Ellen Terry Recital, 28 August 1914, Image 4 of 5
Acknowledgements. The Committee of Management desire to thank the following for their valued assistance: - The Directors of J.C. Williamson Ltd., Hugh D. M'Intosh (Tivoli Theatres), Ben. J. Fuller (Fuller Brennan Ltd). George Willoughy Ltd., Bland Holt, William Anderson, Directors Bert Bailey Co., Beaumont Smith and Louis Meyer (:Glad Eye" Co.), J. and N. Tait, E. J. Carroll and Mr. and Mrs. Graham Moffat, Allen Doone, Ed. Branscombe Pty. Ltd. (The Dandies) and Nigel Brock, E.B. Manning and H. N. Gregory (Fireflies), J. D. Williams Ltd., Hoyt's Pictures Ltd., Spencer's Pictures, West's Pictures, Amalgamated Pictures Ltd., Snowden Pictures Ltd., Lyric Theatre Prarahn. Royal Naval Veteran's Association, Musicians' Union of Victoria. Theatrical Employee's Association of Victoria, Scottish Regiment Pipe Bank, 52nd Infantry Band, St Vincent de Paul's Orphanage Band. Printing – Australasian Advertising Co., Levingston Advertising Co., Railway Advertising Co., W. W. Reid (Poster Writer), Troedel, Cooper & Co., J. L. Anderson and Sons, J. J. Miller. Mr. Powell (slides), Mr. Abbott (slides). Advertisements – Wilson and M'Kinnon (The "Argus"), David Syme and Co. (The "Age"). Confectionary – MacRobertson's Ltd., M. Mendes, J. W. Moss and Co. (Tobler's), Humphries Bros. (Pascall's), William Crosby & Co. (Fry's Chocolates), Miss A. Brenan, The Snowdrop Ice Cream Delivery Co. (W. J. Thompson). Cigarettes – Sniders and Abrahams. Motors – City Motor Service, Melbourne Taxicab Co., Williams' (Itala) Taxis, Garton's. Donations – Mr. and Mrs. Bland Holt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Plimmer, T. Gaunt and Co. Boy Scouts, per Mr. W. E. L. Wears, Chief Scout Commissioner. Auctioneers – Members of the Auctioneers and Estate Agents Association of Victoria. Florists – Ronalds' Central Florists, Paton's. Piano and Bugles – Allan and Co., Collins Street, Suttons Music Warehouse. Flags – H. Greville Ltd., J. and A. Boyes. Stenographer – Mr. P.H. Roberts. The Artists who are so generously appearing, the Ladies and Gentlemen who disposed of tickets in the streets, also the Ladies selling Sweets, Flowers, and Programmes, and the Artists who volunteered but whose services could not be availed of owing to the length of the Programme. Miss Beatrice Day for taking charge of the sales of the Sweets, Flowers, and Programmes. Berry Bros., Collins Street, Peardon Bros., Sands & McDougall, Bates & Co., Corder Bros., Robertson & Moffatt, Aret & Son, Detmold & Co., Andrew Jack, Dyson & Co., Wilson Bros., Hooker, Mrs Williams, Levy Bros., Harrison & San Miguel, Fletcher, Chester & Co., Bussell & Robson, Hennessey Bros. The Lord Mayor of Melbourne (Alderman D. V. Hennessy), and Chief Commissioner of Police (Mr. Sainsbury). Committee of Management: - Julius Knight, T. Taylor Darbyshire, Harry Musgrove, Julius Grant, Phil, Finkelstein, Bert Bailey, J. Charles Humphry's, Leo DuChateau, Fred Audon, John Tait, W. F. Russell, W. Watt, Harry Muller, Chas. A. Wenman, Joseph Blascheck, A. J. Davidspn, A. E. Huckerby, George H. Smith (Hon. Secretary). Hon. Business Managers: - George H. Smith, Harry Musgrove, Julius Grant. Hon Treasurers : Fred Nicholson, W. F. Russell, Edward Maurice. Hon. Press Representative: Phil Finelstein. Hon. Stage Managers: - Thomas Foster, Bob Anderson, Fred, Young, J.J. Bell, Chas Muller, Claude Vernon, Richard Weathersby. Hon. Conductors: - J. R. Keers, Harry Burton, George Sutch, William Quintrelll, J. B. Knowles, E. Friedman. Hon. Stage Directors: - Charles A. Wenman and Bert Bailey. These Programmes donated by Syd. Day, The Printer Ltd. The Programme Blocks by Patterson, Shugg & Co. The Design for Cover by Hackett & Northfield. Read "The Lone Hand" The Australian Monthly Magazine. Enlarged!! Buy a copy of the September Issue, and let us know what you think of it. All Newsagents. 6d. To Theatregoers! You are not in the swim unless you take the "Theatre Magazine". The only Australian Paper devoted entirely to the Stage. Beautifully printed on art paper, superbly illustrated and full of interesting reading. Monthly 3d. Syd. Day The Printer Ltd. The Recognised Leader in everything connected with Good Printing. At right prices. There is not any kind of Printing we cannot do. Melbourne: 103-105 Lonsdale Street, Sydney: 214 George Street, Adelaide: Alfred Chrs., Currie Street.
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