1899 - 1900Sixth Lyceum company tour of North America
28 March 1900

The Merchant of Venice

Location Providence Opera House, 115 Dorrance Street, Providence, USA
Plays performed The Merchant of Venice


Date Wednesday 28 March 1900 [13]
Play(s) The Merchant of Venice
Production Date(s) Wednesday March 28th 1900
Venue Providence Opera House
Scene Designer Hawes Craven, W. Hann, W. Telbin
Document ID ET-D741 Original record
Held by The British Library
Notes Annotated '28 March'.
9 scanned images
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Providence Opera House. Chaunecy Olcott in "A Romance of Athlone." Felix R. Wendelschaefer, Manager.
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Drink Van Nostrand's Ale Bunker Hill Breweries P.B. Estd 1821. "Oh be jolly!" Laugh at wind, at snow, at hail, and drink Van Nostrand's P. B. Ale. Wertheimer's Majestic Glove $1.75. Wertheimer's Majestic Glove. (Registered Trade Mark). The "Majestic" represents to the limits of glove excellence, beyond which no manufacturer can go. A better glove cannot possibly be made at any price. There is no way to improve upon the "Majestic." In it is used the finest kid. The workmanship is the most skilful that money can employ. The fit is superb; the appearance elegant; the style distinct. And no glove surpasses it in durability. Surety fasteners on each pair. None genuine unless "Wertheimer's Majestic" is stamped on each clasp. Wertheimer & Co., Manufacturers and Importers, 588 & 590 Broadway – New York. Starkweather & Williams Co., Importers of and Dealers in Chemicals, Dye stuffs, paints, oils, window glass and glue. 47 Exchange Place, Providence, R. I. Providence Opera House, Felix R. Wendelschaefer, Proprietor and Manager. Season of 1899-1900. Wednesday evening, March 28, 1900. Engagement of Henry Irving, Miss Ellen Terry and The London Lyceum Company Shakespeare's Comedy "The Merchant of Venice" in five acts. Programme continued on page 5. "Yusea" Welsbach Mantle. The latest improvement in Welsbach productions. Gives twice the light and has three times the strength of any others. Other kinds manufactured under the Welsbach patents 10, 15, 25 and 35c. Any kind of electric work. Telephone call, Welsbach Light Co. O. L. Bearse, Properietor, 29 Aborn St. Maine Creamery Co. 86 Broadway opp. Jackson St. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Pasteurized Maine Cream and Creamery Ice Cream. Telephone 1623. Weybosset Tailoring Co. High Class Altering, Cleaning and Pressing. 206 Weybosset Street, Corner Page.
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Providence Opera House. Felix R. Wendelschaefer, Manager. Week of March 26, 1900. The Executive Staff. Eugene Wendelschaefer – Treasurer, G. Taymond Ladd – Musical Director, Wm. F. Doolen – Stage Manager, John W. Ranklin – Advertising Agent, D. Henry Collin – Chief Usher. Box office open from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Doors open 1.30 and 7.30. Children in arms not admitted. Ladies' retiring and cloak room on Orchestra floor. Gentlemen's check room on Orchestra floor. Smoking and Gentlemen's retiring room on first Balcony floor. Smoking positively forbidden in the foyer. Opera glasses for hire from the ushers. Parties finding lost articles in any portion of the Theatre, please leave same at Box Office. Mason & Hamlin Liszt Organs used at this Theatre. Prophet Spring Water served at this house. In the interest of all patrons, the management politely requests that ladies will remove their hats. Did you know The Newman Café was open until 12 p.m.? 18 to 28 Aborn Street. W. M. Bush. Address all communications for advertising in this Programme to W. B. Chafee, 145 Washington Street. Carriages all styles and prices. We make a speciality of Pneumatics and Depot Wagons. 307 Dean Street. L. L. Fales. See that your dealer supplies you with The Famous Narraganseti Lager Malt Extract and Ale. The best is none too good for you. Try Phinney's "Satanic" Cigar, 10c. Rubber Heels, John The Shoeman's Price for Rubber Heels, all makes, fixed complete is 25c. Best Heels Best Work. Entertainments. One of the most enjoyable entertainments you could possible attend would be one given in a home that you could call your own at Washington Park. You can own one of these handsome 7-room cottages for the paying of your rent. All modern improvements; steam or furnace heat; streets graded, macadamized; water and gas; handy to two car lines; schools, kindergarten to grammar; fire engine house; and commands a fine view of the bay. Particulars of Isaac L. Goff Co. 37 Weybosset St. In Summer and Winter Drink the Refreshing Coca-Cola, 5 cents per glass. At Soda Fountains. "The Merchant of Venice." Cast of Characters. Shylock – Henry Irving, Bassanio – Mr. Arthur Royston, Duke of Venice – Mr. R. P. Tabb, Antonio – Mr. Laurence Irving, Prince of Morocco – Mr. James S. Hearn, Salanio – Mr Charles Vane, Salarino – Mr. L. Belmore, Gratiano – Mr. F. Tyars, Lorenzo – Mr. Harry B. Stanford, Tubal – Mr. J. Archer, Launcelot Gobbo – Mr Charles Dodsworth. Programme continued on page 6. Wall Papers. For the next few months we offer special inducements in foreign and domestic wall papers to our customer. As we have bought these goods direct, our process are low in comparison. Samples will be sent by mail to those who desire them. C. H. Angell & Co. 33 Market Square.
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George D. Titcomb, 57 and 59 Dyer St. Café rear of post office. Shattuck's Old Stand, Cor. Custom House St. What the people say must be true. That the lager Beer brewed by the What Cheer Brewery is an article superior to any in the market. Orders may be left at the Brewery in Cranston, or at the office, 14-20 Potter Street, Providence, R. I. "The Merchant of Venice." (Cast Continued) Old Gobbo – Mr. T. Reynolds, Gaoler – Mr. W. Graham, Leonardo – Mr. H. R. Cook, Balthazar – Mr. W. Marion, Stephano – Mr. W. Ablett, Clerk of the Court – Mr. C. H. Kenney, Jessica – Miss Cecil Cromwell, Nerissa – Miss Maud Milton and Portia Miss Ellen Terry. Programme continued on page 8. All Pianos used by Providence Opera House are from the warerooms of Mann & Eccles, the modern piano dealers, 347 Westminster Street, cor Snow Street. Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co. Low Mortality. Economical Management. Best Results to Policy Holders. No Rebating permitted. Business accepted only from regular agents of the Company. Jesse M. Wheelock, General Agent Rhodes Island and Southeastern Mass. 20 Market Square. The latest novelties in cut flowers, plants and floral designs at F. A. Fairbrother's, 188 Mathewson Street. WM. O. Martin, Watchmaker, Clock and Jewelry repairing telephone 802. 186 and 188 Washington St., Corner Aborn, Providence, R. I. Ladies' Tailors, Habit Makers and Furriers, Lazarus & Meyer, 126 Mathewson Street. Formerly with Haas Brothers, New York. Mill Remnants and Seconds. The Spring sale of our mill remnants and seconds is now on. There are over 500 different patterns of many fabrics. There are Cotton Goods, seconds of Shirtings, Lawns, Ginghams, Silk Stripe Ginghams, plain and embroidered Tsatlee Silks, Chambrays, and Fancy Swiss Lawns. There is the above line of goods in remnants as well, together with a complete assortment of heavy, medium and light Flannels. All of the goods are remnants and seconds of goods we manufacture. They are sold direct to you at manufacturing prices. Remnant room, Lorraine Manufacturing Co., Pawtucket, R. I. Announcements. After extensive alterations, our gas and electric fixtures now occupies more than half of the second floor of our building, and is filled with the brightest and finest line of gas, electric and combination fixtures that can be produced. We have a few things to say to you regarding this department, and will sat them in as few and as forcible words as possible. 1st. We have never manufactured or sold anything that we could not guarantee and this department has had special attention in this respect. 2d. We have arranged to show these goods in a manner that best conveys the idea of how they will look in the house. 3d. Notwithstanding the superior quality of the goods our prices are as low if not lower than that required for cheap and ordinary goods. 4th. Our different departments are, wood mantels, tile, fire-place goods, parquetry floor and grilles, cabinet making and decorating, metal ceiling, gass and electric fixtures. Crooker Mantel and Tile Co. Telephone 14. Boston Office, 220 Devonshire Street. 230-232 Weybosset Street.
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C. W. Kelley, Diamonds, Fancy Gems, Watches. 82 Westminster St. Announcement. My assortment of Fine Woolens and Worsted Importations for Spring and Summer Garments, is now complete and ready for inspection. Correct designs for suitings, spring overcoats and trouserings. S. M. Goodrich, Tailor, 398 Westminster Street. "The Merchant of Venice" Synopsis of Scenery. Act 1 – Scene 1 – Venice. A public place. (Hawes Craven) Scene 2 – Belmont, Portia's House. (Hawes Craven) Scene 3 – Venice. A public place. (Hawes Craven.) Act II – Scene 1 – A Street. (Hawes Craven) Scene 2 – Another Street (Hawes Craven) Scene 3 – Shylock's house by a bridge. (W. Telbin). Act III – Scene 1 – Belmont. Room in Portia's House. (W. Hann) Scene 2 – Venice. A Street. (Hawes Craven) Scene 3 – Belmont. Room in Portia's House. (W. Hann) Scene 4 – Venice. A Street. (Hawes Craven) Scene 5 – Belmont. Room in Portia's House. (W. Hann). Act IV – Scene – Venice. A Court of Justice. (Hawes Craven) Act V – Scene – Portia's garden with terrace. (Hawes Craven). Programme continued on page 10. Try Harrington's Strawberry Short Cake. 55 Weybosset Street. Young's Gift Shop. German favors, whist prizes, art novelties. Grinnell's Burnt Wood Work. 176 Angell St. Have J. C. Conroy & Co. Do your plumbing, steam and hot water heating. 43 Page Street, Cor. Pine. Telephone 982. Phillips' digestible Cocoa. The only cocoa with a rich chocolate flavour. Fancy Elgin Cream'ry Butter. Finest in the market, 28c lb. The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. Hoppin Homestead Building 363 Westmins'r Street. Confidence is capital; is the basis of all agreements; is truth personified. It is but natural and right that a public depository of private moneys should be amenable and accountable to some high authority, for the safe-keeping and strict performance of the trust imposed upon it. National Banks are in part U. S. Government institutions and are thoroughly examined by U. S. Bank examiners. National Banks must always strictly confirm to the rigid National Bank laws and are therefore the safest depositories the public can select. A National Bank is worthy of the greatest confidence. The Atlantic National Bank, 73 Weybosset Street, is a National Bank – it offers to depositors and to patrons everywhere facility and accommodation consistent with sound banking. Patrons of Art everywhere appreciate what the public is just beginning to realize, that the study of good pictures is one of the best means for obtaining a liberal education. Leslie, the noted English artist would not look upon pictures painted in bad taste, lest, inadvertently, as he expressed it, his pencil should take a hint. It is most true also that one cannot look upon words of art and not derive some benefit therefrom. It shall be our business to furnish any pictures of merit published and a suitable frame for the same. It is our pleasure to give you any information on these subjects you may wish. Abram Mendenhall fine arts, 141 Mathewson Street. Thomas Dowling, Wine Room on the Left as you go out.
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Do not forget to see Scheminger's Annex, 123 Snow St, entrance 121 Snow St. Canopies to let for Weddings and Receptions. L. F. Pease & Co., 7 Crawford St. Telephone 217. Established 1866. Glenn A. Tisdale, stock and investment broker. Stocks, bonds, grain and provisions bought and sold for cash or on margin. Private wires to New York, Boston and Chicago. Rooms 20 and 21, Swartz Building, 87 Weybosset St. Telephone 1033. "The Merchant of Venice" Programme of Music Overture – "Merchant of Venice" – Hamilton Clarke, Entr'acte – "Air de Ballet" – Gounod, Entr'acte – "Portia" – Hamilton Clarke, (a) Dance – "Henry VIII" – Edward German, (b) Ballet Music – "Faust" – Gounod. Entr'acte – "Aubade Printaniere" – Paul Lacombe. Spring goods have arrived – S. Elias, Tailor and Importer, 450 and 452 Westminster Street. Dress Suits to let. Open evenings. Davis Coal Co. Yard and office, Hill's Wharf. Tel. 1724. Branch office, 599 Westminster St. Tel. 744. Have you tried your Old Fashioned Chocolates? 25c. per lb. They are delicious. Tebbetts Bros, Confectioners, = 200 Union Street. Formerly with J. H. Roberts Co. Do not forget to see Scheminger's Annex, 123 Snow St, entrance 121 Snow St. J. Thos. Smith, engraving, monograms and crests. Fine stationery stamping. 333 Westminster Street. Pierce Photographer. 301 Westminster Street, Cor. Mathewson St., Providence. 126 Bellevue Avenue, Newport. William H. Williams & Son, Caterers. Specialities – Dinner Parties, Wedding Receptions and Afternoon Teas. Office, 21 Amy Street. Telephone 2956 – 3. We have at our disposal the Eloise Assembly Rooms for the accommodation of our customers. Money loaned. Policemen, firemen and rail road men given special rates. Salaried people and Merchants. W. E. Gilland, 530 Banigan Building. 3 nights only March 29-30-31 Matinee Saturday. The Greately Admired Actor and the Sweetest Singer on the Stage. Chaunecy Olcott in his new play, A Romance of Athlone. The world renowned Juan F, Portuondo Co. Cigars can be found at Chafee's 155 Broadway, 145 Washington St.
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Hall & Lyon Co. Apothecaries. Choice imported and key west cigars. All the popular brands of 10c cigars, 7c each. 4 for 25c. All the popular brands of 5c cigars, 4c each. 7 for 25c. J. A. Cigars, 7c Straight. Hall & Lyon Co. Next Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Return Engagement of the New York Casino Success "The Rounders." Dan Daly Thos. Q. Seabrooke, Harry Davenport, Mabel Gilman and Marie George, Edward De Tyler, D. L. Don and Phyllis Rankin. Direct from a very successful run at the Columbia Theatre, Boston. Three nights and Wednesday Matinee. B. & K. Trade Mark. Fancy Shirts for Gentlemen. We are now ready with Fresh and Elegant Designs for Spring in gentlemen's stiff bosom fancy shirts, wide and narrow vertical stripes, cuffs attached or detached, pale pink, delicate lavender and handsome shades of blue predominating. The fabrics are French percales and Scotch zephyrs, the patterns are exclusive, and in make, shape and fit these fancy shirts are calculated in every way to please the immaculate dresser. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. The Largest Manufacturers and Retailers of Fine Clothing in the World. Browning King & Co. Westminster and Eddy Streets. J. A. Robinson, Manager. Artistic Photographs produced at L. H. Bellini's Studio 103 Westminster Street, Prov., R. I. 219 Main Street, Pawtucket, R. I. Get your shirts, Collars and Cuffs Laundered at Butman & Tucker's Laundry, 146 to 156 Pine Street. Shirts 10c each. Collars and cuffs ironed by our Steam-Heated Irons last longer than by any other process. WM. O. Martin, Watchmaker, French Clocks called for and returned without extra charge. Telephone 802. 186 and 188 Washington St, Corner Aborn. Wertheimer's Peerless Glove $1.50. Wertheimer's Peerless Glove. "Registered Trade Mark." There is one better glove than the "Peerless" only one – but it costs more, Wertheimer's Majestic. What we claim for the "Peerless" is that it is the best English Walking Glove at the price to be had in America. It is high grade in the fullest sense of the word, and is well worth every cent of the $1.50 it costs. It is ultra stylish, fits superbly and outlasts all other makes. Each genuine pair is stamped "Wertheimer's Peerless" upon the fastener. Wertheimer & Co., Manufacturers and Importers. 588 & 590 Broadway – New York. Henry W. Cady & Co. Piano and Furniture, Moving. Smart English Drag – and Fine Boat Wagon. Superior Party Wagons. Monitor, Moswansicut, Samaritan, Diamond. Rubber Tired Piano Wagons. Office, 84 Sprague Street, Wagon Stand, Cor. Westmister & Moulton Sts. Telephone 2490.
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H. T. Hammond, 74 Weybosset Street, Opposite Arcade. Society and Commercial Engraver and Printer. Wedding invitation and calling cards a speciality. March 29-30-31. Matinee Saturday. The Favourite Comedian, Chauncey Olcott, in his latest and greatest success, A Romance of Athlone. Chauncey Olcott has established himself such a popular favorite during his many very successful engagements here that his return is anticipated with much pleasurable expectancy. He will present the new romantic comedy bu his manager. Augustus Pitou, entitled "A Romance of Athlone." Mr. Pitou has fitted his brilliant young star so successfully in the past that it would seem as though the combination of the two were destined to achieve the most signal results. From all accounts the play is the best one Mr. Pitou has written so far, and Olcott has added greatly to his popularity as the hero of this genuinely interesting story. The action of the play transpires near Athlone, Ireland, in the year 1800. Sir Philip Ronyane, who has been twice married, has two sons – Francis, by his first wife, and Dick by his second wife. When the play opens Dick has just returned home after an absence of three years. At the time of his arrival, Major Manning, of the Irish Brigade with his daughter rose and his ward Eleanore McBride, are visiting at Sir Philip's for a few months. There is also staying at Sir Philip's the Hon. Standish Fitzsimmons, a friend of Francis. It has been arranged between Sir Philip and Major Manning that Francis should marry Rose. Rose determines to learn something of Francis' character, and induces her father to introduce her as his ward and to introduce Eleanore as his daughter. Francis naturally pays court to the ward, supposing her to be the rich heiress. Sir Philip has great love for his elder son Francis. He considers Dick unworthy of his paternal love, and accuses him of attending secret meetings of the Revolutionists of '98. Return Engagement. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, April 2-3-4 Matinee Wednesday. The New York Casino Success, "The Rounders" introducing Dan Daly. Thos. Q. Seabrooke and the Big New York and Boston Cast. The announcement that "The Rounders," with the inimitable comedian, Dan Daly, together with Thos. Q. Seabrooke and the Big New York and Boston cast, will appear at this house next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, will no doubt cause a stir among theatre –goers of this city. "The Rounders," as every one knows, is one of the brightest, merriest and entertaining Casino successes put out by the management of this famour New York play-house since "Erminie" and "The Belle of New York." Mr. Dan Daly is at the head of the organization, and his unctuous humor and his inimitable drolleries need no exploiting at this late day. Of Mr. Seabrooke it is scarcely necessary to speak, as his individual success has always been unquestioned, no matter what the faults or the fate of his play may have been. As Maginnis Pasha (an Irish Turk) in the present piece he is seen at is best. "The Rounders" is a translation from the French farce, made by that clever librettist, Harry B. Smith, who has added much original matter and brought the story up to date. In addition to Mr. Daly and Mr. Seabrooke there are a number of other well-known people in the organization, notably Harry Davenport, Mabel Gillman, Marie George, Edward D. Tyler, D. L. Don and Phyilis Rankin, who were features of the original New York and London productions of the famous "Belle of New York." Carriage Owners, Take Notice. The best solid rubber tires are the Morgan & Wright. We also apply pneumatic tires in connection with our repairing and painting. Work guaranteed satisfactory. Call and see the best tire before ordering. Archibald Martin, 165-171 Pine St. Cor. Richmond. Ladies' Fine Silk Umbrellas left over from the holidays, at a great reduction. Owen E. Leavens & Co. 86 Westminster St. Family Stove Coal. The best Coal in the World for Family Use. Lehigh Stove Coal, for steam heaters sold by Providence Coal Co. Cor., Custom House & Weybosset Sts. Riding Academy 179 Aborn Street. Telephone 2498. "To enjoy good health, learn to ride horseback and take plenty of exercise." Send for circulars. G. E. Haupt, Proprietor. WM. N. Kidder, D. D. S. Has removed his Dental Rooms to 435 Westminster St. Reliable Dentistry at Reasonable Rates. Telephone 3061-3. Gas Stoves, Gas Ranges and other gas appliance. 15 Market Square. Horton Bros. Portraits. Artistic Work at reasonable prices. 256 Westminster Street, Opp. Shepard's. Take elevator. Between acts and after the show visit Opera House Café at right of Dorrance Street Entrance. 117 Dorrance St. Chas. A. Spranger, Prop. 144 Eddy St. Now for the West Indies. Visit the one locality this winter which has interested the whole country for months past. Enjoy the scenery, drives and climate, the sunsets and sunshine, the scores of strange fruits, flowers and plants, the boating, bathing and fishing. The people are a study in themselves and the grandeur of the mountains is never to be forgotten. Plan to break up the winter and take a cruise over summer seas and visit the Island of Jamaica. You leave direct from Boston, and we have in commission four new steamships, built by the Cramps, of 2,200 tons each, twin screw and accommodating over 50 passengers. These will make the trip in 4 ½ days, and are first-class passenger ships in every respect. Send your address for further information to F. S. Jopp, Passenger Dept., or I. C. Young, Div. Manager, United Fruit Co., Long Wharf. Information concerning Central American trips furnished at general office United Fruit Company, 60 State Street. A. W. Preston, President. L. G. Burnham, 2d V. P. and Mgr., S. S. Dept. $76.50 round trip twelve days Boston to Boston.
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A word about quick shoe repairing. Some months ago we conceived the idea that there must be some quicker and better way of repairing shoes than the old, hence we made a study and search for information that would ratify our convictions. We were successful in securing the desired facts, and in consequence of our efforts succeeded in purchasing an entire Shoe Machinery Plant embracing all the latest inventions in machinery used in an up-to-date shoe factory. Until today we are proud to say that our Shoe Repairing Department is the largest and best equipped, (devoted exclusively to the repairing of Shoes,) in the United States. We have recently been forced to enlarge and increase our capacity, occupying nearly the entire top floor of our building. Our capacity is 300 pairs a day. We can and Do Do more pairs. Do it better. Do it quicker. Do it cheaper than all others, (quality of stock and workmanship, of course, considered.) Shoe repairing in all of its Branches. Including (Rubber Heels,) Rubber Taps, in fact, any thing, that requires Rubber or Leather. Power and Foot Sewing Machines of the latest type. We sew taps on by the following processes, Hand, and Goodyear Machine Process, and McKay. Appreciated by Ladies. Very few Ladies have ever given the repairing of their shoes very much thought, because ordinarily the work done by the average shoe repairer was not satisfactory owing to the fact that their shoes lost their flexibility, (None of this) with our work. We are tapping more Ladies' Shoes than ever before owing to the fact that the flexibility is retained, (try a pair, ladies, and see) All shoe dressing at cut prices. F. E. Ballou Co. Weybosset and Eddy Sts. The Leading Shoe Store.

Did you know?

The Lyceum Theatre company had so much scenery and props that it needed a whole train carriage.

See all anecdotes