her favourite – Pope. ["The Burlington" has moved serenely on, conscious that all its promise to the people have been faithfully performed. I have roved from wild America to spicy Ind. – Willis. [The extent of country covered by the lines of "The Burlington" System surprises those who have not travelled over it. More than one-quarter of our sixty million people live in the states reached by this railroad. Chicago. St Louis, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omaha, St Joseph, Kansas City, Cheyenne, Denver – these form the splendid galaxy of cities which are terminal points of "The Burlington."] Never halting time by the forelock take; miss not the occasion – Wordsworth. [The poet urges the vital importance of seizing an opportunity. "Miss not the occasion." But since you can reach the World's Fair via "The Burlington," take no other line.] Golden opinions has it won from all sorts of people – Shakespeare. [These are the "sorts of people:" Northwestern Delegation to National Democratic Convention at St. Louise, June 1888; Delegates and Visitors to National Republican Convention at Chicago, June 1888, 4,000 people; Minnesota Knights of Pythias to Supreme Lodge at Cincinnati, June 1888; Minnesota Teachers to National Education Association at Nasvhille Tenn., July, 1889; Minnesota Editorial Association, Excursion to Chicago, August 1889; Damascus Commandery. K. T., of St. Paul, and Zion and Darius Commanderies, K. T., of Minneapolis, to Triennial Conclave at Washington, October, 1889.] Time speeds his journey like a restless stream – Cowper. [It is a very restless stream that can speed like "The Burlington." On the morning following the presidential election of 1888, one of the Northwestern newspapers sent out over the railroads of the Northwest several special trains bearing the latest news. In it special edition it said: "Over the Chicago, Burlington & Northern the train was a flyer. It left Minneapolis at 4.10 and arrived at La Crosse at 7 o'clock. It stopped at St. Pail 25 minutes to exchange papers to another railroad and get a clear track. Then it left Dayton's Bluff at 4.40, made 12 stops, and arrived at La Crosse at the hour named, 131 miles from St. Paul, in 125 minutes. What's the matter with The Burlington?"] One day, I think, in Paradise he lived. – Prior. [The poet has in mind the day the traveller journeyed on "The Burlington" Vestibuled from the Twin Cities to Chigaco.] Now does he win the hearts of all that he does angle for. – Shakespeare. [Myriad-minded Shakespeare's words exactly describe the shining success of "The Burlington" in gaining the affections of the Northwestern Public.] "Sometimes we see a pendant rock, a forked mountain, or blue promontory, with trees upon it" – Antony and Cleopatra – Act IV. John R. Hastings, Gen'l Superintendent. St Paul, Minn. W. J. G. Kenyon, Gen'l Passenger Agent. Large and fine selected stock of watches, diamonds, jewelry and solid silverware at lowest prices Henry Bockstruck. 117E.th St., 2 doors below Wabasha. The Boston St. Paul. Our K. P.F. all wool suit $4.90 including extra pant 5 to 16. Mothers! Have you seen our Boys' K.P.F. all wool suit for $4.90? The pants have reinforced seat, double knees and patent waistband. Extra buttons, pieces for patches and an extra pair of pants included, all for $4.90. Boys' Department Second Floor. Take Elevator. Boston one price clothing house, third street, St. Paul. Mannheimer Bros. Autumn and Winter Cloaks. Our cloak and suit department more than maintains its pre-eminence in style. The display of garments includes many of the most beautiful mantles produced by the best manufacturers of Paris, Berlin, London and New York. Our assortment of coats and jackets is very large. We have all the latest shapes in the most stylish lengths. We can save you money on furs, our Astrakhan Coats and Capes are not surpassed either in quality or style by any in these cities, and our prices for equal grades are certainly the lowest. Alaska Seal Skin and Otter Coats in elegant shapes. Every garment we sell is accompanied by our guarantee. Sixth and Robert Streets, St. Paul. Minn. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sept, 28, 29 & 30 Matinee Saturday 2 p.m. Mr. Henry Irving, Miss Ellen Terry and the London Lyceum Theatre Company under the direction of Abbey, Schoeffel & Grau. Thursday, September 28th, will be presented at 8 o'clock Becket in five Acts by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Thomas Becket, Chancellor of England (afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury) – Mr. Irving, Henry II, King of England – Mr. William Terriss, King Louis of France – Mr. Hague, Gilbert Foliot, Bishop of London – Mr. Lacy, Roger, Archbishop of York – Mr. Seldon, Hilary, Bishop of Chichester – Mr. Archer, Friends of Becket – John of Salisbury – Mr. Bishop, Herbert of Bosham – Mr. Haviland, John of Oxford, Called the Swearer – Mr. Cushing, The Four Knight's of the King's Household. Enemies of Becket, Sir Reginald Fitzurse – Mr. Frank Cooper, Sir Richard de Brito – Mr. Tyars, Sir William de Tracy – Mr. Tabb, Sir Hugh de Morville – Mr. Belmore. Continued on page 5. Nathan Ford Music Co. Furnish this Opera House exclusively with Knabe, [?], Vose and other Pianos. Cor. Of sixth and St. Peter Sts. Trade Mark. Hanan Shoe Co. The Leading Retail Shoe House of St. Paul. With branch stores in all the principal cities of the United States. We carry everything in fine footwear at economical prices, in all widths and sizes. We can fit you and suit you. Sole agents for the celebrated Hanan & Son Men's Fine Shows, the best in the world. 92, 94, 96 E. Seventh St. The famous bookmakers, Ullman & Company, recently opened a pool room in this city at 106 East Third Street. This firm is noted throughout the United States for the liberal odds they offer, and all lovers of good horse racing secure a good run for their money when they do business with Ullmann & Co. This pool room has jumped into popular favour with the public and is crowded all the time. They male a book for all the popular race tracks including Saratoga races which begin daily at 10.30 a.m. Thomas Q. Seabrooke, with his Comic Opera Company and Ballet, will present that compound of mirth and melody, "The Isle of Champagne" by Chas. A. Byrne and Louis Harrison, at the Metropolitan, Monday, October 2d, for the week and Saturday matinee. "The Isle of Champagne" is a comic opera of the modern school; its aim is to amuse, and it accomplishes its mission. The theme on which it is based is a highly original one, and furnishes a rich field for humorous complication. King Pommery Sec'nd is monarch of an island in the Pacific, where water is unknown, but champagne is so abundant that it furnishes only the beverage of inhabitants. The wreck of New Bedford bark on the shores conveys the first knowledge to the inhabitants of the existence of other lands and strange people. But what is of more importance to the subjects of King Pommery is the discovery of a fluid far more desirable to them than any which they had previously known. This fluid is the water with which the shipwrecked vessel is supplied. The king recognizes in the beverage a source of wealth, and in order to acquire it he proposes marriage to Abigail Peck, an elderly spinster of New Bedford Mass., who is owner of the vessel. Miss Peck accepts the offer and the impecunious finds himself at once raised to affluence. But the bibulous monarch continues to absorb an unlimited number of "cold bottle" and develops a tyrannical spirit which leads to family jars. This unpleasant state of affairs if intensified by the wiles of the prime minister, Apolinaris Frappe, who has designs on the throne. The king is rapidly drinking himself to death and is prudent spouse has a weather eye on the throne, where she hopes to reign undisputed, but her designs are about to be thwarted by an unexpected complication. Prince Kissengen, son of the king, becomes enamored of Priscilla, the pretty niece of the newly made queen; the latter is tempted by Apollinaris to conspire against the King and sieze the throne. The attempt to carry out this design leads to a number of highly amusing situations, in which Seabrooke is given ample opportunity for the exercise of his ability as a comedian. The location and theme of the plot of "The Isle of Champagne" give full scope for a wealth of picturesque and novel effects on the mounting of the opera.

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The Delicatessen, 321-325 Robert St., for young prairie chicken, teal duck and other game. Fine Furs. We take genuine pleasure in announcing that we are now located in our New Quarters No. 20 East Seventh Street and will be greatly pleased to show our many friends and patrons throughout our Establishment. For the purpose of introducing our elegant quarters and our new stock of fashionable furs, we will offer for this week only some bona fide reductions on strictly reliable goods that will make it an object for those intending to purchase to call on us. We do not claim to be the only house that sells reliable goods, but we do claim to sell better goods than most, and as good as any and at more reasonable figures. We do not quote prices here, but will substantiate our claim if you give us a call. Established 1855. Albrecht Bros. 20 East Seventh Street. Hotel Ryan Col. G. J. Welz, Proprietor and Manager, Cor. Sixth and Robert Streets. One half block from this Theatre. Leading Hotel of the City. Cuisine of peculiar excellence. Service unsurpassed. Fireproof and strictly first-class. In connection, finest Café for ladies and gents in the Northwest where all the delicacies of the season can be had. Oysters, Shellfish, Salads and Game Birds a speciality. Quick service by experienced French waiters. Open until midnight. Choicest wines, whiskies, brandies, etc., will be found in Sample Room, where gentlemen will be served by polite bar tenders. Coming! Coming! Coming! Sunday Night, October 1st, Theodore Bollmann's German Co. (second subscription performance) in Hasemann's Daughters. Comedy in 4 Acts, with Song. One week, commencing Monday, Oct. 2. Matinee Saturday Only. Thomas Q. Seabrooke and his Opera Company and Ballet in the Comic Opera of The Isle of Champagne. The Great Big Comic Opera Success. In New York Last Season. Reserved Seats now selling at the Box Office. Hotel Metropolitan St. Paul, Minn, European plan, finest location, newly furnished, steam heated rooms, elegant café and service, cable cars pass the door opposite public buildings. Fronting rice park. Rooms, $1.00 per day, upwards. This Restaurant the best place for supper after the play. T. A. Barker, Manager. Between the Acts try sparkling Londonderry matcheless in flavour and sparkle. The Delight of Epicures. Didn't like the job. Lucius Tuttle, who has just been elected president of the Boston & Maine railroad, was summoned by the late James T. Furber, general manager of the Eastern railroad at the time it was consolidated with the Boston & Maine to be assistant general manager. Mr. Furber was a man of ability, but was of the kind of men who must do everything themselves. Mr. Tuttle stayed one week, during which time all he was asked to do was to put some circulars into envelopes and direct them for mailing. He saw no future in that and off he went. Now he returns to be his own master. – New York Tribune. Ft. Snelling Hotel GEO. T. Harris, Proprietor. Fine grades of Wines and Liquors. West 7th St. Ft Snelling Bridge. Hotel Arlington, 7 Corners, D. F. McCarthy. Prop has been re-opened and newly furnished ready for permanent and transient guests. Reasonable rates. Special rates to the profession. Germania Buffet, finest rooms in the world. Germania Life Bld'g, 4th & Minnesota Sts. W. H. Mullen and M. J. O'Dowd. Excelsior Meat and Provision Co, 31 East Seventh St., St Paul. Wholesale and Retail. Game and Fish, Choice Meats and Poultry always on hand. Good weight prompt service and prices not to be equalled. Orders carefully prepared for lunch counters. Schroeder & Dickinson upholsterers and renovators. Tel. 875.2. 16 East Sixth St. Finch, Van Slyck, Young & Co., 381 and 383 Jackson Street. Importers of Stuffs for Furniture, Curtains and Wall Hangings. Oriental Rugs and Carpets in the Various makes. The Wilton Carpets in this Theatre, made from original design, were furnished by . Finch, Van Slyck, Young & Co., 381 and 383 Jackson Street, St. Paul, Minn. W. K. Collier, Druggist. 199 E. Seventh St., Cor. Sibley. Fine Wine of Imported, Key West and Domestic Cigars. (Continued from page 2) Richard de Hastings, Grand Prior of Templars – Mr. Yeldham, The Youngest Knight Templar – Mr. Buckley, Lord Leicester – Mr. Harvey, Philip de Eleemosyna, the Pope's Almoner – Mr. Howe, Monk – Mr. Howard, Geoffrey, Son of Rosamund and Henry – Master Leo Byrne, Retainers – Mr. Doughty, Mr. Lorriss, Countrymen – Mr. Johnson, Mr. Reynolds, Servant – Mr. Rivington, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen of England divorced from Louis of France – Miss Milward, Margery – Miss Kate Phillips and Rosamund de Clifford – Miss Ellen Terry. Knights, Monks, Heralds, Soldiers, Retainers, Etc. The scenery has been designed and painted by W. Telbin, J. Harker and Hawes Craven. Synopsis of Scenery. Prologue. Scene 1 – A Castle in Normandy – W. Telbin, Scene 2 – The same – W. Telbin, Act 1. Scene 1 – Beckett's House in London – J. HArker, Scene 2 – Street in Northampton leading to the Castle – Hawes Craven. (continued on page 6) Mackintoshes Fall Stock Just Arrived. Call and inspect before purchasing St. Paul rubber Co., 145 East Third Street, near Jackson. St. Paul, Minn. Established 873. McKenzie & Frey, Members of the American Ticket Brokers Association. Railway Ticket Brokers. St. Paul: 193 East Third Street. Telephone 543-2. Minneapolis: 232 ½ Hennepin Avenue. Telephone 1571-2. Offices. Chicago, 79 Clark Street, Minneapokis, 232 ½ Hennepin Ave. Indianapolis, 123 So Illinois Street, St. Paul, 193 East Third St, St Louis, 108 N, Fourth St. Offices: 166 East Third St., 436 Jackson St. Laundry, E. Sixth and John Streets. Model Steam Laundry. Rice & Phillips, Props. Fine Custom Work. We make a speciality of Hotel, Restaurants, Railroad and Steamboat Work. The Office for good hot lunch and a fresh glass of pabst beer. 90 E. Seventh St. Joe Fleissner, Prop. Kavanagh & Johnson, General Auctioneers. We make a Speciality of Conducting Auction Sales of Furniture at Private Residences or will Buy Outright and Pay Spot Cash. 186, 188, 190 E. 6th St. Storage 190 E. 6th St. Mrs. Covington has re-opened her elegant Turkish Bath Room and will be pleased to see her old and new customers. 26 West 10th Street. S. H. & M. Protect the edge of your skirts by the S. H. & M. skirt bindings. Prevents the hem of the skirt from getting frayed or untidy. Gives a "chic" finish to the bottom of the skirt. Has superseded the old-fashioned braid. The only perfect goods on the market. For sale by all first-class dealers. Be sure to ask for the S. H. & M. [?] Schlitz. Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co. Celebrated Export Beers, Pilsener, Extra Stout, Extra Pale and Port. Telephone Call 507.2. Foot of Sibley Street. Family Trade [?]. Try baked chicken pie Philadelphia style at the Delicatessen, 321-325 Robert Street.

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You will always find it pleasant to lunch at The Delicatessen, 321-325 Robert St. The Cleanest and Most Liberally Managed Restaurant in the Northwest. Between Third and Fourth. Mr. Theodore Bollman has reorganized his German Company, and will begin his second subscription season of twenty-five performances at the Metropolitan Opera House next Sunday night. Mr. Bollman has made a number of changes, he claims, are for the better, and he will give the best performances in German that has ever been given in the Northwest. He will begin his season next Sunday night in the great German success, Grossstadtluft. This will be the first presentation of this play either in German or English in St Paul. The opening sale of seats for this engagement will be announced later. W. M. Lawrence, President, Millard Fifield, Sec, and Treas. National Steam Laundry Company (Incorporated). 56, 58 and 60 W. Fourth St. Special Attention Given to All Orders Work Delivered Promptly. Telephone 162-2. Pillsbury's Best XXXX Minneapolis, Minn. Pillsbury's Best Flour makes more bread, makes whiter bread, makes better bread than any other manufactured. For sale by all first-class grocers. Robert Mantell's new and successful drama, The Face in the Moonlight, presents that popular young actor in a line of business which it is said will surprise his admirers, who have heretofore seen him in serious roles exclusively. In Victoire Ambroise and Jacques Ferrand, alias Rabat, Mr. Mantell has a dual role, one character being a handsome officer in Napoleon's army, and the double being a reckless, boisterous brigand with a spice of comedy in his deviltry. Startling and almost instantaneous changes of costume and make-up are strong features of the action of the play, one of which is an absolute change in what seems but a second, from the full uniform of the French officer to the picturesque costume of the bandit. The story is a powerful and interesting one and has been highly praised by the Eastern dramatic critics. Northwestern Fuel Co. Coal, Wood. 154 East Third Street. Telephone Call 375-2. S. W. Vanderwarker, Agent. Removal Notice! We have removed to our new store, 103-105-107 East Sixth Street, Opposite Metropolitan Opera House. Schliek & Co. (Continued from page 5). Scene 3 – The same – Hawes Craven, Scene 4. – The Hall in Northampton Castle – Hawes Craven, Act II. Scene – Rosamund's Bower - Hawes Craven, Act III. Scene 1 – Montmirail – "The Meeting of the Kings" - Hawes Craven, Scene 2 – Outside the Wood near Rosamund's Bower - Hawes Craven, Scene 3 – Rosamund's Bower - Hawes Craven. "At Merton the Archbishop assumed the ordinary habit of the black canons of the Augustinian Rule, which dress be wore to the end of his life." – Grim. Act IV. Scene 1 – Castle in Normandy – King's Chamber – W. Telbin. Scene 2 – A Room in Cantebury Monastery – W. Telbin, Scene 3 – North Transept of Canterbury Cathedral – W. Telbin. Period: - Twelfth Century. Souvenir of "Becket" – Price 25 cents with illustrations by J. Bernard Partridge, W. Telbin, J. Harker & Hawes Craven, to be had in foyer. The Overture, Entr'actes, and Incidental Music by C. Billiers Stanford. Overture. Entre'acte "King Henry", Entra'acte "Rosamund's Bower", Extre'acte "Becket's Rest", Entra'acte – "The Martydom". Musical Director: - Mr. Meredith Ball. The Costumes, etc., from designs by Mrs. Comyns Carr, and Mr. Charles Cattermole, R. I., executed by Mrs. Nettleship, Mrs. Reid, T. Pratt & Sons, Pocock Brothers, Bieati, and Auguste et Cie. Chorus Master, Mr. Tabb. Perruquier, Mr. Fox, Appointments by Mr. Arnott, Machinist, Mr Fillery. The intervals between the acts are: After Prologue, 12 minutes: after Act 1, 13 minutes; after Act II, 7 minutes; after Act III, 14 minutes. For Mr. Irving, Stage Manager – Mr. H. J. Loveday, Treasurer – Mr. C. Howson, Acting Manager – Mr. Bram Stoker, General Agent for Avbbey, Schoeffel & Grau – Mr. John E. Warner, Secretary and Treasurer for Abbey, Schoeffel & Grau – Myron B. Rice. Friday Evening – The Bells and Nance Oldfield, Saturday Matinee – The Merchant of Venice, Saturday Nifht – Louis XI. Smoke Tam O'Shanter. St. Paul's Best 10 Cent Cigar. Md'd by H. E. Driese, 452 St. Peter St. R. A. Lanpher & Co., Agents for extra quality Dunlap & Co copyrighted celebrated hats fall and winter styles '93 now on sale. Men's Furnishers and Shirt Makers. 353 Robert St. George W. Burden, Livery, Sales and Boarding Stable Telephone 617-2. 102 East Fifth Street, St. Paul, Minn. Diamond Jo Line Steamers. The Old Reliable between St. Paul and St. Louis. Why not spend your summer vacation on the Father of Waters? The finest scenery. The best service. The choicest meals and the coolest breezes can all be had on board our elegant steamers. The memory of a trip on the Mississippi will be a joy forever. For rates and information apply to C. R. Brockway, Agent. Office and Dock, Foot Sibley St. Allen & Co. Fine Livery St. Paul. Minn. 180-182 East Sixth St., Tel. 576-2. Cor. Fifth and Cedar Sts., Tel. 576-3. Wm. Dawson, President. Robt. A. Smith, Vice President, Wm. Dawson. Jr., Cashier, Robt. L. Miller, Assit. Cash. Bank of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minn. Capital, - $600,000. Surplus and Undivided Profits, $200,000. Cor. Sixth and Jackson. The War of the Revolution against Great Britain began April 19th, 1875. The War of Revolution against Dyspepsia's terrors began with the advent of Adams' Pepsin Tutti-Frutti. Visitors join the multitude that dines at The Delicatessen, 321-325 Robert St. St. Paul, Minn. John Martin has removed to the corner of Third and Minnesota Sts. Wines, Liquors and Cigars family trade a speciality. Amending the Motion. He was a small man, the conductor of an electric car, and she was a large, powerful looking woman. "I want you to put me off at Dundas Street." Said she. He viewed her majestic figure for a moment and replied: "Madam, I will stop the car and let you get off." – Toronto Empire. Germania Bank of St. Paul. Paid Up Capital $400,000. Wiliam Bickel. Cash, P. M. Kerst, Asst Cash. Pays interest on time deposits. It's Foreign Department sells exchange on all principal cities of the world, and Steamship Tickets for Bremen, Hamburg, Liverpool, and French Steamers. Chas. H. F. Smith & Co. Bankers and Brokers, stocks, grain and provisions. Direct private wires. To Chicago and New York. Members Chicago Board of Trade. Dealers in Local Securities. Chamber of Commerce Bidg., St. Paul. Minn. Telephone, 341. German American School for vocal music, of Mrs. Theodore Bollmann. Graduate of the Vienna Conservatory of Professor Gansbacher and of the celebrated vocal teacher Signora de Ruda of Berlin. Office 539 Wacouta Street. Thorough cultivation of the voice at moderate charge. Examinations for admission and applications between the hours of 2 and 3 and 6 and 7 p.m. Adolph Rank, House and Sign Painter, and Interior Decorator, 34 East Sixth Street, St. Paul, Minn. Clara – Men are the most impatient creatures. Harry knows that I have an offer from Mr. Oldchap, who is just rolling in wealth, yet Harry is just as unreasonable and babyish as if he thought I really cared for that old gray head. Harry is so ugly about it that he wont do me the smallest favour. Mother – What did you ask Harry to do? Clara – I merely asked him to wait and be my second husband – New York Weekly. "The Milwaukee." The only Electric Lighted Trains. The latest private Compartment Cars, The latest Library Buffet Smoking Cars, The most luxurious Sleepers, The celebrated Electric Berth Lamp, The finest Dining Car Service, The Government Fast Mail Line, The most comfortable Parlor Cars, The best and most Frequent Service, Safety, Speed, Comfort, Elegance, Secure sleeping berths early. Apply to any Ticket Agent, or Address. J. T. Conley, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., St. Paul, Minn. Topliff & Co., dealers in wares of Gold and Silver, precious stones. Watches, cut glass, opera glasses, card cases, pocket books, canes and umbrellas. Fourth and Robert Streets. St. Paul, Minn. Gee-whiz see her cir-ker-late. The Novelty Circulator furnished by the Model Heating Company. J. T. Holmes. Plumbing, Gas, Steam and Hot Water Heating. 343 Minnesota Street. Friday evening, September 29, 1893, at 8 o'clock. Mr. Henry Irving, Miss Ellen Terry, The London Lyceum Theatre Company, under the direction of Abbey, Schoeffel & Graus. The performance will begin with The Bells. Adapted by Leopold Lewis from "The Polish Jew," by Erckmann-Chatrian. Mathias (his original part) – Mr. Irving, Christian – Mr. William Terriss, Walter – Mr. Howe, Hans – Mr. Johnson, Doctor Zimmer – Mr. Harvey, Notary – Mr. Gurney, President of the Court – Mr. F. Tyars, Clerk of the Court – Mr. Lacy, Mesmerist – Mr. Archer, Catherine – Miss Maud Milton, Sozel – Miss Kate Phillips, Annette – Miss Amy Coleridge. Alsacem 1833. (continued on page 8.) Candy especially between the acts Ryan fruit Store just over the way. Save your clothing. You can make them last much longer and always look new by joining us. For one dollar per month we will clean, press and repair all of your clothes: will also call for and deliver them in any part of this city as often as you desire. For further information call and see us. Continental Tailoring Co. Telephone Call, 1382: 150 E. 6th St. Negligee shirts latest styles and newest patterns, summer underwear, straw hats in all the [?] shapes, bathing suits the finest in the city at J. C. Bailie's 404 Jackson St. L. Mitsch. M. Heck. Mitsch Wagon Co. Manufacturer of Business Wagons and Trucks of all kinds. Repairing a speciality. Iron work of every description. 54 W 7th St., Cor. Washington : St. Paul. Chas. Kartak. Manufacturer of the Junior Pioneer Association Cigar. 131 ½ E. Seventh St., St Paul. Minn. Going to Chicago during World's Fair. The North-Western Line [?]. See that your tickets read via the "North-Western Line." "Badge State Express" – Leaves St. Paul, daily 8.00am., arrives Chicago, 9,35p.m. "World's Fair Express" – Leaves St. Paul, daily except Sunday, 6.25 p.m. arrives Chicago, 7.45 a.m. "North-Western Limited" Leaves St. Paul, daily 8.10 p.m., Arrives Chicago, 9.30 a.m. Equipment Unsurpassed! Service Unexcelled! City Ticket Office: 159 East Third St. Another Story. Askem – Where's the rich heiress you're engaged to? Tellum – You see that lovely girl at the other side of the room? Askem – Yes, I say, old man, what a superb, Tellum – Well, it isn't she. It's that grand old ruin in yellow sitting next to her. – New York Herald. John Smith has reopened 445, 447, 449 St. Peter St. Where he will be glad to see all his Old Friends.

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The Merchant of Venice, 28-30 September 1893, Image 5 of 5

Mountain Brook Trout, Columbia River Salmon, Black Bass, Port Arthur White Fish, Lake Superior Trout, Lake Perch, Wall-eyed Pike, Nova Scotia Smelts, Fresh Mackerel, Pinnah Haddie, Lobsters, Shell Oysters and Clams Palatably served by The Delicatessen Oyster House and Restaurant, 321-325 Robert Street. Order your carriages baggage checked direct from residence to destination. Office: 170 East Third Street – J. B. Cook & Son. Burlington Route C.B & N.R.R. The Chicago Express leaves 3.15 p.m. daily. Reclining Chair Cars and Pullman Buffet Sleepers. The Chicago and St. Louis Vestibuled Limited. Leaves 7.30 p.m. daily. Reclining Chair Cars, Pullman Standard and Compartment Sleepers, Peerless Dining Cars. City Ticket Office, "400" Robert Streat, Hotel Ryan. Chas. Thompson, Agent. Minnesota Resorts. This is the title of a handsome folder issued by the St. Paul & Duluth R. R. descriptive of the various summer resorts on and reached by that line. It contains detailed information relative to the lakes and streams of Northeastern Minnesota with a list of the different varieties of fish and game found in each locality ; rates for hotel accommodations, boats, guides, etc., the game and fish laws of the state, including the amendments of 1893, and much other interesting matter. Many of the most beautiful of Minnesota's charming lakes are located on this railroad and every tourist, angler or hunter should have one of these folders. Copies furnished on application to ticket agents or to Geo. W. Bull, General Passenger Agent or W. A. Russell, Assistant General Passenger Agent, St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul Furniture Company, office, store, church and hotel fixtures, Interior Hardwood Finish, Counters, Desks, Sideboards, Bank Counters, Wood Counters, etc. Designs Furnished. Office and Factory: 162 and 164 W. Fifth Street. St. Paul Minn. Val Blatz Brewing Co. Brewers and Exporters of Lager Beer. St. Paul Branch Depot. Lower Levee Foot of John St. City Office, 282 Jackson St. Telephone 1414. Telephone 468. Families supplied promptly. This excellent beer on draught at the Metropolitan Buffet. (continued from page 7). Programme of Music, under direction of Mr. Meredith Ball. Overture – "Reveil du Printemps" – G. Saint George. Overture – "The Bells" – Singla, Czardas No. 1, Czardas "Danse Styrienne" – Michaels, Dances – Hungarian – Hamilton Clarke. To be followed by the Comedy in one act by Charles Reade, Nance Oldfield. Mrs. Anne Oldfield – Miss Ellen Terry, Susan Oldfield – Miss Kate Phillips, Nathan Oldworthy – Mr. Alfred Bishop, Alexander Oldworthy – Mr. Martin Harvey. For Mr. Irving, Stage Manager – Mr. H. J. Loveday, Treasurer – Mr. C. Howson, Acting Manager – Mr. Bram Stoker, General Agent for Abbey, Schoeffel & Grau – Mr. John E. Warner, Sec'y and Treas., Abbey, Schoeffel & Grau – Myron B. Rice. Saturday Matinee – The Merchant of Venice, Saturday Night – Louis XI. Joe Aleck Ullman Bros., Bookmakers 106 East Third St. A point better than track odds given on all important races. Full telegraphic description given on all events. Evans & Hoey's New Budget. In announcing the 10th and last session of the wonderfully successful comedy, "A Parlor Match," Messrs. Evans, Hoey & Mann point with pride to the fact that their piece has been performed continuously by the originators more times by far than any other play ever written. During its run of over nine years Mr. Evans has only missed one performance and Mr. Hoey has been delinquent at only five or six, on account of illness. It will not take any one familiar with the theatrical business long to see that this is a wonderful record, and no doubt has much to do with the great prosperity of the property – contrary to the general rules. "A Parlor Match" has been much improved each season, and additional money spent in the effort to make it brighter and better than before. It began its career with only eleven people in the company, including manager and agent, while today it begins its 10th year with twenty-five people and a carload of scenery, properties, etc. Manager Mann says that the company this season is composed of nearly all new members, among the number being the three English sisters, Merrilees, whom they engaged while in Europe this summer. They are described as being pretty girls, who dance cleverly, sing in four or five different languages, and play various musical instruments with much ability. Another new engagement this season is that of the De Forests, who, it is said, do the most startling and difficult things in the way of dancing. Mr. Hoey has two new songs. One "Monte Carlo Boys" which is a continuation of his great success of last season, "The Man who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo," and "They All Take After Me," in place of his song of last year, "Not the Only One," Mr. Evans also has a surprise or two up his sleeve for his many admirers, and with the support of a competent company, these gentlemen have every reason to expect that their last season with "A Parlor Match" will be the best of all. The Second National Bank St. Paul, Minnesota. E. S. Edgerton, President, D. A. Monfort, Cashier. United Stated Depository, Business Established as a Private Bank 1853. Organized as a National Bank 1864. $5 for 6 Turkish Bath Tickets. Turkish Prussian Electric, Plain and Swim Bath. The only First-class Turkish Bath House in St. Paul. Open day and night. $5. Deebach Bros. Washburn Crosby Co, Minneapolis. Washburn-Crosby Co.'s "Best" Flour makes the whitest, sweetest and most wholesome bread. It is the best flour in the market, and costs no more than inferior brands. First-Class St. Paul Grocers Keep It.

© Image copyright The National Trust 2024

Did you know?

Ellen Terry published a book on The Russian Ballet (1913).

See all anecdotes