1899 - 1900Sixth Lyceum company tour of North America
20 April 1900

The Merchant of Venice

Location Boyd's Theatre and Opera House, Harney Street, Omaha, Nebraska, USA
Plays performed The Merchant of Venice


Date 20 April 1900
Play(s) The Merchant of Venice
Production Date(s) Friday April 20 1900
Venue [Boyd's Theater and Opera House]
Venue address [Omaha, Nebraska] [USA]
Stage Manager H. J. Loveday
Scene Designer Hawes Craven, W. Telbin, W. Hann
Music Director J. H. Pitt
Document ID ET-D747 Original record
Held by The British Library
3 scanned images
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The Merchant of Venice, 20 April 1900, Image 1 of 3

BROWNING KING & Co. R. S. WILCOX, MGR. Omaha's Only Exclusive Clothiers for Men-Boys --- 15th and Douglas Streets, OMAHA, NEB. --- Spring and Summer Styles Now Ready MELIN & THOMPSON TAILORS First-Class Work. 317 So. 15th St. Visit the Diamond "C" Soap Premium Store 1611 Farnam Street. All Goods Given FREE for Diamond "C" Soap Wrappers. VISITORS WELCOME Monday, Tues., April 23 and 24 Maude Adams in "THE LITTLE MINISTER" --- Friday and at., April 27th, 28th ADA REHAN IN REPERTOIRE

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

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The Merchant of Venice, 20 April 1900, Image 2 of 3

HENRY IRVING, MISS ELLEN TERRY AND The London Lyceum Company, FRIDAY NIGHT. APRIL 20, 1900, Shakespeare Comedy, The Merchant of Venice. In Five Acts Shylock - Henry Irving Bassanio - Mr. Arthur Royston Duke of Venice - Mr. R.P.Tabb Antonio - Mr. Laurence Irving Prince or Morocco - Mr. Jess Salanio. - Mr Charles Vane Salarino - Mr. L. Belmore Gratiano - Mr. F. Tyars Lorenzo - Mr. Harry B. Stanford Tubal- Mr. J. Archer Launcelot Gobbo - Mr. James S. Hearn Old Gohbo - Mr. T. Reynolds Gaoler - Mr W. Graham Leonardo - Mr. H.R. Cook Balthazar - Mr. W. Marion Stephano - Mr. W. Ablett Clerk of the Court- Mr C. H. Kenney Jessica - Miss Cecil Cromwell Nerissa - Miss Maud Milton And Portia - Miss Ellen Terry --- Saturdya Night, Double Bill, MISS ELLEN TERRY in NANCE OLDFIELD, and HENRY IRVING in THE BELLS --- ACT I. Scene 1- Venice - A Public Place - (Hawes Craven.) Scene 2 - Belmont - Portia's House - (Hawes Craven.) Scene 3 - Venice-A Public place - (Hawes Craven.) ACT II. Scene 1-A street - (Hawes Craven.) Scene 2 - Another Street - (Hawes Craven.) Scene 3 - Shylock's House by a Bridge - (W. Telbin.) ACT III. Scene 1 - Belmont - A Room in Portia's House - (W. Hann) Scene 2 - Venice - A Street - (Hawes Craven.) Scene 3 - Belmont - A Room in Portia's House - (W.Hann.) Scene 4 - Venice - A Street - (Hawes Craven.) Scene 5 - Belmont - A Room in Portia's House - (W. Hann.) ACT IV. Scene Venice A Court of Justice - (Hawes Craven.) ACT V. Scene - Belmont - Portia's Garden, with Terrace - (Hawes Craven.) --- Programme of Music. Overture "Merchant of Venice" Hamilton Clarke Entr'acte "Air de Ballet" Gounod Entr'acte "Portia" Hamilton Clarke a. Dance "Henry VIII" Edward German b. Ballet Music "Faust" Gounod Entr'acte "Aubade Printaniere" Paul Lacombe --- For Henry Irving. Stage Manager Mr H.H. Loveday Musical Director Mr. J.H. Pitt Business Representative Mr. Julian Magnus Teasurer Mr. Chas. E. Howson Acting Manger Mr Bram Stoker --- A.DONAGHUE, 109 So. 16th St., OMAHA. Telephone Orders GREENHOUSES: 5425 No. 24th St. Florist TELEPHONES: 1001 AND F2643. BRIGGS THE HATTER Stetson Hats Largest Stock in Omaha 1316 Farnam Steet 1316 Benjamin's Make... Spring Suits... Continental Clothing Co. --- THOMPSON, BELDEN & CO. New Spring Goods We colse 6 p.m. Saturdays --- Grand Opening Saturday May 5th Come Bring your Friends MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO. ROBERTSON BROS. FINE Cigars BOX TRADE A SPECIALTY Telephone 1790. 210 So. 15th St.

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

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The Merchant of Venice, 20 April 1900, Image 3 of 3

HENRY IRVING, MISS ELLEN TERRY AND The London Lyceum Company, SATURDAY NIGHT. APRIL 21, 1900. NANCE OLDFIELD, A Comedietta in One Act, by Charles Reade. Susan Oldfield - Miss Brenda Gibson Nathan Oldworthy - Mr. Clifford Bown Alexander Oldworthy - Mr. Harry B. Stanford AND Mrs. Anne Oldfield - Miss Ellen Terry --- TO BE FOLLOWED BY THE BELLS Adapted by Leopold Lewis from "The Polish Jew," by Erckmann-Chatrian. Mathias - Henry Irving Christian - Mr Arthur Royston Walter - Mr. Chrales Dodsworth Hans - Mr. Clifford Bown Dr. Zimmer - Mr. L. Calvert Notary - Mr. Gurney Fritz - Mr. T. Reynolds President of the Court - Mr. F. Tyars Cleark of the Court - Mr. James S. Hearn Mesmerist - Mr Archer Catherin Miss Maud Milton Sozel - Miss Brenda Bigson Annette - Miss Beatrice Irwin. Synopsis of Scenery. Alsace, 1833. ACT I- The Buromaster's inn. ACT II.- The Burgomaster's parlor. ACT III - The Burgomaster's bedroom. THE DREAM. --- Programme of Music. Overture "Spring's Awakening" Saint George Overture "The Bells" Singla Entr'acte "Ungarische Tanze" Kela Bela Hungarian Dances Hamilton Clarke Czardas "Ritter passman" L. Strauss Entr'acte "Les Cosaques" R. Eilenberg --- Balduff's Ice Cream Soda 5c --- IF YOU ARE CONSIOUS OF ANY DIFFICULTY IN SEEING, NO MATTER HOW SLIGHT, DO NOT NEGLECT IT, EXPERT OPTICIANS IN CHARGE Columbian Optical Co. DENVER...KANSAS CITY... SALT LAKE CITY...DES MOINES OMAHA 211 So. 16th St.

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

Did you know?

Ellen Terry was on tour in Australia and New Zealand when the First World War broke out.

See all anecdotes