1893 - 1894Fourth Lyceum company tour of North America
17 March 1894

The Merchant of Venice

Location Tremont Theatre, 176 Tremont Street, Boston, USA
Plays performed The Merchant of Venice


Date 17 March 1894
Play(s) The Merchant of Venice
Production Date(s) 17th March 1894
Venue Tremont Theatre
Venue address Boston [USA]
Time of performance 7.45pm
Stage Manager H. J. Loveday
Scene Designer Hawes Craven, W. Telbin, W. Hann
Music Director Meredith Ball
Document ID ET-D708 Original record
Held by The British Library
Notes Final performance.
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Tremont – T. Mitchell W. Shalbach Decorators.

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Tremont Theatre. Mr. Henry E. Abbey, Mr. Jno. B. Schoeffel, Mr. Maurice Grau – Proprietors and Managers. Executive staff. Acting Manager – Mr. Wm. Seymour, Business Manaher – Mr. Nath Childs, Treasurer – Mr. Philip A. Shea, Leader of Orchestra – Mr. E. N. Catlin, Scenic Artist – Mr. Charles W. Witham, Stage Carpenter – Mr. Edwin Morse, Property Maker – Mr. J. G. Eatee, Gas and Electrics – Mr. Wm. J. Kelly, Engineer – Mr. Jno. A. Carpenter. A. S. Pratt, 176 Tremont St., Pub of Programme. Skinner & Thorndike, Prs., 7 Federal Ct. Boston. Evening performances at 7.45, Wednesday and Saturday Matinees at 2. Doors open at 7.15 and 1.30. Scale of prices for this engagement, Boxes lower floor - $25.00, Boxes second tier - $20.00, Lower floor - $3.00, Front balcony, 5 rows - $3.00, Balcony, 6 rows - $2.00, Second balcony, entire - $1.00, General admission - $1.00, Gallery admission - $0.50. Furniture used in this Theatre, from C. E. Osgood & Co., 748 Washington Street. Silver Ware from the Meriden Britannia Co., Fire Irons, fenders, etc., from Crawley. Rugs, Medallions, etc., from Messrs. John F. Pray Sons & Co. The "Knabe" Pianos used in this theatre, from the warerooms of E. W. Tyler, 178 Tremont Street. "Lisst" Organs from the Mason & Hamlin Gas Fixtures and Electrical Lighting from C. H. McKenney & Co., 634 Washington St. Articles found by patrons may be returned to the Box Office., where owners can claim them. The Armstrong Lithia Water served to patrons. Entrance to the Second Balcony, Family Circle and Gallery, either from the main (front) vestibule on Tremont Street by the broad staircase and passageway, or from Avery Street. The Box Office for the former entrance will be found at the head of the first flight of stairs, for the latter, on the lower floor at Avery Street. Both these offices are open during the evening for the sale of seats to the upper tier; during the day, seats to all parts of the house are to be obtained at the principal Box-Office in the Tremont Street Lobby. Holders of seats will find the Avery Street entrance convenience, especially when coming to the Theatre from Washington Street. Gentlemen's Coat Room in the Grand Foyer. Ladies' Parlors, Cloak, and retiring rooms, at the rear of the Auditorium, main floor, and First Balcony. Gentlement's Smoking-Room in the Basement, Leading from the Grand Foyer. Opera Glasses to let in Ladies' Parlor. Mme. Griswold Corsets, 7 Temple Place, Boston. Co West. Cut Rates FOGG. 277 Washington Street, Boston, Tourist Cars. Shorthand. There is a large demand for competent Stenographers and Typewriters. I place young ladies and gentlemen, when competent, in paying positions. Systematic and thorough instructions. WM. Stone, No 5 Park Square. Human hair goods and novelties. Ladies' hair dressing at Specht's 4 Winter Street. Dull times. You watch cleaned or new mainspring $1.00; crystals, 10 cts. G. H. Wakefield, 50 Bromfield St., Room 4 ½. Elevator. Compel Economy. Evans House, Boston. Wedding Trousseaus a Speciality. For $400.00 or upwards, according to materials. Four gowns, including wedding gown and veil, two hats to match costumes, four pairs silk hose, four sets of the new style. "Perfection Tailor" Made Underwear. Information and advice given in regard to shopping satisfaction guaranteed. Miss Moore, 175 Tremont St. Dr. Buntin, Chropodist. Corns, bunions, ingrowing nails, manicuring finger nails, etc. Corn plaster and salve 25 cts. Per box. 7 Temple Place. Formerly Dr. Parker Kenison. Room 26. Jordan Marsh & Co., headquarters for fine carpetings, rugs, linoleums, oil cloths and straw mattings. The finest stock and lowest prices in New England. The Equitable Life Assurance Society, Joseph H. Locke, Gen'l Agent, No. 120 Broadway, New York City. Exhibitors of the most desirable goods for birthday, wedding and souvenir gifts. Hotel Langwood, Wyoming, Mass. Opens under new management, May 1, 1894. Sargent & Cunningham, Proprietors. Only six miles from City Hall, Boston. Open fire and steam heat in rooms. Situated in the heart of Middlesex Fells, amid Groves and Forests of over 4,000 acres, overlooking Spot Pond, 350 feet above the sea. Perfect atmosphere. Romantic and secluded walks and drives. Unsurpassed table. A garden of 20 acres furnishes the freshest of vegetables. Until May 1 call or send to Hotel Oxford, Boston, Mass., for illustrated circular.

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Aeolian. As an Orchestra responds to the direction of its conductor, so does the Aeolian to the player, whom simple markings guide into the changes of tempo, the ton-coloring and instrumental effects, all of which are under control, and may be varied to suit the conception of the performer. Thus, by means of the Aeolian, a vast field of music is opened for amusement and study, making the instrument equally attractive to those who can and cannot play. The Aeolian is exhibited daily at our warerooms. The Mason & Hamlin Piano & Organ Co., 155 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. Ad Oats Ad. Business Lags. Give it oats. Just as you would to a lagging horse. People will buy in any season. The point is to let them know in a simple, attractive, effective way, just what a good thing you have to sell. Another point is to tell your story economically to the largest number of likely buyers. These two points we have made our business for many years. Some of our clients have experienced surprising results from a small amount expended through our careful and systematic method. There is no cost for information about our plans. The publishers pay all commissions. Write to us. Perhaps we can impart to your business a little more speed. Dodd's Advertising Agency, 265 Washington Street, Boston, or World Buil'g, N. Y. City. Reliable Dealing. Careful Service. Low Estimates. When to stop using Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. When cramps and pains cease to abound, when all mankind is free from guile, when women never look around to comment on their rival's style then you can stop using it. When colds and coughs we have for fun, when banks dispense with bolt or lock, when electric lights replace our sun, and politicians cease their talk; then you can stop using it. When lawyers take what they would give, when doctors give what they would take, when sporting men shall drink and live on winnings got without "a fake" then you can stop using it; Which means Never! For as long as life has woes Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will be needed, as it prevents and cures asthma, bronchitis, colds, coughs, catarrh, colic, croup, cramps, chills, dyspeptic pains, diphtheria, gout, hacking hoarseness, headache, heartburn, hooping cough, influenza, neuralgia, nervousness, pneumonia, sciatica, rheumatism, sore lips, sore throat, sore lungs, la grippe, chest pains, bowel pains, and kidney pains. It is the sovereign cure for bites, burns, bruises, cuts, chaps, cracks, corns, chilblains, confusions, deafness, freckles, fractures, lame back, side, mumps, ring worms, stings, scalds, strains, sprains, soreness, stiffness, swellings, and any ache or pain anywhere. Endorsed by one and all. The Doctor's signature and directions are on every bottle. If you can get it send to us. Price, 35 cts., six, $2.00. Sold by druggists. Pamphlet free. I. S. Johnson & Co., Sole Proprietors. 22 Custom-House, St., Boston, Mass.

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It is the fashion now for ladies to wear. Centemeri gloves, and for one fashion, elegance and economy are combined. Prices $1.15 to $1.50. Removed to 17 Temple Place in Lewando's. Albert E. Parsons, Ladies' Tailor and Dressmaker. New designs and materials for spring and summer. Covert Coats, gowns and riding habits. 348 and 350 Boylston St. Weber's 25 & 27 Temple Place, 33 West Street. Oysters and Salads, genuine Vienna ices. The Moutlon Café 24 Summer Street, H. B. Whipple, Mgr. Waitt & Bond's Blackstones lead the world. Sales in 1893, Twelve Million Three Hundred and Sixteen Thousand. How is this for a dull year? Waitt & Bond, Manufacturers, 52 Blackstone Street. The old Family Drug and Medicine Store. Everything kept that is needed in the sick-room or family. Medicinal roots, barks, herbs, seeds and flowers, drugs, oils, ointments, etc. We make a speciality of pure spices and flavouring extracts. Prescriptions compounded by registered clerks. Patent Medicines, sponges, etc. All goods are guaranteed as represented, and prices the lowest. E. M. Willard, Manager Retail Dept. Send for catalogue. Remember the number, 15 Union Street. G. S. Cheney & Co. MacDonnell's Glove Store, 52 Winter Street. Formerly under Tremont Temple. It is to your advantage to know some few facts about our way of doing business. We gladly give you all the information you want. We do the best work possible. We give you the lowest prices consistent with good work. We return all goods in one week, earlier if desired. We cleanse and dye all kinds of house and wearing apparel. We have special price for cleansing curtains and blankets, $1.00 per pair. Drewsen's French cleansing and dyeing establishment. 9 Temple Place, Boston. Open from 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. 486 Broadway, So. Boston. 300 No. Beacon St., Brighton. Telephone 3313 Boston, 23-3 Brighton. [?][?][?][?][?][?]. J. Seligman & Co. 566-568 Washington St. Opp. Adams House. New Store! New Goods! New Style! Cloaks, suits, furs, etc. Popular prices. Programme. Evenings at 7.45. Week of March 12, 1894. Wed. and Sat. Mats. At 2. Last week of Mr. Henry Irving, Miss Ellen Terry, and the London Lyceum Theatre Company. Under the direction of Abbey, Schoeffel & Grau. Saturday night, March 17, 1894. Shakespeare's Comedy, The Merchant of Venice. In Five Acts. Cast as follows: Shylock – Mr. Irving, Bassanio – Mr. William Terriss, Duke of Venice –Mr. Howe, Prince of Morocco – Mr. Tyars, Salanio – Mr. Lacy, Salarino – Mr. Martin Harvey, Lorenzo – Mr. F. Cooper, Tubal – Mr. Clarence Hague, Launcelot Gobbo – Mr. Archer, Old Gobbo Mr. Reynolds, Leonardo – Mr. Marion, Stephano – Mr. Belmore, Clerk of the Court – Mr. Tabb, Nerissa – Miss Kate Phillips, Jessica – Miss Coleridge and Portia – Miss Ellen Terry.

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Synopsis of Scenery. Act I. Hawes Craven, Scene 1. – Venice – a Public Place, 2. – Belmont – Portia's House, 3. – Venice – a Public Place. Act II. Scene 1. – A Street – Hawes Craven, 2. – Another Street – Hawes Craven, 3. Shylock's House by a Bridge – W. Telbin. Act III. Scene 1. – Belmont – Room in Portia's House – W. Hann, 2. – Venice – a Street – Hawes Craven, 3. – Belmont – Room in Portia's House – W. Hann, 4. – Venice – a Street – Hawes Craven, 5. – Belmont – Room in Portia's House – W. Hann. Act IV. Scene 1. – A Court of Justice – Hawes Craven. Act V. Scene 1. – Belmont – Portia's Garden with Terrace – Hawes Craven. Programme of Music. Under the direction of Mr. Meredith Ball. Overture – "Merchant of Venice" – Hamilton Clarke, Entra'acte – Air de Ballet – Gounod, Entra'acte – "Portia" – Hamilton Clarke, Ballet Music – "Faust" – Gonoud, Entra-acte – "Aubade Printaniere" – Paul Lacombe. For Mr. Irving, Stage Manager – Mr. H. J. Loveday, Musical Director – Mr. Meredith Ball, Treasurer – Mr. C. E. Howson, Acting Manager – Mr. Bram Stoker, Secretary and Treasurer – Mr. Myron B. Rice for Abbey, Schoeffel & Grau. Carriage Arrangements. To facilitate the arrival and departure of patrons during this and the succeeding engagements at this Theatre, the following arrangements in regard to carriages have been made: Conveyances ordered from Messrs. Kenny & Clark will deliver and receive occupants at the Avery Street Entrance Only. Conveyances ordered from the Boston Cab Company will deliver and receive occupants at the Tremont Street Entrance only. A compliance with this rule will prevent much confusion and unnecessary loss of time. Sunday night, March 18, grand concert, by a splendid corps of artists, in aid of the working boys' home. March 20, Tuesday March 20. Important Production of Abbey, Schoeffel & Grau's Superb Spectacle, "America." Gorgeous, suberb, unsurpassable in every detail. The marvellous Schaffers, Basco and Roberts. Grand Ballets, Processions, Tableaux. Seats on sale. Keep's Shirts. To measure, 6 for $9.00, unlaundered. $10.00 laundered. None better at any price. Our famous "K" stock shirts. 85c each unlaundered; $1.00 each, laundered. Open back or open front, or both, and with different sleeve lengths. Best four-ply linen collars. $1.80 per doz., 15c each. Best four-ply linen cuffs. 25c pair. The latest effects in neckwear and the most complete stock of men's outfittings at popular prices. Keep MFG. Co., 114 Tremont St. Ladies' combination pocket book and card case. Black Seal Leather. Two Sterling Silver Corners. Price, $1.25. Sent by insured mail on receipt price. A. Stowell & Co., 24 Winter Street. Alland late with celeste. Importer and designer of attracting and becoming hats and bonnets at attractive prices. 112 Tremont St, Boston. Under Studio B'ldg. Spring opening. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, March 12, 13 and 14. Inspection invited. Just received, our new importation of dress trimmings, laces and silk waists. We make a speciality of gloves for party and theatre wear. Cohen's back bay branch, 338 Boylston St., Opp. Arlington St. Removal. Don't forget that the original Ritz Studio has removed to 49 Temple Place. All the latest and popular sizes in photographic portraiture can be had at greatly reduced prices for a short time only. M. C. Heinaman & Co., Mgrs. 49 Temple Place. Highest Award! Royal Worcester W. L. L. Cossets received medal and diploma at the World's Columbian Exposition. Chicago, 1893. Sold by leading Merchants. The Mason & Hamlin Pianos with their Improved Method of Stringing. Highest Honours in Chicago. The Celebrated Liszt, Church Organ for Parlors. Churches, Music Halls. Catalogue Free. Boston, New York, Chicago, Kansas City.

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J. B. McClloon & Co. Custom Tailors Bowdoin Square. New Store, Central Location, Correct Styles, Dent's Fowne's and Kassan Gloves. WM. N. Todd & Co. 278 Washington St. Neckwear, underwear, umbrellas, canes. Telephone 854 Schlitz's Milwaukee Beer. Has not yet found an equal in the market. Try it and be convinced. Jos. Gahm, N. E. Agent, Office, 125 Purchase St. For sale by all leading hotels, grocers and restaurants. Requires no drumming. Recommends itself. Paul H. Jacot, Cooked Meat Market is always well supplied with Roasted Chicken, Turkey, Beef, Pork, Lamb, Boned and Truffled, Birds Smoked, Beef Tongues and Broiled Hams to be sold in any quantity. The best kind of Canned and Bottled Fruits. Fish and Vegetables at moderate prices, also every kind of Cheese and Santori French [?]. Open daily till 12 p.m. 30 to 32 Boylston St. The proper thing to do after the theatre: go to "The Giralda," 42 Boylston St., and take a cup of Ybarra Chocolate from Caracas. Velutina. The success of Velutina has prompted dealers in velveteens to market them under names similar to Velutina. Avoid deception by seeing the selvage which is stamped Velutina wear guaranteed. Every household should have a supply of Rienzi. A select and pure bottled beer. Rochester Brew. Co. Boston Depot. Office 30 Avrey St. Bottling Dept. 295-305 A. St. For stylish Millinery call at Le Bon Ton, 546 Washington Street. Reliable Goods at Popular Prices. Ladies' custom made fine shoes. In every style imaginable. To order at short notice. For weddings, receptions and society events. These fine shoes are made to match costumes from either the same material, ooze leather or of kid to match it. Very reasonable prices. Ladies are invited to visit our Custom Show Parlor where many exclusive styles are shown. Jordan, Marsh & Co. [?] branch of 865 Broadway, N.Y. 146 Tremont St. Boston. Bon-Bons and Chocolates for purity and deliciousness of flavor unexcelled. Fancy Baskets and Boxes. [?] on hand at very reasonable prices. Rejuvenate your household articles. Blankets, lace curtains, tidies, draperies, laces, sofa pillows, Turkish rugs, feathers, real lace handkerchiefs and collars, wool mats, shawls, carriage robes, all kinds of wearing apparel and all materials. Cleansed, freshened or dyed. We are the largest concern in our line of business in the country, and employ only experienced, first-class help, and you can rely on our work. Lewando's. French – Dyeing – and Cleansing – Establishment. Main office, 17 Temple Place, Boston. Boston Branch Offices: Back Bay Branch, 284 Boylston Street. South Boston, 393 Broadway, Highlands, 2206 Washington Street, Cambridge, 412 Harvard Street. Bundles called for and delivered. Telephone 1393, Boston. We have a fine French laundry department and guarantee first-class work.

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Tuesday, March 20 Next Week Tuesday, March 20 The Important Production of America with all the grandeur which marked its wonderful career at the World's Fair, Chicago. Seldom, if ever before, in the history of the stage has a spectacular production in one city almost immediately acquired a national reputation; but this is the case with Abbey, Schoeffel & Grau's presentation of Imre Kiralfy's historical pageant and spectacle "America." It is a matter of confirmed agreement on all sides that few people attended the World's Fair, at Chicago, who did not also attend a presentation of this glorious spectacle and all who did so attend became, at once, enthusiastic advertisers – so to speak – of the presentation's magnificence. Very soon it was spoken of from one end of the land to the other. Since last summer "America" has been given in New York, Philadelphia, Washington, Baltimore, and always has achieved a triumph. Soon it will occupy the Tremont Theatre stage, and it is certain will find a grand welcome in this city. At their home theatre, naturally, Messrs. Abbey, Schoeffel & Grau intend to give it the finest possible setting and most adequate production. The opening of its season at the Tremont will be on Tuesday night, March 20, Monday night being taken for the final preparations. They who have seen it need not be told of its superb, superlative grandeur, and no amount of space in description could give just idea to those who have not yet witnessed a presentation. Nearly a score of matchlessly beautiful scenes, superb allegorical and historical tableaux, magnificent ballets, processions, beautiful music, and, in fact, the acme of art. A slight idea of the grandeur of the spectacle can be deduced from the following synopsis of scenery and incidents: - Prologue. Scene 1. – Santa Fe. Scene 2. – The Departure from Huelva. Scene 3. – The Voyage of Discovery. Scene 4. – San Salvador. Scene 5. – Triumphal return to Barcelona, Grand Processional Pageant by the entire Corps de Ballet, Grand Chorus and Corps of Auxillaries. Act I. Scene 1. – The Plymouth Plantation, 1621. Scene 2. – Merrymount, 1623. May Song. May-pole Dance. Solo, with variations. Mlle. Teresina Magiloni. Original Juggling Act by Sylvester Schaeffer. Messrs. Basco and Roberts in their comic eccentricities. Grand Ballet of Merrymakes. Grand Finale, Bacchanale Chorus and Dance. Act II. Scene 1. – Washington Crossing the Delaware. Scene 2. – The Surrender of Yorktown. Scene 3 – Peace and the Triumph of Liberty. Scene 4. – The Temple of Peace. Entrance of Peace, Liberty Independence, Happiness, Love, Friendship, Kindness and Benevolence. Entrance of Progress, Commerce, Industry, Wealth, Prosperity, Agriculture and Invention. Entrance of Civilization, Liberality, Generosity, Humanity, Toleration, Culture and Grace. Entrance of Education, Intellect, Knowledge, Reason, Judgment, Strength and Action. Entrance of Fine Arts, Literature, Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Poetry and Music. Entrance of Science, Perseverance, Invention, Astronomy, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Mechanism. Grand ballet of Arts and Sciences, introducing the Premier Danseuse Assoluta, Mlle. Terestina Maglioni. A superb finale dansante by the Premiers and the entire corps de Ballet. Act III. Scene 1. – The Palace of Progress. Grand ballet of American Inventions. Franklin's Lightning Rod. Whitney's Cotton Gin. Hoe's Printing Press. Morse's Electric Telegraph. Howe's Sewing Machine. Yost's Typewriter. Bell's Telephone. Edison's Phonograph and Electric Light. Scene 2 – The Early Pioneers in the Far West, 1845. Scene 3 – The Close of the War of Secession, 1865. The Famous Schaeffer Troupe, in their Original Marvellous Acrobatic Feats. Scene 5. – The Triumph of Columbia. Congregation of Nations, and Grand Cortege of the States and Territories of the Union. On Sunday night next, a grand concert will be given in this Theatre in aid of the Working Boys' Home. A superb list of artists will appear in a programme full of good things. This noteworthy and most commendable charity deserves the greatest attention and fullest patronage. Seats are now on sale at the Tremont Box Office. Houston & Henderson, ladies should try our celebrated "Melba Gloves" in both kid and suede. For beauty of finish, elegance of style, and durability they are unsurpassed. Washington St., Cor. Temple Place. Expert Watchmaker. People desiring an expert's services to assist them in selecting Watches, Jewelry and Gems for purchase, will find Mr. Smith's services valuable. F. H. Smith 6 Winter Street. When Shopping, or down town on any other business, Ladies should remember the place where dainty lunches are so quickly services with delicious Chocolate: - Enter either Temple Place or Washington St. St Clair's. Pure Home Made Candies, fresh daily. Jellison's Honey and Horehound. Immediately relieves trouble. Price 25 cts. Per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Removal, Henry Mais, wig maker and hair cutter, has removed to pleasant and commodious quarters in the Jefferson Building, 564 Washington St., opposite Adams House. Take elevator. MME. E. Jordan, 58 Winter St., Room 11. Manufacturer and dealer in hair goods. Ladies and children's hair cutting, curling, singeing, shampooing a speciality. Baldwin Bros. Co., Stock Brokers. Branch Offices at Tremont House private office for customers. American House, Private Office for customer. 23 Boylston Building. 7 Exchange Place. Accounts negotiable at any office. Houghton and Dutton. Matinee Laced Gloves. Made from choice Kidskins, especially for our fine retail trade. Colors, tan, brown, gray and black. Price, $1.50. Also, gents' dogskin street gloves with Pique stitch and one clasp at wrist. Our "D" Glove. Call for our D. Glove. It is equal to any other $1.50 glove. We sell it at $1.00 a pair. We call particular attention to the perfect fit of this glove. Ladies Hosiery and Underwear. The most satisfactory hose for ladies is our "Daisy Black," which we sell for 25c a pair. Extra quality, in two different weights. Guaranteed Dyes. One of our special values this season is our Ladies Ecrue Jersey ribbed Vest, with silk ties and either long or short sleeves. Pants to match. Price, 50c each. Opera Glasses. A full line at the very lowest prices.

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Do you sleep peacefully? A doubtful compliment. A clergyman particularly noted for his drowsy preaching once asked a lady of his congregation how she liked his sermons. "Oh," she replied, "I enjoy them so much ; they are so restful." The Pilgrim Spring Beds. Everybody enjoys them, they are so restful, for they have every quality of comfort and convenience, every taste, i.e., every refined taste is gratified. They are modern, simple and luxurious. It may be truthfully said, they have been endorsed by the American People, for they were awarded the highest medal and diploma at the World's Fair, 1893, for their peculiar adaptation to every place where beds are used, and the golden comfort they contain. Not long ago a prominent gentleman remarked "If it was the only one in existence, I wouldn't take a thousand dollars for it." This gives a fair idea of what its real value is. Think of it, and he had only used it one week. Such is the invariable testimony of our patrons. A prominent society lady of the Old Colony says: "I don't want you to print my name, but I must say the Pilgrim is just delightful." We receive many testimonials of an equally enthusiastic character, but we never print any without permission. The Pilgrim's come Unslatted, Wooden Slatted, Metal Slatted and Webbed. Avoid imitations, and save yourself disappointment. For sale by reliable dealers everywhere, - Shown at 72 Portland Sreet. See registered brass tag on all genuine. Atlas Tack Corporation, Boston and New York. Pilgrim Spring Bed. No. 501. Registered Trade Mark. New Lunch Room 217 Tremont Street, for ladies and gentlemen. Moderate prices. We are also prepared to serve banquets, parties, etc. in or out of the city. Biddle Catering Co. Millinery. Theatre and Mourning Bonnets and Hats to let at reasonable prices. A full line on exhibition at 164A Tremont Street, Room 14. Take elevator. Mrs. A. O. White. Knabe Piano Fortes. Unequalled in Tone, Touch, Workmanship and Durability. Terms reasonable. Oliver Ditson Co., Sole Agents, E. E. Tyler, Mgr., 453-463 Washington St. New Patterns are now ready in Spring Millinery at the la Mode, 26 Temple Place. R & G Corsets. The guarantee and accident Lloyds issues the best Accidental Insurance policy. Office, room 29, 82 Devonshire St., Boston. Fred E. Keay, Agent. In these days of full skirts, full coats and umbrella capes, it is necessary to get a wide cloth to have it cut to advantage. The "Eudora cloth" has good width. North Packing and Provision Co., Boston. Mass. Pure Leaf Lard guaranteed strictly pure. North Star Brand Trade Mark. North Packaging & Provisions Co. Highest Award, Medal and Diplomas World's Fair, Chicago. For pure leaf lard, hams, bacon, dry, salted and pickled meats, barrel pork, pure lard, sausages. For something extra choice try their North Star Brand sure to please. Jordan, Marsh & Co. the celebrated Neilson Suede Gloves. These Gloves have attained the highest point of perfection yet reached. Not only do they fit perfectly, but being made of the best and most carefully selected French Suede Skins, therefore pliable and firm, they will not stretch out of shape after being worn a few times. The best results of our long glove experience are shown in the making of these gloves. They were cut after our own ideas, and every pair we sell is fitted and warranted. 7-Hook Neilson Suede Gloves - $1.50 per pair, 8 Inch Neilson Mousquetaire Gloves - $2.00 per pair. We also carry a full line of Button Gloves. Jordan, Marsh & Co. Mackintoshes. We make a speciality of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Makintoshes in the Approved styles. Our Custom Made Garments are a special feature. We have in stock an extensive variety of Rubber Goods. Conant Rubber Co., 20 Summer Street. Opposite Jordan, Marsh & Co.

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A new rug. This cut represents the design of a Japanese Rug which has been copied from a very valuable Somac Rug. The colors are most beautiful, embracing many shades of blue, olive, old gold, ecruand red. This and 100 other patterns of Japanese Rugs at the following prices : - 18 by 36 inches $0.75, 36 by 36 inches $1.65, 26 by 54 inches $2.10, 30 by 60 inches $2/50, 36 by 72 inches $3.25, 4 by 7 feet $5.50, 6 by 9 feet $10.25, 7 ½ by 10 ½ $14.75, 9 by 12 feet $19.75, 12 by 15 feet $35.00. Thomas O'Callaghan & Company, 558, 560 & 562 Washington St., (Opp. Adams House.) Priestley's "Cravenette" Fabrics will keep you dry in the heaviest shower. Dust will not cling to their surface, they are porous to air, cool and pleasant to wear. For sale by the leading Dry Goods Merchants in New York and elsewhere. John, Peter, Joseph and Dominick. G. H. Kirmes, Wig Maker, and J. S. Silva, Ladies' and Gents' Hair Dressing Parlor, 58 Temple Place. Formerly "Mais." Same old place and same hair dressers. The proper way to do it to do it on a rambler bicycle! Mile 1.51. Gormully & Jeffrey Mfg. Co. 174 Columbus Avenue. Call and see our 1894 wheels. L. T. Allen, successor to E. L. & F. S Rollins, custom window shades, 23 Bromfield Street, Boston. Hotel Brunswick. Highest Award at World's Fair. O. L. Fern, Wholesale Eastern Agent, 95 Union St., Boston. Ferd. F. French & Co., (limited) Carriage Builders, 14 to 24 Sudbury St. Large Variety always in stock. Spring stock now ready. Prompt attention given to repairing.

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The Merchant of Venice, 17 March 1894, Image 10 of 10

Aristocracy for receptions, luncheons, teas. Put up in handsome 1 lb packages. United States Baking Co., Charlestown Dist. Boston, U.S.A. Her Majesty's Corset. Best in the World. Owing to the fact that Miss Rice, the expert fitter of Her Majesty's Corset, was unable to wait upon the enormous number of ladies who called upon her during her visit to us last fall, we have been fortunate enough to make arrangements with the Princess of Wales Company, manufacturers of this celebrated corset, to have Miss Rice again return to our store for one month, commencing Monday, Feb'y 26th. We trust while Miss Rice is with us that as many ladies as possible will avail themselves of this great opportunity to visit and allow her to fit upon them a pair of Her Majesty's corsets, this illustrating without doubt the magnificent figure it will create, and the perfect satisfaction it will give. We have been the sole agents of this Corset for the past ten years, and have found them to give the most perfect satisfaction. We sold last year 20,000 pairs, and did not receive one complaint. We trust that every lady who possibly can will call upon Miss Rice, and be convinced that Her Majesty's Corset has no equal. Jordan, Marsh & Co., Sole Agents. P. B. Ale and Bunker Sill Sager. Brewed by A. G. Van Nostrand – Bunker Hill Breweries. Charlestown, Mass. Established 1821. W. B. extra long waist. The Famous No. 160 W. B. Corset embodies all the latest improvements, and is guaranteed to be the longest waisted corset in the market. Price $1.50 pair. Shepard, Norwell & Co. Agents, Winter St. B. L. Planet, 45c. Plug. All tobacco retailed at Wholesale Prices. The Morning Star Tobacco Co., Cor. Washington and Friend Sts. Leading outfitters of Mackintoshes and Cravenettes. $3.00 to $35.00. Style, quality and prices unsurpassed. We make a specialty of garments at $10.00. Metropolitan Rubber Co. 49 Summer St. Cleve & Krim, Near C. F. Hovey & Co.

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

Did you know?

Ellen Terry was given a diamond brooch by the royal family for her stage jubilee in 1906.

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