The Merchant of Venice, 23-28 April 1900, Image 1 of 20
Power's Theatre. Harry J. Powers, Lessee and Manager. Reconstructed in 1898.
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The Merchant of Venice, 23-28 April 1900, Image 2 of 20
Ice but all ice is not the same. Some ice is pure and wholesome. Some ice is foul and dangerous. Foul ice may contaminate food placed in the same refrigerator. You do not want to endanger the health of your family. Distilled Water Ice made by The Consumers Company is absolutely pure, is healthful, is clean, is delivered from clean wagons, is delivered by courteous employees. In fact, is what you want. The best physicians use it in their homes. The Consumers Company, General Offices and Works, 35th, Butler and 36th Sts. Telephone South 620. Kenwood Office, Woodlawn Office, Englewood Office, North Side Office, West Side Office, City Office, 4839 Cottage Grove Ave., 301 E. 63rd St., 740 W. 65th St., 22-32 Hammond St., 1101 W. Van Buren St., 44 Randolph St., Phone Oakland 1236, Phone Oakland 151, Phone Wentworth 583, Phone North 331, Phone West 1350, Phone Main 1397. This program from Theatre Program Company 179, Monroe Street, Chicago. Eastern Agency: Frank V. Struiss & Co, 108-114 Wooster Street, New York. Ladies' Tailor-made suits, riding habits, Etc. Siegel-Cooper State & Co Van Buren & Congress. Golf suits, Bicycle suits, traveling suits. Ladies' Tailor Made Suits and Gowns to Order. Our great innovation, of making ladies' tailor-made garments to measure, has met with unbounded approval from some of Chicago's most stylish and swellest dressers. Our garments are cut and made by artistic men tailors in the newest and latest styles, at prices sure to win favour. A beautiful line of new spring fabrics from which to make your selections. We guarantee a perfect fit and satisfaction in every respect, or your money cheerfully refunded. Ordering a suit at the Big Store does away with all annoyance, extra charges and disappointments, and gives assurance of a stylish suit at moderate cost…25 exits in this Theatre as follows: Lower Floor 5 Stage, Orchestra Pit, Box, Exit 22, Exit 21, Main Floor, Exit 23, Exit 24, Exit 25, Foyer. Exits – Lower Floor. No 21. Back of boxes under stage to north alley. Nos, 22, 23 and 24, to west alley leading to La Salle street and north alley No. 25, main doors. Balcony 11, Stage Proscenium [?] Box, Balcony, Exit 10, Exit 11, Exit 12, exit 13, Exit 14, Exit 15, Exit 16, Exit 17, Exit 18, Exit 19, Exit 20. Exits – Firs Balcony. No. 10, to lower floor, 11, 12 and 13, outside iron stairway to west alley. No. 14 and 15. Two stairways to main entrance. No. 16, door to south court leading to outside iron stairways on east side of building. No. 17. Spiral stairway to lower floor. No. 18 and 19, outside iron passageway and stairs on east side of building leading to alley on north. No. 20, to lower floor. Second balcony 9, 2nd Balcony (Gallery) Exit 1, Exit 2, Exit 3, Exit 4, Exit 5, Exit 6, Exit 7, Exit 8, Exit 9. Exits – Second Balcony. Nos. 1, 2 and 3, via outside iron stairway to west alley. Nos 4 and 5, stairways to main entrance leading to Randolph street. Nos. 6, stairway to first balcony and lower floor. Nos. 7, 8 and 9, outside from stairway east side of building leading to north alley.
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The Merchant of Venice, 23-28 April 1900, Image 3 of 20
Madam Nordica, Maxine Elliott, Cissie Loftus. Autograph letters from these and many other noted actresses, singers and society women. Testifying to the many merits of Mme. Ise'bell's Toilet Preparations for the face, scalp and hands are conspicuously displayed at the Retail Parlors, 90 Wabash Avenue, Fourth Floor, inspection cordially invited. Send or call for samples of the original and only genuine Turckish Bath Oil. Other Oils under the name of Turkish Bath Oil are imitations. Scientific facial treatments. Our preparations are endorsed by Dr. R. Elliott, Drs. Rogers & Rogers, Madam Nordica, Madam Modjeska, Madam Scalchi, Lillian Russell, Maxine Elliott, Isadore Rush, May Irwin, Vesta Tilley, Elita Proctor Otis, Cissie Loftus, Maude Lillian Berri, Effie Shannon, and also highly recommended by Dr. Sarah Hackett Stevenson. Carson Pirie Scott & Co. The Fair. Avoid Imitations. Goods for sale by Schlesinger & Mayer Siegel, Cooper & Co. Mandel Brothers, A. M. Rothschild & Co, Marshall Field and all leading druggists Trade Mark Patented May 31, 1984. Isadore Rush, madam Modjeska, Elita Proctor Otis. On "Fowler" Bicycles around the world. Mrs. H. Darwin McIlrath, H. Darwin McIlrath. The McIlraths rode 1895 Fowler Bicycles made by the original Fowler man, Frank T. Fowler, who again makes the Fowler. A Short Story. By Dr. H. Darwin McIlrath. Note – We briefly quote below from the copy for a booklet by Dr. H. Darwin, McIlrath on his trip around the world. Begun Last Week – Chapter II. The Grand Trunk Road, pathway of old Delhi, 1600 miles in length, was level as a boulevard, the bed of macadam six feet deep. Yet we rode at night to avoid the awful glare of an angry sun and the effects of a temperature which often registered in the shade 120 degrees F. Tigers and leopards peered from the jungles at our cycle lights as they fitted by on the peerless highway. Cobras and deadly vipers crept about the crude domiciles which sheltered us. Living skeletons begged us for sustenance. Lepers and plague-stricken creatures brushed shoulders with us. We were stricken with fever, and while we lay tossing on our hard beds, our parched lips and swollen tongues craving the cooling comforts of icy draughts, that peculiar bird of India, perched in the scant boughs of the trees outside, called "brain fever!" "brain fever!" until our minds almost gave way to delirium. Our course of the Grand Trund Road completed, we turned south from Lahore, the birthplace of Rudyard Kipling's genius, and over 820 miles of rock-ballasted railway tracks we wheeled into Kurrachee. The mysteries of Beluchistan were refused to us by the English Government, because of the uprising of the tribes and frequent massacres and battles. By a small coasting steamer to Bushire, Perisa; we crossed 120 miles of sand desert and began the ascent of the passes which lead to the table lands of the Kingdom of the Shah. Our passage through the rocky channels of the awful ascents was fraught with interest. Entertained by King and Prince, we enjoyed Persia until the snows of December imprisoned us on Mount Khurud, and in an awful night of solitary exposure on that rugged peak, we narrowly escaped death by freezing. The "little woman" suffered most from that dread experience of wandering on windswept heights, and when rescued her feet were so badly frozen that I was compelled to amputate two toes. Round the base of Mount Ararat (Russia) we circled. At its base was shed the blood of our sturdy, indefatigable predecessor, Frank G. Lenz. The unborn event has not enabled the writer to record whether it be fortunate or unfortunate but the Russian police forbid us to cross the few remaining miles which intervened between ourselves at Ararat and the spot where Lenz was struck down; and after a delay of two months spent in parlance, we retraced our way to Tiflis and later pushed on to the Black Sea. The cycles had proven invaluable vehicles, since they carried us into parts otherwise impenetrable, and by arousing the simple people's curiosity, made us many acquaintances. Constantinople, Bucharest, Budapest, Vienna, Munich, Paris, London interested us, and their people honoured and entertained us. October 15th we sailed from Southampton, and on the morning of October 28th the steamship Pennland steamed into New York harbour, and we gazed upon the statue of Liberty which now sheds symbolic light in four parts of the globe, happy in the thoughts of "home sweet home." We considered that heroic emblem a sight unequalled by any afforded us in the whole world, unless it was the glimpse we caught of our dear friend, Frank T. Fowler, as accompanied by an Inter-Ocean representative, he clambered from the deck of a United States Government tug, up on the Pennland's side, and pressing a tiny American flag into my hand, cried, "God bless you, Mac." Just as he had over three years before when we wheeled from his sight in Chicago. Our progress from New York to Chicago was an ovation, and once at home, despite snow and cold, thousands greeted us, not only cyclists but as explorers and benefactors of studious mankind. Leaving Chicago with a promise to the readers of the Inter-Ocean to penetrate unexplored China and mystic Persia, we had fulfilled our trust, and leaving Chicago, mounted on the machines of Mr. Fowler's manufacturer, with his word that we might trust in the Truss Frame, we fell that Chicago, Mr. Fowler and ourselves may be pardonably and justly proud of our success, and the knowledge that all concerned had emulated [?] Chicago in her motto – I will! – The End. Next week – "Some celebrated people who ride fowlers". Fowler Bicycles "Not Made By A Trust" Sold for Cash or Credit 12 models all prices. Fowler Cycle works. Retail Dept., 122 Dearborn Street. Open evenings till 9 o'clock. Sundays till 1 p.m. Factory – 149-159 Fulton Street.
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The reel that made Kentucky famous. The "Meek" reel. He may tell you it's "As Good As A Meek," but it isn't. The "Meek" is the finest reel produced in the world. B. F. Meek & Sons. Louisville, K.Y. If your dealer can't supply you, we can. Write for booklet "J". Stevens' latest and greatest offer. 15 Cabinet photographs 15. Fifteen best platinum photographs, in 3 styles. Only $3. Including One Medallion Panel, colored, former price $5. Stevens, McVicker's Theatre Building. Flowers and Draperies and Hairdressing Free. Graham & Morton Line. St. Joseph and Benton Harbor. Michigan Resorts. Now is the time to make your arrangements for Summer Homes and Boarding Places. The Graham and Morton Line, for the season of 1900, will have five (5) steamers daily each way. Fare On day Steamer, Commencing May 28, Each way – 50 cts. For further information, apply to J. H. Graham, President, Benton Harbor, Mich, J. S. Morton, Secretary, Benton Habor, Mich. G. P. Cory, General Agent, Chicago, III. The Excelsior Mineral Baths of Benton Harbor are equal to the celebrated Mt Clemens Springs, and much more convenient to Chicago. Why not try them, and save time and expense? Tempus erit, quo vos speculum vidisse, p'igebit. "The time will come when you will look in your mirror with regret," unless you take good care of your teeth. The famous Sozodont has no equal as a dentifrice and will materially assist your dentist in the proper care of your teeth and the preservation of your "looks". New size of the liquid, without the Powder, 25c. Large Liquid and Pwder together 75c. At the stores or by mail for the price. Address P.O. Box 247, N. Y. City. New York – Hall & Ruckel – London. T. V. Quinn, importing tailor. Ladies' Tailored Gowns a speciality. 12 E. Monroe Street, Second Floor. Ladies' Department in Charge of H. Kato. Latest Designs from Paris and London. Electricity is Life. Habich's original exclusive method of Electric Sponge Massaging. Gives gratifying results in all nervous disorders, rheumatism, etc. Debility a speciality. Over 25 years in the heart of Chicago former location South End of La Salle Street Tunnel. Now in New Commodious Quarters, 103 Fifth Avenue, Southeast Corner Washington St. Spring opening of Imported Millinery. Hertzberg Advanced styles in dress hats. 2132 Michigan Ave. Some natty Easter suits. Excellent Display of the Six Little Tailors. The young man of fashion and taste is preparing to give his order for a new spring suit, and possibly a covert top-coat. Naturally, in anticipation of this move, he has been looking around, and, among the many houses he has visited, he has found nothing to please him better than the showing made by the Six Little Tailors. The patterns shown by this well-known firm are of the prettiest design, and most substantial ever shown in Chicago. Not only are you assured of a perfect fit, but the buyer is also given a guarantee of one year, or money refunded if dissatisfied. One could not ask for more. Think of a stylishly made spring suit for $20, or a handsome covert top-coat, silk lined throughout, for $20. Who would be without one – or both? Get your order in at once, so that you may be "in the game" on Easter Sunday. Place your order with the Six Little Tailors if you wish to avoid feelings of dissatisfaction. Their facilities are so perfect that orders place as late as Thursday, April 12, will positively be delivered the following Saturday. Send for samples and self measurement blank to their establishment, 78 Madison Street, McVicker's Theatre Building. India Digestive Biscuits. Not a drug but a food. Cure Dyspepsia, indigestion and constipation. Sold by druggists and grocers. The India Food Co., 289 4th Ave., N.Y. City. As an absolutely pure water, combining all the qualities whose action is mild but most effective, the famous Londonderry Water has no equal. The favourite everywhere. Eichberg's witch-hazel crème. A positive cure for chapped hands and face or any irritation or roughness of the skin. 10c. and 25c tubes. At all druggists. Wigs, Coiffures switches, bangs, shell and silver combs hair dressing. Done at Store or Residence. E. Burnham 71 and 73 State St. Ladies' Turkish and Russian Baths.
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The Commissioner of Buildings on Power's Theatre. Department of Buildings, City of Chicago. James McAndrews, Commissioner, T. O'Shea, Deputy Commissioner, William J. McAllister, Secretary. Chicago, August 25, 1898. Mr. Harry J. Powers, Powers' New Theatre, Chicago, III. Dear Sir: - After careful examination of your new Theatre I have no hesitancy in saying that the changes you have made from the old building are simply marvellous. The 25 exits (apportioned as follows: gallery, 9, balcony, 10, and lower floor, 6, which lead to Randolph street and the open court on the east, and alleys on the west and north of your auditorium proper) are the best means I ever saw for dismissing an audience. I was particularly impressed with the outside iron stairways, leading from the emergency exits, and your system of lighting them. Also the new fireproofing which you have placed in your dressing rooms and under your stage. You have really covered everything that is conducive to the safety and comfort, and the means of ingress and egress, of your audiences. I shall always hold your emergency exits, the system of electric wiring through iron conduits, and the fireproofed dressing rooms as models for other Theatres to follow. The new Theatre is perfect in every way. Yours very truly. (Signed) James McAndrews, Commissioner of Buildings. Palms and Ferns are the finest plants used in homes of refinement and culture. Vaughan's Boston Fern is the best of all Ferns for house culture. It will grow in dry heat and coal gas does not hurt it. It grows rapidly, doubling its size and beauty in eight weeks. Its sweet, green, woodsy freshness rivals in beauty the most graceful palm. Strong, young plants, price each, 20c: 8 for 50c. pre-paid. We have imported novelties in Geraniums, Roses, Palms, Cannas, that will please and delight you. Big bargain offers. 15 Ferns and Palms for $1.00, prepaid. 10 Roses, all different, 50c, prepaid. 10 Geraniums assorted, 50c prepaid. 10 Cannas, all different, 50c, prepaid. Our Greenhouses are the most complete in the West for growing vigorous, well rooted, healthy flowering plants. With every order free our 1900 complete catalogue of the best flower seeds in America. Vaughan's Seed Store, New York, 14 Barclay St. Chicago, 84-86 Randolph St. Glasgow Woolen Mills Co, World's Largest Tailors. Suit or topcoat to order. From Mills to man direct. No more $15 no less. 62 stores in Europe and America, Chicago Store: 191-193 State St, Palmer House Block. The Manson the original 3 crown wheel. There's no secret about the success of the Manson. Everybody that makes or sells bicycles, and many who ride them, knows why the Manson has gone to the front of the procession in five years' time. It has been done simply by making an article that is the best in its line – by selling it at a reasonable profit and by straightforward, honest business methods. We have never had traveling salesmen and have spent less than twenty-five cents per wheel in advertising, yet our bicycles are sold in every civilized country in the world. Five years ago our output was 600 wheels – this year it is 30,000. We are not ashamed that we are only five years old – they did not make bicycles twenty years ago – they made ice wagons. Some are doing it yet and flattering themselves because their bicycles are "antique." In this twentieth century we are interested in modern, not ancient, ideas. Our three-crown bicycle, of which we are the originators and hold patents upon, is admitted by everyone who knows anything about bicycle construction, and even by our competitors, to be the finest bicycle in the world. We believe it, we know it, and we back it up with the strongest guarantee ever given a bicycle. If you have not already bought your 1900 bicycle, or if you have, just call at our salesroom, rotunda Masonic Temple, and see what we are selling for $30, $40 and $50, with liberal cash discount. A few '99 models at $18, $22 and $25. …Manson Cycle Co Salesroom, Rotunda, Masonic Temple. Factory: Morgan, Pratt and Superior Sts. …Chicago… Phalin & Bennett, 71 Thirty-First St. South Side Agents.
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Girls! Tear this page out, take it home and try your luck. The Boston Oyster House. Madison and Clark Street, Harry C. Moir, Manager. The Boston Oyster House "Well, the Boston has them all Beat!" Fast and Fancy Dishes for the People. Boston Special. Take a pint of fresh crab meat, chop very fine, add o e-half pint of bread crumbs, season with salt and pepper and mix thoroughly. Roll one dozen Shrewsburys in this preparation, dip them in light egg batter and also in the crumbs again. Place some fresh butter in a very hot pan and fry slowly. Crab meat a la Maryland. Take about a pint of crab meat, one hard-boiled egg, chop very fine, add one table spoonful of butter and one-half pint of pure cream, season thoroughly, place in pan, and cook for eight or nine minutes. Thicken with cream sauce and when cooked thoroughly, add a glass of sherry; serve in chafing-dish. California Oyster Cocktail. Take eight Blue Points and open over an iced glass, being careful to save all the liquor; season with two desert spoonfuls of Snider's Catsup, six drops of lemon juice, two drops of Lea & Perrin's Worcestershire Sauce, a dash of Tabasco Sauce, season with salt and pepper, put in small lump of ice and serve. Stuffed lobster. Take a boiled or steamed lobster, split, remove the meat and chop fine, mix a heavy cream sauce with some chopped parsley, season thoroughly with salt, pepper and paprika and place back in shell; cover lightly with bread crumbs and a little melted butter, brown slowly and serve hot. Stewed Lobster. Take a live lobster, cut in small squares, cook slowly in fresh butter and add a cup of cream sauce, season with Lea & Perrin's Worcestershire Sauce and a little curry powder, salt and pepper, serve on slices of thin buttered toast. Broiled Live Lobster. Split a live female lobster, place a piece of rice paper soaked in fresh melted butter over the head, place in a double broiler, season with salt and pepper, and baste from time to time while broiling. Remove paper and serve it with B. O. H. Chilli Sauce. Oysters B. P. O. E. Take the center of four stalks of celery, chop very fine, cook thoroughly with fresh butter, put in one cup of rich cream, season with salt, pepper and paprika, then add a dozen freshly opened Rockaways, put in a glass of old Madeira and serve very hot in chafing-dish. Broiled Oysters – Celery Sauce. Take a dozen large Shrewsbury roll lightly in bread crumbs, place them on a fine wire oyster broiler baste with butter, and brown lightly over a very hot fire, season thoroughly, and serve on toast with celery sauce. Finnan Haddle a la Deimonico. Take a half of a finnan haddock, pick up and cook in fresh butter, adding a cup of pure cream, one hard-boiled eff cut in small squares, the yolk of a raw egg and one teaspoonful of grated Parmesan cheese, thicken with a cream sauce, season with salt and pepper and a dash of cayenne, cook slowly for ten minutes, serve in a chafing dish with small pieces of dry toast. Lobster a la Newburg. Split and remove the meat of a whole live lobster, cut into pieces about one-half an inch long, braise with fresh butter, add a cup of heavy cream sauce, season with salt and pepper, when thoroughly heated add the yolk of one raw egg and one glass of Madeira, serve in chafing-dish with small pieces of dry toast. Spring Chicken – B. O. H. Style. Put a young chicken in iced water, adding a little salt, unjoint and roll in flour: put in the frying pan three ounces of butter and one-half cup of cream, when hot put in the chicken and [?] thoroughly, put on cover and fry till brown; make sauce of cream and flour to thicken, let simmer and pour over chicken and serve hot. Welsh Rarebit. To make a rarebit, put a gill of stale beer in a copper saucepan, add a dash of Worcestershire sauce, a pinch of paprika and one half teaspoonful of mustard, and one-third pound of grated cheese, then whip the same until it creams, after which add the yolks of two eggs, and serve on toast, having first dipped the toast in beer, which will impart a fine flavour to it. Serve the rarebit hot, on a red-hot platter. Eat less meat. Home Made Health, The Easy Food. Quaker Rolled White Oats, [?] [?] The American Cereal Co. [?] Chicago, U.S.A. Quaker Oats. "If too much animal food be eaten, we are liable to produce gout and disorders of the liver, not to speak of indigestion." "Practical Dietetics." Quaker Oats Gems – Pour one cup boiling water over one cup Quaker Oats, and let stand one hour; then add half a cup of cold water or milk, two cups wheat flour, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, one-half teaspoonful salt. Bake in hot oven fifteen to twenty minutes. At all Grocers in 2 pound packages. Quaker Oats makes not only the best breakfast porridge in the world, but also delicious and wholesome bread, muffins, cakes, soups and puddings. Write for our cereal cook book, edited by Mrs. Rorer. The American Cereal Co., Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, III. Quaker Oats for gems. Eat more Quaker Oats, less meat.
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The Merchant of Venice, 23-28 April 1900, Image 7 of 20
The Everett Piano. Renowned for its beautiful quality of tone and great durability. The John Church Co, 200-206 Wabash Ave. Weber Pianos "The achievements of Albert Weber Senior, in the realm of tone production, like the violin masterpieces of Cremona, still stand unrivalled." Weber Warerooms 268 Wabash Avenue, Louis Dederick, Mgr. Try the celebrated Roy Kid Glove for men and women. Perfect fitting every pair warranted best on earth. John T. Shayne & Co. 187-189 State Street. When you leave the Theatre tonight "Ask the waiter" for an Australian Cock Tail, Made from Australian Malle water – a vegetable champagne. "The Best, the Cheapest." Celebrated Hats. The Dunlap Silk Umbrella, Palmer House, Ch'go. Styles and Qualities Always Progressive. The celebrated Steger Pianos are preferred by leading artists, purchased by the highest musical authorities. Steger & Co., Mfrs. 235 Wabash Ave., Cor Jackson Boulevard. Olga Nethersole says "Freeman's Face Powder" I can recommend as being most excellent in quality, surpassing others that I have used." 25c at druggists. As all other first-class powders are 50c and $1.00. Why not try Freemans? Arnica tooth soap. Beautifies, cleanses, preserves and whitens the teeth, strengthens the gums and sweetens the breath. The World's Standard Dentifrice for 30 years. Used in a million homes. Put up in neat and handy boxes, the idea package for the traveller. No dust, no powder, no liquid, to waste or to stain or soil garments. 25c at all Druggists, C. H. Strong & Co. Props. Chicago, Ill. U.S.A. Piano Prices a genuine opportunity at Lyon & Healy's. Ten leading makes, including Steinway and Knabe – an endless variety. You can save in the neighbourhood of $100. Whether you want a Steinway, a Knabe, a Fischer, a Krakauer, a Sterling or one of those new special designs $150 uprights on easy terms, it is to your great advantage to make a visit of inspection to Lyon & Healy's. The largest and most complete stock of pianos in America. In used pianos are also a score of bargains – some would pass for entirely new instruments. Salesrooms: Corner Wabash Avenue and Adams Street. Hotel Empire Broadway and 63d Street, New York City. European Plan Exclusively. Within ten minutes of all the principal theatres and great department stores. People who appreciate an absolutely fire-proof construction, exclusiveness of clientele, perfection in cooking, and efficient service at moderate rates, will find "The Empire" an ideal hotel. Write for our book "The Empire Illustrated." W. Johnston Quinn, Proprietor. A. Lipman 99 Madison St. Inter-Ocean Bldg. Diamond Broker loans made on valuables. Old Gold and Jewelry bought. Private entrance, Inter-Ocean building. Do you go to New York occasionally? If so, stop at the Hotel Empire just to see what a really first class hotel is. Advertised in this program. In the morning drink Runkel Bros. Superior in flavour nourishing and digestive Breakfast Cocoa. Powers' Theatre entirely reconstructed during summer of 1898. Harry J. Powers, Lessee and Manager. Week beginning Monday, April 23, 1900. Evenings at 8, Six Nights Only. Farewell engagement of Henry Irving, Miss Ellen Terry and The London Lyceum Company. Monday and Saturday – The Merchant of Venice, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday – Robespierre, Friday – Double Bill – Nance Oldfield and The Bells. Monday and Saturday Shakespeare's Comedy The Merchant of Venice In Five Acts. . Shylock – Henry Irving, Bassanio – Mr. Arthur Royston, Duke of Venice – Mr. R. P. Tabb, Antonio – Mr. Laurence Irving, Prince of Morocco – Mr. James S. Hearn, Salanio – Mr. Charles Vane, Salarino – Mr. L. Belmore, Gratiano – Mr. F. Tyars, Lorenzo – Mr. Harry B. Stanford, Tubal – Mr. J. Archer – Launcelot Gobbo – Mr. Charles Dodsworth, Old Gobbo – Mr. T. Reynolds, Gaoler – Mr. W. Graham, Leonardo – Mr. H. R. Cook, Balthazar – Mr. W. Marion, Stephano – Mr. W. Ablett, Clerk of the Court – Mr. C. H. Kenney, Jessica – Miss Cecil Cromwell, Nerissa – Miss Maud Milton and Portia – Miss Ellen Terry. Programme continued on next page. For the convenience of patrons, this Theatre is supplied with Automatic Opera Glass Boxes, containing Glasses of superior quality. Drop Silver Dime in Slot and push Button on right end of the Box. If the mechanism fails to operate notify the usher. Coming – Annie Russell in "Miss Hobbs"
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This space. Fortunes are made by writers of popular music that "catches on." Have you a good idea for a song or instrumental piece? If so, take a chance, and have it arranged, revised and printed. Our staff will do it for you. Estimates free. Our printing and publishing facilities unequalled in America. All work guaranteed. Address Sol Bloom Corner Dearborn and Randolph Streets, Chicago. If you want a Diamond send your name today. We have a proposition to offer. Our new way is safe, sure and economical. GEO. E. Marshall importer, 103 State Street. Columbus Memorial Building. A. B. Chase Pianos Grosvenor, Lapham & Co. The Fine Arts Building. Tel. 166 Harrison. 203 Michigan Ave. The Reason we do the largest business in cameras and Kodaks is because we carry the largest and most complete assortment of reliable photographic goods in the city, and sell at popular prices. High-grade finishing for amateurs. Use of four dark rooms free. Randolph Camera Supply Co. 35 E. Randolph St. Watchman, What of the Night? Employ a night watchman and receive a substantial rebate on your insurance. The night Watch Service of the Chicago Telephone Company times the signals of a watchman, makes daily report of his rounds, gives immediate response to alarms of fire, and sends trained men to the premises if calls are missed. The underground wire and distribution plant of the Telephone Company and its twenty years' experience in the business insures the reliability of the service. It is indorsed by the Chicago Board of Dire Underwriters, and a rebate of 10c per $100 is allowed where it is installed, covering in nearly every case the cost of the service. These facts are attested by over 350 patrons in the city. We are glad to make surveys and furnish estimates at any time. Chicago telephone company, contract department, 203 Washington Street. Accordion Plaitings, side and fancy dress, graduated side plaited skirts, sunburst skirts. Tucking, Cording, Hem-stitching, Etc. Buttons Covered. Buttonholes Made. Frederick & L. M. Parker. 155 State Street between Madison and Monroe, Over Huyler's. Established 1868. Incorporated 1892. The H. Piper Company Wholesale Bakers 615 to 619 Wells Street, Telephone North 677, Rye Bread a Speciality. The Anatomical Eye Glass Guard. The most important improvement in eye-glasses ever invented. It affords the wearer a delightful sense of comfort and security. Rorsch, Chicago's Scientific Practical Optician. 103 East Adams St. John T. Shayne & Co. Alaska Seal Skins 187-189 State Street. Importers and Manufacturers. High Class furs. Catalogue Free. Chicago Fine Furs. Russian, Sables, Mink, Otter, Chinchilla, Persian Lamb. Everything in Furs. Established 1859. D. R. Dyche & Co., Druggists, N. W. Cor. State and Randolph Sts. Cold Cream for use in removing "make-up" a speciality. Programme. Synopsis of Scenery, Act 1. – Scene 1 - Venice – A Public Place (Hawes Craven). Scene 2 – Belmont – Portia's House (Hawes Craven). Scene 3 – Venice – A Public Place (Hawes Craven). Act II – Scene 1 – A Street (Hawes Craven). Scene 2 – Another Street (Hawes Craven). Scene 3 – Shylock's House by a Bridge (W. Telbin). Act III. Scene 1 – Belmont – A Room in Portia's House (W. Hann). Scene 2 – Venice – A Street (Hawes Craven). Scene 3 – Belmont – Room in Portia's House (W. Hann). Scene 4 – Venice – A Street (Hawes Craven), Scene 5 – Belmont – Room in Portia's House (W. Hann). Act IV – Scene – Venice – A Court of Justice (Hawes Craven). Act V. – Scene: Portia's Garden, with Terrace (Hawes Craven). Programme continued on next page. Auditorium Annex Palm Garden, Music 6 to 12 pm. Smoking allowed. Private Dining Rooms: Table d'hote Dinners Sundays, Price $!.00. Chas. T. Wilt makes the strongest, lightest and best finished trunks on earth. We are manufacturers and can undersell any department store and we do it. 42 E. Madison St. The Steinway Piano and Lyon & Healy's Musical Instruments used exclusively at this Theatre. From Lyon & Healy, Adams St., and Wabash Ave. Phillips' Cocoa digestible. The only cocoa with a rich chocolate flavour. A million a minute. John Drew 5c Cigar. The Sensational selling cigar of the two hemispheres. Berdan & Co. 1 ½ Wabash Ave. Distributors. The concert at your supper in the Edelweiss is the talk of the town. Kinsley's 105-107 Adams Street. Hand's Orchestra, Evenings after 6 in German Restaurant. Table d'Hote Dinner, One Dollar, Café, Second Floor, Every Evening, 5:30 to 8, Orchestrelle. High-grade pianos to rent at lowest prices. The John Church Co., 200 Wabash Ave. Shirt waists made to order from your own goods or ours. Exclusive styles. The Greenburg Co. 191 Wabash Avenue Second Floor. French Mail Steamers. Fastest Line to the Continent. Maurice W. Kozminski, General Western Agt., 71 Dearborn St. Adams' Pepsin Tutti Frutti All Others are Imitations. The First, The Original, The Best, The Purest. 15 ¼ ¼ sizes. Save your neck from discomfort. Don't wear a collar that's too tight, or one that's too large. You need a collar just one-quarter inch larger than your shirt-band. We have them, 50 of today's styles 12 ½ cents. Ask for the quarter sizes. The Washington Shirt Co. Two Stores. Adams and Dearborn, Washington and Dearborn. Furnishers to His Majesty the American Citizen. Chickering Boston. The above is a fac-similie of the name on the fall board of every genuine Chickering Piano. Sole Chicago representatives. Clayton F. Summy Co. 220 Wabash Ave. Chickering, Gabler, Packard and Pease Pianos. Music Publishers, Importers and Dealers. Ballenberg Importer. French Millinery Hats and Bonnets Bridal and Mourning Outfits a speciality. Paris –s Rue De Hanover, 184 Michigan Ave. Will cure any cough, Alpine Lozenges.
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Huyler's after Matinee try a cup of Huyler's delicious hot chocolate or a glass of their famous ice cream soda. 155 State Street. E. C. Maynard, Successor Rachel Importer and Designer of Millinery 180 Wabash Avenue… Exclusively Styles. A Police Court Moral. One day last week a distributor in Springfield, Ill., was brought before the Superintendent of Police, Mr. H. S. Castles, for distributing free samples of a popular remedy without the required license. "What are you distributing?" asked the Chief "Orangeline" replied the unabashed distributpr. The Chief then addressed his officers: "I want it distinctly understood that the ‘Orangeline' people have full liberty in Springfield. ‘Orangeline' is a grand remedy; I use it muself, and we cannot get too much of it. Mussey's Billiard Halls and Bowling Alleys. Six Magnificently equipped halls containing 41 Billiard Tables, 7 Pool Tables, 17 Regulation Alleys, 106 Madison Street. Ti-Lo Toothache and Neuralgia instantly cured perfectly harmless ask your druggist price 25c. The Edelweiss Café-Restaurant 104-106 Madison St. Is recognized as an ideal spot for dinners and after theatre suppers. William H. Bender, Manager. Kathryn V. Hartigan importer of high-class novelties in Ladies' Blouses Dinner, Theatre and Evening Bodices; Extreme Styles in Silk Petticoats; Exclusive Models in Fine French Corsets, Every pair fitted to the form. 1302 Columbus Memorial Bldg., State and Washington Sts. Cluett. Peabody and Company. Makers of Monarch Shirts and Cluett and Arrow brands Collars and Cuffs. "Correct Attire for Men" – our fashion booklet – will be sent to those who ask. Address us care Station U Chicago. Rhode's Hair Tonic (Eau De Quinne). An unrivalled Tonic and Dandruff Cure. Stops hair from falling out and restores original color to faded hair without injury. Order the genuine from your druggist, or Rhode's Pharmacy, 504 N. Clark St. For Finest Flowers = Friedman Van Burren and Michigan Ave. Programme. Programme of Music. Overture – "Merchant of Venice" – Hamilton Clarke, Entr'acte – "Air de Ballet" – Gounod, Entra'acte – "Portia" – Hamilton Clarke, a Dnace – "Henry VIII" – Edward German, b Ballet Music – "Faust" – Gounod, Entr'acte – "Aubade Printaniere" – Paul Lancombe. For Henry Irving, Stage Manager – Mr. H. J. Loveday, Musical Director – Mr. J. H. Pitt, Business Representative – Mr. Julian Magnus, Treasurer – Mr. Chas. E. Howson, Acting Manager – Mr. Bram Stoker. Carriage Arrangement. Please instruct your coachman to approach this Theatre from the east. After the performance to form west of the entrance and depart towards Clark Street. For the convenience of patrons wishing to send a telegram there is a Postal Telegraph Call Box in the office of this Theatre. This Theatre is protected against fire by the well known Champion Stationery Chemical Fire Engine, having stand pipe connections on each side of stage, extending from basement to "files" and all about the house. Manufactured by the Fire Extinguisher Manufacturing Company, 325 S. Desplaines Street. This system is endorsed by the Underwriters' Association. Water supplied between Acts and at the fountains, south-east corner lower floor (spiral stairway) and balcony, in smoking-room through Famous Boston Water Purifier. For the best photographs made in Chicago, go to Stevens, McVicker's Theatre Building. This week special offer, 15 Cabinets, platinum finish, steel engraving effect in 3 styles, $3.00. Opera Glasses can be obtained by applying to Ushers, at 25c per Glass. High-grade Pianos to Rent at Lowest Prices, The John Church Co., 200 Wabash Ave. Stop for a Cup of our Delicious Hot Chocolate, Kranz's 78-80 State Street Open After the Theatre. Fur Garments Repaired and Remodeled during the Summer at reduced prices. Garments left for repairing stored free of charge. C. Baron, Furrier, 464 North Clark Street. Zeno Chewing Gum. Delightful lasting flavors, Pepsin, Vanilla Cream, Peppermint, Licorice, Etc. Zeno MFG. Co., Chicago. The Bauer Piano satisfies the most critical. Sold and rented by the manufacturers. Julius Bauer & Co., 224-226 Wabash Ave, Centemeri Gloves fit 205 Central Music Hall. Hotel & Restaurant Bismack. Demme & Roessler, Managers rates [?] per day 180-186 Randolph St. European Hotel, Chicago. Central Location, Elevator Steam Heat, Running Water, Bath, Electric Light and Telephone in every room. Mennen's Toilet Powder. A positive relief for prickly heat, chafing and sunburn, and all afflictions of the skin, delightful after shaving. "A little higher in price than worthless substitutes but a reason for it." Removes all odor of perspiration. Sold everywhere or mailed on receipt of 25c. Get Mennen's (the original). Sample free. Gerhard Mennen Co., Newark. N. J. "Generously Good" Geo. W. Childs, 5 Cent Cigar has the largest sale of any 5 cent cigar in the United States. Steele-Wedeles Company – Distributors.
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Youmans celebrated hats. Youmans 1107 – 1109 and 158 Broadway, New York under Albemarle Hotel Copyrighted. Derby Hats, Silk Hats, Soft Hats, Opera Hats, Golf Hats. Ladies Sailors Spring, 1900. Unequalled in style and quality complete line of Henry H. Roelofs & Co. Hats for Ladies and Gentlemen's wear. We have unequalled facilities for storage and remodelling of furs. Canes, Umbrellas, Hat Trunks. J. B. Rightmire, Wilson Wray, Rightmire & Co. 53 Jackson Boulevard. Have you toothache? The Leading Dentists $8 for best set teeth, Good Set $8, Teeth without plates our speciality. Fine Gold Fillings. $8 McChesney Bros. Clark and Randolph Sts. Pure Faces in our free demonstrations, to show the unmistakable, practical results of a truly wonderful Japanese discovery, many are turned out wholly cleared of every tainting tinge. Call at parlors of the Japanese Importing Co., 12th Floor, Masonic Temple, and, without charge, we will restore to your skin some, if not all, of the Fresh Tone of Youth. Arguments and theories aside – you see it done. The secret that does it sells for $1, but you are not asked to buy. When you see the cares, or years, it takes off one's looks, you will do the asking. A Turkish Bath at home The Hettrick Bath Cabinet is the ideal for cleansing, refreshing and invigorating the system. An excellent method of treatment for Rheumatism. Price $5.00, Sharp & Smith 92 Wabash Ave. Chicago, two doors North of Washington St. Linen Collars and Cuffs sell well, wear well, fit well, buy them. Barker Brand [?][?] Trade Mark. Violets! Violets! Violets! In all their splendour and delicious fragrance, received fresh every hour to accommodate our customers. Special: Theatre and Violet Parties supplied with our novelty "Violet Tassels." Easter Gifts: Nothing will please the ladies so much as one of our new Hampers filled with Violets. A. Lange. 51 Monroe Street, Northeast Cor. State St. Telephone Central 2522. The Union Hotel and Restaurant. 111-117 Randolph St. Herman Weber, Prop. We make a speciality of catering to the after-theatre trade. Oysters, Lobsters and Fish received daily direct from the East and South Private rooms for Theatre parties of four or more. Estimates furnished for banquets. Telephones, Main 5178; Central 1181. Grandest Scenic Trip in the World. The through first-class Pullman sleepers. Between Chicago and San Francisco. Now in service via the Great Rock Island Route cross the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada. By daylight in both directions. These sleepers are Broad Vestibuled and are carried on the Limited Train of the Great Rock Island Route, Denver & Rio Grande (Scenic Route), Rio Grande Western and Southern Pacific – Dining Car Service Through – Buffet Library Cars. West-bound leave Chicago daily at 10 p.m. Direct connections to and from Southern California. For full information, folders and descriptive book, address City Ticket Office: Marquette Bldg., cor. Adams and Learborn Sts. Conly's Reliable Pleating and Button Establishment. Quick Work, Latest Styles, and Prices Right. Largest in the West. Knife Pleating, all sizes. Real French Accordeon (the only manufacturer in city), Sun Burst or Fan Pleating, Box Single, Double, Triple, Embroidery, Cording, Braiding, Pinking, Fluting, Fringeing, Shirring, Smocking, Ruching, Buttonholes, Sitching, Tucking, Hemming. The most suitable button for any garment can be made from the scraps while you wait. Nothing prettier than our fine Accordeon for waists, especially in light material. Call and get suggestions. Gentlemen, insist on your tailor using Conly's Buttons. Ask for oval top. All kinds Buttons for Campaigns, Clubs, Societies, etc. Your Photo on a Button, 4 small or 2 large, 35c; also 4 inches in diameter, 75c. Ask or Write for Our New Price list. 88 State St., Room 6, Opp. Marshall Field's, 28 Sherman St., Opp Rialto Bldg. I Sell Button, Pleating and Pinking Machines. J. A. Conly. This All-Wool Bicycle Accordeon Skirt, Made to Measure, $6.50. When you haven't a minute to spare. The Monon Route [?] between Chicago, Indianapolis, Cincinnato, have 4 trains daily, city ticket office, 232 Clark St, Depot, Dearborn Station, Chicago. Capsicum Vaseline. Put up in Collapsible Tubes. A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other Plaster, and will not blister the most delicate skin. The pain allaying and curative qualities of this article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve headaches and sciatica. We recommend it as the best and [?] external counter-irritant known, also as an external remedy for pains in the chest and stomach, and [?] rheumatic, neuralgic and gouty complaints. A trial will [?] what we claim for it, and it will be found to be invaluable in the household. Many people say "it is the best of a [?] your preparations." Price 10 cents, at all druggists or other dealers, or by sending this amount to us, in postage stamps, we will send you a tube by mail. No article should be accepted by the public unless the same carries our label, as otherwise it is not genuine. Chesebrough Manufacturing Co., 17[?] Street, New York City. Nickel Plate Solid Thru Trains. The New York, Chicago, St Louis, R. R. Via D. L. & W. and West Shore Roads to New York, and West Shore and Fitchburg to Boston, Depot: Van Buren St., near Clark, on the Loop. City Ticket Office: Tel. Central 2057. 111 Adams St. David Harum, Richard Carvel, Janice Meredith and all the late novels, as many as you can read for 60c a month. The Morris Circulating Library…171 Madison St.
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Here is a 60 Year Old Trade Mark. Corticelli Why? Because it represents the leading brand of spool and wash silk of the world Nonotuck Silk Co. 196-200 Market St. A. F. Schmidt, Mgr. Isabel Cassidy, the largest establishment in the highest building in town. Chiropody - $.25, Hair Dressing .50, Maicuring .50, Shampooing .75, Steaming and Facial Massage 1.00, Baldness, Dandruff and Falling Hair Positively Cured. 208 Masonic Temple (One Flight Up). On Deck the Olympia. Going Full Speed in Manila Bay, Surrounded by Exploding Mines, you witness. Dewey's famous triumph. Realistically Fought Every Hour. Actual Cannonading. Wonderful Electrical Effects, Tropical Sunrise – Sunset – South Sea Typhoon, Manila Bay by Moonlight – Bombardment of Spanish Forts and Ships. 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Wabash Ave. and Hubbard Court 2 blocks south of Auditorium. The Hotel Empire, New York, is patronized exclusively by the best people who travel. See ad in this program. The Roebling Construction Co., 121 Liberty Street, New York City. Three-fourths of all headaches and nervous diseases are caused by eye strain. Glasses correctly prescribed give absolute relief. Chicago Opthalmic Institute established 1884, 57 E. Washington St. Monday, April 30th two weeks only. Seat sale begins April 26th. Applications for seats and boxes may be made now – Charles Frohman presents Annie Russell in the brilliant comedy "Miss Hobbs" by Jerome K. Jerome. Boston Papers unanimous. "Miss Hobbs" is in Jerome's best vein. Miss Russell has never done anything better – Transcript. "Miss Hobbs" is delicious, and was delightfully played by Miss Russell and company – Globe. The success of the comedy was emphatic. Miss Russell was charming as the heroine – Advertiser. Miss Russell's personal success was very gratifying. The play is delightfully clean and bright – Herald. Miss Russell is always charming. "Miss Hobbs" is one of the prettiest and most delightful comedies witnessed here for many a day. – Post. An evening with "Miss Hobbs" is an evening of rare delight. Miss Russell's study of her part was unusually fine. – Journal. "Miss Hobbs" is delicious. Miss Russell's methods are the most artistic in high-class comedy. Traveler. Saturday Matinee only. Kodaks $4 to $28. Thornton Pickard. Photographic apparatus and supplies. We carry everything required by the amateur, and are constantly acquiring new devices of merit. High-grade cameras and lenses a speciality. For something extra fine see he new "Graphic." Full information and supplies for working the new Gum Bichromate process. Camera Department. Almer Coe, Optician 65 State St. Central Music Hall Block.
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Coming to Powers' Theatre during A. D. 1900 and 1901 Henry Irving and Ellen Terry, John Drew, William Gillette in "Sherlock Holmes", Maude Adams in "The Little Minister", Daniel Frohman's Stock Company from Daly's Theatre, New York, Mr. E. S. Willard, Annie Russell, in "Miss Hobbs", Viola Allen in "The Christian", Joseph Jefferson, N. C. Goodwin and Maxine Elliott, E. H. Sothern and Virginia Harned, Mrs. Leslie Carter, Olga Nethersole, John Hare and his London Company in "The Gay Lord Quex". London Success first time in Chicago. Spring and Summer Seasons – 1900. My direct importations of exclusive Scotch and English novelties, one suit each, of richest and rarest colorings, patterns and weaves; goods seldom carried by tailors selling goods at moderate prices. I do not claim the largest stock in Chicago – but one of the choicest – at prices from $30.00 up, below which price it is impossible to get a well-tailored, stylish garment. See my window for ideas. You are welcome to them. 33 Adams St. Carroll S. McMillen Tailor. Established 1890, Opp. Lyon & Healy. Thomas Davies & Co. Stocks Bonds, Investment Securities. 334-338 The Rookery, Chicago. Telephone Harrison 1788. Thomas & Davies 12 Jackson Boulev'd, Leland Hotel, Chicago. Men's High-Class, Furnishings. Ladies' Waists, Gloves and Neck Dressings. Ideal Tone. Henry F. Miller Pianofortes. MacDonald-Newton Co. 45-47 Jackson Blvd. Kaempfer's Bird Store. 88 State St. Chicago. Opp Marshall Field & Co. Birdolene a song restorer and remedy for sick birds. Price 15 cents. For sale by all druggists. Special Spring Sale at the Rug Store Wabash Ave. Cor. Congress. Thousands of the Handsomest Rugs ever made. Always look your best. No matter who you are, what you are, and whatever your calling or station in life, you will be happier by making the best of your looks. Whether by inheritance or birth, or as a result of indiscretion or accident, no human being has the right to go through life with deformities and disfigurements which are repulsive alike to friends, relatives and strangers, as well as a constant source of self-torture and humiliation. Wrinkles and blemishes permanently removed. Irregular features painlessly corrected, bad complexions cleared and brightened, pimply faces cured and rendered healthy, blackheads and enlarged pores quickly removed, scalp diseases permanently cured, falling hair and dandruff speedily overcome. Consultation is free and strictly confidential. Office open every week day from 9 to 6. For full information and advice, and illustrated book on the skin, scalp, complexion and features, call or address. John H. Woodbury, 163 State St., Cor. Monroe, Chicago. Woodbury's Facial Soap and Facial Cream keep the skin Young, Fresh and Clean. The following great offer is made by Stevens & Son Co., Photographers, McVicker's Theatre Building: 15 Cabinet Photos in Best Platinum Finish in Three Styles, for only $3.00, including one large Colored Medallion free. Seven dressing rooms; no waiting. Ladies' Hair Dressed Free. Best Line to Kansas City, Burlington Route. I would rather dine on the Burlington Route dining car that leaves Chicago at 6.10 p.m. for Kansas City than on any railroad dining car that I know of in the World. The only other service that compares with it is the Orient Express in which I travelled between paris and Constantinople. S. S. McClure. Publisher McClure's Magazine. Ticket Office, 211 Clark Street. Improvements in Dining Cars. Commenting on the recent change in the operation of the dining cars on the New York Central, and the improvements now being made in the service, the New York Commercial Advertiser says: "In most dining cars the kitchen, situation in one end of the car, opens into a passageway inside of the car, and the fumes of the coking and occasionally smoke are wafted into the car while passengers are at the tables. All the dining cars on the New York Central are being constructed so that there shall be no opening from the kitchen into the interior of the car. The only approach to and exit from the kitchen will be by way of the platform vestibule, about half of which is made a part of the kitchen." This change will be greatly appreciated by patrons of these cars. The dining car service on the New York Central is now under the direct charge of the General passenger Agent and it is the intention to make it as perfect as possible in every respect. Pure Cocoa. Runkel Brothers' Cocoa can be found at all the principal grocers' throughout the United States, and is highly recommended by all experts and connoisseurs as well as by physicians of high standing. The advertisement of this firm will be found in another part of this program, and we recommend those who have not yet used this Cocoa to give it a trial, and they will find it a high-class article, superior in flavour and exceedingly palatable. Found – "A Life Preserver." "A Kentucky colonel once remarked: "If whiskey interferes with your business, give up business' and that is just what you'll have to do," said a wealthy broker to his blear-eyed board member. "But," said the latter, "I only drink when I need a bracer to keep my end up." "Well," said the broker, "I've found a lasting bracer that tones up my nerves, stomach and liver. I've taken two or three powders every day all through this winter's hard work, and I sleep and eat like a boy of 16. Got rid of my catarrh and headaches and don't know how to catch cold. When you need a bracer or an appetizer, take an Orangeine Powder or a foaming Orangeine Soda, and you'll find whiskey isn't in it." The result of successiveness. Pentecost says: "I saw a man break into a bowlder about four feet in diameter into two pieces by striking it with a sledge hammer many times in one place, and it would not have fallen apart if he had not struck the last blow that broke the rock: it was the first as well as the last." The lesson for the advertiser in the above is so obvious that comment would be superfluous.
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Rotary Motion Noiseless, Rapid Stitching, Ball Bearing & Easy Running, Perfect Tension Elastic Stitch. The Only Sewing Machine That Does Not Fail in Any Point. Wheeler & Wilson MFG. Co. 82 and 80 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. In our Shirt, Collar and Cuff work, we give an elegant finish, using no materials to crack or break the linen. Special attention given dress shirts and colored goods. We take advantage of every new and desirable invention to perfect our laundry work. Send us a call, that we may practically demonstrate our claims. Phone South 619. Try our clean towel department. New cabinets, new linen, good service. Paris Laundry Co. 344 Thirty-First Street. Presidential Pure Malt Rye Whiskey is not placed upon the market until it has attained that mellowness of flavour and delicate bouquet so highly prized by connoisseurs. It is highly recommended by the medical faculty and is a favorite wherever introduced. Take a bottle home – it will prove itself a friend in sickness or health. All druggists sell it. $1 per bottle. Or express charges prepaid by sending $1.00 to E. De Lue & Co., 3847-49 Cottage Grove Ave. C. O. Harz Cab and Livery Stables. Largest and Most Complete Livery Establishment in the World. North Side Stables 528-530 North Clark Street, 500-504 Dearbon Avenue, Tel. N. 674. South Side Stables 2317-2319 Wabash Avenue – Tel. S. 338, 323 Thirty-fifth Street – Tel. Oakland 478. The only Livery Running First-Class two-wheel Hansoms. Powers' Theatre. Harry J. Powers. Sole Lessee and Manager. Executive Staff: Treas – Mr. A. Emerson Jones, Asst. Treasurer – Mr. John Mears, Musical Director – Prof. Francis Timponi, Chief Usher – Mr. F. Wyatt, Scenic Artist – Mr. F. B. McGreer, Machinist – Mr. James Hurley, Electrician – Mr. Ralph C. Blake, Properties – Mr. Arthur Colby, Main Door – Mr. C. J. Clarke, Stage Door – Mr. V. Elis, Matron – Mrs. Bond. Ladies' retiring room – On orchestra floor east of main door. An attendant is always in waiting to check hats and wraps, and assist the ladies with their toilets. Smoking and gentlemen's retiring room – first floor, west side of main vestibule. Ticket office open from 9 a.m. until 10 p.m. The admittance of children under five years is optional with the management. Children under three years of age will not be admitted under any circumstances. Patrons will please report to the manager in person or by letter, instances of inattention or misdemeanour on the part of any attaché. He engages to speedily correct any want of courtesy that may be manifested to the patrons by persons in the service of this theatre. Spring water will be served to the audience in their seats between the acts. No fees of any kind allowed to ushers or attaches of this theatre. Room for checking cloaks, coats and umbrellas on the orchestra floor, south-east corner. No fees allowed for such service. Parties finding lost articles in any portion of the theatre will please leave them at the ticket office. Do you want money? At room 16, 86 Washington St – Loans to salaried people (ladies or gentlemen), wholesale and retail clerks, firemen, teachers, mail carriers, railway and all salaried people with steady positions, on their notes, no mortgage; no inquiries made of your employer or friends; everything private; very low rates and easy payments. Call or address "The Manager" third floor, room 16, 86 Washington St. Open evenings until 7 o'clock. The Hub, Henry Clytton. Stylish Footwear for ladies and gentlemen, missed and youths. The very artistic creations for 1900. New Lasts, New Leathers, New Finish, Perfect Fit, Perfect Comfort, Perfect Workmanship. Prices guaranteed the lowest quality always considered. Ask for our ladies' "New Broadway", our men's "Cornell", our boys; "School Shoes." Free! A beautiful colored Medallion Photograph Included Free in Our Great Special Offer: 15 Best Cabinet Photos in Three Styles, $3.00. Ladies' hair dressed free seven dressing rooms: no waiting. J. K. Stevens & Son Co. McVicker's Theatre Building. After the Play…visit the Ladies' Café on First Floor and the German Restaurant. The New Sherman House. Finest cuisine and service in the city. No charge for private dining rooms. Music by the Garden City Mandolin Orchestra. Open Evenings until 12.30 o'clock. Telephone Main 1795. J. Irving Pearce, Proprietor. Not made by a trust. Unequaled in quality. Individual Aromatic Flavor Plug and Cut Plug. Trade Mark T & B. Smoking Tobacco. Compact in Form. The Smoker's Favorite. Manufactured by John E. Tuckett & Son, Freeport, Ills. Not made by a trust. Clayton F. Summy Co., 220 Wabash Av., are Dealers in Pianos and Music of the better class. Music Publishers.
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Without a peer Londonderry Water, pure-sparkling-delicious. Sparking Londonderry [?] Lithia Water. Served at all leading clubs hotels and cafes. The favorite with epicures with dealers everywhere. Chicago and Omaha double daily service. Over new road recently built from Tara, Iowa, through Rockwell City, Denison and Council Bluffs in connection with the Central's Western line from Chigago through Rockford, Freeport, Dubuque, Independence, Waterloo, Webster City and Fort Dodge. "The Limited" fast, daily, few stops, buffet-library-smoking car, sleeping car, free reclining chair car, dining car. "The Express" fast, daily, principal intermediate stops, sleeping car, free reclining chair car, dining car. City Ticket Office, 99 Adams St. Phone Cen. 2705. Illinois Central Railroad. Central Mississippi Valley Route. J. A. Pozzoni Pharmacal Co. Trade Mark J. A. Pozzoni. May 9th 1874. Mr Pozzoni. The pioneer manufacturer of Toilet Powder in America, originally compounded Pozzoni's Medicated Complexion Powder for use in his private family, using the purest and most costly ingredients. It has not a world-wide reputation. The formula and package have never been changed. It has always been packed in a wooden box to preserve the perfume and beautifying qualities. Pozzoni's Powder could not have stood the test of 40 years had it not been pure, harmless and beneficial. Pozzoni's Powder is for sale at all toilet goods stores throughout America and Canada. A sample package mailed free, or box by mail, 50 cents. New York, St Louis. J. A. Pozzoni Co. J. A. Pozzoni's imparts a brilliant transparency to the skin. Pure White. J. A. P. Trade Mark. Removes all pimples, freckles and [?] and makes the skin delicately soft. Complexion Powder. Prepared only from an original [?] this valuable cosmetic the [?] Polsons, is offered to the Ladies [?] have been fully tested for some [?] of color numbered [?] Number 1 Pure White [?]
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You want the best photograph that can be made. You cant afford to take chances on getting it at unknown galleries. If you go to J. K. Stevens & Son Co. You Take No Risk. Leading Photographers – McVicker's Theatre Bldg. Good Health makes a man equal to any emergency. Disease makes him unequal to the ordinary duties of life. When others fail, remember Doctor Sweany. The Reliable Specialist – 22 Years Experience. Office, 323 State St., Cor. Congress, Chicago. Consultation free. Book free. Go to Pritikin, The Ladies' Tailor McVicker's Building for your spring suit. You will always find my establishment crowded with customers – people of refinement – the best workmen in the city, and do the highest class work at very remarkably low prices. Pritkin, Ladies' Tailor, McVicker's Theatre Building. When you want the best pure candies at popular prices go to Berry's 174 State St, Opp. Palmer House. Caramels, 19c pound on Saturdays only. Other days, 25c pound. Pure Molasses, 15c pound. Powers' May 14th Limited Engagement Liebler & Co. will present Viola Allen in Hall Caine's Play The Christian. MME. Baker has returned, with all of the latest novelties in laces, embroideries and dress materials. The rapid growth of our business is conclusive evidence that we are the acknowledged leaders in our line. Prices low for the best of workmanship. Make your selections before the most desirable things are taken. This is the time to order one of our Spring Tailor Gowns or Coats. N. W. Baker Co. E.D. Morse, President. 1720 Michigan Avenue. 6 doors north of 18th Street. Mrs. Winslow's soothing syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child softens the gums allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mres Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Established 1881. C. Samson Ladies' Tailor and Furrier 155 State Street, Chicago. Did you ever wear a collar that didn't "sit" right? Well! You needn't do it again. We have a line of collars at 12 ½ cents (50 styles of ‘em too), that are made in exact ¼ inch sizes; that means if you wear a 14 ½ shirt we can give you a 14 ¾ collar; consequently, you have a perfect fit. They're the latest thing out, and you can't get them for this price at any other place than The Washington Shirt Co., Adams and Dearborn, or Washington and Dearborn. Queen Bess Front 2 7/8 in, Back 2 ½ in. The Maine Front 2 ½ in, Back 2 ¼ in. Why pay 25c when we can collar any man for 9c and cuff him for only 10c and 15c warranted 4-ply linen. Sixty five up-to-date styles to select from. The Largest Exclusive Men's Furnishing Goods Establishment in Chicago. First class goods at popular prices. Give us a call. Good Luck Store. 169-171 S. Clark. Street Near Monroe. Give us a call. Gunther's Famous Confectionery, try the inimitable daily noonday luncheons and four o'clock teas, served daily to the fashionables. Headquarters for Table Candies, Chocolates, Paper Cases, and Favors, Party or Dance. 212 State Street. Six Little Tailors, Suits and Silk Lined Overcoats to order $20 and up. All garments made in the building. Trousers $5 and up. Ask for samples. 7s E. Madison Street – McVicker's Theatre Bldg. Mueller Bros. 138-140 Wabash Ave. Makers of Artistic Picture Frames. Regilding a Speciality. Telephone Main 1960. Not made by a trust use B. T. Babbitts. Trade Best Baking Powder. Its purity and quality guaranteed. Not made by a trust. Elias China Repairing Co. Repairing goods of every description we make a speciality of China, Glass, Silverware, Linens and Table Ornaments for all occasions on short notice. 2104 Michigan Ave. Tel. S. 478. J. J. Elias, Mgr. Daily service to Joe and Benton Harbor. Leaving Chicago 12 o'clock noon. Daily, except Saturday and Sunday, Saturdays, 11.30 P.M. Sailings from St. Joseph 10 P.M. Daily, Except Saturdays.
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You want the best photograph that can be made. You cant afford to take chances on getting it at unknown galleries. If you go to J. K. Stevens & Son Co. You Take No Risk. Leading Photographers – McVicker's Theatre Bldg. Good Health makes a man equal to any emergency. Disease makes him unequal to the ordinary duties of life. When others fail, remember Doctor Sweany. The Reliable Specialist – 22 Years Experience. Office, 323 State St., Cor. Congress, Chicago. Consultation free. Book free. Go to Pritikin, The Ladies' Tailor McVicker's Building for your spring suit. You will always find my establishment crowded with customers – people of refinement – the best workmen in the city, and do the highest class work at very remarkably low prices. Pritkin, Ladies' Tailor, McVicker's Theatre Building. When you want the best pure candies at popular prices go to Berry's 174 State St, Opp. Palmer House. Caramels, 19c pound on Saturdays only. Other days, 25c pound. Pure Molasses, 15c pound. Powers' May 14th Limited Engagement Liebler & Co. will present Viola Allen in Hall Caine's Play The Christian. MME. Baker has returned, with all of the latest novelties in laces, embroideries and dress materials. The rapid growth of our business is conclusive evidence that we are the acknowledged leaders in our line. Prices low for the best of workmanship. Make your selections before the most desirable things are taken. This is the time to order one of our Spring Tailor Gowns or Coats. N. W. Baker Co. E.D. Morse, President. 1720 Michigan Avenue. 6 doors north of 18th Street. Mrs. Winslow's soothing syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child softens the gums allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mres Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Established 1881. C. Samson Ladies' Tailor and Furrier 155 State Street, Chicago. Did you ever wear a collar that didn't "sit" right? Well! You needn't do it again. We have a line of collars at 12 ½ cents (50 styles of ‘em too), that are made in exact ¼ inch sizes; that means if you wear a 14 ½ shirt we can give you a 14 ¾ collar; consequently, you have a perfect fit. They're the latest thing out, and you can't get them for this price at any other place than The Washington Shirt Co., Adams and Dearborn, or Washington and Dearborn. Queen Bess Front 2 7/8 in, Back 2 ½ in. The Maine Front 2 ½ in, Back 2 ¼ in. Why pay 25c when we can collar any man for 9c and cuff him for only 10c and 15c warranted 4-ply linen. Sixty five up-to-date styles to select from. The Largest Exclusive Men's Furnishing Goods Establishment in Chicago. First class goods at popular prices. Give us a call. Good Luck Store. 169-171 S. Clark. Street Near Monroe. Give us a call. Gunther's Famous Confectionery, try the inimitable daily noonday luncheons and four o'clock teas, served daily to the fashionables. Headquarters for Table Candies, Chocolates, Paper Cases, and Favors, Party or Dance. 212 State Street. Six Little Tailors, Suits and Silk Lined Overcoats to order $20 and up. All garments made in the building. Trousers $5 and up. Ask for samples. 7s E. Madison Street – McVicker's Theatre Bldg. Mueller Bros. 138-140 Wabash Ave. Makers of Artistic Picture Frames. Regilding a Speciality. Telephone Main 1960. Not made by a trust use B. T. Babbitts. Trade Best Baking Powder. Its purity and quality guaranteed. Not made by a trust. Elias China Repairing Co. Repairing goods of every description we make a speciality of China, Glass, Silverware, Linens and Table Ornaments for all occasions on short notice. 2104 Michigan Ave. Tel. S. 478. J. J. Elias, Mgr. Daily service to Joe and Benton Harbor. Leaving Chicago 12 o'clock noon. Daily, except Saturday and Sunday, Saturdays, 11.30 P.M. Sailings from St. Joseph 10 P.M. Daily, Except Saturdays.
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The plot of the play from a book published by the New Home Sewing Machine Co., and called "Shakespeare Boiled Down." Merchant of Venice. Shylock, the Jew, lived at Venice. He had amassed a large fortune by loaning money at usurious interest to Christian merchants. He exacted the payment of the money he lent with such severity that he was disliked by all good men and particularly by Antonio a young merchant of Venice. Shylock hated Antonio just as much, because he used also to loan money to people in distress and would, take no interest for the use of it. Antonio was exceedingly kind, and indeed was unwearying in his efforts to do good. He was greatly beloved by his fellow citizens, but his dearest friend was Bassanio, a noble Venetian, who, having but a small patrimony, had already nearly exhausted it by living beyond his means. When Bassanio wanted money Antonio always assisted him. One day Bassanio told him that he wished to marry a lady, the sole heiress of a large estate, but not having sufficient money to press his suit in a befitting manner he besought Antonio to lend him three thousand ducats. Antonio not having the money at the time, but expecting every day the arrival of some shops with merchandise, went to Shylock to borrow the money on the credit of these ships. Shylock was much surprised that Antonio should come to him, for he (Antonio) had spoken many an ill word of him. He consented to give him the money, but intended to make it the opportunity of getting even with him. He made it a condition that Antonio should sign a bond that, were the money not repaid within the stipulated time, he should forfeit to him a pound of flesh, which Shylock should cut off from any part of his body that he might determine upon. Bassanio tried his utmost to dissuade Antonio from accepting such outrageous terms, but he, feeling confident that his ships would have arrived long before the money was due, insisted upon doing so. The rich heiress that Bassanio wanted to marry lived at Belmont, a place near Venice. Her name was Portia, and she was famed for her excellent qualities. Bassanio, now having the money, set out for Belmont in a special train, accompanied by his friend Gratiano, and was so successful in his wooing that's he consented to become his wife at an early day. He confessed that he had no fortune and that the only qualification he could advance was his noble birth. But she professed that she loved him purely for his noble qualities; in proof whereof she gave him all her possessions along with a valuable ring as token of her sincerity. He was deeply touched by her goodness and vowed never to part with the ring. Gratiano had, meanwhile, successfully wooed Nerissa, Portia's waiting maid, and it was agreed that they should all be married on the same day. Now it was that the happiness of the lovers was sadly marred by the arrival of the news that Antonio's shops had all been lost at sea, that he had forfeited his bond, and that he could not live and at the same time lose a pound of flesh; he therefore begged his old friend, Bassanio to be present at his death. Bassanio explained the whole circumstance to Portia, and she urged him to go at once to Shylock and tell him that he should have twenty times the amount of money before Antonio should be allowed to die. To give him the legal right to her money she insisted that they be married that same day; and, as previously arranged, the double wedding took place. Bassanio and Gratiano then departed for Venice, where they found Antonio in prison. The day of payment being passed the Jew would not accept the money from Bassanio, and insisted upon having his pound of flesh. A day was fixed to hear the case before the Duke of Venice. Portia, fearing for the safety of her husband's friend, wrote to a relative at Venice, named Bellario, for advice and also for the costume worn by a counsellor or law, intending to go there herself, and, if necessary, speak in his behalf. Bellario, a learned counsellor himself, gave his opinion and also sent her everything necessary for her equipment. Portia dressed herself and Nerissa in man's attire, and putting on the counsellor's robes, she took Nerissa along with her as her clerk. The case was about to be begun on their arrival at Venice. Portia entered into the court-room and presented a letter from Bellario to the duke excusing himself for not being able to attend and requesting that the young Doctor Balthasar (so he called Portia) might be permitted to conduct the case. The importance of the case nerved Portia to her task, and addressing Shylock, she enlarged on the noble quality of mercy; but all her endeavours were useless, and he insisted upon having his pound of flesh. Seeing that further parley was useless, she addressed the Hew thus: - "Tarry a little, Jew; there is something else. This bond here gives you no drop of blood, but only a pound of flesh. If, in cutting off that pound of flesh, you shed one drop of Christian blood, your lands and goods are, by the law, to be confiscated to the state of Venice. Shylock, now finding himself beaten, said he would take the money; but Portia stopped him and pointed out that his wealth was forfeited to the State for having conspired against one of its citizens, and that his life lay at the mercy of the Duke. His life was spared, but the duke forfeited one-half of his wealth to Antonio, and the other half to the State. Antonio agreed to give back to Shylock his half, if he would sign a bond handing it over to his daughter at his death, whom he had disinherited for having married a Christian named Lorenzo. The Jew agreed to this and asked to be let go home. In dismissing him the duke told him that if he repented of his cruelty and turned Christian the state would suspend the fine. The duke now released Antonio and highly complimented Balthasar (Portia). Portia could not be prevailed upon to accept a money consideration, but asked Bassanio for a gold ring which she espied on his finger. Bassanio was much distressed and replied that he could not part with it as it was his wife's gift. Antonio prayed him to let her have it, and not wishing to appear ungrateful, he sent Gratiano after Portia with the ring. The clerk, Nerissa, saw her chance and prevailed upon Gratiano to give her his ring. Portia and Nerissa returned home and were soon followed by their husbands, accompanied by Antonio. The congratulations were hardly over when they noticed Nerissa and her husband quarrelling, which proved to be about the ring. Portia, being informed that Bassanio had also given away her ring, she pretended to be very angry, Antonio explained, and Portia, relenting, took a ring off her finger, and handing it to Bassanio, told him to guard it better than the other one. Bassino at once saw it was the ring he had given away, and this led to an explanation of their misunderstanding. It was later discovered that the rumour regarding the loss of Antonio's ships was false, and in time they arrived safely. So the past misfortunes were all forgotten in the present great joy. Anyone who will agree to read our advertisement on two last pages of our book, "Shakespeare Boiled Down." Can have one free by calling at our office. Or, we will mail you a copy for a 2c stamp to pay postage. It contains all of Shakespeare's plays on above plan. See address below. We repair all "New Home" machines free. We do not ring doorbells. We have no canvassers. We make and sell 700 sewing machines a day. Send us a postal card or telephone and we will be with you. Trial Free! You do not have to buy if our goods and prices do not suit you. We employ no "bulldozers." Give us a trial. We guarantee satisfaction or no sale. The New Home Sewing Machine Co. Telephone Harrison 777. 335 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. Bring this page with you and it will be accepted as $5.00 toward the purchase of a "New Home" if presented before July 1st. (Only one credit allowed on each machine). Open after the Theatre. Chicago Oyester House. Famous for it Cotuit oyesters. 140-142 Madison St. CL. Brinkman, Proprietor. Our Sea Food Table D'Hote 50c. Served from 5 P.M. Until after theatre. Michigan Central. "The Niagra Falls Route." To Buffalo, New York, Boston and the East. The summer tourist route to the Adirondacjs, the Thousand Islands, the White Mountains and the New England Coast, and to the Resorts of Northern Michigan. Before deciding on your Summer Outing, write for "A summer note book." City Ticket Office: 119 Adams Street. L. D. Heusner, Gen'l West'n Pass'r Agt. O. W. Ruggles, Gen'l Pass'r and Ticket Agt. Chicago, Ill. The city electrician on Powers' Theatre. Department of Electricity, City of Chicago, Edward, B. Ellicott, City Electrician. Chicago, Ill., August 25, 1898. Mr. Harry J. Powers, Manager Powers' New Theatre, Chicago, Ill. Dear Sir: - In reply to your inquiry regarding the safety and efficiency of the electrical wiring and apparatus in your new theatre, I am pleased to state that the system is installed in the most modern manner. All the concealed wires are placed in insulated iron pipes, rendering it impossible to cause fire. The exposed wires are mounted on porcelain insulators throughout, and in no instance do they come in contact with the woodwork of the building. The new switchboard is properly installed, and by manipulation you can secure any desired scenic effect. The entire insulation is admirable and absolutely safe from an electrical standpoint. I wish to compliment you for the manner in which you have carried out the installation regardless of cost, and I trust that the patrons of your theatre will appreciate the results of your efforts to secure for them the safety found only in theatres similarly equipped. Very truly yours, (Signed) Edward B. Ellicott City Electrician. Announcement: A new size of Sozodont Liquid, without the Powder, is ready at all the stores; price 25c. Sozodont Powders is also 25c. A large size of the liquid and the powder together sells at 75c. If any of them cannot be obtained where you trade, send your order, with the required amount, to Sozodont, P.O. Box 247, New York City. This week elegant photographs, $1.00 per Dozen, Mantello Panels, $1.50 per Dozen, Life-size crayon portraits, $5.0, Life-size pastel portraits, $10.00, Wedding groups a speciality. Ladies in evening dress, and children's pictures, unsurpassed. Stevens' studio. McVicker's Theatre Bldg.
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April 30 Charles Frohman will present Miss Annie Russell in Miss Hobbs. Miss Annie Russell, who comes here with a new play and a new company, including Mrs. Gilbert and Charle's Richman, up to last summer members of the late Augustin Daly's company, will appear at this theatre, Monday April 30, in her present season's success, "Miss Hobbs." This engagement promises delightful results, for Miss Russell's triumph in this play, which has recently closed in New York, was far greater than that she made last season in "Catherine," and that was both brilliant and remarkable. The play in which Charles Frohman presents his popular star, in this her second season under his management, is a pretty comedy by Jerome K Jerome, author of "Three Men in a Boat" and "Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow," which have made his name known everywhere. His comedy provides a heroin for Miss Russell which fits her to perfection. It calls for all the sweet and sympathetic qualities of which miss Russell is so thoroughly mistress, and at the same time exhibits her gentleness of spirit and marked dramatic strength in its make-up. The role gives her the best opportunity to display her ability that she has ever had, and how well she avails herself of it is shown in the New York record of over 150 performances at the Lyceum Theatre, every one of which was given to a standing room audience. And the triumph seemed only in its youth when Miss Russell was compelled to leave New York to fill her out-of-town contracts for "Miss Hibbs." Mrs. Gilbert and Mr. Richman have the roles next in importance to Miss Russell's. They are remembered as for years valued members of the late Augustin Daly's company. The other members of the cast are Campbell Gollan, William Lewers, Harry Rose, Francis Sedgwick, Clara Bloodgood, Mabel Morrison and Elizabeth Rathburn. Ailing People wear a health belt and get well. The health belt that has accomplished so much in relieving pain and distress, and that has brought joy and gladness to so many homes, is the Dr. A. Owen Electric Belt. Don't drug your poor stomach any more. Give it a rest and employ a natural remedy. Dr. A. Owen's Electrical Appliance's cure – to stay cured. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Kidney, Liver and Stomach Complaints, Nervous Diseases of any description, and Physical Decline from any cause. No free fake or trial swindle. Ailing people are invited to call at our office, or write and get our large catalogue free, which tells all about how to cure yourself at home with Electricity. We are located where we have been for many years – in the Owen Electric Building. The Largest Oldest and Most Reliable Electric Company in the World. The Owen Electric Appliance Co. 209 State Street, Chicago, Illinois. "Just break the news to brother!" No more "saw-edges" on his collars and cuffs. We have the Far "No-saw edge" machine for moulding the edges smooth and comfortable. Our twenty-two years' experience in, and intelligent study of the art of laundering, insures careful handling of your linen. Cleaver's Laundry Sanitary Laundry Co., Prop. 103, 105, 107 38th Street. Phone Drexel 6532. The largest policy ever issued George W. Vanderbilt, two years ago, made the first payment of $35,000 on a policy of $1,000,000 in the Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. Write or call for circular. Chas. H. Ferguson & Sons, Gen'l Agts., Tacoma Bldg. Suggested by Gilbert. If you're bound that you will get in the money-making set, and overtake Dame Fortune as she flies; know: of all things you can do that will push your project through, the most important is to advertise. – Ad Sense. Creates a perfect complexion. Mrs. Gervaise Graham's Cucumber and Elder Flower cream. Makes the skin as smooth, white, fine and beautiful as a baby's skin. Cleanses thoroughly. Removes blackheads, pimples, tan, freckles and wrinkles, and prevents the skin from aging. Price $1.00. For sale by E. Burnham, 71-73 State St.; Marshall Field & Co., and leading druggists everywhere. Send 10 cts. For sample bottle and book "How to be Beautiful" to Mrs. Gervaise Graham, 1250 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. One-half Chicago drinks Red Raven Spirits the other half cannot afford to. You belong to the first half. Tomorrow morning a cold, sparkling, pleasant-tasting aperient will remove the languid feeling. At your druggist's or café for 15 cents. If they don't keep it, go to a good place.
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The Wonderful Pianola plays any piano and any one can play it. The daily exhibitions at Lyon & Healy's are thronged with lovers of music. The Pianola. The Pianola, the instrument by means of which every piano composition ever written can be played upon the piano by any one, and played in the manner or styles and with the touch of any of the great pianists, consists of a group of sixty-five mechanical fingers operated through pneumatics by compressed air. At this time no further technical description is necessary, for we propose to speak of effects, leaving the causes to be inferred from the above general description. The player is seated at the Pianola, which is pushed up to the piano-keyboard, any good piano being acceptable, and selecting his composition, he or she inserts the roll, the action of the pedals and the manipulation of the dynamic stops being the only functions devolving upon the player. Concentrating all his attention upon these minor duties, he leaves to the "Pianola" the actual work of performing the composition through its manuals. The expression; the nature or character of the touch, from a soft, velvety legato to a blow so powerful that it was never exceeded by a Liszt or Rubenstein; the velocity of the passage work, be it diatonic or chromatic scales, thirds, sixths, octaves, trills in all positions; the diminuendos, ritardandos, rallentandos, sforzandosl the equalization of both hands (something very rare even with the greatest of performers); the most intricate pedal effects and sudden, abrupt intervals; the staccatos in all their forms as applied from single notes to staccato chords; the glissando passages even in chromatics – all these developed pianistic characteristics, surpassing anything ever produced by the ten fingers of a man, and going into extravagances that must lead gradually to a broader development of the instrument, are produced by the "Pianola" with absolute exactness and infallible certitude. It is exceedingly difficult to appreciate the possibilities of this instrument without a personal examination into its functions; but there is no difficulty in satisfying one's self, for the "Pianola" is now on daily exhibition at our warerooms, and you are cordially invited to come to hear it. Visitors are not asked to buy. Wherever there is a Piano there should be a Pianola. Lyon Healy, Wabash Ave and Adams St. St. Paul Minneapolis The St. Paul Road. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. Pioneer Limited Trains every night at 6.30. Other trains 9.00 a.m., 10.30 a.m. Ticket office, 95 Adams Street. Turkish and Russian Baths 75c. Under Saratoga Hotel, 161 Dearborn St. Open Day and Night. De Jonghe Restaurant and Café, 43-45 Monroe Street, Between State and Wabash. Formerly known as French Restaurant in the Masonic Temple basement. Telephones: Central 2119 – Office. Main 1789 – Gent's Café. Main 920 – Ladies' and Gents' Dining Room, Main 1752 – Ladies' Waiting Room. Dining Rooms to Accommodate from 6 to 500 Persons. Open After Theatre and Sunday Also. 6 fast trains Chicago & North-Western Ry. The Overland Limited, California in 3 days 6.30 every evening, The Colorado Special one night to Denver, 10.00 every morning, The Chicago-Portland Special Oregon and Washington in 3 days 6.30 every evening. The North-Western Limited Electric Lighted – Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis 6.30 every evening. Duluth and St. Paul Fast Mail. Fast train to the head of the lakes 10.00 every night. The Peninsula Express fast time to Marquette and Copper Country 8.00 every night. The Best of Everything through car line between Chicago, Milwaukee, Ashland, Duluth, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Des Moines, Sioux City, Omaha, Denver, Cheyenne, Ogden, Salt Lake, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles. Ticket Offices, 193 Clark Street and Wells Street Station, Chicago. J. K. Stevens is the veteran photographer of Chicago (established 1860). He is reliable; he is up-to-date. This week – Special Offer – one large medallion panel, beautifully colored, given free, included in his special offer of 15 Cabinets, platinum finish, in three styles, for $3.00. Other styles from $1.00 per dozen up. Stevens & Son Company, McVicker's Theatre Building.
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Between the Acts try Between the Acts Little Cigars. The old original unequalled, best known and largest selling little cigar in the world. Protected by U.S. Trade Mark. Between the Acts Little Cigars. [?] H. Hall New York, Manufactured by The American Tobacco Co, Successor. T. H. H.
Did you know?
When Edith Craig directed A Pageant of Great Women in Sunderland, 2000 people saw it.