1904Ellen Terry provincial tour
26 September-1 October 1904

Much Ado About Nothing (etc.)

Location Grand Theatre, Boscombe, Bournemouth, UK
Plays performed Much Ado About Nothing; The Merchant of Venice


1. Programme, two copies

Date 26 September 1904
Play(s) Much Ado About Nothing
Production Date(s) 26 September 1904 to 30 September 1904
Venue Grand Theatre
Venue address Boscombe
Time of performance 8pm
Producer Edward Gordon Craig
Stage Manager Charles La Trobe
Scene Designer Edward Gordon Craig
Music Director Christopher Wilson
Document ID ET-D429 Original record
Held by The British Library
Notes Ellen Terry as Beatrice and Matheson Lang as Benedick.
5 scanned images
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Much Ado About Nothing (etc.), 26 September-1 October 1904, Image 1 of 5

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Much Ado About Nothing (etc.), 26 September-1 October 1904, Image 2 of 5

ELD'S CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORES. 74, Commerical Road, Bournemouth. [14 empty ad boxes containing] TO LET. The Wholesale Tobacco Supply Stores will be glad to see you at 3, Commercial Road, (Next door to the London Hotel) Bournemouth. Alfred Sutton-Proprietor. Importer of Havana & Mexacan Cigars. The Largest Stock in Bournemouth to select from.
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Much Ado About Nothing (etc.), 26 September-1 October 1904, Image 3 of 5

Sole Proprietors of the well-known whisky brands - Bobbie Scott & King Robert. Robert Scott & Co., Wine and Spirit Merchants, 114, Old Christchurch Road. Sole Agents for Messrs. J.W.Rogers & Co., Brewers Bristol. Coals. Coals. Good Kitchen Coal at 21/- per ton. 1/- per ton less for orders of 5 tons or over. Best Coals of other qualities always in stock at lowest current prices. Price list on application. G.T. Walley, Coal Merchant. Latimer Road, Winton, Bournemouth. Te.. No. 771. [empty box] TO LET. PROGRAMME MONDAY, September 26th, for Six Nights at 8, and MATINEE WEDNESDAY, at 2.30. First Visit to Boscombe of Greatest Actress MISS ELLEN TERRY AND HER COMPANY. Monday, Sept. 26th, Tuesday, Sept. 27th, and Friday, Sept. 30th. SHAKESPEARE'S COMEDY, MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. Designed and Produced under the direction of Mr. Edward Gordon Craig. --- Don Pedro (Prince of Arragon): Mr. Charles Thursby Don John (His Bastard Brother): Mr. T.A. Shannon Claudio (A Young Lord of Florence): Mr. E.Harcourt Williams Benedick (A Young Lord of Padua): Mr. Matheson Lang Leonato (Governor of Messina): Mr. George Fitzgerald Antonio (His Brother): Mr. J.S. Hamilton Balthazar (Attendant on Don Pedro): Mr Penderel Price Borachio, Conrade (Followers of Don John): Mr. Alfred Bucklaw, Mr. Eustace Le Grand Dogberry,Verges (Two City Officers): Mr. JOhn Willes, Mr. Tom Paulton Friar Francis: Mr. Halliwell Hobbes A Sexton: Mr. Paul Burnand A Boy: Miss Phyllis Carr Oatcake: Mr. Goodwin Nock Seacole: Mr. Charles a. Staite Watchman: Mr. James Cazenove 2nd Watchman: Mr. George Herbert Messenber: Mr. Leonard Craske Hero: Miss Hutin Britton Margaret: Miss Edith King Ursula: Miss Penelope Wheeler Beatrice: Miss Ellen Terry --- Act 1-Scene: Leonato's House Act 2-Scenes 1, 2 and 3: Leonato's Garden, Scene 4: A Street Act 3-Scene A Church Act 4-Scene 1: A Prison, Scene 2: Leonato's Garden, Scene 3: Monument of Leonato, Scene 4: Leonato's Garden. General Manager (for Miss Ellen Terry) Mr. Alfred Courtenay Acting Manager: Mr. Thomas J. Courtly Advance Representative: Mr. G. Aubrey Hall Stage manager: Mr. Charles La Trobe Musical Director: Mr. Christopher Wilson --- Programme of Music Overture "Poet and Peasant" - Suppe Two Pieces - Matt Three Dances "Henry VIII" German Entr'acte "L'Extase" - Thome Intermezzo "Forget-Me-Not" - Macbeth Entr'acte "Alla Stella Confidente" - Robandi Serenata - Mascagni Conductor Mr. W. Hannan. --- The arrangements for the Electric Lighting of this Theatre are under the direction of Messrs. Bacon & Curtis, Ltd. Bournemouth. --- For the Best laundry work and for prompt delivery employ The Bournemouth Steam Laundry. Good family laundry work specialy studied. We never fail in our deliveries. Apply-The manageress, The Bournemouth Steam Laundry, LIttledown Road, Tel. No.89. --- TO LET. For particulars apply to Rowland Stewart, Manager, Theatre Royal.
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Much Ado About Nothing (etc.), 26 September-1 October 1904, Image 4 of 5

[15 empty ad boxes containing] TO LET. British & best. Caley's Milk Chocolate. Can be obtained at this Theatre.
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Much Ado About Nothing (etc.), 26 September-1 October 1904, Image 5 of 5

Prospective Engagements. Monday, October 3rd, for Six Nights Only. at 8, THE FEMALE SWINDLER. Monday, October 10th, for Six Nights Only. at 8, AS MIDNIGHT CHIMES. Monday, October 17th, for Six Nights Only. at 8, A MODERN JUDAS.

2. Programme, three copies

Date 28 October 1904
Play(s) The Merchant of Venice
Production Date(s) 28 September [1904] to 1 October [1904]
Venue Grand Theatre
Venue address Boscombe
Time of performance 2.30pm 8pm
Stage Manager Charles La Trobe
Costume Maker Ailsa Craig [Edith Craig]
Music Director Christopher Wilson
Document ID ET-D430 Original record
Held by The British Library
5 scanned images
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Much Ado About Nothing (etc.), 26 September-1 October 1904, Image 1 of 5

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Much Ado About Nothing (etc.), 26 September-1 October 1904, Image 2 of 5

ELD'S CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORES. 74, Commerical Road, Bournemouth. [14 empty ad boxes containing] TO LET. The Wholesale Tobacco Supply Stores will be glad to see you at 3, Commercial Road, (Next door to the London Hotel) Bournemouth. Alfred Sutton-Proprietor. Importer of Havana & Mexacan Cigars. The Largest Stock in Bournemouth to select from.
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Much Ado About Nothing (etc.), 26 September-1 October 1904, Image 3 of 5

Sole Proprietors of the well-known whisky brands - Bobbie Scott & King Robert. Robert Scott & Co., Wine and Spirit Merchants, 114, Old Christchurch Road. Sole Agents for Messrs. J.W.Rogers & Co., Brewers Bristol. Coals. Coals. Good Kitchen Coal at 21/- per ton. 1/- per ton less for orders of 5 tons or over. Best Coals of other qualities always in stock at lowest current prices. Price list on application. G.T. Walley, Coal Merchant. Latimer Road, Winton, Bournemouth. Te.. No. 771. [empty box] TO LET. PROGRAMME MONDAY, September 26th, for Six Nights at 8, and MATINEE WEDNESDAY, at 2.30. First Visit to Boscombe of Greatest Actress MISS ELLEN TERRY AND HER COMPANY. Wednesday, Sept. 28th, Matinee and Evening, and Saturday Evening, Oct. 1st. SHAKESPEARE'S COMEDY, THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. Dresses by Miss Ailsa Craig. --- Duke of Venice: Mr. J.S.Hamilton Prince of Morocco ( Suitor to Portia): Mr. George Fitzgerald Antonio (a Merchant of Venice): Mr. Charles Thursby Bassanio (his Friend, Suitor to Portia): Mr. Matheson Lang Friends to Antonio and Bassanio: Gratiano: Mr. E. Harcourt Salarino: Mr. Eustace Le Grand Solanio: Mr. Halliwell Hobbes Lorenzo (in Love with Jessica): Mr. T.A. Shannon Shylock (a Jew): Mr. Alfred Bucklaw Tubal (a Jew, his Friend): Mr. Charles Whittle Lancelot (a Clown, Servant to Shylock, and afterwards Servant to Bassanio): Mr. John Willes Old Gobbo (Father to Lancelot): Mr. Leonard Craske Servants to Portia: Balthazar: Mr. Paul Burnand Stephano: Mr. Penderel Price Nerissa (Waiting Maid to Portia): Miss Audrey Campbell Jessica (Daughter of Shylock): Miss Hutin Britton Portia (a Rich Heiress): Miss Ellen Terry Magnificoes of Venice, Officers of the Court of Justice, Gaolers, SErvants to Portia, and other Attendants. --- Act 1: Venice. Act 2-Scenes 1 and 3: Venice, Scenes 2 and 4: A Street in Venice. Act 3-Scenes 1 and 3: Portia's House, Belmont, Scenes 2 and 4: A Street in Venice, Scene 5: Portia's House, Belmont. Act 4: A Court of Justice, Venice Act 5: The Garden, Belmont. There will be no Interval between Acts 1 and 2 --- General Manager (for Miss Ellen Terry) Mr. Alfred Courtenay Acting Manager: Mr. Thomas J. Courtly Advance Representative: Mr. G. Aubrey Hall Stage manager: Mr. Charles La Trobe Musical Director: Mr. Christopher Wilson --- Programme of Music Overture "Poet and Peasant" - Suppe Two Pieces - Matt Three Dances "Henry VIII" German Entr'acte "L'Extase" - Thome Intermezzo "Forget-Me-Not" - Macbeth Entr'acte "Alla Stella Confidente" - Robandi Serenata - Mascagni Conductor Mr. W. Hannan. --- The arrangements for the Electric Lighting of this Theatre are under the direction of Messrs. Bacon & Curtis, Ltd. Bournemouth. --- For the Best laundry work and for prompt delivery employ The Bournemouth Steam Laundry. Good family laundry work specialy studied. We never fail in our deliveries. Apply-The manageress, The Bournemouth Steam Laundry, LIttledown Road, Tel. No.89. --- TO LET. For particulars apply to Rowland Stewart, Manager, Theatre Royal.
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Much Ado About Nothing (etc.), 26 September-1 October 1904, Image 4 of 5

[15 empty ad boxes containing] TO LET. British & best. Caley's Milk Chocolate. Can be obtained at this Theatre.
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Much Ado About Nothing (etc.), 26 September-1 October 1904, Image 5 of 5

Prospective Engagements. Monday, October 3rd, for Six Nights Only. at 8, THE FEMALE SWINDLER. Monday, October 10th, for Six Nights Only. at 8, AS MIDNIGHT CHIMES. Monday, October 17th, for Six Nights Only. at 8, A MODERN JUDAS.

Did you know?

Edith Craig directed plays in support of the women's suffrage movement.

See all anecdotes