1904Ellen Terry provincial tour
19-24 September 1904

Much Ado About Nothing (etc.)

Location Theatre Royal, Brighton, UK
Plays performed Much Ado About Nothing; The Merchant of Venice

Programmes, two copies

Date 19 September 1904
Play(s) The Merchant of Venice; Much Ado About Nothing
Production Date(s) 19 September 1904 to 24 September 1904
Venue Theatre Royal
Venue address Brighton
Time of performance 2pm 8.00pm
Stage Manager Charles La Trobe
Costume Maker Ailsa Craig [Edith Craig]
Music Director Christopher Wilson, W. Sommerlad
Document ID ET-D305 Original record
Held by The British Library
3 scanned images
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Theatre Royal Brighton Programme. Lessee and Manager M. Cecil Beryl. Telephone No. 18. Telegrams Beryl Brighton.

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Old Established Fashionable Resort for Hot Luncheons 12 till 2. Special Hot Dishes 5 to 8.30. Specialite - Afternoon Teas. Table D'Hote 5 to 8, Smoking Room. Storage bicycle free. The Pavilion Creamery (next to London and County Bank) at South Entrance to Pavilion. Dances and parties catered for. Ladies and gentlemen's lavatories under the personal supervision of the proprietor George Morley. The Performance will be thoroughly enjoyed by a previous visit to "The Cairo" 168, North St. (Just round the corner). High-Class catering at up-to-date prices. Originators of the celebrated 1/6 Table D'Hote Luncheon in Brighton prettiest tea saloons in the town. Open till 11 o'clock p.m. Frank Eyles the shirt warehouse, only address 8 Western Road, refits your shirts with new cuffs and [?] bands from 1/3, making to equal to new. His "Perfection of Fit" shirts are perfection from 2/6 to 7/6. From 5 to 500 advances to approved responsible householders, in town or country, upon note of hand, furniture without removal, second mortgages, or other security. Moderate terms. No fees. Apply J. Cohen, 1. Grand Parade, Brighton. Clark's Bread. Best, most nutritious and most easily digested. For Real Lace of all kinds. Real Lace Collars – 2/6 to £5 10 0, Real Lace Berthes – 4/11 to £15 15 0, Real Lace Handkerchiefs 1/11[?] to £5 5 0, Real Lace Ties – 1/11[?] to £4 10 0, Real Lace Trimmed Blouses £1 9 6 to £3 3 0, Real Lace for Bridal and Court Dresses, Real Lace Cleaned and Repaired, Real Lace Making taught, Real Lace valued free of charge. Real Lace Bridal Veils Lent on Hire. Roach, the real lace expert. 20, Preston Street, Brighton. S. H. Soper is now showing New Season's Goods in all Departments. 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83 (top of North St., Facing Western Road), Brighton. Free list entirely suspended. Monday, Sept. 19th, 1904, for six nights, at 8 and Matinee, Thursday, Sept. 22nd at 2, Important Engagement of Miss Ellen Terry and her Company. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings, Sept, 19, 20 & 22, at 8 and Thursday Matinee, at 2. Shakespeare's comedy The Merchant of Venice. Dresses by Miss Ailsa Craig. Friends to Antonia and Bassanio – Gratiano – Mr E. Harcourt Williams, Salarino – Mr. Eustace Le Grand, Solanio – Mr. Halliwell Hobbs, Lorenza in love with Jessica - Mr T. A. Shannon, Shylock (a Jew) M. Alfred Bucklaw, Tubal (a Jew, his friend) – Mr. Charles Whittle, Launcelot (a Clown, Servant to Shylock and afterwards Servant to Bassanio) – Mr. John Willes, Old Gobbo (Father to Launcelot) Mr. Leonard Craske, Servants to Portia – Balthazar – Mr. Paul Burnand, Stephano – Mr. Penderel Price, Nerissa (Waiting Maid to Portia) Miss Audrey Campbell, Jessica (Daughter of Shylock) – Miss Hutin Britton, Portia (a Rich Heiress) Miss Ellen Terry. Manificoes of Venice, Officers of the Court of Justice, Gaolers, Servants to Portia, and Other Attendants. Programme of Music Overture is F – Kalliwoda, Selection "Spring Song", "Minnet" – Samson, "March Seipio" – Handel, Selection "Old English Airs" – Arr. By W. Sommerlad, Three Dances "In Days of Old"- Meredith Ball, Gavotte "Louis XV" – I. de Brandt, Intermezzo "Sylvan Rovels" – R. Farban. Sharman's 96, 96a, 97, Western Rd., Brighton, New Autumn Millinery. Charming Furs, Muffs. Dainty Blouses, at half London prices. Pianos Music at all prices at Lyon & Hall's at the lowest cash price. Pianoforte and musical instrument warehouses. Branch office: Warwick Mansion, Brighton. 22, Church Road, Hove. Florists and floral decorators bouquets, dress sprays, buttonholes. W. Balchin & Sons, 87, Western Road, Brighton; (Telephone No 53), 150, Church Road, Hove; (Telephone No. 523). Rooms and conservatories furnished with Plants by week or month. Telephone number 221. Kidd & Hotblack, Cannon Brewery, Brighton. Bottled Beers in Perfection. Imperial Pints, Imperial ½ pints, Reputed quarts all in screw-stoppered bottles. India Pale Ale 3/6, 2/- -, Pale Ale – 2/6, 1/6, 3/-, Nourishing Stout 3/6, 2/- -, Family Stout – 2/6, 1/6, 3/-. Kidd & Hotblack's Beers on Draught at the Bars of this Theatre. We have the largest and finest selection of every conceivable article of furniture for furnishing cottage or mansion. Sussex Furnishing Co., 127, Queen's Road, Brighton. Furnish for cash or easy terms. Actual manufacturers with over 100 branch shops. Terms made to suit convenience of customers. Catalogue and price list free on application. For quotations and full particulars of reliable and safe oils for burning applying to T. M. Fowler, Oil Merchant, North Street, Brighton. Sole proprietor of Fowler's Diamond Safety Oil. Notice Opera Glasses may be hired from the attendants at the charge of 6d. a performance. Godfrey & Co., Ltd, 88, Western Road, Brighton. Celebrated Iron Frame Pianos from 16 Guineas cash or 8/6 per month. Waldstein Pianos. From 33 Guineas or 17/6 per Month. The largest stock of Pianofortes and organs by all makers on the south coast. Godfrey & Co., Ltd., 88, Western Road, Brighton. Lawson & Son, Established [?] High-Class jewellers. 131, Kings Road and 16, Old Steine, Brighton. For Waterproofs, India-Rubber, Surgical, and The London India-rubber Co. Sporting Goods, 92, Western Rd., Brighton. Telephone 281. Act 1 – Venice. Act 2, Scenes 1 and 3 – Venice. Scene 2 and 4 – A Street in Venice. Act 3. Scenes 1 and 3 – Portia's House, Belmont. Scenes 2 and 4 – A Street in Venice. Scene 5 – Portia's House, Belmont. Act 4 – A Court of Justice, Venice. Act 5 – The Garden, Belmont. There will be no interval between Acts 1 and 2. Wednesday and Friday evenings, Sept, 21st and 23rd, at 8. Shakespeare's comedy Much Ado About Nothing. Saturday evening, Sept. 24th at 8 (for this Night only). The Good Hope (A Tale of the Sea). To be followed by Nance Oldfield. For Miss Ellen Terry General Manager – Mr. Alfred Courtenay, Acting Manager – Mr. Thomas J. Courtly, Stage Manager – Mr. Charles La Trobe, Advance Representative - Mr. G. Aubrey Hall, Musical Director – Mr. Christopher Wilson. For H. Cecil Beryl Assistant Manager - Mr. Harcourt M. Beryl, Musical Director – Mr. W. Sommerlad, Bill Inspector – Mr. Charles White. Early Doors open at 7. Ordinary Doors at 7.30. The Performance to commence at 8 o'clock. Matinees – Early Doors open at 1.0 p.m. Ordinary Doors at 1.30 p.m. Commence at 2-0 p.m. Private Boxes £1 1s., £1 11s. 6d., and £2 2s. Stalls [?] Dress Circle [?] Pit Stalls 2s, Upper Circle 2s 6d. Pit, 1s 6d (Early Doors 6d. extra), Amphitheatre, 1s (Early Doors 6d. extra). Gallery, 6d. (Early Doors 6d Extra). No booking fees. Notice – motorcars stored free of charge during the performance at the Old Ship Hotel Garage, Black Lion and Ship Streets. Telephone National Corporation No. 16 telegram "Beryl Brighton." Page & Miles. Ltd. Electrical Engineers & Contractors, 60, Western Road, Brighton. Contractors to the Theatre Royal. Notice. Opera Glasses may be hired from the Attendants at the Charge of 6d. a performance. M. B. Foster & Sons, Ltd. Bugle Brand. Old Mull Blend of Scotch Whiskey. Shippers of all the leading brands, Champagne, Claret, Brandy, &c. 28, Grand Parade and 104 & 106 Blatchington Rd, Hove. R. H. Coverley, 34, Church Road, Hove. Dressmaking. Good fit and style. Sale now proceeding. Notes for high-class dress materials. Florists and Fruiterers etc. W. Miles & Co. Conservatory, 16 & 18 Church Road, Hove. Steam Cutlery works. English & Son, Cutlers and Opticians, 156, North Street, Brighton. Large selection of razors, scissors, knives, table cutlery, plated goods, &c. All kinds of repairs executed on the premises. Agent for patient shavers, useful for both sexes. Foreign stamps bought, sold all exchanged. G. C. Stephens, 60, Preston Street, Brighton. Established 1889. Money. Household is others can obtain advances from £5 and upwards same day of application as note of hand alone. Easy repayment, arranged to suit borrowers' convenience. No fees. Apply H. Lawrence, 43, Grand Parade, Brighton. Opera Glasses may be hired from the Attendants at the Charge of 6d. a performance.

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The Kilties are coming. Truss Improved Porous Elastic Stocking and Surgical Appliance Makers. Farmer, 141, North St., Brighton. Illustrated Lists Free. Ladies' Belts. Money Advances, Large or Small sums, on note of hand. Also on Mortgages, Reversions, Annuities, Life Policies, &c. Furniture without removal. Apply James Carter, 75, Ship St., Brighton, 2901. Malcolm Piano Player (endorsed by) H.R.H Princess Louise (Duchess of Argyll). Miss Janotha. Miss Margaret Macintrye, "John Oliver Hobbes." Mr. Herbert Fryer, &c. £42 Nett. Recitals Daily. J. G. Murdoch & Co., Ld. 164 & 165, Western Road, Brighton. T. Brown & Sons, Military and Civil Tailors, Professed Breeches and Legging Makers. 80, Western Road, Hove (Opposite the Stores). W. S. Scott, 56, East Street, Brighton. Electrical Contractor. Royal Ediswan Lamps a Speciality. Supplied at London Store Prices. Midland Coal Co., 54, London Road, and 81a, St. James's Street. Tel. 05970. Good Coal per 23/- Ton. Pure Beer. Tamplins Pale Ale. Tamplin & Son's Brewery, Brighton Limited. Knight and Wakeford. The Western Road Drapers. Great Clearance Sale All Departments. Costumes, Skirts, Millinery, at Half-Price. Previous to opening commanding new premises A No. 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55. The Kilties are Coming. For Cycle, Motor & Electrical Work we are unsurpassed for reliability, reasonable prices & good workmanship. Knight Bro 45, Upper Russell St., Brighton. No connection with any other firm. Schilling's Mineral Waters. Supplied to this Theatre. The Brighton and Hove Wine Company, Ltd of 54 Western Road, Hove. Guarantee their wines, spirits, & beers. To be as described. Monday Next, Sept. 26th, 1904. For six nights and one Matinee (Thursday, Sept, 29th, at 2). Mr Lawrence Irving will present his play, in three acts, Richard Lovelace, supported by his own company. For the convenience of Hove Patrons, Seats can be secured at Palameira House (No Fees). The refreshment saloons of the theatre are under personal supervision of the Management, and all articles supplied are of the finest quality. Tradesmen are cautioned not to supply Goods to the Theatre Royal without a Printed Order. Tickets are sold subject to the right of the Lessee to make an alteration in the cast which may be rendered necessary by illness or other unavoidable causes. Children in arms not admitted. Seats not guaranteed unless previously booked. No money returned. Box office open daily from 10 till 6. Bonnets are not allowed at Evening Performances in the First Three Rows of either Stalls or Dress Circle, or in the Private Boxes. This Theatre is disinfected with "Sanitas". The New American Vibro Massage Treatment. Removes Wrinkles, Tan, and all Skin Imperfections, leaving the skin clear, soft, and beautiful : Develops the arms, neck and bust : Relieves Headache, Neuralgia, Insomnia; Ensures a good complexion. No Shocks or Pain. Exhilarating, Soothing, Pleasing. Used only at : - F. Watts, Ladies' & Gentlemen's Hairdresser, Manicurist & Chiropodist, 29, Preston St., Brighton.

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Did you know?

Edith Craig sold women's suffrage newspapers in the streets of London.

See all anecdotes