1904Ellen Terry provincial tour
3-8 October 1904

Much Ado About Nothing (etc.)

Location New Grand Theatre, West Marlands, Southampton, UK
Plays performed Much Ado About Nothing; The Merchant of Venice


Date 6 October 1904
Play(s) Much Ado About Nothing
Production Date(s) 6 October 1904 to 8 October 1904
Venue New Grand Theatre
Venue address Southampton
Time of performance 7.30pm
Producer Edward Gordon Craig
Stage Manager Charles La Trobe
Scene Designer Edward Gordon Craig
Document ID ET-D306 Original record
Held by The British Library
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New Grand Theatre Southampton Sole Proprietors Messrs. David Allen & Sons. Lessee & Manager : Mr Mouillot, Resident Manager: Mr. Sydney Paxton. Seats may be secured by letter, telegram or telephone. Booking office at the Theatre. Box Office hours: 10 to 4, and Every Evening, 8 to 10. Telegrams – Grand Theatre. Telephone No. 454. The New Grand Theatre is situated on the West Marlands Two Minutes Walk from the West Station, Trams to all parts pass the doors.

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Albums for Photographs. Either to Slip in, or Paste on. Brownie, Bulls-Eye, F.P.K. All Sizes, Quarter Plate, Five by Four, Half Plate, Whole Plate. Cox & Sharland, 150, High St., Southampton. This Space to Let. For Advertisements in this programme, apply to Cox & Sharland, 150, High Street, Southampton. Royal Mews, Southampton, Livery & Bait Stables. Job Horses, Pairs and Singles, and good Harness Cobs, Hunters and Hacks of all descriptions to let by the Day, Week or Season, with or without Coachmen. Also good horses of all descriptions for sale. The Royal Coach leaves South Western Hotel every Thursday at 11 a.m. First Class Landaus, Broughams, Victorias, Private Brakes or Waggonettes, Dog Carts of all descriptions, and Saddle Horses can be had on short notice, on application at the South Western Hotel, or to Mr. H. G. Bradford, Job Master and Dealer, "Royal" Mews, Above Bar, Southampton. Telephone No. 19. Note Paper Embossed on the premises by skilled workmen at 2/- Per Ream. Address dies cut free of charge. Cox & Sharland beg to announce that they cut free of charge all ordinary Address Dies (in any usual style) when not less than one ream of paper is ordered to be stamped in coloured relief. It less than one ream is ordered, a nominal charge of 1/- for the Address Die will be made. Cox & Sharland, Manufacturing Stationers, 150, High Street, Southampton. The Shields & Gear and Southampton & District Bill Posting Co., Limited. Posting promptly executed on prominent stations. Address: 8, High Street. Established over 30 years. Contractors to the New Grand Theatre. Value for Money. Brazier's 61 & 62, Canal Walk. Parisian Diamond Jewellery and Silver Novelties. Large Stock of Ladies' Gold Brooches, Gold Guards, Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Bracelets. Silver Plated Articles in Jam and Butter Dishes, Cruets, Biscuit Boxes. Wedding Rings. A Present to Every Purchaser. Keeper and Engagement Rings. Inspection Invited. The best Local Time Table is Cox & Sharland's. Revised, Enlarged, and with an Alphabetical Arrangement of Towns. Shows all Through Railway Communications, Cab Fares, Railway Fares, Cycle Charges, Tide Table, and other useful information. Thoroughly up-to-date & Reliable. One Penny. May be obtained at the local bookstalls. The Royal Bar=Lock Typewriter. The only typewriter having the writing always in sight. Over 200 in use by the general post office. The war office have just ordered 250 machines. Over 250 in use by Messrs. Lever Brothers. Over 50 Machines are in use in the Leading Commercial Offices in Southampton. It is everywhere displacing the old style hidden writing and double movement keyboard machines. Call and see it at the Local Agents – Cox & Sharland, 150, High Street, Southampton. B.O. 637. Motor Cars. If you want to know where this Car is registered, buy, Cox & Sharland's Booklet, ‘Motor Car Identity' containing list of the registration marks, speed table, etc. Price 1d. To be obtained of the Publishers, 150, High St., Southampton. To Let. Prospective Engagement. Monday, Oct, 10th, For 6 Nights, at 7.30, Matinee, Wednesday, Oct. 12th, at 2.30, First Visit to Southampton of Messrs. Walter Maxwell's and Addison Bright's No 1 Company, From the Vaudeville Theatre, London in Quality Street. By J. M. Barrie. This Theatre Disinfected throughout by Jeyes. To Let. Just Published. "Miltoniana." Notes on Milton Church, Hampshire, and records of the Parish of Milton compiled by Rev. J. E. Kelsall and A. Paris. Price One Shilling. Per Post, ½. Cox & Sharland Printers and Publishers. 150, High Street, Southampton.

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69, St. Mary Street, and 86, Bevois Valley – Wear Bishop & Son's Boots – The Best and Cheapest. The Cream of Scotch Whisky "Dunolly", 8 years old (guaranteed) – 42s per dozen. Very old Liqueur – 48s per dozen. To be obtained from Aylward & Sons, 38, High Street, Southampton. The Continental Gents' Hair Dressing Saloon, 26 & 27, Bargate Street, the largest and cleanest in Southampton. No Waiting – The Continental, Six Professors – The Continental, Shaving a Luxury - The Continental, 2,000 Towels - The Continental, Popular Charges - The Continental, Wash and Brish up, 2d. - The Continental, Razors Ground and Set - The Continental, Artistic Hair Cutting - The Continental, Hollow Ground Razors Sold - The Continental, Free Trial upon buyers - The Continental, Beard smartly trimmed - The Continental, No boys practising upon you - The Continental, Singeing, Shampooing, Friction - The Continental, Electric Light throughout - The Continental, Note Address - The Continental. We close on Sundays. 26 & 27, Bargate Street. India Rubber Stamps of every description. Commercial Stationer lists free. J. W. Savage 152, High St, Southampton. Ordnance Survey Maps. New Series now being issued, scale 2 miles to 1 inch. Local Sheets Ready. Printed in Colors. Folded in Cover. Price 1s. 1d. Post Free. Cox & Sharland, Ordnance Survey Map Sellers and Map Mounters. Southampton. Loans. The equitable advance Co. 20, Hanover Buildings, Southampton. No fees! Forms free! Loans. First Visit to Southampton of England's Greatest Actress Miss Ellen Terry and her Company. Thursday, Oct. 6th. The Good Hope (A Tale of the Sea). An English Version of Heijerman's Play, "Op Hoop Van Zegen." By Christopher St. John. Kniertje (a Fisherman's Widow) – Miss Ellen Terry, Her sons Geert – Mr. Matheson Lang, Barend – Mr. E Harcourt Williams, Joe (her Niece) – Miss Hutin Britton, Cobus (her Brother, a Pensioner) – Mr. Leonard Craske, Dantje (another Pensioner) – Mr. Tom Paulton, Clemens Bos (a Smack Owner) – Mr. George Fitzgerald. Mathilde (his Wife) – Miss Edith King, Clementine (his Daughter) – Miss Isabel Roland, Simon (a Shipwright) – Mr. John Willes, Marietje (his Daughter) – Miss Audrey Campbell, Mees (engaged to Marietje) –Mr. Halliwell Hobbes, Kaps (confidential Clerk) –Mr. J. T. Shannon, Saart (a Fishermen's Widow) – Miss Ailsa Craig, Trunus (a Fishermen's Widow) - Miss Penelope Wheeler, Jelle (a Begger) – Mr. Charles A. Staite, First Harbour Policeman – Mr. Goodwin Nock, Second Harbour Policeman – Mr. Paul Burnard. The Action of the Play takes place in a Dutch Fishing Village. Time - The Present. There will be no interval between Acts 1 & 2, and 2 & 3. Acts 1, 2, & 3 – Kniertje's Cottage Act 4 – Bos' Office. Mr. Nathan Oldworthy – Mr. Alfred Bucklaw, Susan Oldfield – Miss Audrey Campbell, Alexander Oldworthy – Mr. E. Harcourt Williams, Mistress Annie Oldfield – Miss Ellen Terry. Scene – A Room in Mistress Oldfield's House. Friday, Oct. 7th, and Saturday, Oct 8th, Shakespeare's Comedy, Much Ado About Nothing. Designed and Produced under the direction of Mr. Edward Gordon Craig. Don Pedro (Prince of Aragon) – Mr. Charles Thursby, Don John (his Bastard Brother) – Mr. T. A. Shannon, Claudio (a young Lord of Florence) – Mr. E. Harcourt Williams, Benedick, (a young Lord of Padua) – Mr. Matheson Lang, Leonato, (Governor of Messina) – Mr. George Fitzgerald, Antonio (his Brother) – Mr. J. S. Hamilton, Balthazar (attendant on Don Pedro) – Mr. Penderel Price, Followers of Don John, Borachio Mr. Alfred Bucklaw, Conrade – Mr. Eustace Le Grand, Two City Officers, Dogberry – Mr. John Willes, Verges (Officers) – Mr. Tom Paulton, Friar Francis – Mr. Halliwell Hobbes, A Sexton – Mr. Paul Burnand, A Boy – Miss Phyllis Carr, Oatcake – Mr. Goodwin Nock, Seacole – Mr. Charles A. Staite, Watchman – Mr. John Churcher, 2nd Watchman – Mr. George Herbert, Messenger – Mr. Leonard Craske, Hero – Miss Hutin Britton, Margaret – Miss Edith King, Ursula – Miss Penelope Wheeler, Beatrice – Miss Ellen Terry. Act 1. Scene - Leonato's House. Act 2. Scs 1, 2 & 3 - Leonato's Garden. Sc. 4 – A Street. Act 3. Scene - A Church. Act 4. Sc. 1 - A Prison. Sc. 2 - Leonato's Garden. Sc. 3 - Monument of Leonato. Sc. 4 - Leonato's Garden. For Miss Ellen Terry, General Manager – Mr. Alfred Courtenay, Acting Manager – Mr. Thomas, J. Courtly, Advance Representative - Mr. G. Aubrey Hall, Stage Manager – Mr. Charles La Trobe, Musical Director – Mr. Christopher Wilson. During the Evening the Orchestra, under the direction of Mr. Warwick Moore, will perform the following Programme of Music – Overture "Marco Spado" – Auber, Selection "Faust" – Gounod, Valse "Kunstler Leben" – Strauss, Norweigan Suite – (a) Prelude (b) Intermezzo – A.E. Matt (c) Sleigh Ride. Grand March "La Prophete" – Meyerbeer, Danse Royal "Victoria" – Warwick Moore. Prices of Admission: - Boxes, £1 10s each; Dress Circle, 5/- & 3/6; Amphitheatre, 1/-; Gallery, 6d. Early Doors to all parts 6d. extra. Children under 10 Half Price, Pit Stalls and Gallery excepted. Doors open 7.15, Commence at 7.30. Early Door, 7.0, Half Time 9 o'clock, except Gallery. Gentlemen are earnestly requested to remember that Smoking is not permitted in the Auditorium of the Theatre. It is respectfully intimated that hats and Bonnets cannot be worn in the Three Front Rows of the Dress Circle. The Telephone is at the disposal of Doctors visiting the Theatre, and they are invited to leave the numbers of their seats at the Box Office. The Stewart Blend Scotch Whisky. An Old Mellow Spirit with Fine Delicate Flavour. Sole Agents: Aylward & Sons, 38, High Street, Southampton. May be obtained at the Saloon Bar of this Theatre. G. W. Treleaven, Pawnbroker, Jeweller, and Dealer in Antiques. 94, 96 & 98, Southampton Road, Eastleigh. (Facing the Railway Station). Cash advanced at Special Rates of Interest on Plate, Jewels, and Every Description of Valuable Property. Parcels per post promptly attended to and cash sent per return. Old Gold and Silver Bought. Ladies' Basket Trunks. 9, Above Bar, Southampton, 68, Oxford Street, Southampton Webb Bros. The Makers. Class A. Class B. Class C. 24 Inches £. S. d. £. S. d. £. S. d. 24 – 1 2 6, 1 7 6, 2 0 0, 27 – 1 5 6, 1 10 0, 2, 5, 0, 30 – 1 10 0, 1 15, 0, 2, 10 0, 33 – 1 10 0, 2 0 0, 2 15 0. Dish Papers. Dessert Papers. Soufflet Cups. Japanese Paper Seviettes. Grease Proof Sandwich Papers. Cox & Sharland Stationers, 150, High Street, Southampton.

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Wedding Cakes! Wedding Cakes! For the largest selection in the town go to J. H. Bigland, 120, St. Mary Street, Buns, Plain and Fancy Cakes, and Pastry of every description. New Tea Room now open – most moderate charges. Van delivers to all parts of the Town. Note the Address – Victoria Steam Bakery, 120, St. Mary Street. Man has writ with many tools since Pharaoh's time. The climax is reached in Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen, the ready-to-write instrument of to-day. A Fountain Pen is the most acceptable of all Presents. Cox & Sharland have a Large Stock from which selection can be made. 150, High Street St., Southampton. Fountain Pens!! Waterman's Ideal is the best for all climates. A customer in India writes of his Waterman: - "I could not wish for a better." A large selection can be had at Cox & Sharland's 150, High St., Southampton. Prospective Engagement. Monday, Oct, 17th. For 6 nights at 7.30, and Matinee, Wednesday, at 2.30 first visit to Southampton of Miss Emma Hutchison's and Mr. Percy Hutchison's Co. in A Country Mouse. Miss Annie Hughes in her Original Part of ‘Angela Muir'. Floral Decorations by Fred Bailey. Florist Above Bar, Southampton. Established 1837. Telephone 63. John J. Carter and Sons, Limited. The Southampton Steam Dye Works, 3, East Street. Specialite – Dry Cleaning. Ladies' Evening Costumes Dry Cleaned whole by Improved Process and beautifully finished. Gent's Dress and other Suits carefully cleaned and Tailor pressed. Gent's Hats, Ties, and Gloves cleaned daily. Send for detailed Price List. Playing Cards in great variety scoring cards for progressive whist. Cox & Sharland 150, High Street, Southampton. This Space to Let. Theatre Royal, Bournemouth. Sole Proprietors: David Allen & Sons. Lessee and Manager: Mr. F. Mouillot. J. G. Fay & Co., Ltd. Yacht & Boat Builders, Northam, Southampton. Yachts of every description for Sale or Charter. Telephone No 9. Telegrams : - "Fay-Southampton." The New Form of Stationery. Walker's "Letterettes" (Patent) closed. The Tablet form of stationery is fast becoming recognised as the handiest and most economical. The only requirement to make this form perfect is to have the envelope in an equally easy and accessible form. Walker's "Letterettes" combine paper and envelope in a highly ingenious and practical manner, and the cover of the Tablet is a Blotter. The Referee "They are stylish and handy for home and office use. For travellers the advantages of the Letterettes are unquestionable." The Tatler "A Very ingenious invention called ‘Walker's Letterette Tablet." The first practical solution of the difficulty of producing and combining paper and envelope. The scheme by which you can write a letter on a pad, tear off, and despatch – the gum being already attached to the combined notepaper and envelope – has great advantages. The thing is not very easy to describe, but is unquestionably very ingenious." In tablets of 50, 1/0 & 1.3 each. Sold by Cox & Sharland, Stationers & Printers, 150, High Street, Southampton.

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Victoria Brewery, St Peter's Ch, Cumberland Place, West Park, Hill Commercial Road, Blechynden St., West Park Rd, West Marlands, Above Bar Street, East Park, Grammar School, Southampton West Station, New Grand Theatre, New Road, [?] Monument, Clock Tower, East Park Terrace, Portland Pl. W.Front, Western Shore, Liverpool Str., Windsor, Birmingham St, Manchester St., Royal Yacht Club, Portland Terrace, Portland St., Ogle Road, Philharmonic Rooms, Victoria Rd, The Baths. Designed and Printed by Cox & Sharland, Printers and Advertising Contractors, Southampton.

© Image copyright The National Trust 2025

Did you know?

Ellen Terry was given a diamond brooch by the royal family for her stage jubilee in 1906.

See all anecdotes