The Merchant of Venice, 4 April 1900, Image 2 of 7
Bartholomay Brewery Co. Rochester, N. Y. U. S. A. Our brands in kegs and bottles. Trade Mark. Bohemian Bavarian Marzenbrau Apollo & Stock. The Rochester Trust and Safe Deposit Co., will rent you a safe in their fire and burglar proof vault, at $3 a year and upwards, where valuables papers or property can be stored with no possibility of being stolen, destroyed or lost. Safes under your own control and always accessible. 25 Exchange Street. Rust Proof Steels. Comfort and Happiness to all wearers of the ideal korset, Parlors over 42 State St. The Clinton Market Begenits Telephone 573, Fine Meats, Poultry, Game, Vegetables. 255 East Main Street. Sparta Confectionery Co. Pure Candies fresh every hour, prices, 10, 15, 20, 25, Cents per Pound. Wholesale and Retail, 250 Main St. E. Rochesters, N. Y. Ice Cream, Soda Water. To choose food carelessly is like giving ammunition to an enemy, try Eininger Bros bread for [?] and general satisfaction. All grocery men sell it. Furniture moved, stored, phone 665, 969 State Street. Metropolitan Storage & Transfer Co. Lyceum Theatre Program commencing April 4th, 1900. Lyceum Theatre Company. A. E. Wollf, President, George Weldon, Secretary and Treasurer. B. E. Chase, Vice-President. Directors: H. F. Atkinson, F. M. McFarlin, Hiram W. Sibley, B. E. Chase, L. P. Ross, George Weldon, A. J. Warner, A. E. Wollf. Business Staff, A. E. Wollf – Manager, William Kelly, Master of Properties, Jno. R. Pierce, Business Manager, F. E. Dyer, Engineer, W. R. Corris, JR., Ticket Agent, Harry Ramsay, Chief Usher, Adolph Dossenbach, Musical Director, L. Brandt, Advertising Agent, Budd Burk, Stage Manager, Fred Beach, Electrician and Gas Engineer. House Notices. Box Office open from 9 A.M. to 0 P.M. Patrons will please report to the manager in person or by letter, instances of inattention or misdemeanour on the part of any of the attaches of this Theatre. Matinees begin at 2.15, and the evening performances at 8.15 prompt. Seats for this theatre can be obtained by mail, telegraph or telephone, No, 135 D, and will be retained until 7.30 o'clock in the evening and no longer. Ladies' Parlor in Main Lobby, second door right. Ladies' Toilet Room, Orchestra Circle, right of Main Entrance. Smoking Room and Gentlemen's Parlor and Lobby, first door right. Smoking positively forbidden in any part of the Lobbies of this Theatre. Check room for cloaks, coats and umbrellas in Lobby, left of Dress Circle Entrance. Wet umbrellas not allowed in the Orchestra Circle, Orchestra or Balcony. Parties finding lost articles in any portion of the Theatre, will please leave them at the Box Office. No fees of any kind allowed to ushers or attaches of this Theatre. Special attention is called to the safety of the Lyceum Theatre. It is the only Theatre in the city located on the ground floor, with exits on all four sides, provided with an asbestos curtain covering the entire proscenium so that in case of fire on the stage, it would, be impossible to communicate with the auditorium. The Balcony and Gallery have iron stairs on both sides, leading to the walk, which, together with the main entrance built of iron and brick, will be opened at the close of each performance, or sooner if necessary. The side doors in the Orchestra Circle will also be opened at the close of every performance. The asbestos or fire curtain will be raised upon the entrance of the orchestra. The stage is equipped with the sprinkler system, standpipe and coils of hose, connected directly with the Holly water service. The Pianos used in this Theatre are from the Foster Piano Factory. Drink, Rochester Brewing Co's Famous Beers. Rienzi The Finest Table Beer in the World. Sold in bottle only. Telephone 383. Hanan Shoes for Men, Gould, Lee & Luce, Ladies' and Gent's Fine Footwear. 10 and 12 State St., Rochester, N. Y.
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Not made by a trust, use B.T. Babbitt's Best Baking Powder, Trade Mark. Its purity and quality guaranteed. Not made by a trust. We invite inspection of our Sartorial Display of correct spring fabrics. Griswold Rochester, N. Y. 187 Main St., East. Next to Whitcomb House, Upstairs. Butter & Eggs, Phone 2020, 154 [?] Clinton St. Fairview Dairy, [?]. Better talk butter. That farmer who has supplied your household with butter for years back has not called of late. Why? No doubt you know the reason is, he has not the goods. But we have any quantity of A-1 Dairy and Creamery Butter, and at a reasonable price. Also strictly fresh eggs. Fairview Dairy, 151 North Clinton St. Telephone 2020, or a Postal Card. Mr WM. H. Crane. Silk Shirt Waists Perfectly Cleaned! Maybe you paid $6, $8, or $10 for that waist. Constant wear has soiled it, eh? Collar and cuffs look dirty. Don't throw it away? Let us clean it. Wont charge you much either. We guarantee colors will not run and that it will have the same lustre as when new! Leary Dyeing and Cleansing Establishment. Mill St., Cor. Platt. Branch office – 9 North Clinton Street – Two doors from Main Street. Swiss Laundry. We refinish Lace Curtains of the most delicate material positively without damage, to look like new. Mason Bros., Phone 1146. 92-94 Exchange St. Ladies' Cloths. We have just received the styles of light gray, home spun, just the thing for Separate Skirts and Suits. Fine black Veneations and Broadcloths, Bicycle Suiting's from 75c. to $2 per yard. Guaranteed silk for linings. Fast black percoline 10c. Cloth & Lining Store. (2d Floor.) (Take elevator) 206-207 Cox Bldg., North St. Paul Street. Suitable Easter Gifts our line of Platinum Prints, Easter Cards and Novelties. Yawman & Stupp, East Ave. and Main St., East. Wednesday evening, April 4, 1900. Engagement of Henry Irving, Miss Ellen Terry and The London Lyceum Company. Shakespeare's Comedy, "The Merchant of Venice" in Five Acts. The Mackie Piano, Organ and Music Co., 100 State St., sell Edison Phonographs, Supplies, Etc., Washburn Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos, Imperial Symphonion Regina and other Music Boxes. Have you seen the "Rochester Spinroller Chainless" Rochester Bicycles it is simply the finest. Rochester Cycle Mfg. Co., 108 and 110 Exchange St., cor. Court St.
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Adams' Pepsin Tutti-Fruitti Euchre Clubs Trump which wins! Aids digestion. Dyspepsia removed for five cents a day. Good food, good exercise, good spirits, good gum – Adam's Pepsin Tutti-Fruitti. Indigestion won't live with you. Oysters the finest Cape May's and Blue Points in the City. 268 Main St. E. Telephone 840 Vanderslice. Jagley – Wonder why that fellaw Wiggins has such a blawsted cold hand. Weally, its just like a dog's nozzle. Boggs – All the fault of his dwess, me boy; wears his collahs so awfully tight the blood cawn't get any lower than his chin. Whitcomb Grill opposite the Lyceum. The Popular Place after the Theatre. Excellent Cuisine. Polite and Prompt Service. Lunch Served every day from 11.30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Union Trust Co., 25 State Street, 4% interest allowed on special deposit. Geprge F. Yeoman, President, Irving Rouse, 2d Vice-Presdident, Abram E. Wollf, 1st Vice-Pres. Frederick W. Zoller, Secretary. 98c. for this Golden Oak Dining Chair. Cane Seat, Brace Arms, Artistic Design. Nicely finished, durable construction. Dining chairs – wood seats, cane seats, leather seats, plain oak, quartered oak, solid mahogany. A wide variety in latest designs. Extension Tables – Giant frame construction, pocket to carry extra leaves. Plain oak, golden oak, quartered oak, Flemish oak, mahogany, $4.35 to $85.00. Sideboards – an unequalled assortment. New and beautiful patterns in choice oak and mahogany, $13.50 to $110.00. It will pay to come long distances to buy dining furniture at the Home Furnishing House, as well as all other kinds of furnishings. H. B. Graves. High quality, great variety, 78 State St. Rochester, N. Y. Low Prices. Prices in Plain Figures. We beg to call the attention of the business men to the increasing popularity of the Dinner served A La Carte, from 12 noon till 2.30 p.m. at the Livingston Grill. GEO. W. Sweeney, Prop. The Merchant of Venice. Cast of Characters, Shylock – Henry Irving, Bassanio – Arthur Royston, Duke of Venice – Mr. R. P. Tabb, Antonio – Mr. Laurence Irving, Prince of Morocco – Mr. Jess, Salanio – Mr. Charles Vane, Salarino – Mr. L. Belmore, Gratiano – Mr. F. Tyars, Lorenzo – Mr. Harry B. Stanford, Tubal – Mr. J. Archer, Launcelot Gobbo – Mr. James S. Hearn, Old Gobbo – Mr. T. Reynolds, Gaoler – Mr. W. Graham, Leonardo – Mr. H. R. Cook, Balthazar – Mr. W. Marion, Stephano – Mr. W. Ablett, Clerk of the Court – Mr. C. H. Kenney, Jessica – Miss Cecil Cromwell, Nerissa – Miss Maud Milton and Portia – Miss Ellen Terry. The Mackie Piano, Organ and Music Co. Sell the Celebrated Knabe & Co's Artistic and other High Grade Pianos. 100 State Street. 102 East Main. Whittles, Novelties for Easter. Eggs, Boxes, Baskets, Nests, Etc. Tel. 2226. Notice. A good many people have been asking the following questions in regard to our monthly livery contract. Can we have the same horses and carriage each time we order? And can you arrange it so that we shall have the same driver? To both of these questions we answer "Yes." Better find out what our charges are for a month's work if you have not already. Phone 49. E. F. Higgins. North Fitzhugh Street. Phillips' Digestible Cocoa the only Cocoa with a Rich Chocolate Flavor.
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Our Greenhouses are full of Easter Plants. Roses, Lilacs, Azelias, Easter Lilies, Etc. See our stock before you buy. Salter Bros., Florists. Stores: 305 East Ave, Liberty Bldg. 38 W. Main, Powers Hotel Bldg. C. W. Trotter & Sons, 7 East Avenue, Trotter Dry-Air Refrigerators. Our line of Refrigerators are constructed on the most modern and sanitary principles and give the best results with the least expenditure of ice, of any on the market. Catalogue and Estimates for the asking. Special Refrigerators for Hotels, Public Institutes, Yachts and Private Residences. Any desired size. Callahan's Café "After the Show" 8 North Water Street. Hello 14! Lovejoy! Send us a box of your pure candies, fresh every day, 63 Main Street East. Milton Clark Co. Get our rates and save you money. We can place your insurance in the best old line stock insurance companies. Chamber of Commerce Building. Telephone 1563. H. L. Lynch, M. Kuehler, Lynch & Kuehler have returned from New York, with all the latest New York and Paris styles. 527-26-25 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Take Care of Your Teeth! Don't neglect them save them if possible. Examinations are free. Our work is the best Gold Crowns, 22k - $5.00, Gold Filling - $1.00 up. Taft's Dental Rooms, 187 Main St. Rochesters, N. Y. Two doors west of Whitcomb House. Lady Fingers, Almond Macaroons, 50 cents per lb. J. A. Seel. Synopsis of Scenery. Act 1. – Scene 1 - Venice – A Public Place (Hawes Craven). Scene 2 – Belmont – Portia's House (Hawes Craven). Scene 3 – Venice – A Public Place (Hawes Craven). Act II – Scene 1 – A Street (Hawes Craven). Scene 2 – Another Street (Hawes Craven). Scene 3 – Shylock's House by a Bridge (W. Telbin). Act III. Scene 1 – Belmont – A Room in Portia's House (W. Hann). Scene 2 – Venice – A Street (Hawes Craven). Scene 3 – Belmont – Room in Portia's House (W. Hann). Scene 4 – Venice – A Street (Hawes Craven), Scene 5 – Belmont – Room in Portia's House (W. Hann). Act IV – Scene – Venice – A Court of Justice (Hawes Craven). Act V. – Scene: Portia's Garden, with Terrace (Hawes Craven). Program of Music. Overture – "Merchant of Venice" – Hamilton Clarke, Entra'acte – "Air de Ballet" – Gounod, Entr'acte – "Portia" - Hamilton Clarke, (a) Dance – "Henry VIII" – Edward German, (b) Ballet Music "Faust" – Gounod, Entr'acte - "Aubade Printaniere" – Paul Lacombe. For Mr Irving, Stage Manager – Mr. H. J. Loveday, Musical Director – Mr. J. H. Pitt, Business Representative – Mr. Julian Magnus, Treasurer – Mr. Chas. E. Howson, Acting Manager – Mr. Bram Stoker. The Mackie Piano, Organ and Music Co. 100 State St., Sell Knabe & Co, Hazelton, Bros., Macie & Co and other High Grade Pianos. Hotel Eggleston. Grill Room. Rochester's Most Popular Hostlery for Ladies and Gentlmen Service Unexcelled. Theatre Parties Especially Cared for. Entrance on Stone St., one door south of Alliance Bank. $1.00 worth of Theatre tickets or 20 Street Car Rides. For 25c at the office of The Rotary Trade System Co. 619 Chamber of Commerce. Homes furnished complete, prices in plain figures, high quality, great variety, low prices. H. B. Graves' Home Furnishing House.
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For Men's and Boys' Spring Wear. Everythign that's new, everything that tasteful, everything that's good. In preparing for Easter, do not omit a visit to our up-to-date department. McFarlin Clothing Co., 110-112 Main Street, East. Everything but shows for men and boys. "David Harum." No announcement made this far this season has awakened greater interest or opened such strong anticipations of pleasure as the one to the effect that "David Harum" is to be presented at this house on Monday, April 9, by Charles Frohman with William H. Crane in the title role. The engagement is for one week, a period longer than Mr. Crane usually spends here, but one which on this occasion he will find only too short to satisfy all of those who will want to see him in the dramatization of Edward Noyes Westcott's novel. No book written during recent years has had so wide a sale as has "David Harum." The booksellers can tell you exactly how many hundred thousand copies have been sold, but who can even closely estimate its number of readers. Long before the book became so widely popular Mr. Frohman secured its dramatic rights. This was comparatively easy, but when he looked around for an actor fitted to play the part of the shrewd old banker – horsetrader, he could see but one man, just as many others could see but one man, but that man was unapproachable. This man was Crane. Mr Frohman bides his time and the work of dramatization, which had been entrusted to R. and Mr. W. Hitchcock, went right on. Finally some few months ago Mr. Frohman saw his way clear to making Mr. Crane a proposition and the actor seeing his way clear to accepting it, did so and now both men are subjects for congratulation, and the public is also subject for congratulation on what it will undoubtedly gain from the combination of the play, the actor, and the manager. Those who laughed over Harum's sayings in the book will laugh over them again in the play. They will see the wily Deacon Perkins buy David's bay mare with the nasty habit of balking, they will see John Lenon and his pretty sweetheart, Mary Blake, and they will see dear good hearted Aunt Polly busying herself to prepare her spare room for John after his long and weary struggle with the fare of Eagle Tavern. Homeville will be seen in all of its quaint atmosphere and moving through the play will be found all of the characters which made the book such interesting reading. No stone has been left unturned to adequately present the play before the public. The work of preparation has gone on for weeks untiringly. The rehearsals which have been under the direction of E. E. Rose have been thorough and the work has been cast with the utmost care. Mr. Crane was never so enthusiastic about any play he has ever had, and the character of Harum puts him, as every one has expected, down to the ground. Nothing short of phenomenal and lasting success is expected of the play, and nothing less will it likely receive. The sale of seats for the engagement opens to-morrow, April 5, 9 a.m. The Mackie Piano, Organ and Music Co. 100 State St., Sell Wholesale and Retail all the Music and Musical Instruments used here. C. J. Conolly sells the Stearns and Rambler Bicycles for $40 on easy payments. 47 Exchange Street. Dr. Wiggins, Dentist 22-24 Liberty Building. Fine Dentistry, Porcelain and Gold Inlays, Detachable Crowns and Bridges. Dayton, Tiger, Clipper, Yale. Why not buy a wheel with a record? Why not buy a popular wheel? Why not buy where you are assured of fair treatment? Why not buy of a firm whose guarantee means something? Why not choose your wheel from "the winning quartette" of Scrantom. Westmore & Co. Beginning Monday, April 9, one week, matinees Wed and Sat. Charles Frohman presents WM. H. Crane in David Harum, seats on sale to-morrow, April 5th, 9 a.m. Easter Monday, April 16, 3 Nights and Wednesday Matinee, The Eminent Artists. Mr. Herbert Kelcey and Miss Effie Shannon presenting the great New York Society Play, The Moth and the Flame by Clyde Fitch. With all the Elaborate Detail and the same Exceptional Personnel which distinguished this Production upon its Presentation. 125 Nights at Daniel Frohman's New York, Lyceum Theatre. Thursday, April 19, Easter Week. The Tuesday Musicale takes pleasure in presenting to the Rochester Public. Madame Schumann-Heinck, from the Metropolitan and Royal Berlin Opera Companies. The Greatest Contralto Living, in a recital made up of her most famous and successful selections. The Real Music Event of the Season. Scale of prices – ground floor, $2.00. Balcony, $2.00, Balcony Circle, $1.50 and $1.00. Sale opens Wednesday, April 11, 9 a.m. Positively only 6 seats sold to any one person.
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The Steinway Piano, Steinway is pre-eminently the best piano made in the world to-day. Ivers & Pond, Kranich & Bach, the "Crown" (The many-toned piano). Imitating perfectly sixteen different instruments. Kurtzmann, Lindemann, Sterling form an irresistible combination. Investigate our prices and terms before buying. If you want your piano moved telephone 1496. "The Old House," J. W. Martin & Bro., 73 State Street, look for the drum above the door. Our Trade Mark.
Did you know?
Edith Craig is said to be the model for Miss La Trobe in Virginia Woolf's last novel, Between the Acts (1941).