1904Ellen Terry provincial tour
22-27 August 1904

Much Ado About Nothing (etc.)

Location Gaiety Theatre, Queens Road, Hastings, UK
Plays performed Much Ado About Nothing; The Merchant of Venice


1. Programme

Date 23 August 1904
Play(s) Much Ado About Nothing
Production Date(s) 22 August 1904 to 27 August 1904
Venue Gaiety Theatre
Venue address Hastings and St Leonards
Producer Edward Gordon Craig
Stage Manager Charles La Trobe
Scene Designer Edward Gordon Craig
Music Director Christopher Wilson
Document ID ET-D299 Original record
Held by The British Library

2. Programmes, two copies

Date 22 August 1904
Play(s) The Merchant of Venice; Much Ado About Nothing
Production Date(s) 22 August 1904 to 27 August 1904
Venue Gaiety Theatre
Venue address Hastings and St Leonards
Producer Edward Gordon Craig
Stage Manager Charles La Trobe
Scene Designer Edward Gordon Craig
Music Director Christopher Wilson
Document ID ET-D300 Original record
Held by The British Library
3 scanned images
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Gaiety Bar and Saloon, doors adjoining principal entrances. Wines and Spirits, Finest Quality, and Reids Celebrated Stout. Theatre Flasks supplied. J. H. Wood. Proprietor. Jas. Cockett, Wholesale Tobacconist, Claremont (Next to Observer Office), Hastings. Hotels, Public Houses, and Shops Supplied. Telephone No. 0416. C. R. Bird. Furnishing & General Ironmonger, Plumber, Gas Fitter, and Bell Hanger. Sheffield Cutlery & Electro-Plate. 7, York Buildings, Hastings. Lamp Oils. Stoves and Rangers. Brushes and Brooms. Baths on Hire. Repairs of all kinds punctually attended to. Hastings & St Leonards Gaiety Theatre Company, Limited. Manager – Mr. Geo. H. Gaze. Free list entirely suspended. On Monday, August 22nd, 1904 for six nights and one Matinee, first visit to Hastings of England's Greatest Actress Miss Ellen Terry and her Company. For Miss Ellen Terry, General Manager – Mr. Alfred Courtenay, Acting Manager – Mr. Thomas. T. Courtly, Advance Representative - Mr. G. Aubrey Hall, Stage Manager – Mr. Charles La Frobe. Musical Director – Mr. Christopher Wilson. The late train leaves Hastings Station at 11.5 p.m. for Warrior Square, West Marina, Bexhill, Pevensey and Eastbourne daily; also for Battle, Robertsbridge and Etchingham at 10.55 on Wednesdays only, and for Rye at 11:15 on Tuesdays only. Special prices for this visit only! Doors open at 7.15 commencing at 7.45. Private Boxes. £1 1/0, £1 11/6 & £2 2s. ; Balcony Stalls (Two Front Rows of Dress Circle, Bonnets allowed), 5s.' First Circle (Dress Circle, Bonnets allowed), 4s.; Orchestra Stalls ([?], Bonnets allowed), 4s. ; Pit Stalls (Front Entrance), 2s 6d.; Upper Circle (Front Entrance). 1s. 6d.; Pit (Side Entrance, 1s. Gallery (Side Entrance), 6d. Children in arms not admitted. Box Office open daily from 11 till 5 Telephone 0517, Hastings. Bradford's Steam Laundry Bexhill Road, St. Leonards-on-Sea. Send a Post Card. Telephone 325. G. H. Gaze, General and Commercial Printer. 1 [?] St. Leonards.
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Griffin, Woodcock & Co., Limited, High-Class Mineral and Table Water Manufacturers. Specialities – Ginger Ale (Dry or Sweet), Champagne Quinine Tonic, and Dry Sparkling Kola. These Waters can be had at the Bars of this Theatre, also at all the principa Hotels and Licensed Houses in the Town and District. Certificate of Analysis on Application. Works: Hastings, Tonbridge, and Hawkhurst. Monday, August 22nd, Friday, August 26th and Saturday Matinee, August 27th, Shakespeare's Comedy. The Merchant of Venice. Dresses by Miss Ailsa Craig. Duke of Venice – Mr. F. S. Hamilton, Prince of Morocco (Suitor to Portia) – Mr. George Fitzgerald, Antonio (a Merchant of Venice) Mr Charles Thursby, Bassanio ( his Friend, suitor to Portia) – Mr. Matheson Lang, Friends to Antonia and Bassanio – Gratiano – Mr E. Harcourt Williams, Salarino – Mr. Eustace Le Grand, Solanio – Mr. Halliwell Hobbs, Lorenza in love with Jessica - Mr T. A. Shannon, Shylock (a Jew) M. Alfred Bucklaw, Tubal (a Jew, his friend) – Mr. Charles Whittle, Launcelot (a Clown, Servant to Shylock and afterwards Servant to Bassanio) – Mr. John Willes, Old Gobbo (Father to Launcelot) Mr. Leonard Craske, Servants to Portia – Balthazar – Mr. Paul Burnand, Stephano – Mr. Penderel Price, Nerissa (Waiting Maid to Portia) Miss Audrey Campbell, Jessica (Daughter of Shylock) – Miss Hutin Britton, Portia (a Rich Heiress) Miss Ellen Terry. Manificoes of Venice, Officers of the Court of Justice, Gaolers, Servants to Portia, and Other Attendants. Act 1 – Venice. Act 2, Scenes 1 and 3 – Venice. Scene 2 – A Street in Venice. Act 3. Scenes 1 and 3 – Portia's House, Belmont. Scenes 2 and 4 – A Street in Venice. Scene 5 – Portia's House, Belmont. Act 4 – A Court of Justice, Venice. Act 5 – The Garden, Belmont. There will be no interval between Acts 1 and 2. Thursday, August 25th, and Saturday Evening, August 27th. The Good Hope. An English Version of Heijerman's Play, "Op Hopp Van Zegen" By Christopher St. John. A Tale of the Sea. Kniertje (a Fisherman's Widow) – Miss Ellen Terry, Her sons Geert – Mr. Matheson Lang, Barend – Mr. E Harcourt Williams, Joe (her Niece) – Miss Hutin Britton, Cobus (her Brother, a Pensioner) – Mr. Leonard Craske, Dantje (another Pensioner) – Mr. Charles Whittle, Clemens Bos (a Smack Owner) – Mr. George Fitzgerald. Mathilde (his Wife) – Miss Edith King, Clementine (his Daughter) – Miss Isabel Roland, Simon (a Shipwright) – Mr. John Willes, Marietje (his Daughter) – Miss Audrey Campbell, Mees (engaged to Marietje) – Mr. J. S. Hamilton, Kaps (continental Clerk) – Mr. Halliwell Hobbes, Saait (a Fishermen's Widow) – Miss Ailsa Craig, [?] (a Fishermen's Widow) - Miss Penelope Wheeler, Jelle (a Begger) – Mr. Charles A. Staite, First Harbour Policeman – Mr. Goodwin Nock, Second Harbour Policeman – Mr. Paul Burnard. The Action of the Play takes place in a Dutch Fishing Village. Time - The Present. Acts 1, 2 and 3 – Kniertje's Cottage. Act 4 – Bos' Office. Three Days elapse between Acts 1 and 2. No Intervals between Acts 1 and 2 and 2 and 3. Six weeks elapse between Acts 2 and 3. Three weeks elapse between Acts 3 and 4. Queen's Road Boot Mart. Thomas Wilson. Boot and Shoe Manufacturer (of the firm "Coulthard & Wilson," Dover). Ladies and Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes made to measure to Best Style at Moderate Charges. Agent for "K" Boots & Shoes. Sole Agent for Ladies' "Bective" Boots & Shoes. Unexcelled for style, comfort and fit. For pure oysters go to Tassell's close to Memorial Clock Tower. Erect Form, Straight Fronted H.S. Corsets, Regd. Awarded Gold Medal, Exhibition, 1900. Will create "the" Straight French Figure. Unsurpassed for Comfort, Elegance and Durability. A Perfect and Graceful Figure assured to every Lady wearing the H.S. Corsets. Ladies remember to be comfortable and to get the effect of a Straight Front the first essential is that the Corset should fit the figure and not force it into an unnatural position, as depicted in the various Fashion Journals. Among actresses the H.S. Corsets are held in high favour and are more worn than any other. This fact alone speaks for their unexceptional elegance and their durability is unquestionable. Press Opinion. The "Ladies" World says : "Half of the Straight Fronted Corsets sold and advertised at the present moment are utterly useless for the purpose they claim. A Straight Fronted Corset cut properly must be designed by an artist hey what's thoroughly understands the Anatomical figure." Prices : 3/11, 5/11, 7/11, 10.6 to 21/- pair. Of all Drapers and Ladies' Outfitters. Should any difficulty arise in procuring, send Postal Order, size of waist, and colour required to the Manufacturers. H. Sherwood & Co., 12, London Wall, London, E.C. La Bonbonniere (adjoining Main Entrance of the Theatre). Chocolate by all the Best Makers. All kinds of English and Foreign the Confectionary. Fancy Boxes, Baskets, & Pretty Packages especially stocked for Theatre Patrons. Ices, Ginger Beer, Lemonade and Soda Water. Gatti's Restaurant 28, Havelock Road (opposite the Albert Memorial). Breakfasts, Dinners and Teas, Hot Joints, Chop, Steal and Cutlets, at all hours. Noted for the 1/6 Table D'Hote Luncheon, Daily from 12 till 3 p.m.. Consisting of Soup, Fish, Joint or Entrée, Sweet or Cheese, Bread & Butter. Open for Suppers and all kinds of Refreshments till 11 p.m. Choicest wines, beers and spirits. Ferrari Bros., Proprietors. To be followed by Nance Oldfield. Mr. Nathan Oldworthy - – Mr. Alfred Bucklaw, Susan Oldfield – Miss Aubrey Campbell, Alexander Oldworthy – Mr. E. Harcourt Williams. Mistress Anne Oldfield – Miss Ellen Terry. Scene – A Room in Mistress Oldfield's House. Tuesday, August 23rd, and Wednesday, August 24th, "Much Ado About Nothing". Morning Performance of "The Merchant of Venice". On Saturday, August 27th, 1904. Doors Open at 2. Commence at 2.30. On Monday, August 29th, 1904, for Six Nights and One Matinee Saturday, September 3rd. Tom B. Davis's Company in "Florodora". From the Lyric Theatre, London. Dorset Laundry, Portland Place, Queen's Road, Hastings. High-class shirt and collar dressers and family launderers. Terms Cash weekly. That proprietors of this laundry hold themselves responsible for loss or damage by fire to goods deposited with them. Telephone 0515. Proprietors: Payne & Co. Luncheons. Dinners. Teas. Suppers. Special 4-course Luncheon daily. 1/6. "Gaiety" Café, Albert Road. (Adjoining Pit Entrance of this Theatre). Hot Steak Pie, Sandwiches and all kinds of Refreshments ready during the interval. H. M. Campbell, 43, Queen's Road. Dark Room for Amateur Photographers. Fine Art, Foreign & Colonial Stamps, Curious & Bric-A-Brac. Picture Frames made to order. Customers are cordially invited to view as interesting Collections of Curios.
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Corsets. Corsets. Corsets. Corsets at factory prices at Ernst Smith's The Cheap Fancy Draper, 12, York Buildings, Hastings. Corsets from 1/3½ to 10/6 per pair, in whites, greys and black (all sizes). The New Straight-Fronted Corsets, so essential for the present style of Costume; Price. 3/11. 4/11. And 6/11 per pair. All sizes in white, grey and black. The a la Victoiree Corset as advertised. A very graceful corset. Prices. 10/6 and 12/6 per pair. The largest stock of corsets in the town. Absolutely the cheapest House for all the fancy drapery is Ernest Smith's 12, York Buildings, Hastings. The noted corset House. Hackney Furnishing Co., Ltd. Cash on Easiest Terms. Our system has been called by the Press the "Model" Instalment System. No Deposit Required. Worth per month £10 - £0 7 0, £20 - £0 12 6, £30 – 0 18 0, £40 - £1 6 o, £50 - £1 9 0, £100 – 4 10 0, £200 - £4 10 0, £200 - £11 5 o. A Book Wirth Studying. The H.F.C. Beautifully Illustrated Guide and Catalogue post Free. Write at once. 10 per cent discount for cash. Goods packed free & carriage paid up to 500 miles. Send a letter to J. W. Crawley, Turf Accountant, 77, Finsbury Pavement, London, E.C. Stating your requirements, and you will be immediately attended to. Manchester Cup, The Derby Royal Hunt Cup, Ascot Cup, &c. Business by Correspondence only. S.P. rules on Application Weekly Accounts Opened. Telegraphic Address: "Makeshift," London. Sunburn! Sunburn!! Edwards Cremolia is unequalled for preventing and relieving Sunburn etc., etc. It is neither sticky nor Greasy. In Bottles, 6d. and 10 ½d. H. C. Edwards, M.P.S. Cash Chemist, 17, Queens Road, Hastings. Money Lent Privately. The Charing Cross Bank. (Established 1870). 28, Bedford Street, Charing Cross, London, W.C. and 119 and 120 Bishopsgate Street, Within, E.C. Assets, £512,475 18s. 2d. Liabilities £209,475 18s. 2d. Capital and Reserve, £303,000. Loans of £30 to £2,000 granted at a few hours' notice, in town or country you, upon approved promissory notes, on a mortgage of furniture, jewellery, Plate, Plants, etc. without removal. Also on Deeds, Policies and Reversions for one month to fourteen years. Easy repayments. Distance no object. Two-and-a-half per cent allowed on Current Account Balances. The Deposits of £10 and upwards received as follows : - 5 per cent, per annum, subject to 3 months' notice of withdrawal; 6 per cent, per annum subject to 6 months' notice of withdrawal; 7 per cent, per annum subject to 12 months' notice of withdrawal. Special Terms for longer periods Interest paid quarterly. The terminable deposit Bonds pay nearly 9 per cent and are a safe investment. Write or call for Prospectus. A. Williams & H. J. Tall. Joint Managers. Hackney Furnishing Co., Ltd., 1, 2, 3, 4, Town Hall Buildings, Mare Street, Hackney, and 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22, The Grove (adjoining). Nine large shops next to each other. Do not be misled. We adjoin the Town Hall. Note our name over every window, before entering. Hours, nine till nine. Thursdays, close four. Telegrams, "Furniments, London." Telephone 84, Dalston. Catalogue and Prospectus post free. Banjo, Mandoline, Guitar, Violin, Piano etc., thoroughly taught. Elementary and advanced lessons. Terms: Single Lessons, from 1/6; Term of 12 (payable in advance), 15/-. Lessons can be arranged at Pupil's Homes. Pianos and every description of Musical Instruments Tuned, Repaired or Exchanged. W. H. Beverley, Maker & Dealer in Musical Instruments & Music. 37, Bohemia Road, St, Leonards. G. H. Gaze General and Commercial Printer, 1, Mercatoria, St. Leonards.

Did you know?

Edith Craig sold women's suffrage newspapers in the streets of London.

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